Monday, February 24, 2025

11 November 2009

Wednesday, November 11, 2009, 13:01
This news item was posted in Presbyterians Week category.


Presbyterians Week Headlines

[1] Today is Armistice Day, Veterans Day, Remembrance Day, Poppy Day 2009
[2] Christian Minister Asks – Was Fort Hood Massacre a Hate Crime?
[3] Revolution Muslim Website Sends Fort Hood Jihad Mass Murderer Dr. Nidal Malik Hasan a “Get Well Soon” Blog Message
[4] ABC News Reports that U.S. Intelligence Agencies Knew Months Ago that Fort Hood Jihad Mass Murderer was Trying to Contact Al Qaeda
[5] Egyptian Police Arrest Christian Copt for Praying for Stroke Victim at Victim’s Home
[6] REC Sends Letter to REC and WARC South Africa, Clarifying Status of NHKA before REC’s and WARC’s 2010 Merger
[7] Wanganui, New Zealand, Mayor Echoes Eugenicist Margaret Sanger, Advocates Paying “Appalling Underclass” Not to Breed
[8] New Zealand Study Links Abortion with Anxiety and Depression
[9] Christian Defense Coalition Declares Exclusion of Abortion Coverage from House Health Care Bill signaling the “beginning of the end” for Abortion in America
[10] Concerned Women for America Condemns U.S. House of Representatives for Health Care Takeover
[11] Newly-Sworn-In New York Congressman Breaks Several Campaign Promises during First Twenty-Four Hours in Office
[12] California School Board Aims for Students to Get Abortions and other “Health Care” without Parents’ Knowledge
[13] Hope College Professor Characterizes the RCA as Suffering “The Mournful Sounds of Implosion”
[14] Bayly Blog Writer Analyzes the Common Christian College Dilemma between Academic Freedom and Scriptural Fidelity
[15] Canadian Reformed Churches Post on the Internet the Final Draft of Proposed Revisions to the Psalms of the Anglo-Genevan Psalter and the Hymn Section of the Book of Praise


[1] Today is Armistice Day, Veterans Day, Remembrance Day, Poppy Day 2009

11 November 2009 marks the 91st anniversary of the signing of the Armistice between the allies and Germany, ending World War I hostilities. This holiday is known as Veterans Day in the U.S., Remembrance Day or Poppy Day in Canada, and in Great Britain, is celebrated on the Sunday closest to 11 November as Remembrance Sunday.

On this Veterans Day 2009, the Christian Observer salutes Mr. Frank Buckles of Charles Town, West Virginia, 108, who is the last known surviving U.S. veteran of World War I. Mr. Buckles enlisted at sixteen years old, and served in France in the Army of the United States (AUS) as an ambulance driver, and after the war escorted captured prisoners home to Germany.

As a merchant seaman in the Philippines in 1941 when the Japanese invaded, Frank Buckles spent World War II in the Los Baños prison camp before being rescued in a 1945 raid by paratroopers from the 11th Airborne Division of the U.S. Army.

The editor’s paternal grandfather served in the AUS Corps of Engineers in World War I France, where he was seriously injured in a poison gas attack. He was later in life confined full-time to a Veterans Administration hospital due to the long-term effects of his war injuries, and died at age 72 in 1968.

The editor rejoices with Mr. Buckles and his family for his long and healthy life, and salutes Mr. Buckles, the last living link to the generation that fought the misnamed “War to End All Wars.”

+ U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, 810 Vermont Avenue Northwest, Washington DC 20420, 202-273-5400

+ Christian Observer, Post Office Box 1371, Lexington, Virginia 20110,


[2] Christian Minister Asks – Was Fort Hood Massacre a Hate Crime?

Pastor Rick Scarborough of Vision Action America on 6 November 2009 commented on Nidal Malik Hasan, MD, charged in the 5 November 2009 murders of thirteen people at the U.S. Army installation Fort Hood, Texas, saying: “We know that Dr. Hasan is a devout Muslim who once told a fellow officer that ‘Muslims have a right to stand up against the U.S. military.’ Clearly, [the 5 November 2009] rampage was not motivated by love. Given Hasan’s worldview, it’s probable that he was motivated in part by an animus toward Christians and Jews. Assuming that murder charges are brought against him, will Hasan also be charged with a hate crime?”

