Monday, February 24, 2025

10 April 2013

Wednesday, April 10, 2013, 22:29
This news item was posted in Presbyterians Week category.


Presbyterians Week Headlines


[1] RPTS Biblical Counseling Institute 2013 Annual Conference – Biblical Womanhood – Scheduled 26-27 April 2013 in Cranberry Township, Pennsylvania

[2] Session of Eastvale Reformed Presbyterian Church of Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania Issues Public Rebuke of Geneva College for Unscriptural Worship Practices

[3] Cumberland Presbyterian Youth Conferences Celebrate Ninety Years of Ministry

[4] CRCNA Back to God Ministries International Leader and Wife Have Harrowing Ministry Training Trip to Central African Republic

[5] News from the Deepest Recesses of Hell

[6] Comments regarding the Murder Trial of Kermit Gosnell by the Director of the Christian Defense Coalition

[7] Headlines from Christian Concern

[8] Headlines from The Christian Institute

[9] Articles from

[10] Raging Heathen and Vain Imagining

[11] The Religion of Peace



[1] RPTS Biblical Counseling Institute 2013 Annual Conference – Biblical Womanhood – Scheduled 26-27 April 2013 in Cranberry Township, Pennsylvania

Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary (RPTS)’s Biblical Counseling Institute’s 2013 Annual Conference with the theme of “Biblical Womanhood” is scheduled for 26-27 April 2013 at Christ Bible Church in Cranberry Township, Pennsylvania.

The conference speakers are Dr. Rosaria Butterfield, author of The Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert (Crown & Covenant Publications, 2012), and Dr. George Scipione, Director of the Biblical Counseling Institute and Professor of Pastoral Theology at RPTS.

The conference schedule is as follows:

Friday April 26, 2013

7:00 p.m. Welcome

7:10 p.m. You Need to be an Excellent Wife – Dr. George Scipione

8:00 p.m. BREAK

8:15 p.m. My Train Wreck Conversion – Dr. Rosaria Butterfield

Saturday April 27, 2013

9:00 a.m.

The Biblical Woman: Sexuality – Dr. Rosaria Butterfield – Society continues to blur the lines of distinction between the genders, undermining the Bible’s authority to define and guide Christian’s in this area of life. This explains why people define themselves today in sexual terms instead of Biblically given categories. This lecture will address ways to counter claims that sexuality is a subjective, feeling-based interpretation of personal experiences.

God’s View of Sexuality – Dr. George Scipione – This lecture will explore what Scripture has to say about sexuality including roles and responsibilities.

10:15 a.m.

The Biblical Wife: Submission – Dr. Rosaria Butterfield – God clearly established family roles in the Garden. Since then, the world has been in a constant battle to redefine those very same roles by replacing objective truth with subjective truth, claiming that happiness comes from gender and class equality. This lecture will address the importance of knowing how to counter worldly paradigms of gender, equality, family roles, and singleness.

God’s View of Perversity – Dr. George Scipione – This lecture will take a deeper look at how the LORD addressed and continues to address
a perverse generation.

11:30 a.m.

The Biblical Mother: Selfless Service – Dr. Rosaria Butterfield – “Enlightened” thinking has taken an unequivocal hold in our society and has affected a number of cultural values, including the way we interpret and practice motherhood. This lecture will address issues that relate to motherhood and service in the home and the church.

God’s View of Purity – Dr. George Scipione – This lecture will inform the participant as to how the Spirit strengthens the believer in maintaining purity in a broken and sinful world.

12:30 p.m. Lunch – Please pick up your lunch at the appointed location

1:00 p.m. WORKSHOPS

— Questions and Answers on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered Issues – Dr. Rosaria Butterfield. Euphemistically expressed as “life style choices”, the world pushes to legitimize lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender lifestyles. Dr. Butterfield, a former leftist lesbian professor, will provide insight into the current trends in this issue.

