Monday, February 24, 2025

1 May 2013

Wednesday, May 1, 2013, 21:09
This news item was posted in Presbyterians Week category.



Presbyterians Week Headlines


[1] New Christian Observer Articles for April and May 2013

[2] PCA Illiana Presbytery Addresses 2 Peter 2:1 “…even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies…

[3] Erskine College and Theological Seminary President David Norman Resigns Effective 30 June 2013

[4] Grand Island, New York Bible Presbyterian Church Minister Introduced to New York State Assembly

[5] Church of Scotland Appoints Anti-Bullying Officers

[6] An Open Letter to the American People from the Christian Association of Nigerian-Americans, CANAN, on the Recent Boston Marathon Terror Attack

[7] Church of Scotland Study Says Independent Scotland Should Separately Crown Monarchs and that Church of Scotland Should Be Enshrined as Scots National Church

[8] Even More News from the Deepest Recesses of Hell

[9] Headlines from Christian Concern

[10] Headlines from The Christian Institute

[11] Articles from

[12] Raging Heathen and Vain Imagining

[13] The Religion of Peace


[1] New Christian Observer Articles for April and May 2013

New articles in the Christian Observer for April and May 2013 include:

— The Witness of the Law and the Other Sacrament (Part 2); “Shall their unbelief make the faith of God without effect?” Romans 3:3 Geneva Bible
and A Note to Follow “So”: “Shall their unbelief make the faith of God without effect?” Romans 3:3 Geneva Bible  – by Christian Observer Contributing Editor David Brand – Parts 14 and 15 in a continuing series examining the effects upon the church of the change in meaning of the Greek word pistis from faith to faithfulness by the English Revised Version Committee that began meeting in February 1870;

— Diversity Sensitivity Training in our Public Schools? and Teaching Rights over Righteousness Is Not Right – by Christian Observer Contributing Editor Dr. Joe Renfro – two articles exploring the effects of diversity training upon public school students in the first and how the emphasis of rights over righteousness affects public school students in the second;

— First the Saturday People, Then the Sunday People: The Exodus of Jews and Christians from the Middle East – by U.S. Congressman Frank Wolfe (Virginia 10th District) – The congressman reports on a mid-February 2013 trip to the Middle East countries of Lebanon and Egypt where the congressman met with prominent religious leaders, Syrian refugees (including the sizable Christian community), and Coptic Christians in Egypt.

— The Heidelberg Catechism Key – by the Rev. Albert W. Kovacs, Calvin Synod – Upon the 450th anniversary of the writing of the Heidelberg Catechism by Dr. Zacharias Ursinus, a Hungarian Reformed pastor describes how Question 1 – “What is thy only comfort in life and in death” and Question 2 – “How many things are necessary for thee to know, that thou, enjoying this comfort, mayest live and die happily?” are the key that opens the door to understanding the revered catechism of Reformed churches throughout the world;

— Review of Butterfield’s “Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert An English Professor’s Journey into Christian Faith” – by Christian Observer Associate Editor the Rev. Chuck Huckaby;

Plus, regular features including weekly Sabbath School Lessons by Christian Observer Assistant Editor Dr. Robert LaMay, and Daily Devotionals by T.M. Moore, Christian Observer Contributing Editor, dean of the Centurions Program of the Wilberforce Forum, and principal of The Fellowship of Ailbe.


Christian Observer, Post Office Box 1371, LexingtonVirginia 20110,



[2] PCA Illiana Presbytery Addresses 2 Peter 2:1 “…even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies…

The following overture by the Illiana Presbytery of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) to the 41st General Assembly scheduled for 17-21 June 2013 in GreenvilleSouth Carolina, regarding the PCA’s continual ineffectiveness in disciplining proponents of the unbiblical and unconfessional Federal Vision and related theological viewpoints among some of the Teaching Elders (TE) in the denomination:

OVERTURE from Illiana Presbytery

“Direct Standing Judicial Commission to Rehear SJC 2012-05”

Whereas, WCF 31-2 states that “it belongeth to synods and councils, ministerially to determine controversies of faith, and cases of conscience”; and

Whereas, BCO 14-6.a grants the General Assembly power to “receive and issue all appeals, references, and complaints regularly brought before it from the lower courts; to bear testimony against error in doctrine and immorality in practice, injuriously affecting the church; to decide in all controversies respecting doctrine and discipline”; and