Commenting on the absurdity of hate crimes laws, Scarborough said: “If convicted, Hasan could face life in prison or the death penalty. Fanatics are not deterred by the prospect of an additional penalty for hating,” and predicted that the expansion of the federal Hate-Crimes statute, signed into law by President Obama recently, will not prevent crimes like the Fort Hood shootings, but will instead be used to silence dissent, commenting: “Gay activists will use it against preachers who present the Biblical view of homosexuality. Muslim groups will use it against those who speak the verifiable truth about Islam. The federal Hate Crimes Law doesn’t target crime, but free speech.”

Scarborough berated the double standard where Hasan was kept in the U.S. Army after a poor fitness report because of Hasan’s Muslim proselytizing of patients, verses what would have happened to a Christian doctor that witnessed to his patients.

+ Christian News Wire, 2020 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Washington DC 20006, 202-546-0054,

+ Vision Action America, Post Office Box 630850, Nacogdoches, Texas 75963, 936-559-0822,


[3] Revolution Muslim Website Sends Fort Hood Jihad Mass Murderer Dr. Nidal Malik Hasan a “Get Well Soon” Blog Message

Revolution Muslim website Amir and Chief Executive Officer Yousef al-Khattab in a 7 November 2009 article titled, “An Officer & a Gentleman,” displays a picture of Fort Hood jihad mass murderer Dr. Nidal Malik Hasan and says: “An officer and a gentleman was injured while partaking in a preemptive (as opposed to a [sic] USA‘s “Preventive War”(aka war crimes)) attack. Get Well Soon Major Nidal[.] We Love You[.] We do NOT denounce this officer’s actions, we do however apologize for the following acts committed by our country[U.S.]:

— Bay [Gulf] of Tonkin
— The East Timor Massacre by USA Supported Suharto
1902 Samar Massacre in the Philippines by the USMC
— 1,000,000 Dead Iraqis
— Afghani[s] & Pakistanis Killed by the USA
— Starvation of Africa & Rape of it’s [sic] Resources by the USA
— Support of the Brutal “Israeli” Occupation Entity
— Etc. Etc.

Every day is Fort Hood for the world community due to USA policies and & [sic] their tyrant totalitarian puppet regimes. Rest assure [sic] the slain terrorists at Fort Hood are in the eternal hellfire and it is not to [sic] late for YOU to change your policies.”

Al-Khattab’s letter-style closing was: “Sharing a Smile with The International Community,”

+ Revolution Muslim, 718-312-8203,


[4] ABC News Reports that U.S. Intelligence Agencies Knew Months Ago that Fort Hood Jihad Mass Murderer was Trying to Contact Al Qaeda

A 9 November 2009 ABC News article reports that U.S. intelligence agencies knew months ago that Fort Hood jihad mass murderer U.S. Army Maj. Dr. Nidal Malik Hasan was attempting to make contact with al Qaeda.

The article says that Hasan attended the Dar al-Hijrah mosque in Falls Church, Virginia, in 2001 when 11 September 2001 hijackers Nawaf al-Hamzi and Hani Hanjour attended the same mosque.

The article further reports that Hasan, in San Diego, California, made contact with two of the 11 September 2001 hijackers who were in the group that subsequently destroyed the two World Trade Center towers in New York City, crashed an airplane into the Pentagon, and crashed a plane into the ground in Pennsylvania when the passengers moved to thwart the hijackers plan to crash into the White House or the U.S. Capitol.

+ ABC News, 7 West 66th Street, New York, New York 10023, Contact Page

+ Newsmax, Post Office Box 20989, West Palm Beach, Florida 33416, 561-686-1165, Fax: 561-686-3350


[5] Egyptian Police Arrest Christian Copt for Praying for Stroke Victim at Victim’s Home

Egyptian State Security police, on 24 October 2009, arrested Christian Copt Pastor Elia Shafik for praying “without a license,” after Maurice Salama Sharkawy had invited the pastor to his home to conduct the sacrament of the ‘Anointing of the Sick’ for his sick father, who had suffered a stroke. Sharkawy and several of his cousins attending the prayers were handcuffed, taken to jail, interrogated, and accused of carrying out “religious rites without a license” and “causing sectarian sedation” for inviting a Christian Coptic priest into their village.

The police raided the home prayer meeting after Muslim neighbors complained to the village mayor.

