Sunday, February 23, 2025

12 January 2011

Wednesday, January 12, 2011, 0:06
This news item was posted in Presbyterians Week category.


Presbyterians Week Headlines


[1] Chuck Colson to Deliver Address at 11 February 2011 Inauguration of RTS-Orlando, Florida, President Dr. Donald W. Sweeting

[2] End-of-Life Planning Provision References Deleted from New Medicare Regulations

[3] Christian Anti-Defamation Commission Publishes Top Ten Ant-Christian Events of 2010

[4] California Appellate Court Rules Home School Teachers Must Have State Government Recognized Teaching Credentials

[5] Mid-East Synod of the Presbyterian Church of Nigeria Leaving to Establish Reformed Presbyterian Church of Nigeria

[6] Presbyterian Minister in Korea Assaulted by Two Junior Ministers



[1] Chuck Colson to Deliver Address at 11 February 2011 Inauguration of RTS-Orlando, Florida, President Dr. Donald W. Sweeting

Dr. Donald W. Sweeting will be inaugurated as president of Reformed Theological SeminaryOrlando (RTS-Orlando) in Oviedo, Florida, at 4:00 p.m. on 11 February 2011.

Chuck Colson, founder of Prison Fellowship and former aide to the late President Richard M. Nixon, will deliver the address.

The inauguration ceremony will be preceded by a 1:00 p.m. Scholars Forum, with several noted scholars discussing “The Future of the New Calvinism and Evangelicalism in the 21st Century,” including Dr. Bruce Ware of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Dr. John Woodbridge of Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, Dr. Michael Allen  of Knox Theological Seminary, and Dr. Scott Swain of RTSOrlando.


+ Reformed Theological SeminaryOrlando, 1231 Reformation Drive, Oviedo, Florida 32765, 407-366-9493, Fax: 407-366-9425

+ The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2825 Lexington Road, Louisville, Kentucky 40280, 800-626-5525, Contact Page

+ Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, 2065 Half Day Road, Deerfield, Illinois 60015, 800-345-8337,

+ Knox Theological Seminary, 5554 North Federal Highway Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33308, 954-771-0376, Fax: 954-351-3343,



[2] End-of-Life Planning Provision References Deleted from New Medicare Regulations

A 4 January 2011 article by Robert Pear in the New York Times titled “U.S. Alters Rule on Paying for End-of-Life Planning” reports that the administration of U.S. President Barack Hussein Obama will delete references to end-of-life planning from the annual physical exam provisions for Medicare recipients under the new health care legislation.

End-of-life planning proposals for the new health care law were dropped from the legislation due to widespread fears that the provisions would lead to government rationing of health care through resultant ‘death panels’. The end-of-life planning provisions were not contained in the proposed rules published in July 2010 for public comment, but appeared in the final regulation published in the Federal Register in late November 2010.


+ New York Times, 620 Eighth Avenue, New York, New York 10018, 212- 556-1234,



[3] Christian Anti-Defamation Commission Publishes Top Ten Ant-Christian Events of 2010, a ministry of the Christian Anti-Defamation Commission, recently conducted an online poll of what were the Top Ten Anti-Christian Events in 2010, which resulted in the following list:

10. Eighty-eight Pro-Lifers were arrested for protesting President Obama’s participation at a leading Catholic university, Notre Dame, and await trial for standing up for true Christian values.

9. Southern Poverty Law Center; A liberal ACLU-like organization that has continued to label many Christian organizations that hold traditional values as “hate groups” in lists that include violent racists groups.

8. Larry Grard; Christian journalist fired from his job for sending an e-mail from his personal account on his own time in support of traditional marriage.

7. Stephen Ocean and Tite Sufra; two young men who were murdered in Boynton Beach, Florida while out sharing the gospel in their neighborhood.

6. Chai Feldblum; a liberal law professor and open lesbian, appointed to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Feldblum stated that in any conflict that might arise between religious liberty and homosexual “rights” she would have a hard time coming up with any case in which religious liberty should win; or “Gay’s win; Christians lose.”

5. Michigan Muslims attack AGAIN; Christians attacked, denied their civil rights and falsely arrested for disorderly conduct at a public festival for peacefully sharing the gospel. This happened the previous year, too. They were again acquitted of all charges.

