Wednesday, January 15, 2025

18 May 2022

Wednesday, May 18, 2022, 22:39
This news item was posted in Presbyterians Week category.



“But if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the trumpet, and the people be not warned; if the sword come, and take any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at the watchman’s hand.” [Ezekiel 33:6]


“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” [Ephesians 6:12]


Presbyterians Week Headlines


[1] British Colombia Drops Twenty-Four Tickets against Pastors Issued for Violating COVID-19 Orders

[2] Grandchildren Sing as Grandmother Is Euthanized in Church Sanctuary

[3] The Rebellion of the Church of Scotland


Additional Articles of Interest

[1] British Colombia Drops Twenty-Four Tickets against Pastors Issued for Violating COVID-19 Orders

The Canadian Press reported on 12 May 2022 that tickets and fines for the pastors of Chilliwack Free Reformed Church, Free Grace Baptist Church, and Valley Heights Community Church of Chilliwack, British Colombia (BC) for continuing in-person worship services in violation of provincial public health orders during COVID-19 restrictions.

BC Prosecution Service said charges are dropped if there is not a substantial likelihood of conviction and/or prosecution is not in the public interest.

Marty Moore of the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms (JCCF), which represents the pastors, said his main argument against the tickets is there was no justification for banning in-person worship services if, at the same time, the province was allowing people to attend fitness classes and dine out.

Moore said that despite holding in-person services during the height of the pandemic, there was no transmission of COVID-19 at any of the services held at these three churches.

JCCF says there are still more than twenty outstanding tickets against pastors and churches in the Fraser Valley, BC, and it plans to defend them “vigorously.”


+ Canadian Broadcasting Centre, Post Office Box 500, Station A, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5W 1E6, 514-597-6000, Contact Page

+ Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms, 7620 Elbow Drive Southwest, #253, Calgary, Alberta T2V 1K2, 403-475-3622, Contact Page

+ Free Reformed Churches of North America, Contact Page


[2] Grandchildren Sing as Grandmother Is Euthanized in Church Sanctuary

The following is excerpted from “Children, Grandchildren Sing,” The Dissenter, May 5, 2022: “The elders at Churchill Park United in Winnipeg, Manitoba, unanimously voted to carry out the recentlylegalized form of government-sanctioned medical murder in the sanctuary of the church. According to Broadview, a United Church of Christ (UCC) publication, Betty Sanguin, with an amyotrophic lateral sclerosis diagnosis [Lou Gehrig’s disease] and whose age is left unreported, was brought in on a stretcher around noon on March 9 to have the procedure carried out. … ‘As the sun streamed through the stained glass windows in the music-filled sanctuary,’ the obituary continues, ‘surrounded by her children, grandchildren and close friends, Betty hosted a simple Crossing Over Ceremony and then let go of her hold on this life.’ …The Broadview

reports : ‘ During the ceremony, two of Sanguin’s grandchildren sang Let

Your Light Shine on Me and everyone joined in for How Great Thou Art. Sanguin waved her arms along to the music . Sanguin had prepared a playlist for the event, which was mostly gospel music–a lifelong love of hers.’ This is seriously unfathomable. But it comes as no surprise [since] the United Church of Christ employs atheist ‘pastors’ and leaders. ‘Afterwards, the minister of Churchill Park United, Rev. Dawn Rolke, offered a blessing , the report continued. ‘Each of Betty’s six children placed their hands on her as Rolke invited Sanguin to go in peace.’”


+ Way of Life Literature, Post Office Box 610368, Port Huron, Michigan 48061, 519-652-2619,


[3] The Rebellion of the Church of Scotland

majority of presbyteries of the Church of Scotland have voted to adopt same-sex marriage, with twenty-nine presbyteries in favor and twelve opposed. Once, the national church of Scotland was reformed under the leadership of John Knox, but now it is being thoroughly reformed by the world.

In 2005, Scotland legalized civil partnerships for homosexuals, and in 2014, it introduced same-sex marriage. Instead of the church leading and shaping the culture, now the non-Christian culture leads and the church meekly follows.

The whole idea of “same-sex marriage” is, of course, a metaphysical impossibility. If one knows the definition of marriage, one knows it requires a man and a woman in a lifelong covenant with one another who are open to new life. This is natural marriage, and it can be known by reason apart from any consideration of special revelation. Apart from that definition, marriage has no limiting principle to accept continued redefinition.

Read More:


+ World, 85 Tunnel Road, Suite 12, Asheville, North Carolina  28805, 828-232-5415, Fax: 828-253-1556,


Additional Articles of Interest

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“Cobalt Magnet” Is the Codename for Dirty Bomb Drills in Austin, Texas – New Intel on Radicalized Terrorists Who Will Combine Cobalt-60 with Explosive Suicide Vests

Why Are Babies in Scotland Suddenly Dying at a Rate That’s 300 Percent Higher Than Normal?

Federal Health Official Admits Government Hid Data on COVID Origins at Request of Chinese Scientists

Prenatal and Neonatal Infant Deaths Skyrocket Worldwide Since COVID-19 Vaccines Started

Pfizer Appears to Have Committed Fraud, and If It Can be Proven in Court, Then Pfizer Will be Liable for All Injuries and Deaths Caused by Its COVID Vaccines

17,000 Doctors Call for End to COVID-19 Emergency

Noted Financial Analyst Says While COVID Pandemic Wanes, Excess Mortality Persists, Likely Due to Vaccines

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Nearly 30,000 Deaths After COVID Vaccines Reported to Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, CDC Data Show

DOD Edits Medical Database to Hide Military COVID-19 Vaccine Injuries as U.S. Military is Decimated by the Mandatory Shots

Former Canadian General Captured in Ukraine by Russian Forces Was in Charge of Bioweapons Laboratory

China Lockdowns Leading to Total Control of Population as Health Authorities Decide Who Can Participate in Society While Others are Locked up in Quarantine Camps

Documents Reveal How US Biolabs in Ukraine Attempted to Create Controlled Epidemics

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