— From Delight to Duty – Dr. George Scipione. Men only at this session, please. Dr. Scipione will discuss the topic of intimacy within the marriage relationship.

— From Duty to Delight, Improving Sexual Intimacy for Married Women – Eileen Scipione. Women only at this session, please. This is a biblical and practical lecture on some scriptural principles relating to a woman’s sexual response. Come prepared to learn something new. Nutrition and exercise will also be addressed. This lecture is appropriate for those women who hope or plan to be married. Mrs. Scipione, a National Association of Nouthetic Counselors (NANC) Certified Counselor, will discuss the topic of intimacy within the marriage relationship.

— From Fear to Freedom: Developing Christ-centered and Others-oriented Relationships – Yasuko Kanamori, NANC Certified Counselor. Women only at this session, please. Many people struggle with the “fear of man”. This workshop will examine this issue providing Biblical insight and practical solutions, moving from fear to freedom in relationships.

— Prophet, Priest & King: Husbands in the Image of Christ – Rev. Martin Blocki – One of the express purposes of the New Covenant is that God will write His law on our hearts and minds. The law is an expression of the very character of God. When the law is written on our hearts and minds we will “be like Him”. We will glorify God – that is we will show a watching world what God is like. Husbands are to “love their wives as Christ loved the church”. One of the ways that Christ loved the church was to perfectly fulfill the law. In Reformation thought, Christ is seen as having three offices: Prophet, Priest, and King. When husbands are conformed to the image of Christ they will function in the same three offices and will do so in conformity to the law of God.

2:00 p.m. Closing Remarks – Questions and Answers with speakers

Registration information is available at:

Lunch will be available between the morning and afternoon sessions on 27 April. If you wish to purchase lunch, please check the appropriate box on the registration form, and please do so by 22 April.


+ Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary, 7418 Penn Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15208, 412-731-8690, Fax: 412-731-4834,

+ Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America (RPCNA), 7408 Penn Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania15208, 412-731-1177, Fax: 412-731-8861



[2] Session of Eastvale Reformed Presbyterian Church of Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania Issues Public Rebuke of Geneva College for Unscriptural Worship Practices

The following motion was passed unanimously at the regular session meeting of Eastvale Reformed Presbyterian Church of Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania on 19 February 2013:

Public Rebuke of Geneva College

[In a Communication to Synod (See 2004 Minutes of Synod pp. 160-164), from Bob Tweed and Paul McCracken, we read: But even “Reformed and Evangelical” are not sufficient terms to describe what Geneva College must be. Geneva is called to train hundreds, even thousands, of students in harmony with Reformed Presbyterian convictions and testimony. To develop a school which would be anything less than this will be unfaithful to the calling of our covenant God, Who has guided and provided for the school for all these long years. If the RPCNA, for example, firmly believes that God’s will for His worship requires exclusive a capella psalmody, this practice must not be compromised in college worship, or in services sponsored by the college. Chapels comprise a remarkable opportunity for such worship to be set forth in the finest way, and with appropriate enthusiasm.]

We, the members of the Session of the Eastvale Congregation of the RPCNA, recognize our duty to raise a testimony to the truth of scriptural worship, not only in our own congregation, but also in institutions that serve directly or indirectly our denomination. The session, after having received many complaints from our college students attending Geneva College, and having carefully investigated and prayed about these points of contention, sent a letter to urge the administration to quietly dismantle the unscriptural practices taking place at the college. Following the letter, the session met privately with President Ken Smith and Dean Smith of Geneva College to discuss these chapel issues in October 2012. The chapel program at Geneva College has consistently undermined purity in worship and the regulative principles. The cause of Biblical truth has been damaged by their compromise. As evidence, we mention the following: a) Fining of RPCNA Students who refuse for conscience sake to attend chapel, b) The predominance of non-confessional speakers, c) Unscriptural worship practices (e.g. bongo drums with psalms).

