Tuesday, February 25, 2025

16 July 2014

Wednesday, July 16, 2014, 0:00
This news item was posted in Presbyterians Week category.



“But if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the trumpet, and the people be not warned; if the sword come, and take any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at the watchman’s hand.” [Ezekiel 33:6]


“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.  [Ephesians 6:12] 



Presbyterians Week Headlines

[1] Free University of Amsterdam Founded by Dutch Reformed Theologian Abraham Kuyper Is Now Syncretic University of Amsterdam

[2] RPCNA and ARP Synod to Meet in 2015

[3] Former Clover [South Carolina] ARP Church Bookkeeper Sentenced to Two Years in Prison and Restitution of Stolen US$600,000

[4] Ligonier Ministries Regional Conference “The Truth of the Cross” Scheduled 3-4 October 2014 at Tenth Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

[5] News from the Deepest Recesses of Hell

[6] Headlines from Christian Concern

[7] Articles from LifesiteNews.com

[8] The Thinning Blue Line

[9] Raging Heathen and Vain Imagining

[10] The Religion of Peace

[1] Free University of Amsterdam Founded by Dutch Reformed Theologian Abraham Kuyper Is Now Syncretic University of Amsterdam

A correspondent brought to the editor’s attention several English publications of the Vrije Universiteit (VU) (Free University) Amsterdam, which was founded in 1880 by Dutch Reformed theologian Abraham Kuyper as an institution entirely funded by Reformed Christian individuals and institutions. Now for more than forty years, VU Amsterdam has been government funded as are other universities in the Netherlands.

Publications of VU Amsterdam’s Faculty of Theology lead to the conclusion that Syncretism is now the official religion of this institution:

— In the Future: Connecting People from All Religious Traditions and Convictions


— Profile of the Faculty of Theology


— Excellence in Diversity: Principles of Community, Faculty of Theology

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam , Faculty of Theology, De Boelelaan 1105, Room 2E-54, 1081 HV AmsterdamNetherlands, 31-20-598-6607, Fax: 31-20-598-6635, study@vu.nl

Protestant Church in the Netherlands, Postbus 8504, 3503 UtrechtNetherlands, 880-18-80, 880-18-80, info@pkn.nl
[2] RPCNA and ARP Synod to Meet in 2015

The Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America (RPCNA) Synod voted overwhelmingly to accept the invitation of the ARP for the concurrent meeting at Bonclarken. The “negatives” that were expressed prior to the vote centered on the cost being (potentially) double our normal travel expense; otherwise the arguments were in favor of the proposal. This is a concurrent Synod which means we will meet jointly for worship, meals, prayer and a series of seminars presented by the parallel missions of our two churches. The actual meetings will be held separately.

The RPCNA Interchurch report is copied below:

“Concurrent Synod with the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church (ARP) in 2015

“The most significant aspect of the work of the Interchurch Committee (IC) this year has been evaluating and preparing for the proposed concurrent Synod with the ARP in 2015 at their Bonclarken conference facility in Flat Rock, NC. The Business of Synod Committee and the IC have worked together along with the ARP IC and Bonclarken staff in order to evaluate and begin plans for this meeting. This has included the practical issues like travel and accommodations as well as maximizing the schedule so as to make use of the time together in a profitable way.

“Recognizing this unique opportunity leads the IC to recommend that Synod approach the 2015 Synod with a focus on our relationship with the ARP. This would include modifying our normal business and schedule in order to accommodate the particular emphasis of church relations, similar to the pattern of Synod 2010 with its particular emphasis on the Seminary. The draft schedule includes times for joint worship, meals, and prayer, along with a series of seminars presented by the parallel missions of our two churches.

“The IC proposes that these seminars be headed up by the Home Missions, Foreign Missions, Education/Seminaries, and Publications Committees of each church involving joint presentations and interaction. Delegates would have opportunity to learn of and learn from each denomination and their labors. And finally, given the hospitable nature of the ARP we anticipate the blessing of fruitful interaction that occurs during the “unplanned” portions of the schedule. Please be praying for this and taking the time to get to know our ARP brothers.

“To be clear, this is not a proposal to join together blindly. Rather it is a serious call to pray for and draw close to this sister church who holds dear many of the same aspects of the reformed faith.

“Discussion of greater communication and fellowship between the ARP and RPCNA began with our inter church committees in 2004. Let’s be in prayer as planning begins for Synod 2015.”

+ Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church, 1 Cleveland Street Suite 110, GreenvilleSouth Carolina, 29601, 864-232-8297, Fax: 864-271-3729

Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America (RPCNA), 7408 Penn Avenue, PittsburghPennsylvania 15208, 412-731-1177, Fax: 412-731-8861
[3] Former Clover [South Carolina] ARP Church Bookkeeper Sentenced to Two Years in Prison and Restitution of Stolen US$600,000

An 11 July 2014 The State article by Rachel Southmayd titled “Clover Church Bookkeeper Gets Twenty-Four Months Prison for Fraud” reports that Sandra Stroupe, former bookkeeper for Clover ARP Church in CloverSouth Carolina, on 11 July 2014 was sentenced to two years in prison and restitution of US$610,000 for stealing more than US$605,000 from the church during her tenure as church bookkeeper.

The State, 1401 Shop Road, ColumbiaSouth Carolina 29201-4843, 800-888-5353

+ Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church, 1 Cleveland Street Suite 110, GreenvilleSouth Carolina, 29601, 864-232-8297, Fax: 864-271-3729
[4] Ligonier Ministries Regional Conference “The Truth of the Cross” Scheduled 3-4 October 2014 at Tenth Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Ligonier Ministries has scheduled a regional conference titled “The Truth of the Cross” 3-4 October 2014 at Tenth Presbyterian Church in PhiladelphiaPennsylvania.

Conference speakers include Steven Lawson, Stephen Nichols, and
R.C. Sproul.

For further information, please see:


Ligonier Ministries, 400 Technology Park, Lake MaryFlorida 32746, 407-333-4244, Fax: 407-333-4233
[5] News from the Deepest Recesses of Hell

— Nevada U.S. Senator Harry Reid Tees Up Bill to Reverse U.S. Supreme Court Hobby Lobby Abortifacient Ruling

— World Health Organization Warns HIV ‘Exploding’ Among Homosexual Men

— Man Kills His Unborn Child by Tricking Girlfriend into Taking Abortion Drug in Her Pancakes

— Human Sacrifice Offered at Pagan Burning Art Festival ‘Element 11? in Utah

— Vatican Reeling as Pope Francis Admits There Is an Army of over 8,000 Pedophile Priests

— Human Traffickers Asking HHS for Immigrant Children

— Rise of the Global Church of Lucifer

— King of Abortion: Warren Buffet Has Spent US$1.23 Billion, Enough to Kill 2.7 Million Babies in Abortions

— Australian Judge Says Incest Okay Because Abortion Can Kill “Deformed” Babies Incest Produces

— Judge Allows Doc Who “Invented” Partial-Birth Abortions to Keep Illegal Abortion Clinic Open

— Roman Catholics Flocking to ‘Venerate’ Vial of Blood from Deceased Pope John Paul II

— The Obama Administration’s Human Trafficking

— Planned Parenthood Sued for Doing Abortion on Raped 13-Year-Old, Returning Her to Rapist

— University of Cambridge Professors Forum: Pedophilia Is “Natural For Males,” Normal For Men To Be “Aroused By Children”…

+ American Vision, 3150-A Florence Road, Suite 2, Powder SpringsGeorgia 30127, 800-628-9460, Fax: 770-222-7269, Comments@AmericanVision.org

+ LifeNews.com, Post Office Box 270841, Fort CollinsColorado 80527, news@lifenews.com

Now the End BeginsContact Page

Renew AmericaContact Page

Christian News Network, Post Office Box 30000, PhiladelphiaPennsylvania 19103, Contact Page

Virginia Free Citizen, 2711 Buford Road, Suite 105, RichmondVirginia 23235, Jeff@VirginiaFreeCitizen.com

Right Wing NewsContact Page
Headlines from Christian Concern

Headlines of the past week from Christian Concern:

— Assisted Dying Bill Would “Transform Doctors into Killers”

— Christian Bakers in Northern Ireland face Court Action after Refusing to Bake Cake Promoting “Same-Sex” Marriage

— Christian Group Banned from Holding ‘Bible Day’ Event in Pub Named after Sunday School Founder Robert Raikes

Christian Concern, 70 Wimpole Street, London W1G 8AX, England, 020 7935 1488, Contact Page
Articles from LifesiteNews.com

Articles from the past week from LifesiteNews.com:

— Betty Crocker Joins Push for Homosexual Redefinition of ‘Family’

— President Obama ‘Fist-Bumps’ Homosexual Cashier over Sex Joke

LifeSiteNews.com, Incorporated, 4 Family Life Lane, Front RoyalVirginia 22630, 888-678-6008, Contact Page
[8] The Thinning Blue Line

