Wednesday, February 26, 2025

12 November 2014

Wednesday, November 12, 2014, 19:56
This news item was posted in Presbyterians Week category.



Presbyterians Week Headlines


[1] Presbyterian Church in Northern Ireland (PCI) Spray Painted with Irish Republican Army Graffiti Prior to Remembrance Day

[2] Free Church of Scotland Moderator Elect the Rev. David Robertson Condemns Scottish Secular Society Efforts to Forbid Teaching of Creationism in Publically Funded Schools and Colleges

[3] Thoughts on Logos 6 – and a Fifteen Percent Discount

[4] Easton, Pennsylvania Area Teacher Pleads Guilty to Stealing Nearly US$318,000 from First Presbyterian Church of Easton



[1] Presbyterian Church in Northern Ireland (PCI) Spray Painted with Irish Republican Army Graffiti Prior to Remembrance Day

A 9 November 2014 BBC article titled “Greystone Presbyterian Church graffiti Attack ‘Absolute Disgrace’” reports that just prior to Remembrance Day, Irish Republican Army graffiti reading “Free Colin Duffy – IRA” was spray painted on the Greystone Presbyterian Church in Antrim, Northern Ireland.

Representatives of the Progressive Unionist Party, the Roman Catholic Church, and Sinn Féin all condemned the action, with the MP for South Antrim, the Democratic Unionist Party‘s William McCrea saying:

“Those behind this only want to heighten tension and cause maximum division.”


+ BBC, 201 Wood Lane, London W12 7TS, England, Fax: 020-8008-2398

+ Presbyterian Church in Ireland, Church House, Belfast BT1 6DW, Northern Ireland, 028-9032-2284, Fax: 028-9041-7301,

+ The Vatican, Città del Vaticano, Rome, Italy, 39-6-69-88-35-11, Fax: 39-6-69-88-54-47, Contact Page



[2] Free Church of Scotland Moderator Elect the Rev. David Robertson Condemns Scottish Secular Society Efforts to Forbid Teaching of Creationism in Publically Funded Schools and Colleges

An 8 November 2014 The Herald article titled “Free Kirk Leader Attacks ‘Militant Atheists’ over Creationism Ban” reports that Free Church of Scotland Moderator Elect the Rev. David Robertson has condemned efforts by the Scottish Secular Society to forbid the teaching of creationism in publically funded schools and colleges.

Ahead of this week’s Scottish Parliament’s Public Petitions Committee hearings on this measure where the SSS will make its case, Robertson said the SSS was seeking to “impose an atheistic philosophy on children”:

“Since when was science ­determined by MSPs? Once we have politicians telling science teachers what to teach, on the advice of one particular faith belief, then we are in real trouble.

“Could we not have a more tolerant and Christian view of science? And could we not ­encourage children to think about the issues for themselves, rather than just tell them what to think?

“The ­secularist faith tells them that there can be no intelligent design, because of course they do not want to believe even in the possibility of a designer.

“However in this they are not being scientific – they are just seeking to impose their religious view upon the whole of society.

“It is desperately disappointing that secularists believe the key danger in 21st-century Scotland is apparently creationism, not the twenty per cent of Scottish children who live in poverty, nor the many thousands who have faced the ravages of sexual abuse and drug addiction.”


+ The Herald, 200 Renfield Street, Glasgow, Scotland G2 3QB, 0141- 302-7000, Fax: 0141-302-7117,

+ Free Church of Scotland, 15 North Bank Street, The Mound, Edinburgh, Scotland EH1 2LS, 0131-226-5286, Fax: 0131-220-0597,



[3] Thoughts on Logos 6 – and a Fifteen Percent Discount

By the Rev. Dr. Michael Milton

There are a number of very good Bible reference programs available to the public. Logos 6, which has just been released, may have just surpassed them all. Innovative design, tradition-specific reference libraries (e.g., Anglican, Reformed, Pentecostal), and a robust engine “under the hood” converge to bring about this remarkable product. But no single feature of Logos 6 is as amazing as the total: a fully searchable collection that seems to make the Royal Library at Alexander diminutive. That the vicar in a small, rural parish church or an assistant pastor in an urban congregation can, now, access a theological library that an Archbishop of Canterbury would have given his best miter to own is not only mind-boggling thought, but an incredibly satisfying reality.

I would like to see the development of an English literature-based library integrated with the theological library (for as Western culture continues its unabated erosion the repository of English Literature offers the pastor, professor, student, and scholar the nourishment of the mind; and our people will need to see how faith and life can, in fact, work together in the mysteries of life “under the sun”). Such a collection will be needed. Let’s hope that the seemingly unending aisles of digital books will soon include the Great Books.

One more thing: I might, personally, prefer the inexpressible joys of reading one old book, feeling its fragile page in my fingers, reading the notes of previous owners, now with the Lord, and smelling the binding. Nothing will ever completely replace a single good book. But I admit that having access to other books via a program like Logos 6 is a powerful tool.

Of course none of this is as important as the fire of holy burden burning inside of the preacher’s bones, but having a collection like Logos 6 to stoke that fire is pretty nice.

+ + +

I commend Logos 6 with joy. There is a URL that has been created for our readers. While I think the product is a good one I want to say that I have received no incentive for this review and have no financial interest with sales related to the Logos 6 site. It is provided only to help our readers save on any purchases they might want to make. Thus, if you click on and decide to purchase anything, you will receive fifteen percent off of any of your purchases there (as of this writing).


+ Faith for Living, 3122 Fincher Farm Road, Suite 100, Box 552, Matthews, North Carolina 28105

+ Logos Bible Software, 1313 Commercial Street, Bellingham, Washington 98225, 360) 527-1700, Fax: 360) 527-1707,



[4] Easton, Pennsylvania Area Teacher Pleads Guilty to Stealing Nearly US$318,000 from First Presbyterian Church of Easton

A 29 October 2014 Lehigh Valley Live article by Kurt Bresswein titled “Easton Area Teacher on Leave Admits Stealing Nearly $318,000 from Church” reports that Easton Area Middle School of Easton, Pennsylvania teacher Ann Marie Ballentine pleaded guilty 29 October 2014 to the theft of $317,937 from First Presbyterian Church of Easton (Presbyterian Church (PCUSA)).

Ms. Ballentine has been free on US$15,000 bail since 30 January 2014 when she was arraigned. Officials at First Presbyterian Church lobbied for her release.

Ballentine has been on unpaid leave from her job as a special education instructor. Her attorney said that Ms. Ballentine’s focus is on paying back the church the money she took and protecting her teaching job.


+ Lehigh Valley Live, 30 North 4th Street, Easton, Pennsylvania 18042, 610-258-7171, Contact Page

+ Presbyterian Church (PCUSA), 100 Witherspoon Street, Louisville, Kentucky 40202, 888-728-7228, Fax: 502-569-8005



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