We therefore publicly rebuke Geneva College as an institution and exhort those in charge (corporators, trustees, and administrators) to reform the chapel program in accordance to the word of God.

Eastvale Session – Micah Ramsey, Moderator – John Schaefer, Clerk  – Joe Caskey, Elder – James Robb, Elder


+ Eastvale Reformed Presbyterian Church, 504 East Second Avenue, Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania 15010, 724-847-2080,

+ Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America (RPCNA), 7408 Penn Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15208, 412-731-1177, Fax: 412-731-8861

+ Geneva College, 3200 College Avenue, Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania 15010, 724-846-5100, Fax: 724.847.6696,



[3] Cumberland Presbyterian Youth Conferences Celebrate Ninety Years of Ministry

The Cumberland Presbyterian Youth Conferences, which include the Young Peoples General Assembly, the National Association of Cumberland Presbyterian Youth Fellowships, and the Cumberland Presbyterian Youth Conference, in 2013, are celebrating ninety years of ministry with two birthday parties.

The first party is scheduled 18 June 2013 at 7:00 p.m. at the Cumberland Presbyterian Church General Assembly meeting at the Embassy Suites in Murfreesboro, Tennessee.

The second party is scheduled for 30 June – 5 July 2013 at Bethel University in McKenzie, Tennessee during the 2013 Cumberland Presbyterian Youth Conference.


+ Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 8207 Traditional Place, Cordova, Tennessee 38016, 901-276-4572, Fax: 901-272-3913

+ Bethel University, 325 Cherry Avenue, McKenzie, Tennessee 38201,  731-352-4000



[4] CRCNA Back to God Ministries International Leader and Wife Have Harrowing Ministry Training Trip to Central African Republic

During a late March 2013 trip to Bangui in the Central African Republic to lead seminars for pastors and lay leaders, Back to God Ministries International director of French ministry the Rev. Paul Mpindi and his wife Mrs. Charlotte Mpindi became caught up in a war zone as government troops battled rebel forces. Several times during the trip, the Mpindi’s took refuge under their bed as street fighting raged outside their quarters.

The Mpindi’s arrived home to Grand Rapids, Michigan on 1 April 2013 to their relief and the relief of many that had prayed for them while they were in harm’s way.

Prayer for the staff of Back to God Ministries International and for Christians living in the Central African Republic are requested, as the fighting has resulted in a serious lack of food in the country, and starvation is becoming widespread.


+ Christian Reformed Church in North America, 2850 Kalamazoo Avenue Southeast, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49560, 616-241-1691, Fax: 616-224-0803

+ Back to God Ministries International, 6555 West College Drive, Palos Heights, Illinois 60463, 708-371-8700, Fax: 708-371-1415,



[5] News from the Deepest Recesses of Hell

Jury Sees Photos of Unborn Babies Kermit Gosnell Stabbed in the Neck

Clinic Worker Calls Gosnell’s Baby Jabbing Method a “Beheading”

Gosnell Worker Testifies That Baby “Jumped” When He Snipped Her Neck in Abortion

Gosnell Employee Testifies “It Would Rain Fetuses and Blood” Everywhere

Gosnell Worker Testifies Baby Screamed During Live-Birth “Abortion”

Gosnell’s “House of Horrors” Abortion Clinic is Not an Exception

Paramedic Testifies Kermit Gosnell Abandoned Women He Killed in Abortion


+, Post Office Box 270841, Fort Collins, Colorado 80527,



[6] Comments regarding the Murder Trial of Kermit Gosnell by the Director of the Christian Defense Coalition

In anticipation of a 4 April 2013 news conference in front of the Juanita Kidd Stout Center for Criminal Justice in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney, Director of the Christian Defense Coalition in Washington DC, stated:

“The murder trial of Kermit Gosnell destroys the myth of ‘safe and legal abortions’ in America. The horrors and barbaric abortion practices brought to light expose the most unregulated and barbaric industry in America.