+ Assyrian International News Agency


[6] REC Sends Letter to REC and WARC South Africa, Clarifying Status of NHKA before REC’s and WARC’s 2010 Merger

The Reformed Ecumenical Council (REC) has sent a letter to the South African branches of the REC and the World Alliance of Reformed Churches (WARC), concerning and clarifying the status of the [Dutch] Netherdutch Reformed Church of Africa (NHKA) related to the union of the REC and the WARC scheduled for the summer of 2010 at Calvin College in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

The primary issue addressed in the letter was the concern that
the NHKA has not repudiated apartheid as theological heresy, and would
attend the REC/WARC union meeting in 2010 as a member of the REC since 2005.

+Reformed Ecumenical Council, 2050 Breton Road Southeast, Suite 102, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49546, 616-949-2910,

+ World Alliance of Reformed Churches, 150 route de Ferney, Post Office Box 2100, 1211 Geneva 2, Switzerland, 41-22-791-6240, Fax: 41-22-791-6505,

+ Dutch Reformed Church of Africa (Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk van Afrika), c/o Monsignor J.F. Viljoen, 012-332-8885, Fax: 012-322-7909,

+ Christian Reformed Church in North America, 2850 Kalamazoo Avenue Southeast, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49560, 616-241-1691, Fax: 616-224-0803

+ Calvin College 3201 Burton Southeast,Grand Rapids, Michigan49546, 616-526-6000


[7] Wanganui, New Zealand, Mayor Echoes Eugenicist Margaret Sanger, Advocates Paying “Appalling Underclass” Not to Breed

Wanganui, New Zealand mayor Michael Laws has proposed dealing with New Zealand’s child abuse problem by financially compensating what Laws calls the “appalling underclass” not to breed, commenting: “…there is a group within our society who give their children no hope nor opportunity from the moment that they are born….these ‘parents’ are known to authorities…and yet the authorities can only intervene after children have been harmed…[I]t would be far better for this appalling underclass to be offered financial inducements not to have children, given the toxic environment that they would provide for any child in their care.”

Laws garnered headlines in September 2009 by refusing to honor the late Tongan King Tupou IV, who died in Auckland, New Zealand, on 10 September 2009, calling the king a “brown slug” that lived as an aristocrat in a country where non-aristocratic citizens live in poverty.

+ News Digital Media, Level 23, 175 Liverpool Street, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, 61-2-9288-3000,

+ The New Zealand Herald, Post Office Box 32, Auckland, New Zealand, 09-379-5050, Fax: 09-373-6421, Contact Page


[8] New Zealand Study Links Abortion with Anxiety and Depression

A New Zealand study published in the British Journal of Psychiatry links abortion with subsequent anxiety and depression, and questions whether abortions can be justified for mental health reasons.

Janet Morana, co-founder of the Silent No More Awareness Campaign (SNMAC), the world’s largest network of individuals harmed by abortion, comments: “Science has for years been supporting what we already know from the public testimonies and the private devastation of post-abortive women. This study is one more rock on a mountain of evidence that when a woman terminates a life she has been nurturing, she cannot anesthetize her soul.”

SNMAC co-founder Georgette Forney comments: “The New Zealand study, published in the British Journal of Psychiatry, in its own words calls into question whether abortions can be justified for mental health reasons. It’s ironic that this study comes out as leaders in Congress try to expand access to abortion in the name of health care. In effect, pro-abortion politicians are seeking to cover a procedure that will only lead to more costly mental health care services down the road.”

+ Christian News Wire, 2020 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Washington DC 20006, 202-546-0054,

+ Silent No More Awareness Campaign , c/o Georgette Forney, Anglicans for Life, 405 Frederick Avenue, Sewickley, Pennsylvania 15143, 412-749-0455,

+ British Journal of Psychiatry,17 Belgrave Square, London SW1X 8PG, England, 20-7235-2351, Fax: 20-7245-1231,


[9] Christian Defense Coalition Declares Exclusion of Abortion Coverage from House Health Care Bill signaling the “beginning of the end” for Abortion in America

Reacting to the U.S. House of Representatives on 7 November 2009 passing the Health Care Bill minus provisions for government funding of abortion, Christian Defense Coalition Director and Reformed Presbyterian pastor the Rev. Pat Mahoney commented:

“This historic vote in the United States House of Representatives signals the beginning of the end for ‘Roe v. Wade.’ President Obama made taxpayer funded abortions a key part of his presidential campaign and it was strongly supported by Speaker Pelosi and House leadership. Pro-choice groups spent millions of dollars to have taxpayer funded abortions included in healthcare legislation to no avail. It is important to note that taxpayer funded abortions were excluded from the healthcare bill because of the votes of Democrats in the House, not conservative Republicans. This vote shows what recent national polls have demonstrated, and that is — America is turning away from abortion and embracing human rights and a culture of life. The pro-life community must now passionately and prayerfully work to ensure that taxpayer funded abortions are not a part of the Senate bill or any final vote on healthcare. The House got it right. Abortion is Not healthcare.”

