Sunday, February 23, 2025

17 December 2008

Wednesday, December 17, 2008, 11:50
This news item was posted in Presbyterians Week category.


Presbyterians Week Headlines

[1] NAE Vice President Richard Cizik Resigns After NPR Interview Remarks Favoring Civil Unions and Homosexual Marriage
[2] PCUSA Minister Wins 2009 Louisville Grawemeyer Award in Religion
[3] First Presbyterian Church of Marion, North Carolina Loses Lawsuit Against PCUSA for Church Property
Carmen S. Fowler Becomes President and Executive Editor of the Presbyterian Lay Committee on 2 March 2009
[5] Pittsburgh Theological Seminary Professor Responds to the 15 December 2008 Newsweek Cover Story “Our Mutual Joy”
[6] Robert A. Schuller Resigns as Crystal Cathedral Senior Pastor
[7] 2009 Banner of Truth United States Ministers’ Conference 26-28 May 2009 at Messiah College in Grantham, Pennsylvania
[8] Reformed Church in Japan Leaves Reformed Ecumenical Council
Presbyterian Church of Taiwan Commerating John Calvin’s 500th Birthday in 2009
[10] United States President George W. Bush Says Creation and Evolution are Compatible
[11] Redesigned Website Makes Lambeth Palace Library More Accessible
[12] Coordinated Muslim Attacks on Christians in Northern Nigeria Leave 400 Dead
[13] Francis David Charteris, the 12th Earl of Wemyss and 8th of March, 96, Dies 12 December 2008

[1] NAE Vice President Richard Cizik Resigns After NPR Interview Remarks Favoring Civil Unions and Homosexual Marriage

National Association of Evangelicals (NAE) Vice President for Government Affairs Richard Cizik resigned on 11 December 2008 in the wake of controversial remarks he made in a 2 December 2008 National Public Radio (NPR) interview where he expressed support for civil unions and possibly outright marriage for homosexual couples.

Cizik additionally expressed his support for government supplied contraceptives in order to reduce abortions, and reiterated his long-time concerns about global warming and his desire that evangelical churches make environmental issues a high priority.

L. Roy Taylor, Stated Clerk of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) and Chairman of the Board of the NAE, released an 11 December 2008 statement saying that Cizik’s NPR interview statements “did not appropriately represent the values and convictions of NAE and our constituents” and that “there is a loss of trust in his credibility as a spokesperson among leaders and constituents.”

Taylor expressed his love and appreciation for Cizik during their ten years of working together at the NAE, and described Cizik as “a brother in the Lord and as a gifted and enthusiastic advocate of causes dear to evangelical Christians.”

Taylor reviewed the history of the PCA’s association with the NAE, and closed by asking PCA members “to pray for the NAE and it ongoing ministry and especially to pray for Richard Cizik and his family.”

+ Institute on Religion and Democracy, 1023 15th Street Northwest, Suite 601, Washington DC 20005-2601, 202-682-4131, Fax: 202-682-4136,

+ Presbyterian Church in America, 1700 North Brown Road, Suite 105, Lawrenceville, Georgia 30043, 678-825-1000, Fax: 678-825-1001,

[2] PCUSA Minister Wins 2009 Louisville Grawemeyer Award in Religion

Presbyterian Church (USA) (PCUSA) minister and President Emeritus of Union Theological Seminary in New York City, the Rev. Donald W. Shriver Jr. is the winner of the 2009 Louisville Grawemeyer Award (LGA) in Religion for his book, Honest Patriots: Loving a Country Enough to Remember Its Misdeeds, published in 2005 by Oxford University Press. The award includes a $US200,000 prize and is given jointly by Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary (LPTS) and the University of Louisville.

In his book, Shriver contends that the United States particularly needs to acknowledge and repent of its historical treatment of African- and Native-Americans, and then try to repair and repay the debt for those past wrongs in public ways.

Susan R. Garrett, professor of New Testament at LPTS and coordinator of the LGA in Religion said, “Shriver suggests what repentance and reparation might look like on a wider scale in America, and provides much food for thought regarding present American crimes for which we will likely feel a need to repent at some point in the future.”

+ Presbyterian Church (PCUSA), 100 Witherspoon Street, Louisville, Kentucky 40202, 888-728-7228, Fax: 502-569-8005

[3] First Presbyterian Church of Marion, North Carolina Loses Lawsuit Against PCUSA for Church Property

A McDowell County, North Carolina, Superior Court jury ruled 25 November 2008 that First Presbyterian Church of Marion (FPCM), North Carolina, is bound by the property trust clause of the Presbyterian Church (USA) (PCUSA) Constitution, which states that all congregational property is held in trust for the denomination. FPCM sued the Western North Carolina Presbytery (WNCP) in July 2007, seeking title to the church property. The church currently remains in the PCUSA.