“An industry which has resulted in the deaths of hundreds of women with tens of thousands more physically damaged and emotionally wounded. And, an industry which has killed 55,000,000 innocent children.

“It is hard to imagine, but tattoo parlors have more regulations than abortion clinics and are also inspected more often than abortion clinics in America.

“The Gosnell trial reveals the ‘dirty secret’ that government officials and the pro-choice movement are more interested in protecting abortion rights than they are the rights and safety of women and their children.

“The time has now come in America to step out of the Middle Ages and embrace a forward thinking agenda the defends human rights, equality and justice for all. The time has come to end abortion.”


+ Christian Defense Coalition, Post Office Box 77168, Washington DC 20013, 202-547-1735,



[7] Headlines from Christian Concern

Headlines of the past week from Christian Concern:

Bedford, England Council Backs ‘Nil’ Policy for Sex Clubs

Lord Cary Criticizes U.K. Prime Minister David Cameron for Feeding the Anxieties of Christians


+ Christian Concern, 70 Wimpole Street, London W1G 8AX, England, 020 7935 1488, Contact Page



[8] Headlines from The Christian Institute

Headlines of the past week from The Christian Institute:

BBC ‘Provokes’ Christians with Show that ‘Sexualises Christ’

Christian Printer in Northern Ireland Faces Lawsuit by Homosexual Magazine for Refusal to Provide Print Estimate

Deputy Children’s Commissioner for England Says ‘Moral Panic’ Needed to Tackle Kids Seeing Pornography


+ The Christian Institute, Wilberforce House, 4 Park Road, Gosforth Business Park, Newcastle upon Tyne NE12 8DG, England, 44-0-191-281-5664, Fax: 44-0-191-281-4272,



[9] Articles from

Articles from the past week from

University of the Fraser Valley in British Colombia, Canada Shuts Down Pro-Life Event, Censors Materials

Attorney General Holder, Google Play, Hilton Named as ‘Top Facilitators of Porn’

Planned Parenthood Employees among Ontario’s Most Highly-Paid Public Sector Workers

Wales One Step Closer to ‘Presumed Consent’ Organ Donation

U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation Linked Gabby Giffords’ Shooter to Christian Pro-Life Groups

British Christians Fed Up with ‘Coarse, Sneering’ Mockery of Christianity

Why Traditional Marriage Advocates are Losing the Homosexual ‘Marriage’ Debate


+, Incorporated, 4 Family Life Lane, Front Royal, Virginia 22630, 888-678-6008, Contact Page



[10] Raging Heathen and Vain Imagining

Articles from the past week regarding kings and rulers setting themselves against the LORD and against his anointed:

U.S. Military Warned That Christian ‘Evangelicals’ Are Number One Religious Extremist Threat

New York Gun Confiscation Underway – Citizens Told to Turn In Pistol Owner IDs and Firearms

U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms Seeks ‘Massive’ Database of Personal Information including ‘Assets, Relatives, Associates and More’

FOX Business Host Don Imus Says There Is Evidence That Jesus Christ May Have Been a Homosexual

Communist China Has Murdered One-Third Billion Babies

Mother of Two in China’s Hubei Province Dies from Forced Sterilization Operation Ordered by Family Planning Officials against Doctor’s Advice

Columbia University Professor Equates His Incest with Daughter to Homosexual Sex

New York City Federal Judge Edward Korman Orders Nationwide Sales of Morning After Pill to Teens

New Book Asserts ‘Fast and Furious’ a False Flag against Gun Dealers

U.S. Federal Government Pins Bull’s-Eyes on ‘Fast and Furious’ Whistleblowers

Obama Signs Executive Order Nationalizing Elections

Obama Executive Orders Nationalizing Energy, Food, Water, Everything Else

Obama Lies Claiming Fully Automatic Weapon Was Used at Sandy Hook

U.S. Vice President Joe Biden Calls for ‘New World Order’

