Monday, February 24, 2025

11 March 2009

Wednesday, March 11, 2009, 12:32
This news item was posted in Presbyterians Week category.


Presbyterians Week Headlines
[1] First Baptist Church of Maryville, Illinois Pastor Shot and Killed During 8 March 2009 Morning Service
[2] PCUSA General Assembly Council (GAC) Executive Committee Announces One-Week Furlough and No 2010 Salary Increases for GAC Staff
[3] Illinois Christian Schools Told to Silence Prayers before Sporting Events

[4] U.S. President Barrack Hussein Obama Forces Tax-Funding of Failed Embryo Research
[5] NAE Protests Obama Administration 2010 Plan to Limit Tax Rate for Itemized Deductions for High Income Taxpayers
[6] Christian-Themed Movie ‘Fireproof’ Out-Grosses Oscar-Winning Movies ‘Slumdog Millionaire’ and ‘Milk’
[7] International Expert on Celtic Spirituality to Preach at Woodlands Community Presbyterian Church
[8] The Shack Author Speaks at Trinity Christian College

[9] Taiwan Church Renamed in Memory of Missionary Joyce McMillan
[10] RTS’s Dr. Frank James Accepts Provost Appointment at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary
[11] Inheritance Publications New Books for 2009
[12] Annual Dutch Supper 17 March 2009 at Hollandale Reformed Church
[13] Petrus van Mastricht’s Theoretico-Practica Theologia to be Translated from Latin and Dutch to English

[14] Presbyterian Church In Canada Offers Daily Biblical Devotion, Intercessory Prayer, Podcast

[1] First Baptist Church of Maryville, Illinois Pastor Shot and Killed During 8 March 2009 Morning Service

Dr. Fred Winters, pastor of the First Baptist Church of Maryville, Illinois, was shot to death during the 8 March 2009 8:00 a.m. service by a gunman that walked in during the service, went up to the pulpit, and shot the pastor three times.

Two church members then tackled and subdued the gunman who had pulled out a knife and stabbed himself, and during the struggle, the two church members suffered knife injuries.

Jeffrey Hawkins, executive director of the Christian Security Network commented: “The shooting [on 8 March 2009] is a tragic situation, but unfortunately, one that has been witnessed many times over the years. This most recent violent incident against a Christian church in a small town in downstate Illinois is another reminder that these incidents are not going to stop and can occur anywhere, at any time. The only recourse that churches have to is to acknowledge that it can happen to them and to be prepared. In the first two months [of 2009] alone, the Christian Security Network has tracked 139 incidents in 31 states against Christian churches, schools, and ministries.”

+ Christian News Wire, 2020 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Washington DC 20006, 202-546-0054,

+ Christian Security Network, Post Office Box 53933, Cincinnati, Ohio 45253, 800-805-7126

[2] PCUSA General Assembly Council (GAC) Executive Committee Announces One-Week Furlough and No 2010 Salary Increases for GAC Staff

In an attempt to overcome a multi-million US$ shortfall brought on by the global economic crisis, the Presbyterian Church (PCUSA) General Assembly Council (GAC) Executive Committee announced on 6 March 2009 that GAC staff will have an unpaid one-week furlough 17-23 May 2009 and will receive no salary increases in 2010.

The GAC estimates that the furlough will save about US$450 thousand in the 2009 budget, and that eliminating the 2010 staff pay increases will save about US$900 thousand in the 2010 budget.

+ Presbyterian Church (PCUSA), 100 Witherspoon Street, Louisville, Kentucky 40202, 888-728-7228, Fax: 502-569-8005

[3] Illinois Christian Schools Told to Silence Prayers before Sporting Events

The Illinois High School Association (IHSA) has banned Christian schools from broadcasting prayers or any religious announcements over their public address systems on days they host state sports tournaments, because the IHSA considers such prayers and announcements to be illegal.

Senior legal counsel for the Alliance Defense Fund David Cortman comments, “Not only does it not violate the Establishment Clause, but it violates the free-speech rights of private schools.”

Focus on the Family, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80995, 800-232-6459

Alliance Defense Fund, 15100 North 90th Street, Scottsdale, Arizona 85260, 800-835-5233, Fax: 480-444-0025

[4] U.S. President Barrack Hussein Obama Forces Tax-Funding of Failed Embryo Research

U.S. President Barrack Hussein Obama on 9 March 2009 revoked a 2001 administration policy and begin for the first time using federal tax dollars to encourage researchers to destroy living human embryos for stem cell research. President Obama also revoked the previous administration’s Executive Order 13435 (20 June 2007) authorizing federal funding of stem cell research that produces the same or superior pluripotent stem cells produced by living human embryos without any need to destroy such embryos.

Advocates International General Counsel Sam Casey commented, “President Obama‘s Executive Order is legally limited and only authorizes NIH [National Institutes of Health] action ‘to the extent permitted by law.’ Existing law currently bans the expenditure of any federal funds for the creation of a human embryo or embryos for research purposes; or research in which a human embryo or embryos are destroyed, discarded, or knowingly subjected to risk of injury or death greater than that allowed for research on fetuses in utero under 45 CFR 46.204(b) and section 498(b) of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 289g (b)).”

