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16 December 2015

Wednesday, December 16, 2015, 20:51
This news item was posted in Presbyterians Week category.



Presbyterians Week Headlines

[1] Rutgers Presbyterian Church (PCUSA) in New York City Sends Resolution to Presbytery of New York City Seeking Ouster from Denomination of U.S. Presidential Candidate Donald Trump for Trump’s Call to End Muslim Migration to the U.S.

[2] Banner of Truth Publishes A Sad Departure: Why We Could Not Stay in the Church of Scotland by David Randall

[3] Cover to Cover: Through the Bible in 365 Days by John A. Carroll Published by Metokos Press Available from Amazon

[4] Naptali Press Announces Volumes 11 (2015) and 12 (2016) of the Confessional Presbyterian



[1] Rutgers Presbyterian Church (PCUSA) in New York City Sends Resolution to Presbytery of New York City Seeking Ouster from Denomination of U.S. Presidential Candidate Donald Trump for Trump’s Call to End Muslim Migration to the U.S.

Rutgers Presbyterian Church in New York, New York has sent a resolution to the Presbytery of New York City seeking to have U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump ousted from the denomination for Trumps desire to end Muslim migration to the U.S.:

Rutgers Presbyterian Church Resolution in Response to Donald Trump

Response to Mr. Donald Trump’s statement on Dec. 7, 2015 calling for “a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States”

The session of Rutgers Presbyterian Church is horrified by Mr. Trump’s call to deny people entry to our country based solely on their religion. As a church, we remain neutral in terms of political candidates and campaigns, but we cannot be neutral with respect to fundamental human rights.

Inspired by Jesus Christ, who spoke for and defended the oppressed and marginalized, empowered by the divine Law and teachings of the Bible, and encouraged by the example of the Confessing Church among many other witnesses, we cannot and will not stand by silently when religious and civil freedoms and human dignity of our neighbors are publicly questioned and thus undermined and put in danger.

We ask all people of faith – and of no faith – to denounce any move to make religious identity a test for entry into the United States or for any other form of official scrutiny or approval.

We reiterate our resolve to welcome and, to the best of our ability, to help with the resettlement of Middle Eastern refugees based on humanitarian needs, regardless of their religion.

We ask appropriate bodies of Presbyterian Church (USA) (such as Donald Trump’s Congregation, the Presbytery of New York City and the General Assembly Office) to review his standing/membership in our denomination.

Approved unanimously on the 8th of December, 2015.

Trump was baptized at First Presbyterian Church of Jamaica, Queens, New York City, but his church membership is thought to be lapsed. The PCUSA has issued a statement confirming Trump’s baptism in a PCUSA church, but pointing out that there is no factual evidence that Trump currently belongs to a PCUSA church and so therefore the resolution is not applicable.


+ Rutgers Presbyterian Church, 236 West 73rd Street, New York, New York 10023, 212-877-8227,

+ Presbyterian Church (PCUSA), 100 Witherspoon Street, Louisville, Kentucky 40202, 888-728-7228, Fax: 502-569-8005

+ The Presbytery of New York City, 475 Riverside Drive Suite 1600, New York, New York 10115, 212-870-2221, Fax: 212-870-2737,



[2] Banner of Truth Publishes A Sad Departure: Why We Could Not Stay in the Church of Scotland by David Randall

The Banner of Truth Trust has published A Sad Departure: Why We Could Not Stay in the Church of Scotland by David Randall which John Macarthur endorses as follows:

David Randall has written a lucid manifesto explaining why he and others are leaving the Church of Scotland now. While that may seem a narrow issue of no concern to believers in the rest of the world, it is certainly not. The arguments he proffers for departure from the historic church stand equally true and compelling for any believer or pastor in any denomination or association whose official doctrine declares a departure from the word of God, written and incarnate.

The book is currently available for US$11.25 plus postage.