Connecticut Governor’s Office Threatens Veteran with Arrest for Questioning Gun Ban

U.S. Internal Revenue Service Collecting Tax Payer Information from Facebook and Twitter

As U.S. Economy Flails, Debtors’ Prisons Thrive

Police in Chhattisgarh, India Prevent Believers from Stopping the Destruction of Their Church

Scottish Poll Finds Christian Belief in Decline

Weather Underground Killer Kathy Boudin Now Works for Two Manhattan Universities

Yale University Acknowledges ‘Historic’ Levels of Sexual Misconduct

Ohio Man Who Raped Six-Month-Old Baby to Death Wants Mercy

Planned Parenthood Pays Fourteen-Year-Olds to Push Black Girls into Sex, Abortion

Colorado Forces Taxpayers to Send US$10 Million to Planned Parenthood

Threats against Churches in Sri Lanka on the Rise

From Their Own Mouths: Planned Parenthood Endorses Infanticide

Grandmother and Grandson in New Zealand to Have Child Together

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Settlement: Company Must Spend US$76,952 to Replace Light Bulbs

U.S. President Obama Says If First Lady Michelle Obama Lived in Iowa, She’d ‘Probably Want a Gun, Too’

Cancer clinics Are Turning Away Thousands of Medicare Patients – Blame the Sequester

First-time Offender, Father of Three, Who Sold Pain Pills to Friend Gets Twenty-Five Years in Prison

U.S. Federal Government Offering US$48 per Hour to Obamacare ‘Navigators’ Who Can Actually Explain Obamacare

Florida “Anti-Government” Couple on Run after Kidnapping Their Own Children from Court-Appointed Guardian

Obama Administration Gives Indiana University US$423,000 to Study Proper Use of Condoms

Anti-Abortion Display Destroyed at Ohio State University

Sex Offender Elected Student Body President of Riverside City College in California

Eight Month Pregnant Woman Tasered by Cops in Springfield, Illinois

Uruguay’s Senate Approves Same-Sex Marriage Bill

Gun-banning Mayor of Marcus Hook, Pennsylvania Allegedly Uses Gun to Intimidate Young Man for Sex

Psychiatrist Warned University of Colorado Campus Police about Aurora Shooter a Month before Mass Murder

Azerbaijan: Heavy Fines Follow Police Raids and Confiscations

Northwestern University’s Sponsored Sex Week Will Include ‘Big Booty Beauties,’ a Pornographer, and Star Wars-Themed Burlesque Dancers

U.S. Federal Government Gives University of Iowa Nearly US$1 Million to Study Snail Sex

New Rochelle, New York Town Council Seizes Gadsden Flag – Original U.S. Marine Corps Flag – from Ex-Marine President of Patriotic Veterans Group Saying Flag has Ties to ‘Tea Party’

U.S. Senator Rand Paul Says Some Evangelicals Are Too Eager for War

Seventy-Six-Year-Old Auburn, Massachusetts Man Facing Charges for Shooting Bear in Yard in Self-Defense

MSNBC Host Says We Have to Break Through This Idea ‘That Kids Belong to Their Parents’

Scots Sheriff Clears Celtic Football Fan of Sectarian Singing and Says Solution Is to End Denominational Schools

Shocking 4,620 Percent Increase in Belgium Euthanasia Cases since Legalization

United Nations Says ‘Right to Life’ Laws Are Equivalent to Torturing Women

California Proposes Law to Force Insurance to Cover Homosexual ‘Infertility’


+ WND, 2020 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, #351, Washington DC  20006, Contact Page


+ Ammo Land, Post Office Box 0465, Manasquan, New Jersey 08736, 732-925-3647,


+ American Vision, 3150-A Florence Road, Suite 2, Powder Springs, Georgia 30127, 800-628-9460, Fax: 770-222-7269,