Whereas, BCO 39-4 states, “The higher court does have the power and obligation of judicial review, which cannot be satisfied by always deferring to the findings of a lower court. Therefore, a higher court should not consider itself obliged to exhibit the same deference to a lower court when the issues being reviewed involve the interpretation of the Constitution of the Church. Regarding such issues, the higher court has the duty and authority to interpret and apply the Constitution of the Church according to its best abilities and understanding, regardless of the opinion of the lower court”; and

Whereas, the issues being reviewed in SJC 2012-05 involve the interpretation of the Constitution of the Church; and

Whereas, the Operating Manual for the Standing Judicial Commission 2.4 states that, “A member shall not render judgment in any matter pending before the commission on the basis of anything other than the Constitution of the Church and the facts presented by the Record of the Case and the other materials properly before him”; and

Whereas, the SJC declared the “Statement of Issue” to be whether or not the Complainant demonstrated that the Pacific Northwest Presbytery violated the Constitution of the PCA when it concluded that the accused was not guilty, and thus ruled according to that “Statement of Issue” [1]; and

Whereas, nothing in the Constitution of the PCA places the burden of proof upon the Complainant, requiring the Complainant “provide sufficient evidence” [2] or prove that the views of the one accused violated the system of doctrine contained in the Westminster Standards [3]; and

Whereas, each of the five charges in the original indictment charged the accused with contradicting the Westminster Standards, part of the Constitution of the PCA [4]; and

Whereas, the complaint brought before the General Assembly in SJC 2012-05 is against the decision of Pacific Northwest Presbytery in their finding the accused not guilty of each of the five charges [5]; and

Whereas, the Constitution of the PCA therefore requires the SJC to independently examine the evidence in the Record of the Case and interpret and apply the Constitution of the Church according to its best abilities and understanding, regardless of the opinion of the lower court; and

Whereas, the SJC did not determine whether the accused is guilty of holding and teaching views that are in conflict with the system of doctrine taught in the Westminster Standards, rendering judgment instead on whether the Complainant demonstrated such a conflict, thereby failing to fulfill its duty to interpret and apply the Constitution of the PCA according to its best abilities and understanding (BCO 39-4); and

Whereas, the BCO 15-5.a permits the General Assembly to “direct the Standing Judicial Commission to retry a case if upon review of its minutes exceptions are taken with respect to that case”;

Therefore, be it resolved that Illiana Presbytery hereby overtures the 41st General Assembly to direct the Standing Judicial Commission to rehear case 2012-05 (RE Gerald Hedman v. Pacific Northwest Presbytery) in accordance with the Constitution of the Presbyterian Church in America.

Adopted by Illiana Presbytery at its stated meeting, April 13, 2013

Attested b /s/ TE Dawson Miller

[1] Presbyterian Church in America Standing Judicial Commission. Case 2012-05: RE Gerald Hedman v. Pacific Northwest Presbytery (Proposed Decision on Complaint). March 7, 2013. Page 3, Lines 4-13.

[2] Ibid. Page 5, Line 14.

[3] Ibid. Page 5, Lines 28-30.

[4] Ibid. Page 1, Lines 20-46 and Page 2, Lines 1-7.

[5] Ibid. Page 2, Lines 9-26.


Illiana Presbytery,

Presbyterian Church in America, 1700 North Brown Road, Suite 105, LawrencevilleGeorgia 30043, 678-825-1000, Fax: 678-825-1001,



[3] Erskine College and Theological Seminary President David Norman Resigns Effective 30 June 2013

A 24 April 2013 article by Michelle Laxer in The Index-Journal titled “Erskine President Resigns” reports that after almost three years in office,
Erskine College and Theological Seminary President Dr. David Norman announced his resignation effective 30 June 2013.

ARPTalk Blog editor the Rev. Dr. Chuck Wilson in a13 April 2013 article titled “President of Erskine Asked to RESIGN” reported that the Erskine Executive Committee on 9 April 2013 was given ten days to resign or otherwise be given a vote of no confidence by the Erskine Board.