+ Christian News Wire, 2020 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Washington DC 20006, 202-546-0054,

+ Christian Defense Coalition, Post Office Box 77168, Washington DC 20013, 202-547-1735,


[10] Concerned Women for America Condemns U.S. House of Representatives for Health Care Takeover

Commenting on the 7 November 2009 passage of the Pelosi Health Care Bill by the U.S. House of Representatives, Concerned Women for America (CWA) President Wendy Wright said:

“This monstrous bill will ration and deny health care, pay for coercive ‘end of life planning.’ create multiple bureaucracies that will control Americans’ health care, penalize Americans for not buying a product, fine Americans if a government agent decides their health care plan is not ‘government approved,’ and may force Americans to buy government mandated insurance that funds objectionable procedures. Although an amendment passed to bar federal funding of abortion, Democrat leaders refused to guarantee that it will be in the final bill. The vote on the amendment may have been a ruse to gain pro-life Democrats vote for the bill. This bill will erode the best health care system in the world. In exchange for insurance, we’ll lose access to proper health care. We’ll lose health care providers who will leave the profession. CWA will fight to protect Americans from this government orchestrated destruction of America‘s health care system as it now goes to the Senate.”

+ Christian News Wire, 2020 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Washington DC 20006, 202-546-0054,

+ Concerned Women for America, 1015 Fifteenth Street Northwest, Suite 1100, Washington DC 20005, 202-488-7000, Fax: 202-488-0806


[11] Newly-Sworn-In New York Congressman Breaks Several Campaign Promises during First Twenty-Four Hours in Office

A 6 November 2009 article by writer Nathan Barker in The Gouverneur Times documents how newly-sworn-in Congressman Bill Owens (23rd District, New York) broke several campaign promises during Owens’ first twenty-four hours in office.

Barker writes that Owens campaigned against several specifics aspects of the health care bill being debated in Congress, including the public option, reducing Medicare benefits, taxing health care benefits, increasing taxes on the middle class in any way, and providing benefits for illegal aliens; yet Owens voted his first full day in office for the Health Care Bill containing all of these provisions. Barker did point out that Owens changed his position on the public option in a 30 October 2009 debate, four days before the election.

Barker concludes: “The mixed-up mess that was the 23rd Congressional District Special Election was a close race between Democrat Bill Owens and Conservative Doug Hoffman. Many feel that it was unlikely Mr. Owens would have won those crucial few thousand votes if the voting public was aware of his intent with regard to the Health Care bill. The majority of residents in this district do not support the Health Reform bill as it is now written and many feel like they’ve become victims of a fraud perpetrated by their chosen candidate. Breaking campaign promises is not unusual for politicians…it’s a cliche. This is almost certainly a record though. Mr. Owens broke no less than four promises in his first twenty-four hours in office.”

+ The Gouverneur Times, Gouverneur, New York, 315-750-4042, Fax: 315-222-7350,

+ Congressman Bill Owens, 2366 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington DC 20515, 202-225-4611, Fax: 202-226-0621, Contact Form


[12] California School Board Aims for Students to Get Abortions and other “Health Care” without Parents’ Knowledge

The school board of San Juan Unified, near San Francisco, California, has held an initial hearing to quietly revise the district’s student absence policy to make clear that parents will not be notified if their children in grades seven through twelve leave school to get “confidential medical services,” such as abortions, contraceptives, and drug abuse counseling.

Pacific Justice Institute President Brad Dacus lives in the San Juan Unified School District, and commented, “It is wrong for a school district to hide students’ medical needs from their parents, who are morally and legally responsible for them. Fortunately for parents and voters, there is still a small window of time to contact the San Juan school board and oppose this proposal before it becomes official district policy.”