4. Elena Kagan; President Obama’s radical appointment to the Supreme Court bench. While serving under the Clinton Administration, Kagan successfully corrupted unfavorable evidence on partial birth abortion to deceive the Supreme Court.

3. Julea Ward and Jennifer Keeton; two women expelled from their respective Master’s programs in counseling at two different universities because they wouldn’t deny their faith and affirm the validity of the homosexual lifestyle.

2. Vaughn Walker; California judge who overturned Proposition 8, a State Constitutional Marriage Amendment, and the will of the people by making homosexual marriage legal.

1. Employment Non-Discrimination Act; a proposed federal bill that would force ministries to hire people who oppose their beliefs or who live in open defiance of their values.


+ Christian Anti-Defamation Commission, Post Office Box 1115, Vista, California 92085, 866-508-2232, Fax: 760-630-2232,



[4] California Appellate Court Rules Home School Teachers Must Have State Government Recognized Teaching Credentials

A January 2011 article by Seema Mehta and Mitchell Landsberg in the Los Angeles Times titled “Ruling Seen as a Threat to Many Home-Schooling Families” reports that the California Appellate Court recently ruled that home school teachers must have state government recognized teaching credentials.

Enforcement of the appeals court decision is unlikely pending an appeal to the California Supreme Court.


+ Los Angeles Times, 202 West 1st Street, Los Angeles, California 90012,  213-237-5000, Fax: 213-237-7679, Contact Page



[5] Mid-East Synod of the Presbyterian Church of Nigeria Leaving to Establish Reformed Presbyterian Church of Nigeria

An 11 January 2011 article by Kenneth Ofoma on titled “Nigeria: East Synod Forms New Presbyterian Church” reports that the Mid-East Synod of the Presbyterian Church of Nigeria (PCN) has announced a breakaway from the PCN to form the Reformed Presbyterian Church of Nigeria (RPCN).

RPCN steering committee spokesman the Rev. Eze Nwonu Eze said that the current PCN is being administered by powerful interest groups that arrogate to themselves the power to set aside the Church’s constitution, laws, policies, and procedures that have guided the PCN for more than 164 years, not by the graded and constituted courts of the Church.

Mr. Eze alleges that the PCN General Assembly Administration considers the Mid-East Synod to be an inconsequential Synod which should be seen, exploited, and not heard, which is against natural justice and principles of Presbyterian democracy.

The crisis between the PCN and the Mid-East Synod began in 2010 when the General Assembly inaugurated a General Assembly Moderator, the position of which being strongly opposed by elders of the PCN Mid East Synod.

Article “[3] Presbyterian Church of Nigeria Indefinitely Suspends Seven Clergy, Two Elders, and Three Others for Alleged Acts of Insubordination and Lawlessness Capable of Destabilizing the Church and Causing a Breach of Public Peace” in the 5 January 2011 Presbyterians Week reported that Mr. Eze was one of twelve ministers, elders, and church members suspended indefinitely from the PCN by the PCN General Assembly Executive Committee.


+, 920 M Street Southeast, Washington DC 20003, 202- 546-0777, Fax: 202-546-0676

+ Presbyterian Church of Nigeria, 26 Ehere Road, Post Office Box 2635, Aba, Abia State, Nigeria, 082-234-780



[6] Presbyterian Minister in Korea Assaulted by Two Junior Ministers

A 4 January 2011 article in The Korea Herald titled “Lee’s Church in Pastor Punch-Up” reports that the Rev. Kim Jie-chul of the Somang Presbyterian Church in southern Seoul, Korea, on 2 January 2011 was assaulted by two junior pastors protesting their reduced duties in the church, one being fired in 2010 and the other being assigned no duties for 2011.

Pastor Kim was assaulted by the two in the church office, sustained broken bones around one eye, and was hospitalized.

The two junior pastors admitted to attacking Pastor Kim, but said that Kim assaulted them too. Police planned to question Pastor Kim about the assault when his medical condition improved.

The Somang Presbyterian Church has suffered internal divisions between supporters and opponents of the pastor since 2003 when Pastor Kim began to lead the church.


+ The Korea Herald, C.P.O. Box 6479, Postal Code: 100-120, Seoul, Korea, 02- 727-0205, 0206, Fax: 02-727-0670,

+ Presbyterian Church of Korea, 02-3499-7600,


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