Dr. Wilson said that Board Chairman David Conner forced this issue one month before the end of the school year as part of Conner’s real agenda to “SEPARATE ERSKINE COLLEGE & SEMINARY FROM THE ARP CHURCH”. After explaining in detail his theory, Dr. Wilson concluded:

“Chairman Conner’s actions are obviously highhanded and precipitous. His repeated efforts to put distance between Erskine and the ARP Church have greatly increased the division and distrust on the board. Now, will his frantic efforts create confusion and uncertainty on campus at a critical time in the recruitment cycle, lead to further conflict within the Erskine community as the battle for succession begins, and greatly cripple the reputation of Erskine on all fronts?

“In the near future, will there also be a vote of “no confidence” in the Chairman of the board? Is not Chairman Conner also responsible for the policies of the President he has supported and now abandons?”


The Index-Journal, 610 Phoenix Street, GreenwoodSouth Carolina 29646, 864-223-1411,

ARPTalk Blog, 864-882-6337,

Erskine College and Theological Seminary, 2 Washington Street, Due WestSouth Carolina 29639, 864-379-2131, 864-379-2167,

Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church, 1 Cleveland Street Suite 110, GreenvilleSouth Carolina, 29601, 864-232-8297, Fax: 864-271-3729



[4] Grand Island, New York Bible Presbyterian Church Minister Introduced to New York State Assembly

On 18 March 2013, New York State Assemblyman John Ceretto (145th Assembly District, which includes parts of Niagara and Erie counties) introduced on the floor of the assembly in AlbanyNew York the Rev. Kevin Backus, pastor of the Bible Presbyterian Church in Grand IslandNew York. The two discussed issues of legislative importance to the district.

Assemblyman Ceretto commented to the assembly:

“Pastor Backus is an important member of the Grand Island community and I welcome his input on the issues that impact Grand Island,” said Ceretto. “Community leaders like Pastor Backus have their fingers on the pulse of Grand Island and I am thankful for the valuable insights that he provides. I hope he enjoyed his time at the Capitol and I look forward to talking with him again.”

Pastor Backus additionally serves as Chaplain at the Erie County [New York] Sheriff’s Office.


Grand Island Bible Presbyterian Church, 1650 Love Road, Grand IslandNew York 14072, 716-773-7303, Contact Page

Bible Presbyterian Church



[5] Church of Scotland Appoints Anti-Bullying Officers

A 23 April 2013 article by Martin Dalziel in The Courier titled “The Church of Scotland has appointed a number of “harassment officers” in the wake of concerns over bullying of staff at its Edinburgh offices” reports that in response to reported bullying of staff members by senior managers within the 
Church of Scotland (CoS) that eight staffers have been appointed “harassment officers” .

Following the 2012 bullying allegations, the CoS Central Services Committee reminded the church that there was a “zero tolerance” approach to bullying, and several other measures were taken including a survey of staff members about workplace bullying and other matters.


The Courier, 80 Kingsway East, Dundee DD4 8SL, Scotland, 01382 223131,

Church of Scotland, 121 George Street, Edinburgh EH2 4YN, Scotland, 0131-225-5722



[6] An Open Letter to the American People from the Christian Association of Nigerian-Americans, CANAN, on the Recent Boston Marathon Terror Attack

On behalf of all Nigerian-Americans, we would like to express our heartfelt condolence to our fellow Americans on the death of three and several more injured and traumatized people due to last week’s terrorist attack on the world-renowned Boston Marathon.

The evils of terrorism in today’s world are now well known and so too must be the demand of vigilance in the overall protection of the common good.

However it is truly inspiring how the evil attack has brought about a clear contrast between the terrorists and the good people of Boston: a people of resolve, rising in the best traditions of human love and unity of action repudiating the dastardly motive of terror, and recover a city’s sense of normalcy.

The terrorists acted to spur fear, but the people have responded in clear spirit of boldness, power and a sound mind!

Our prayer is that the good LORD will comfort the all the families involved and completely heal the city of Boston.

Incidentally, that terror attack on U.S. soil is another reminder that the despicable forces of evil remain willful in their cantankerous and devilish quest to kill and attack innocent people.

This is exactly what innocent Christians in Nigeria have been facing on a regular basis, especially in the last three years in the hands of Boko Haram, a terror group possibly linked to Al Qaida. Those terrorists at least on a weekly basis now bomb, maim, kill and traumatize innocent Nigerians at will, most of the victims being Christians.

Boko Haram however has enjoyed immunity in Nigeria, and the U.S. State Department has refused to designate this band of terrorists as a Foreign Terrorists Organization, FTO.