+ Pacific Justice Institute, Post Office Box 276600, Sacramento, California 95827, 916-857-6900 Fax: 916-857-6902,

+ San Juan District Office, 3738 Walnut Avenue, Carmichael, California 95608, 916-971-7700,


[13] Hope College Professor Characterizes the RCA as Suffering “The Mournful Sounds of Implosion”

In the November 2009 issue of Perspectives, “A Journal of Reformed Thought,” published by the Reformed Church in America (RCA), Hope College Professor of Sociology Donald A. Luidens writes in an essay called “The Mournful Sounds of Implosion,” about what Professor Luidens considers to be the ongoing collapse of the RCA denomination.

Professor Luidens presents six items of concern for consideration, including Identity Dissolution, Ideological Messiness, Theological Muddiness, Numerological Numbness, Congregational Particularism, and Financial Failures, concluding:

“A great deal of energy and a lot of human and financial resources are being expended in an effort to preserve the life of the RCA….[M]any of us have an abiding love for all that this ship of faith has borne over the centuries. But it is time to begin to think of what is coming in its wake…. [T]here are patterns beyond our individual control that are compressing the RCA in ways which spell its impending demise. The denominational craft has carried us far, but its time is up. It has sprung debilitating leaks which can no longer be plugged. It is time to look for a new vehicle, or collation of vehicles, to move the church faithfully and compellingly into the 21st century.”

+ Reformed Church in America, 4500 60th Street Southeast, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49512, 800-968-6065,

+ Hope College, Holland, Michigan 49423, 616-395-7780, Fax: 616-395-7111,


[14] Bayly Blog Writer Analyzes the Common Christian College Dilemma between Academic Freedom and Scriptural Fidelity

Bayly Blog writer Tim Bayly, in a 4 November 2009 article titled “Christianity Left Behind…,” discusses the current dilemmas being faced by several Christian Colleges including Calvin College and Wheaton College between scriptural fidelity and the culture “…moving toward the normalization of sodomy…,” the result of which “…is the silencing of Scripture’s denunciation of sodomy as an abomination before the Lord.” Bayly points out that this cultural shift has only happened after “…abominations such as fornication, unbiblical divorce and remarriage, and adultery have already been normalized….”

Bayly continues: “There’s no conviction of sin going on–none at all. Instead, we’re busy balancing compassion and doctrine….[T]he denial of Scripture formerly reserved for mainline liberals has made much progress among evangelicals. Most evangelicals are liberals, now, although they’re lulled to sleep by weekly rest stops in pews where they hear reassuring talk of being “born again” and having “a personal relationship with Jesus.” There’s no doctrine, though; no membership and submission to elders, no fencing the Lord’s Table, no preaching, no repentance; and thus, no Christian faith.”

Bayly reviews the ongoing discussions, procedures, and controversies in evangelical denominations and their affiliated institutions of higher education, focusing upon Calvin College faculty’s formal objection to the trustee’s earlier reminder of the prohibition of advocacy for homosexuality and same-sex marriage, concluding:

“Yes, yes; always more discussion. No firings. No terminations. No repudiation of tenure. Only more discussions. While our precious children are being led to Hell–the place where discussions of abominations have no end.”

+ Bayly Blog,

+ Calvin College 3201 Burton Southeast, Grand Rapids, Michigan49546, 616-526-6000

+ Wheaton College, 501 College Avenue, Wheaton, Illinois 60187, 630- 752-5000,


[15] Canadian Reformed Churches Post on the Internet the Final Draft of Proposed Revisions to the Psalms of the Anglo-Genevan Psalter and the Hymn Section of the Book of Praise

The Standing Committee for the Publication of the Book of Praise of the Canadian Reformed Churches (CARC) has posted a summary of the final draft of proposed revisions to the Psalms of the Anglo-Genevan Psalter and the hymn section of the Book of Praise on the Internet at

The full report, which will soon be made available to the CARC churches, will be presented to General Synod Burlington [Ontario, Canada], 2010.

Presbyterians Week for 1 July 2009, in the article “[6] Free Reformed Churches of Australia Conduct Synod Legana 2009 in Legana, Tasmania, 15-24 June 2009,” reported that: “The [Free Reformed Churches of Australia Synod Legana 2009] voted to examine revisions being made to the CARC Book of Praise, especially the completely revised Psalter and those of the twenty-eight proposed additional hymns to be adopted by the CARC Synod 2010.”

+ Canadian Reformed Churches,

+ Free Reformed Churches of Australia, c/o Post Office Box 526,
Armadale, Western Australia 6992, Australia


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