Given this existing federal funding ban, Casey doubts that NIH will be able to safely do much more than they are already doing without violating existing federal law. That is why, Casey says, he is so “dumbfounded that President Obama, by his actions today, also seems to have revoked NIH‘s executive authority to do much of the lawful stem cell research they were doing.”

+ Christian News Wire, 2020 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Washington DC 20006, 202-546-0054,

[5] NAE Protests Obama Administration 2010 Plan to Limit Tax Rate for Itemized Deductions for High Income Taxpayers

The National Association of Evangelicals has written a letter to U.S. Congress leaders raising their concerns about the likely impact of Barrack Hussein Obama administration plans starting in 2010 to limit to those taxed at a rate of 28 percent or less the ability to take itemized deductions on their income tax returns.

The proposed tax law change would raise the cost of living for high income charitable donors subject to the higher tax rates, and thus could lead to reduced charitable giving.

+ Evangelical Presbyterian Church, 17197 North Laurel Park Drive Suite 567, Livonia, Michigan 48152, 734-742-2020, Fax: 734-742-2033,

+ National Association of Evangelicals, Post Office Box 23269, Washington DC 20026, 202-789-1011,

[6] Christian-Themed Movie ‘Fireproof’ Out-Grosses Oscar-Winning Movies ‘Slumdog Millionaire’ and ‘Milk’

Several hours before the 22 February 2009 Academy Awards presentation was aired on television, National Public Radio (NPR) broadcast a seven-minute feature story about the January 2009 San Antonio Independent Christian Film Festival (SAICFF), and SAICFF’s efforts to showcase and reward hopeful films that honor Jesus Christ.

NPR Religion correspondent Barbara Bradley Hagerty opened her story, entitled “Christian Filmmakers Creating an Industry of Faith,” with this probing question: “What was the biggest grossing independent film in 2008? No, not ‘Slumdog Millionaire.’ Not ‘Milk.’ It was a movie you’ve probably never heard of.” [‘Fireproof’ starring Kirk Cameron].

SAICFF founder Doug Phillips commented, “The distinction between Hollywood’s toxic culture of death and the burgeoning Christian film movement of life was highlighted in bold this weekend. On the one hand, the world watched as Sean Penn accepted the ‘Best Male Actor’ award by the Academy for his portrayal of homosexual activist Harvey Milk, even as Kate Winslet received the ‘Best Female Actor’ trophy for her performance in ‘The Reader,’ a pornographic story about a female Nazi war criminal seducing a fifteen-year-old boy.”

Phillips added, “Those who attended our recent festival saw films rewarded that build up rather than tear down the family — independent films such as ‘Fireproof‘ that outsold ‘Milk‘ in theaters by a wide margin. Even as Hollywood fails, Christian filmmaking is prevailing in exalting virtue, and the San Antonio Independent Christian Film Festival is helping to lead the way in this important cultural reformation in the arts.”

+ Christian News Wire, 2020 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Washington DC 20006, 202-546-0054,

[7] International Expert on Celtic Spirituality to Preach at Woodlands Community Presbyterian Church

The Woodlands Community Presbyterian Church (Presbyterian Church (PCUSA)) of Woodlands, Texas on 20-22 March 2009 is hosting a series of sermons, lectures and meditations by the Rev. J. Philip Newell, a Church of Scotland minister and an internationally-recognized author and poet with an expertise in Celtic spirituality.

Newell’s Celtic spirituality teaches that people should take notice of God in all things—especially Christ’s creations in nature. Celtic spirituality values the presence of God in everyone and everything—including plants, animals, and all of nature [pantheism].

+ Woodlands Online, 25211 Grogan’s Mill Road, Suite 170, Spring, Texas 77380

+ Presbyterian Church (PCUSA), 100 Witherspoon Street, Louisville, Kentucky 40202, 888-728-7228, Fax: 502-569-8005

+ Church of Scotland, 121 George Street, Edinburgh, Scotland EH2 4YN, 0131-225-5722

[8] The Shack Author Speaks at Trinity Christian College

William Paul Young, author of the New York Times best seller, The Shack, spoke at of Trinity Christian College in Palos Heights, Illinois on 17 February 2009 on the question addressed in the fictional book, “Where is God in a world filled with such unspeakable pain?”

The answers that Young’s “somewhat autobiographical” protagonist Mackenzie Philips received from God challenged Philips’ beliefs about God’s character, power, mercy, and grace, as well as Philips’ perception of what it means to be loved by [God].

Young additionally addressed those who question his theology and his portrayal of God the Father as a gregarious African-American woman by asserting, “All imagery created to represent God is inadequate. God doesn’t fit into our categorical boxes.”