We are again calling on the U.S. State Department to treat Boko Haram as a terrorist group with all seriousness. It is not enough to label few of its leaders as global terrorists without doing same for the corporate body.

Laolu Akande
CANAN Executive Director


Christian Association of Nigerian-Americans, Post Office Box 1041, Bay ShoreNew York 11706, 631-647-3465,



[7] Church of Scotland Study Says Independent Scotland Should Separately Crown Monarchs and that Church of Scotland Should Be Enshrined as Scots National Church

A 24 April 2013 BBC article titled “Scottish Independence: Church of Scotland to Debate Coronations” reports that a Church of Scotland report concerning the possible independence of Scotland recommends that future monarchs have dual coronations at Westminster Abbey and in Scotland, and that the Church of Scotland should be enshrined at the Scots national church.


BBC, 201 Wood Lane, London W12 7TS, England, Fax: 020-8008-2398

Church of Scotland, 121 George Street, Edinburgh EH2 4YN, Scotland, 0131-225-5722



[8] Even More News from the Deepest Recesses of Hell

— Israel since March 2008 – 1044 Killed by Palestinians, 208,000 Killed by Abortion

— Babies Drowned Alive in Toxic Liquid

— Gosnell Judge Reinstates Charge for Baby Tossed in Shoe Box, Still Breathing

— New York’s “Reproductive Health Act” Would Make State a Gosnell Haven

— Gosnell’s Attorney: ‘Ludicrous’ ‘To Say a Baby is Born Alive Because It Moves One Time’

— Abortion Counselor Explains How Fetus Pieces Are Put In Jar: Undercover Video

— ‘Gosnell Is a Real-Life Hannibal Lector’: Eighteen Congressmen Expose Abortionist from U.S. House Floor

— Obama Takes Swipe at Pro-Life Activists, Ignores Gosnell during Planned Parenthood Speech

— Abortion Clinic Suggests “Flushing” Baby Down Toilet if Born Alive

— Australian Doctor Who Refused Sex-Selection Abortion May Lose License


Youtube, 901 Cherry Avenue, San BrunoCalifornia 94066, 650-253-0000, Fax: 650-253-0001, Contact Page

WND, 2020 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, #351, Washington DC 20006, Contact Page, Post Office Box 270841, Fort CollinsColorado 80527,, 325 South Patrick Street, AlexandriaVirginia 22314, 877-267-6397,, Incorporated, 4 Family Life Lane, Front RoyalVirginia 22630, 888-678-6008, Contact Page



[9] Headlines from Christian Concern

Headlines of the past week from 
Christian Concern:

— Victory for Midwives in Abortion Conscience Case

— French Parliament Approves Same-Sex Marriage Bill

— U.K. Prime Minister to Block Pornography on Wi-Fi in Public Areas


Christian Concern, 70 Wimpole Street, London W1G 8AX, England, 020 7935 1488, Contact Page



[10] Headlines from The Christian Institute

Headlines of the past week from 
The Christian Institute:

— Free Speech Reform Gets Royal Assent

— Tory MP Kris Hopkins Says Justice Secretary Should Curb Influence of Sharia Courts

— Small Christian Groups Saved from Leveson Press Regulation

The Christian Institute, Wilberforce House, 4 Park Road, Gosforth Business Park, Newcastle upon Tyne NE12 8DG, England, 44-0-191-281-5664, Fax: 44-0-191-281-4272,



[11] Articles from

Articles from the past week from

— Oklahoma City Man Threatened to Kill Wife for Stealing His Porn

— France Passes Gay ‘Marriage’

— Group seeking Support for Legal Recognition of Polyandrous ‘Marriage’ in New Zealand

— Colombian Senate Overwhelmingly Rejects Homosexual ‘Marriage’

— ‘Unborn Human Life’ Will Be ‘Destroyed,’ Irish Government’s Abortion Bill Admits

— European Parliament Member Promotes Pedophilia as Part of the Sexual Revolution

— Sting on Irish Legislators Reveals Abortion-On-Demand Is the Real Goal

., Incorporated, 4 Family Life Lane, Front RoyalVirginia 22630, 888-678-6008, Contact Page



[12] Raging Heathen and Vain Imagining

Articles from the past week regarding kings and rulers setting themselves against the LORD and against his anointed:

— Pennsylvania Judge Sentenced to Twenty-Eight Years in Prison for “Selling” Kids to Private Prisons

— Pentagon Recruits Anti-Christian Extremist Mikey Weinstein to Help Craft Tolerance Policy

— Clergy Were Reportedly Banned from the Deadly Boston Bombing Scene

— Sacramento, California Police To Parents: “I’m Going to Take Your Baby, and Don’t Resist” after Parents Take Baby to another Doctor for Second Opinion

— U.S. Congressmen Challenge Department of Homeland Security Ammo Buys, Say Agency Using 1,000 More Rounds Per Person Than U.S. Army

— U.S. Department of Department of Homeland Security Denies Ammo Purchases Aimed at Civilians

— Boston House-To-House Search Unleashed Dangerous Precedent

— U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder Says: ‘Banning Homeschooling Does Not Violate Rights’

— Rutherford Institute: “The Police State Has Arrived.”

— School Forces Girls to Ask for Lesbian Kiss; Boys Get Lessons in How to Spot ‘Sluts’

— Mormon Church Okay with ‘Gay’ Boy Scouts

— People Pay Big Money to Be Told They’re Evolved Pond Scum

— Amid Much Tumult, France Approves ‘Marriage for All’

— Young Republican Who Worked for Paul Ryan and Newt Gingrich Arrested over Alleged Nude Photo Scheme

— Russian Calls Out Barack Obama as a Communist

— Watertown, Massachusetts Residents Taken at Gunpoint out of Their Home

— Second-Grade Teacher Suspended for Showing Children Garden Tools

— U.S. Government Spending US$152,500 to Study Voice Therapy for Transgenders

— Shandong, China Government Exacts Fierce Retaliation against Family of Blind Legal Activist Chen Guangcheng

— Massachusetts Pro-Life Advocates Unconstitutionally Prosecuted for Lawful Free Speech Activity

— U.S. Army Orders Bible Verses Scraped Off Scopes

— Planned Parenthood Threatens Nigerian United Nations Ambassador over Abortion

— California Bill Would Allow Students to Use Bathrooms ‘Consistent with His or Her Gender Identity’


The Liberty Crier

Last ResistanceContact Page

THEBLAZE.COM LLC, 1270 Avenue of the Americas, 9th Floor, New YorkNew York 10036,

American Vision, 3150-A Florence Road, Suite 2, Powder SpringsGeorgia 30127, 800-628-9460, Fax: 770-222-7269,

Conservative ByteContact Page

U.S. News & World Report1050 Thomas Jefferson Street Northwest, Washington DC 20007, 202-955-2000, Contact Page

New York Times, 620 Eighth Avenue, New YorkNew York 10018, 212- 556-1234,

The Daily Caller, 1050 17th Street Northwest # 900, Washington DC 20036, 202-466-3004,

Freedom Outpost, 1116 North Market Street, ParisTennessee 38242, 73-644-2220, Contact Page

Tea Party Economist, 325 South Patrick Street, AlexandriaVirginia 22314, 877-267-6397,

WND, 2020 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, #351, Washington DC 20006, Contact Page

ABC News, 7 West 66th Street, New YorkNew York 10023, Contact Page

China Aid, Post Office Box 8513, MidlandTexas 79708, 432-689-6985, Fax: 432-686-8355,

Fox News, 1211 Avenue of the Americas, New YorkNew York 10036, 888-369-4762, Fax: 212-462-6127,, Post Office Box 270841, Fort CollinsColorado 80527,



[13] The Religion of Peace

Articles from the past week about the religion of peace:

— Iran Moves American Christian into Solitary Confinement Over Prayer Protest

— Iran: Islamic Law and Old Men Marrying Young Girls under Ten Years Old

— Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan’s Boko Haram Amnesty Gamble

— Mosque That Boston Suspects Attended Has Jihadist, ‘Extremist’ Ties

— Jihad in Libya: Car Bomb Targets French Embassy

— Throats Slit, Triple Jewish Murder Tied to Boston Jihad Bomber Happened on September 11th, 2011

— National Security Nightmare: Saudi Student Enrollments Skyrocket from 11,116 in 2006 to 71,026 in 2012

— Thirty-Six Dead in Iraq after Clashes between Sunni Protesters and Security Forces

— Kurdish Militia Decides to Align with Syria Rebels

— Saudi Connection to Boston Bombing?