+, 325 South Patrick Street, Alexandria, Virginia 22314, 877-267-6397,


+ Way of Life Literature, Post Office Box 610368, Port Huron, Michigan 48061, 519-652-2619,

+ China Aid, Post Office Box 8513, Midland, Texas 79708, 432-689-6985, Fax: 432-686-8355,

+, Post Office Box 270841, Fort Collins, Colorado 80527,

+ Clash Daily, Contact Page

+ Constitution School

+ The New American, 770 North Westhill Boulevard, Appleton, Wisconsin 54914, 1-800-727-8783, Contact Form

+ Freedom Outpost, 1116 North Market Street, Paris, Tennessee 38242, 73-644-2220, Contact Page

+ CBS New York, 524 West 57th Street, New York, New York 10019, 212-975-432,

+ Mission Network News, 1159 East Beltline Avenue Northeast, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49525, 616-942-1500, Fax: 616-942-7328, Contact Page

+ BBC, 201 Wood Lane, London W12 7TS, England, Fax: 020-8008-2398

+ The Daily Caller, 1050 17th Street Northwest # 900, Washington DC 20036, 202-466-3004,

+ Student Free Press Association, Post Office Box 1996, Woodbridge, Virginia 22195,

+ THEBLAZE.COM LLC, 1270 Avenue of the Americas, 9th Floor, New York, New York 10036,

+ Assist USA, Post Office Box 609, Lake Forest, California 92609, 949-380-1558,

+ The Telegraph, Victory House, Meeting House Lane, Chatham, Kent, ME4 4TT, England, 0800-316-6977,

+ The Washington Post, 1150 15th Street Northwest, Washington DC  20071, 202-334-6000, Contact Form

+ The Liberty Crier

+ Christian News Wire, 2020 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Washington DC 20006, 202-546-0054,

+ The Daily Caller, 1050 17th Street Northwest # 900, Washington DC 20036, 202-466-3004,

+ CNN, One CNN Center, Atlanta, Georgia 30303, 404-878-2276, Fax: 404-827-1995

+ Last Resistance, Contact Page

+ Patriot Outdoor News, Contact Page

+ The Leadership Institute, 1101 North Highland Street, Arlington, Virginia 22201, 703-247-2000, Contact Page

+ Political Outcast

+, 325 South Patrick Street, Alexandria, Virginia 22314, 877-267-6397,

+ The Herald, 200 Renfield Street, Glasgow, Scotland G2 3QB, 0141- 302-7000, Fax: 0141-302-7117,



[11] The Religion of Peace

Articles from the past week about the religion of peace:

American Christian Suffering in Iranian Jail without Proper Medical Care, Attorneys Say

U.S. Government Files Motion to Dismiss Lawsuit That Claims it Helps Fund Palestinian Terror

Central African Republic: Coup Leader Tightens Grip on Power

Nearly US$300,000 of Equipment Looted from Christian Radio Station during Central African Republic Coup

Thousands Flee Central African Republic

Bangladesh: Dangerous Chaos Looms

Syrian, Iraqi Jihadi Groups Said to Be Cooperating

Four Al Qaeda Leaders Executed in Iraq

Iraqi Christians in Peril

Christians Become Preferred Target in Syria’s Civil War

Afghan Girl, Six, Rescued From Child Bride Fate

Sharia: Killing Women since the 7th Century

Prodded by Islamists, Bangladeshi Government Targets ‘Atheist Bloggers’

Pakistani Court Overturns Younis Masih’s ‘Blasphemy’ Conviction, Death Sentence: Beaten and Tortured Christian Spent Seven and One-Half Years in Jail

Nigeria: Under Siege

Muslim Mob Attacks Christian Area in Gujranwala, Pakistan, Beating Christians, Damaging a Church and Dozens of Shops and Vehicles

Muslim Student Association Invites Vicious Jew-Hater Louis Farrakhan to Speak at Tuskegee University

Obama Congratulates Kenya’s New President in Midst of Riots, Killings

Indonesian Minister: Christians Bring Discrimination on Themselves

Egyptian Muslim Cleric: ‘I Hate Christians and Am Disgusted By Them’

Syria Conflict Drawing Hundreds of Jihadists From Europe

Muslim ‘Brotherhood Sowing Subversion in Gulf States’

Are Some Members of the Tea Party Bowing to Stealth Jihadist and Sharia Law?