In a letter to its churches, WNCP Executive Presbyter Bobbi White wrote, “Presbytery intends to give the Marion congregation caring pastoral support, as together they plan for the greater witness of Christ’s Church in the Marion community, which that church has served well since 1845.”

+ Presbyterian Church (PCUSA), 100 Witherspoon Street, Louisville, Kentucky 40202, 888-728-7228, Fax: 502-569-8005

Carmen S. Fowler Becomes President and Executive Editor of the Presbyterian Lay Committee on 2 March 2009

The Rev. Carmen S. Fowler will assume the offices of President and Executive Editor of the Presbyterian Lay Committee beginning 2 March 2009.

Fowler is currently an associate pastor of the 800-plus member Providence Presbyterian Church in Hilton Head, South Carolina, where she has served since 2003. Fowler served as executive director of The Presbyterian Coalition in 2002 and 2003 and is now co-moderator of the New Wineskins Association of Churches.

+ Presbyterian Lay Committee, Post Office Box 2210, Lenoir, North Carolina 28645, 828-758-8716, Fax: 828-758-0920,

[5] Pittsburgh Theological Seminary Professor Responds to the 15 December 2008 Newsweek Cover Story “Our Mutual Joy”

Pittsburgh Theological Seminary Professor Dr. Robert A. Gagnon has written a response to the 15 December 2008 Newsweek cover story “Our Mutual Joyby Newsweek Religion Editor Lisa Miller, which he titles ‘“More than “Mutual Joy”: Lisa Miller of Newsweek against Scripture and Jesus.’

Dr. Gagnon introduces the article as follows: “Religious proponents of gay marriage routinely ignore or twist the major arguments in Scripture and philosophy against homosexual practice. The cover story by Religion Editor Lisa Miller in the Dec. 15, 2008 issue of Newsweek, wholeheartedly endorsed by Managing Editor Jon Meacham, is a perfect case in point.

+ Robert A. Gagnon, 412-441-3304 extension 2205,

+ Presbyterian Church (PCUSA), 100 Witherspoon Street, Louisville, Kentucky 40202, 888-728-7228, Fax: 502-569-8005

[6] Robert A. Schuller Resigns as Crystal Cathedral Senior Pastor

The Rev. Robert A. Schuller has resigned as senior pastor of the Crystal Cathedral two months after being ousted by his father the Rev. Robert H. Schuller from the cathedral’s television show “Hour of Power.”

The younger Schuller plans to start his own ministry and plans to make an announcement about the new ministry in the near future.

+ San Jose Mercury News, 750 Ridder Park Drive, San Jose, California 95190, 408-920-5000, Fax: 408-288-8060,

+ Reformed Church in America, 4500 60th Street Southeast, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49512, 800-968-6065,

[7] 2009 Banner of Truth United States Ministers’ Conference 26-28 May 2009 at Messiah College in Grantham, Pennsylvania

The 2009 Banner of Truth Ministers’ Conference will he held 26-28 May 2009 at Messiah College in Grantham, Pennsylvania.

Featured conference speakers include Sinclair Ferguson, Alistair Begg, Walter Chantry, Mark Johnston and Jonathan Watson.

+ The Banner of Truth Trust, Post Office Box 621, Carlisle, Pennsylvania 17013, 717-249-5747,

[8] Reformed Church in Japan Leaves Reformed Ecumenical Council

At its synod October 21-23, the Reformed Church in Japan (RCJ) voted to suspend its membership in the Reformed Ecumenical Council (REC).

The RCJ’s concerns about theological and confessional integrity within the REC, and the REC’s upcoming merger with the World Alliance of Reformed Churches to form the World Communion of Reformed Churches were cited as reasons for the RCJ’s departure.

+ The Reformed Ecumenical Council, 2050 Breton Road Southeast, Suite 102, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49546, 616-949-2910,

[9] Presbyterian Church of Taiwan Commerating John Calvin’s 500th Birthday in 2009

The Presbyterian Church in Taiwan (PCT) is planning events to mark the 500th birthday of John Calvin on 10 July 2009.

Hsinchu Bible College will host a conference called “Calvin and Today’s Church” on 17-20 August 2009. The event is expected to draw 240 staff members from presbyteries across Taiwan. The purpose of the conference is to help Christians today understand Calvin’s contribution to theology, churches, and his contribution to the Protestant Reformation.