+ The Banner of Truth Trust, P.O. Box 621, Carlisle, Pennsylvania 17013, 717-249-5747,

+ Church of Scotland, 121 George Street, Edinburgh EH2 4YN, Scotland, 0131-225-5722



[3] Cover to Cover: Through the Bible in 365 Days by John A. Carroll Published by Metokos Press Available from Amazon

Cover to Cover: Through the Bible in 365 Days by John A. Carroll published by Metokos Press is available through Amazon at the following link for US$12.99 plus shipping in paperback and US$4.99 in Kindle format:

Dr. Rod Culberton, Jr. of Reformed Theological Seminary in Charlotte, North Carolina endorses the book as follows:

John Carroll’s book not only gives the reader a goal for the year, but also breaks the Bible down into “doable” reading. His insight into the highlighted daily Scripture brings the Bible into the reader’s heart and mind in such a personal and understandable way.


+ Metokos Press,

+, Inc., Post Office Box 81226, Seattle, Washington 98108



[4] Naptali Press Announces Volumes 11 (2015) and 12 (2016) of the Confessional Presbyterian

Naptali Press announces availability of the Confessional Presbyterian Volume 11 (2015) in January 2016 and Volume 12 (2016) in June 2016.

Volume 11 contents include:

John Murray, by Danny E. Olinger.

The Regulative Principle of Worship & Song in the Public Worship of God, by John Murray.

Sanctification, the Law, and Good Works: Their Relationship in the American Reformed Tradition, by C. N. Willborn.

The Church’s Care for the Penitent: Some Considerations, by Joseph E. Rolison.

An Exposition of Psalm 68, by Benjamin Shaw.

Strange Bedfellows: Darwinism and the Reformed Theological Tradition, by Mark Jones.

The Christian Ministry in the Church: Its Reasons, Duration and Goal, and Practical Effects (Ephesians 4:11–16), with Special Emphasis on verse 12, by Richard C. Barcellos.

Let’s Do Presbyterianism: The Trinitarian Foundations of Biblical Church Polity, by James J. Cassidy.

James Bannerman’s The Church of Christ: A Tract for these Times, by Carl R. Trueman.

Rites & Ceremonies in Public Worship, by James Bannerman.

Holy Communion and Revivalism in the First Great Awakening, by Glen J. Clary.

How Free Was Adam’s Will? Examining John Lafayette

Girardeau’s Critique of Jonathan Edwards’ View of Adam’s Will Before the Fall, by Caleb Cangelosi.

Which Comes First, the Intellect or the Will? Alvin Plantinga and Jonathan Edwards on a Perennial Question, by Jeffrey C. Waddington.

William Perkins: Augustine’s Protégé & Father of Puritan Theology, by Barry Waugh.

American Presbyterianism and the Religious Observance of Christmas, by Chris Coldwell and Andrew J. Webb

Sic et Non. Views in Review: The Content of Song for the Public Worship of God. Andrew J. Webb and Dennis J. Prutow.

There will be reviews on:

Franciscus Junius, The Mosaic Polity.

Gerald Bray, God Has Spoken: A History of Christian Theology. 

Correctly Handling the Word of Truth: Reformed Hermeneutics Today, eds. Mees te Velde and Gerhard H. Visscher

T. Wright Surprised By Scripture: Engaging Contemporary Issues

Synopsis Purioris Theologiae/Synopsis of a Purer Theology: Latin Text and English Translation — Volume 1, Disputations 1-23

Psallo, Psalm 92.

In Translati?ne: Johannes Wollebius’ Præcognita of Christian Theology from Compendium Theologiæ Christianæ.

Antiquary: The Discovery of the Westminster Larger Catechism Manuscripts, Chad Van Dixhoorn.

Pricing in U.S. dollars is shown below with direct links for Paypal purchases:

2015 vol. 11 only

USA Individual $20 (Buy Now)

International $35 (Buy Now)

USA Library/Institutional (Buy Now)

Purchase both vols. 11 (2015) and 12 (2016)

USA Individual $40 (Buy Now)

International $70 (Buy Now)

USA Library/Institutional $50 (Buy Now)


+ Naphtali Press, Post Office Box 141084, Dallas, Texas 75214,



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