Sunday, February 23, 2025

14 January 2009

Wednesday, January 14, 2009, 14:55
This news item was posted in Presbyterians Week category.


Presbyterians Week Headlines

[1] Death of Jack F. Heinsohn, D.D.
[2] Death of Asia Missionary Ruth Z. Eschbach
[3] Death of Dorothy Jane Mersereau Carson

[4] The Widow’s Might Wins “Best of Festival” at the Fifth Annual San Antonio Independent Christian Film Festival
[5] Advisory on PCUSA Constitutional Amendments A-N Available
[6] Christian Defense Coalition Gets Mixed 1st Amendment Messages from Presidential Inaugural Authorities
[7] Oak Hill Christian School Offers Online High School Stylized Writing Course
[8] Upcoming Calvin Synod Classis Meetings
[9] Physician Needed for Medical Mission to South Sudan
[10] 2009 Fifth Annual Christian Worldview Essay Contest Announced by The Trinity Foundation
[11] Reformed Churches in South Africa Holds First Integrated Synod
[12] Florida Republican Party Won’t Recognize Pastor as State Committeeman
[13] RCNZ Summer Camp Youth Help a Local Community
[14] Columnist Excoriates British Prime Minister and Church of Scotland “Son of the Manse” Gordon Brown
[15] Church of Scotland Leaders Defend Appointment of Homosexual Minister to Aberdeen, Scotland’s Queen’s Cross Church
[16] Church of Scotland Warns of Minister Shortage in Moray, Scotland

[1] Death of Jack F. Heinsohn, D.D.

Dr. Jack Farnam Heinson, 81, retired homiletics professor at Erskine Theological Seminary and the supply minister for Providence Associate Reformed Presbyterian (ARP) Church in Clinton, South Carolina, died 11 January 2009.

A graveside service was held at the Stonewall Jackson Cemetery in Lexington, Virginia, on 14 January 2009, and a memorial service will be held at the Due West (South Carolina) ARP Church on 17 January 2009 at 2:00 p.m.

+ Associate Reformed Presbyterian Center, 1 Cleveland Street Suite 110, Greenville, South Carolina, 29601, 864-232-8297, Fax: 864-271-3729

[2] Death of Asia Missionary Ruth Z. Eschbach

Word has been received that former Presbyterian Church (PCUSA) Asia missionary and Presbyterian Women leader Ruth Z. Eschbach, 92, died on 30 November 2008 in Berea, Kentucky.

Eschbach was born in China to Presbyterian missionaries. In 1940, she married Donald E. Zimmerman and left for Japan to begin a missionary career. As relations between Japan and the U.S. deteriorated, the Zimmermans transferred to the China mission field and went to the Philippines to study Chinese. When Japan overran the Philippines, the Zimmermans were interned as civilian prisoners of war from 1941-1945. Ruth served as a teacher in the camp.

After the Zimmerman’s release, they returned to the U.S. where Donald Zimmerman became a pastor and Ruth became a leader and later a staff member for Presbyterian Women. She was president of United Presbyterian Women from 1961-1964 and served on the staff from 1968-1983, the last 10 years as coordinator of Presbyterian Women.

Ruth Eschbach is survived by her son, Richard, her daughter, Sally; stepsons James and Robert Eschbach; six grandchildren, and twelve great-grandchildren.

+ Presbyterian Church (PCUSA), 100 Witherspoon Street, Louisville, Kentucky 40202, 888-728-7228, Fax: 502-569-8005

[3] Death of Dorothy Jane Mersereau Carson

Dorothy Jane Mersereau Carson, 76, died in her Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania home on 7 January 2009.

Mrs. Carson was the wife for fifty-six years of Dr. James Carson, who helped found Westminster Seminary(California) (WSCAL), was a member of and later chairman of the WSCAL board of trustees, and later served as WSCAL Dean of Students and Director of Field Education.

A memorial service for Mrs. Carson was held on 12 January 2009 at the College Hill Reformed Presbyterian Church in Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania.