Young said that his continuing surprise at what he calls the “God thing,” is on the same order of magnitude as the surprise his readers express at his portrayal of the Holy Spirit as an Asian woman. Young says that the meaning of the portrayed character’s [Sanskrit (Hindu)] name “Sarayu” seems to represent how The Shack has affected so many of those who read the book, like “a wind that takes you by surprise.”

+ Trinity Christian College, 6601 West College Drive, Palos Heights, Illinois 60463, 866-874-6463,

+ Christian Reformed Church in North America, 2850 Kalamazoo Avenue Southeast, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49560, 616-241-1691, Fax: 616-224-0803

[9] Taiwan Church Renamed in Memory of Missionary Joyce McMillan

The Toa Pen Teng (Tai Ping Ding) Presbyterian Church in Taitung (Taichung) presbytery in Taiwan has changed its name to Toa Pen Teng Joyce McMillan Memorial Church in memory of missionary Joyce McMillan.

McMillan devoted her life to medical ministries and evangelism in Central Taiwan after coming to Taiwan in 1960.

+ Presbyterian Church in Taiwan

[10] RTS’s Dr. Frank James Accepts Provost Appointment at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary

Reformed Theological Seminary (RTS) Professor of Historical Theology, Vice President for Academic Affairs, and President of the RTS Orlando, Florida Campus, Dr. Frank James, has accepted the position of Provost at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in Boston, Massachusetts.

Dr. James will assume the new post after completion of the RTS Spring academic semester.

+ Reformed Theological Seminary Orlando, 1231 Reformation Drive, Oviedo, Florida 32765, 407-366-9493, Fax: 407-366-9425

[11] Inheritance Publications New Books for 2009

New books for 2009 from Inheritance Publications include:

Under the Inquisition A Story of the Reformation in Italy by Elizabeth H. Walshe
Calvin’s Doctrine of the Word and Sacrament by Ronald S. Wallace
The Czar – A Tale of the Time of the First Napoleon by Deborah Alcock
The Colonist of Southwest Africa by Lawrence Penning
The Carpenter of Zerbst – A Story from the Time of the Great Reformation by P. de Zeeuw, J. Gzn

+ Inheritance Publications, Box 154, Neerlandia, Alberta T0G 1R0, Canada, 780-674-3949, Fax: 775-890-9118

[12] Annual Dutch Supper 17 March 2009 at Hollandale Reformed Church

The Girls Everywhere Meeting the Savior (GEMS) Club is sponsoring their annual Dutch Supper 17 March 2009 from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. at the Hollandale Reformed Church in Hollandale, Minnesota.

Dutch specialty foods such as “Ollie Bollen,” Dutch meatballs, mashed potatoes and gravy, and many other side dishes will be served. Everyone is welcome to attend.

The GEMS Club is a non-denominational organization for girls grades three through eight, meeting at the Hollandale Christian Reformed Church two Tuesdays a month, and focuses upon forming Christian principles.

+ Albert Lea Tribune, 808 West Front Street, Albert Lea, Minnesota 56007, 507- 373-1411, Fax: 507-373-0333,

Reformed Church in America, 4500 60th Street Southeast, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49512, 800-968-6065,

+ Christian Reformed Church in North America, 2850 Kalamazoo Avenue Southeast, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49560, 616-241-1691, Fax: 616-224-0803

[13] Petrus van Mastricht’s Theoretico-Practica Theologia to be Translated from Latin and Dutch to English

The Dutch Reformed Translation Society (DRTS), is beginning the translation of late seventeenth-century theologian Petrus van Mastricht’s Theoretico-Practica Theologia.

Theoretico-Practica Theologia was especially influential in the Netherlands, and was highly praised by British-Colonial North American theologian Jonathan Edwards.

Theoretico-Practica Theologia is a three-part work, with most of its 1300 pages contained in part one. The newly translated version will likely be published in four volumes. The first volume is anticipated to be available in three-to-five years. Calvin Seminary Ph.D. student and expert in Latin and Dutch, Todd Rester, is performing the translation.

+, Vanderheide Publishing, Post Office Box 3006 Station LCD1, Langley, British Columbia V3A 4R3, 604-532-1733, Fax: 604-532-1734

[14] Presbyterian Church In Canada Offers Daily Biblical Devotion, Intercessory Prayer, Podcast

The Association For Church Renewal (ACR)’s most recent issue of Renewal News From The Mainline Church points out that the Presbyterian Church in Canada offers daily biblical devotion, intercessory prayer, and podcast feeds through their website saying:

“The ACR has been receiving the daily Bible readings and devotionals offered by the Presbyterian Church in Canada which are Biblically reliable and well done! They offer intercessory pray and a podcast of the daily devotionals. Check it out.”

+ Association For Church Renewal, Post Office Box 102, 182 High Street, Candia, New Hampshire 03034, 603-867-7711,

+ The Presbyterian Church in Canada, 50 Wynford Drive, Toronto, Ontario M3C 1J7, 416-441-1111, Fax: 416-441-2825,


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