Additionally, all PCT presbyteries will be holding special services 5 July 2008 to commemorate Calvin’s 500th birthday, and there will be related memorabilia, DVDs, and publications distributed during the celebrations.

+ Presbyterian Church in Taiwan

[10] United States President George W. Bush Says Creation and Evolution are Compatible

In an 8 December 2009 interview with Cynthia McFadden for American Broadcasting Corporation’s (ABC) Nightline, U.S. President George W. Bush stated that he believes that the concept of evolution does not conflict with a belief that God created the world.

Institute for Creation Research assistant editor Christine Dao responded, “Indeed, evolution, which requires massive amounts of death over millions of years, does not explain the mystery of life at all. Furthermore, creation and evolution are completely antithetical to one another.”

Dao continued, “Bush called himself a “simple president,” implying that he does not feel qualified to speak authoritatively on scientific matters. Few people do, since American science education, under the guise of “separation of church and state,” has for decades hindered students from understanding even basic science by limiting their studies to the evolutionary worldview and forbidding an open exploration of the evidence.”

Dao concluded, “During his presidency, Bush has affirmed his faith in the Christian God a number of times. And like many professing Christians, he errs in placing human wisdom and what some call science over the authority of the living Word of God. He has believed the pervasive, yet fraudulent, claim that evolution is a fact and that the biblical account cannot be literally true. If Christians even in the highest places of governmental authority cannot trust in the accuracy and authority of God’s Word, then how can we hope that they will lead our nation in “a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty” (1 Tim 2:2)?”

+ Institute for Creation Research, Post Office Box 59029, Dallas, Texas 75229,

[11] Redesigned Website Makes Lambeth Palace Library More Accessible

The collections of the Lambeth Palace Library, the historic library and record office of the archbishops of Canterbury and the principal repository of the history of the Church of England, have been made more accessible with the launch of a newly redesigned website at

As well as practical details on accessing the library’s collections and other services, the website allows potential users to view the full scope of its research resources via its electronic catalogues and outlines of its holdings.

Improved features on the new-look site include downloadable research guides covering a range of topics, from helping people trace their family history where their ancestors include Anglican clergy, through to trends in church architecture and clerical costume through the ages.

+ Episcopal Church Center 815 Second Avenue New York, New York 10017, 800-334-7626,

Church of England, Church House, Great Smith Street, Westminster, SW1P 3AZ, England, +44(0)20-7898-1000

[12] Coordinated Muslim Attacks on Christians in Northern Nigeria Leave 400 Dead

Ruth Gledhill, The London Times’ Religion Correspondent, reports that preplanned and well-coordinated post-election attacks by Muslims upon Christians in the northern city of Jos, Nigeria have left 400 dead, churches burned, and an Augustinian monastery attacked.

Anglican Bishop of Jos, Dr. Benjamin Kwashi, is reported to have said that the attacks had been long in the planning and were not a spontaneous response to the elections as others have claimed.

The Bishop said too that these attacks were worse than similar riots occurring in 2001, because the earlier attacks were with stones and knives and people could run away. This time, there was no running away. People who tried to flee were gunned down.

The Jos diocesan website has photographs of the death and destruction caused by the recent rioting.

+ The London Times, Times House, 1 Pennington Street, London E98 1TT, England, 44-0-20-7782-5971,

+ Worldwide Anglican Communion, St Andrew’s House, 16 Tavistock Crescent, London W11 1AP, England, 44-0-20-7313-3900, Fax: 44-0-20-7313-3999,

[13] Francis David Charteris, the 12th Earl of Wemyss and 8th of March, 96, Dies 12 December 2008

Francis David Charteris, the 12th Earl of Wemyss and 8th Earl of March, died in Edinburgh, Scotland on 12 December 2008 at age 96.

Lord Wemyss was president of the National Trust for Scotland from 1967 to 1991, Lord Clerk of the Register of Scotland, Lord High Commissioner to the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland on three occasions, chaired the Royal Commission on Ancient and Historical Monuments for Scotland, and was a member of the Royal Commission on Historical Manuscripts.

Lord Wemyss is survived by his second wife, Shelagh Kennedy, a daughter, Lady Elizabeth Benson, and his son, Lord Neidpath, who inherits the titles.

+ The Scotsman, Barclay House, 108 Holyrood Road, Edinburgh, Scotland EH8 8AS, 0131-620-8620

Church of Scotland, 121 George Street, Edinburgh, Scotland EH2 4YN, 0131-225-5722

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