+ Westminster Seminary, 1725 Bear Valley Parkway, Escondido, California 92027, 760-480-8474, 760-480-0252,

[4] The Widow’s Might Wins “Best of Festival” at the Fifth Annual San Antonio Independent Christian Film Festival

At the Fifth Annual San Antonio Independent Christian Film Festival award ceremony on 10 January 2009, the “Best of Festival” Jubilee Award, including a US$101 thousand cash prize, the single largest cash prize of any film festival in the United States, went to “The Widow’s Might,” a feature length film telling the fictional story of how aspiring filmmakers aid an elderly widow who faced losing her home due to rising property taxes. The film was written and directed by John Moore, 19, of Kaufman, Texas, and was produced by David Heustis and Jeff Moreland.

Additionally, “The Widow’s Might” was runner-up for “Best Feature,” and came away with the “Audience Choice Award,” receiving more than twice the votes of the closest contender.

Fireproof,” a Sherwood Pictures film that explores a firefighter’s struggle to save his failing marriage, starring Kirk Cameron and written, produced, and directed by Alex and Stephen Kendrick won the “Best Feature Film” award.

The Terri Schiavo Story,” a two-part television series that follows the Schindler family’s long and highly emotional struggle to save their daughter’s life, hosted by Joni Eareckson Tada and directed and produced by Ken Carpenter of Franklin Films, received the “Best Documentary” Award.

+ Christian News Wire, 2020 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Washington DC 20006, 202-546-0054,


[5] Advisory on PCUSA Constitutional Amendments A-N Available

The Joint Renewal Team (JRT) of The Presbyterian Coalition has published a document, “Commentary and Recommendations on Proposed Amendments and Ecumenical Statements Sent Down from the 218th General Assembly for Votes in the Presbyteries,” to assist Presbyterian Church (PCUSA) presbyteries to prepare for upcoming votes on the amendments.

The JRT made recommendations only in cases where they judged that the amendment would bring about a significant change. The JRT considers the most important amendment before the PCUSA this year to be Amendment B, which would weaken the existing “Fidelity and Chastity Amendment,” and recommends a “no” vote on that amendment.

+ The Presbyterian Coalition, 4604 Grove Avenue, Richmond, Virginia 23226, 804-615-3243,

+ Presbyterian Church (PCUSA), 100 Witherspoon Street, Louisville, Kentucky 40202, 888-728-7228, Fax: 502-569-8005

[6] Christian Defense Coalition Gets Mixed 1st Amendment Messages from Presidential Inaugural Authorities

After being issued a permit on 6 January 2009 by the U.S. Department of the Interior to conduct a pro-life vigil and display along the parade route during the Presidential Inauguration, the Christian Defense Coalition (CDC) on 7 January 2009 received a letter from the Washington DC Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) denying their request to leave on 24 January 2009 a “sidewalk chalk” display with pro-life messages and artwork for President Obama on Pennsylvania Avenue in front of the White House.

Representing the CDC, the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) sent a demand letter to the MPD to lift a ban on pro-life displays in front of the White House by Monday, 12 January 2009, or they will file a federal lawsuit.

Reformed Presbyterian minister the Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney, Director of the CDC, states: “The foundation of this nation is that every American has the right to peacefully share their views, thoughts and opinions in the public square free from government interference and harassment. It should not matter what the particular content of those views might be…It is therefore most troubling that for the first time ever law enforcement is choosing to ban this practice when it involves a pro-life display taking place in front of the White House. Is this the future of free speech and political dissent under President Barack Obama?…”

+ Christian News Wire, 2020 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Washington DC 20006, 202-546-0054,

Christian Defense Coalition, 540-538-4741

[7] Oak Hill Christian School Offers Online High School Stylized Writing Course

Oak Hill Christian School of Reston, Virginia, is offering a high school course in Stylized Writing 26 January 2009 – 25 March 2009. The class meets online using Adobe Acrobat Connect Pro.

The course instructor is Isaiah McPeak, a teacher of rhetoric and writing, and a debate coach.

The cost is US$225, plus purchase of a webcam. Registration information is available at

+ Oak Hill Christian School, 11480 Sunset Hills Rd., Reston, Virginia 20190. 703-796-6887,

[8] Upcoming Calvin Synod Classis Meetings

Lakeside Classis meets Saturday, 7 February 2009,
starting at noon, at the First Hungarian Reformed Church of Walton Hills, Ohio.