— Egyptian Cleric: Soon We Will See The Flag Of Allah Over The White House

— Boston Terrorist Funded by Welfare While Studying Radical Islam

— Williams- Sonoma Buckles, Pulls Pressure Cookers from Shelves

— Boston Suspect: U.S. Wars in Iraq, Afghanistan Motivated Brothers

— Proof That Barack Obama & the Godless Media Lie to Protect Islam (Understanding the Islamic Bombing of the Boston Marathon)

— White House ignores efforts of U.S. Congress to support Christians of the Middle East

— Shocking Jihadist Facebook Page of the Canada Muslim Train Bomber

— Jihad in China: Twenty-One Dead in Xinjiang Muslim Terrorist ‘Clash’

— Niagara Train Jihad Bomber Rejects Canadian Law, Cites “Holy Book”

— Huffington Post “Helping Terrorists”

— Document Release on Boston Bombing Saudi “Person of Interest”: “Armed and Dangerous” “Terrorist Designation” Visited the White House Many times?

— American Freedom Defense Initiative Announces Platform for Defending Freedom in Wake of Boston Jihad

— Charles Krauthammer: ‘The Lengths to Which Obama Will Go to Avoid Telling Us about the Enemy Is Becoming Comical’

— Man Shouts Allah Akbar and Tries to Cut Rabbi’s Throat: Police Say Motive Unclear

— Attack in Nigeria that Killed Eighteen Christians Caps Two Years of Islamic Aggression

— Christians in Egyptian Town Threatened With Violence over Missing Muslim Girl

— In Vienna, Austria, Muslims Demonstrate Outside U.S. Embassy in Support of the Boston Jihad Bomber

— Boston Jihad Bombers Planned Second Attack in New York’s Times Square

— Egyptian Muslims Murdering Christians with Impunity

— Australian Military Brings Charges against Reserve Officer for Criticizing Islam

— St. John’s Episcopal Church of Aberdeen, Scotland Shares Space and Prayer with Muslims

— Three British Muslims Jailed for Jihad Mass Murder Plot

— Jihadist in France Opens Fire on Southern Town of Istres, Kills Three

— Thuggish Egyptian Police Participate in Brutal Attack on Christians

— Indonesia Frees Muslim Terrorist Who Beheaded Three Christian Girls

— Sudan Minister of Guidance and Endowments Says No New Licenses For Building Churches

— Death Penalty for Leaving Islam (Apostasy) in “Moderate” Morocco

— No Bail for Florida Muslims Plotting to Detonate Bombs in New York City

— Muslim Gets Five Years Prison for Plot to Bomb New York Synagogues

— Death to Churches under Islam: A Study of the Coptic Church, Part I

— One Dead and Several Injured after Muslim Extremists attack Christian Village in South Punjab, India

— Iraq Descending into Civil War

— Pentagon Fires Lt. Col. Dooley for Violating Muslim PC

— Boston Bomber Hit Girlfriend for Not Wearing a Hijab

— Saudi Cleric Calls for Murdering Women and Children in Iraq

— U.S. Gave Asylum to Accused Chechen Terror Leader


Fox News, 1211 Avenue of the Americas, New YorkNew York 10036, 888-369-4762, Fax: 212-462-6127,

World Watch MonitorContact Page


Assyrian International News Agency

Freedom Outpost, 1116 North Market Street, ParisTennessee 38242, 73-644-2220, Contact Page

American Vision, 3150-A Florence Road, Suite 2, Powder SpringsGeorgia 30127, 800-628-9460, Fax: 770-222-7269,

Clash Daily

Newsmax, Post Office Box 20989, West Palm BeachFlorida 33416, 561-686-1165, Fax: 561-686-3350

Still Waters Revival Books, Inc., 4710-37A Avenue Northwest, EdmontonAlberta T6L 3T5, Canada, 780-450-3730,

Mideast Christian NewsContact Page

Right Side News

FrontPage Magazine, Post Office Box 55089, Sherman OaksCalifornia 91499, Contact Page

Assist USA, Post Office Box 609, Lake ForestCalifornia 92609, 949-380-1558,

VirtueOnline, 1236 Waterford Road, West ChesterPennsylvania 19380

Right Side News

WND, 2020 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, #351, Washington DC 20006, Contact Page


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