U.S. Spends US$288 Million on Ammunition for Afghan National Police

The Pharaoh Weeps

Anglican Bishop in Nigeria Challenges Muslim Terrorist Boko Haram to Unmask before Seeking Amnesty

Australia’s Qantas Airline Bans Pork in Deference to Islam

Über-Stealth Jihad in America

Nigerian Pastor, Family Narrowly Escape Village’s Easter Carnage

How My Brother Tried to Kill Me in ‘Honor Attack’

Ten Christians, One Muslim Killed in Sectarian Clashes in Egypt

Christian Protestors Tortured in Egypt as Opposition to Muslim Brotherhood Mounts

Obama’s Afghan “Peace” Partner Kills Five Americans, Wounds Four in Year’s Deadliest Attack on Americans

U.K. Students Given Books Saying, “Every Muslim Should Be a Terrorist” Authored by Banned Islamic Hate-Preacher

Former Potomac, Maryland Muslim Doctor Convicted of Vicious Honor Murder of Wife Seeks Shorter Sentence

Myanmar Muslims Kill Eight Buddhists in Indonesian Refugee Centre

Eleven Afghan Children ‘Killed by NATO Air Strike in Shigal’

Muslims Attack Christian Funeral in Egypt, One Killed, Twenty-Three Injured

Iran Warns It May Scrap Nuclear Treaty

U.S. Federal Government Says Use of Term ‘Islamization’ Denigrates Muslims

U.S. Gives Shoulder-Launched Anti-Aircraft Missiles to al-Qaida-Led Syrian Rebels

Anti-Sharia Legislation Passes Florida Senate Committee

Anti-Sharia Legislation passes Full Oklahoma State Senate

Sharia in Toronto, Ontario, Canada: Father Banned from Watching Daughter’s Swim Meet Because Some of the Swimmers Were Muslim

Iraq’s Christian Leaders Warn of Dire Consequences


+ Fox News, 1211 Avenue of the Americas, New York, New York 10036, 888-369-4762, Fax: 212-462-6127,

+ The Algemeiner Journal, Post Office Box 250746, BrooklynNew York 11225, 718-771-0400, Fax: 718-771-0308, Contact Page

+ Mission Network News, 1159 East Beltline Avenue Northeast, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49525, 616-942-1500, Fax: 616-942-7328, Contact Page

+ Christian News Wire, 2020 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Washington DC 20006, 202-546-0054,

+ Assist USA, Post Office Box 609, Lake Forest, California 92609, 949-380-1558,

+ Assyrian International News Agency

+ Clash Daily, Contact Page

+, 325 South Patrick Street, Alexandria, Virginia 22314, 877-267-6397,

+ Atlas Shrugs,

+ Jerusalem Post, Post Office Box 81, Jerusalem, 91000 Israel, 972-2-531-5666, Fax: 972-2-538-9527,

+ Freedom Outpost, 1116 North Market Street, Paris, Tennessee 38242, 73-644-2220, Contact Page

+ Manhattan Institute for Policy Research, 52 Vanderbilt Avenue, New York, New York 10017, 212-599-7000, Fax: 212-599-3494,

+, 920 M Street Southeast, Washington DC 20003, 202- 546-0777, Fax: 202-546-0676

+ The Washington Times, 3600 New York Avenue Northeast, Washington DC 20002, 202-636-3205

+ BBC, 201 Wood Lane, London W12 7TS, England, Fax: 020-8008-2398



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