Central Classis meets Saturday, 14 February 2009, the gathering starting at 9:30 a.m., with meeting and worship at 10:15 a.m., at the Third Avenue Calvin Reformed Church, Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania.

Western Classis
will meet Tuesday, 20 January 2009 via teleconference at 6:30 p.m. Pacific Time and 8:30 p.m. Central Time. The telephone number and access code is available from Western Classis Secretary Chuck Huckaby at

+ Calvin Synod, C/O Rt. Rev. Koloman K. Ludwig, Bishop, 7319 Tapper Avenue, Hammond, Indiana 46324, 219-931-4321,

[9] Physician Needed for Medical Mission to South Sudan

Due to a cancellation, Covenant Presbyterian Church, Omaha, Nebraska is looking for a physician or other medical personnel to join a medical mission team of twenty-three, including eight doctors, to the South Sudan 11-21 March 2009. Please contact Pastor Jeremy Grant as soon as possible at 402-498-9000, as travel arrangements must be made soon.

+ Evangelical Presbyterian Church, 17197 North Laurel Park Drive Suite 567, Livonia, Michigan 48152, 734-742-2020, Fax: 734-742-2033,

[10] 2009 Fifth Annual Christian Worldview Essay Contest Announced by The Trinity Foundation

The Trinity Foundation (TTF) has announced its 2009 Fifth Annual Christian Worldview Essay Contest with First Prize of US$3000, Second Prize of US$2000, and Third Prize of US$1000.

The topic of the 2009 Christian Worldview Essay Contest is the book God’s Hammer: The Bible and Its Critics by Gordon Clark, which is available from TTF for US$5.00 per copy, postpaid to United States addresses.

The contest is open to persons who were between seventeen and twenty-three years old on 1 January 2009.

+ The Trinity Foundation, Post Office Box 68, Unicoi, Tennessee 37692
423-743-0199, Fax: 423-743-2005,

[11] Reformed Churches in South Africa Holds First Integrated Synod

The Gereformeerde Kerke in Suid-Afrika (GKSA), or Reformed Churches in South Africa annual general synod began 4 January 2009 in Potchefstroom, South Africa, and will conclude on 14 January 2009.

For the first time, representatives from the GKSA’s black and white churches are attending the synod together. It is expected that during the general synod that a unification of all GKSA churches into new regional synods of black and white churches will be completed.

Also on the agenda will be a discussion of whether or not to continue singing exclusively from the Psalter during church gatherings, and of whether or not women will be allowed to preach from the pulpit.

+ Ecumenical News International, Post Office Box 2100, CH – 1211, Geneva 2, Switzerland, 41-22-791-6111, Fax: 41-22-788-7244,

+ Gereformeerde Kerke in Suid-Afrika, Posbus 20004, Noordbrug 2522, South Africa, 2718-297-3986,

[12] Florida Republican Party Won’t Recognize Pastor as State Committeeman

Pastor Bryan Longworth in August 2008 was elected a State Committeeman for the Republican Party of Florida (RPOF) with more than fifty-one percent of the vote in a three-person race.

On 12 June 2008, RPOF Chairman James Greer issued a memo in an attempt to add requirements to qualifying for election to party offices. His memo exceeded the requirements of both state statutes and RPOF rules, and exceeded his authority since both state statutes and the RPOF constitution require rule changes to be made by the full state committee. The RPOF credentialing committee used the June 12 memo as a binding rule and has notified Longworth that he is not qualified to serve as State Committeeman.

Pastor Longworth has appealed the RPOF Credentialing Committee’s ruling, and may sue the RPOF if they persist in denying him the seat to which voters elected him. Longworth commented, “The Republican Party in St. Lucie County, and the State and Nation for that matter, is in a crisis situation. We need all the help it can get. Republicans need to welcome new committeemen and women with open arms. Instead, they’re saying go home. You’re not welcome here! Yet, to win elections, we need to fight for the values we hold dear rather than fighting against each other.”

+ Christian News Wire, 2020 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Washington DC 20006, 202-546-0054,

[13] RCNZ Summer Camp Youth Help a Local Community

It is summer in New Zealand, and time for church youth camp.

200 young Reformed Churches of New Zealand campers from a summer camp in Ngaruawahia recently “overran” a Rauwaawa Kaumatua Charitable Trust facility in Frankton for a day, and painted buildings, landscaped, cleaned, moved items into storage, and painted a mural on one of the building walls.