— Durham, North Carolina Police Using Fake 911 Calls to Warrantlessly Search Homes

— North Augusta, South Carolina Mom Jailed for Letting Nine-Year-Old Daughter Play at Park Unsupervised

— Douglas, Georgia Deputy Sheriff Tries to Shoot Dog during Manhunt, Instead Shoots Ten-Year-Old Boy

— Petersburg, Virginia Police Turn On Homeowners Who Attempt to Video Arrest

— West Springfield, Massachusetts Police Department Has Grenade Launchers

— Albuquerque, New Mexico Police Department Purchases 350 Assault Rifles

— Pit Bull Shot and Killed in Van by Coeur d’Alene, Idaho Police Was Actually a Beloved Pet Labrador

— Guy was Filming Trenton, New Jersey Cops So They Sicked Their K-9 on Him and Beat Him

— Reading, Pennsylvania Woman Dies in Jail Serving Time Because Her Kids Skipped Class

Police State USA

Ben SwannContact Page

THEBLAZE.COM LLC, 1270 Avenue of the Americas, 9th Floor, New YorkNew York 10036, contact@theblaze.com

Right Wing NewsContact Page

Viral Survival

The Anti-MediaContact Page
[9] Raging Heathen and Vain Imagining

Articles from the past week regarding kings and rulers setting themselves against the LORD and against his anointed:

— Obama Wants the Power to Address Entire Nation At Once on TV and Radio

— FEMA Camps to Pop-Up Like Wildflowers Nationwide under New U.S. Department of Defense Authorization

— High-Level NSA Whistleblower: ‘The Ultimate Goal of the NSA is Total Population Control’

— Obama Administration Tracking Muslim Candidates for Military, Pentagon Positions

— Burlington, Iowa City Council Wants to Ban Open Carry of Toy Guns

Clash Daily

+ Girls Just Wanna Have GunsContact Page

Atlas Shrugs, writeatlas@aol.com

Prepper ChimpContact Page

Patriot Outdoor NewsContact Page
[10] The Religion of Peace

Articles from the past week about the religion of peace:

— Urdu-English Dictionary Found by Texas Rancher near Mexican Border

— China: Islamic Jihadists Murder Six Farmers

— Jihadists Murder Twenty-Seven Prostitutes in Baghdad, Iraq

— Fatwa Permits “Anal Jihad” for Muslim Brotherhood Members

— Violent Anti-Jewish Riots Rock Paris; Activist Says ‘French Jews Are in Serious Danger’

— New York: Muslim Who Beat His Wife to Death for Not Serving Him Goat Dinner Says He Had Right to “Discipline” Her

— Iraq Rebels ‘Seize Nuclear Materials’

— ISIS Destroys Shrines and Mosques, May be Targeting Mecca

— Thousands of Anti-Semitic Muslim Rioters Swarm Israeli Embassy in London

— Campaign of Mass Murders of Iraqi Sunni Prisoners

— India: Muslims Bomb Food Plaza to Stop Hindus from Eating during Ramadan

— Islamic State Forces 30,000 to Flee, Crucifies Nine Men

— Jihad in Thailand: Three Thai Police Murdered Coming from Mosque Peace Initiative

— British Lord Scott: Fight Islamophobia by Converting Your Children to Islam

— Israel Massing Troops on Gaza Border, Awaiting the Order to Go In

— Hamas Bombing Civilians, Using Gazans as Human Shields

— Israel Sounds Code Red as Rockets Explode over Jerusalem

— French Police Foil Jihad Plot Targeting Eiffel Tower, Louvre, Nuke Plant

THEBLAZE.COM LLC, 1270 Avenue of the Americas, 9th Floor, New YorkNew York 10036, contact@theblaze.com

Jihad Watch and Dhimmi Watch

Atlas Shrugs, writeatlas@aol.com

The Algemeiner Journal, Post Office Box 250746, BrooklynNew York 11225, 718-771-0400, Fax: 718-771-0308, Contact Page

Assist USA, Post Office Box 609, Lake ForestCalifornia 92609, 949-380-1558, danjuma1@aol.com

Assyrian International News Agency (Nineveh Software Corporation, 2317 West Farwell, ChicagoIllinois 60645, 773-575-5863, Fax: 773-761-8534)

FrontPage Magazine, Post Office Box 55089, Sherman OaksCalifornia 91499,Contact Page

Clarion Project, Inc., 255 West 36th Street #800, New YorkNew York 10018, 646-308-1230, info@ClarionProject.org

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