Trust manager Yvonne Wilson was overwhelmed by the service of the young people, saying “It feels like an extreme makeover, they’re an awesome bunch of kids.”

+ Fairfax Digital, Level 1, 40 Boulcott Street, Post Office Box 2595, Wellington, New Zealand, 0800-697-883, Fax: 04-474-0001

+ Reformed Churches of New Zealand,

[14] Columnist Excoriates British Prime Minister and Church of Scotland “Son of the Manse” Gordon Brown

In a 6 January 2009 article “Morality is Making a Comeback, and That’s Bad News for Gordon Brown,” Telegraph columnist Iain Martin excoriates British Prime Minister Gordon Brown for reflecting in his governance the influences of Brown’s growing up the son of a Church of Scotland (CoS) minister.

Martin characterizes Brown as “the embodiment of the [CoS] in which his father preached with Presbyterian distinction: sparing of too much of the God stuff, heavy on the communitarian emphasis on moral authority and interested in the interminable troubles of Africa.”

Martin says that this CoS influence bred in Brown a “…serious moral superiority complex…accentuated by the birth of Thatcherism and what [Brown] regarded as its wicked attack on all [Brown] cherished most: collectivism, hyperactive government, higher taxes and public spending.”

Martin says that Brown’s moral authority is being questioned from several directions. In December 2008, the “…Bishop of Manchester accused [Brown’s] Labour party of being “beguiled by money” and “morally corrupt””. Archbishop of Canterbury Dr. Rowan Williams recently asked Brown “…whether it is wise to cure the country’s financial crisis produced by an excess of borrowing with ever more borrowing.”

Martin characterizes Tory party leader David Cameron as now “…outraged by the scale of the economic catastrophe engulfing Britain…, [the] origins [of which] are not only economic, they have a moral dimension too: reckless consumption…, a disregard for protecting the vulnerable in difficult times by the discouraging of saving and levels of debt, public and private, which were quite mad.”

+ The Telegraph, Victory House, Meeting House Lane, Chatham, Kent, ME4 4TT, England, 0800-316-6977,

+ Church of Scotland, 121 George Street, Edinburgh, Scotland EH2 4YN, 0131-225-5722

+ Church of England, Church House, Great Smith Street, Westminster, SW1P 3AZ, England, +44(0)20-7898-1000

[15] Church of Scotland Leaders Defend Appointment of Homosexual Minister to Aberdeen, Scotland’s Queen’s Cross Church

The Church of Scotland’s (CoS) Aberdeen Presbytery has voted by a 3/5 majority to appoint a homosexual minister, the Rev. Scott Rennie to the pulpit of Queen’s Cross Church in Aberdeen, Scotland.

Queen’s Cross Church congregation members who do not approve of the Rev. Rennie’s homosexual lifestyle are expected to lodge an appeal to block the move by 19 January 2009. The CoS General Assembly would then make the final decision.

Rennie is separated from his wife, with whom he has a young daughter. Rennie currently shares the manse at his present church, the Brechin [Scotland] Cathedral, with another man.

+ DC Thomson & Co Ltd., Albert Square, Dundee DD1 9QJ, Scotland, 01382-223131, Fax: 01382-322214,

+ Church of Scotland, 121 George Street, Edinburgh, Scotland EH2 4YN, 0131-225-5722

[16] Church of Scotland Warns of Minister Shortage in Moray, Scotland

Church of Scotland (CoS) council secretary for ministries in Scotland, the Rev. Martin Scott, in a 9 January 2009 interview, warned that the shortage of ministers in Moray, Scotland could reach a “critical stage” if it continues.

Scott said that one-third of the twenty-one CoS charges in Moray, Scotland are vacant, with one being five years without a permanent minister, and said that these vacancies put extra pressure on the existing ministers that are called to run up to five parishes at a time.

Scott added that rural churches were harder to fill because many ministers have partners who work and would find it difficult to find employment in a remote area.

+ Press and Journal, Lang Stracht, Mastrick, Aberdeen AB15 6DF, Scotland, 01224-343311,

+ Church of Scotland, 121 George Street, Edinburgh, Scotland EH2 4YN, 0131-225-5722


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