Sunday, February 23, 2025

19 July 2023

Thursday, July 20, 2023, 22:38
This news item was posted in Presbyterians Week category.



“But if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the trumpet, and the people be not warned; if the sword come, and take any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at the watchman’s hand.” [Ezekiel 33:6]


“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” [Ephesians 6:12]


Presbyterians Week Headlines

[1] Christian Observer Contributing Editor and Jonathan Edwards Scholar David Brand Dies at Age Eighty-One

[2] Study Says Thirty-Nine Percent of American Doctors Admit Giving Drugs to ‘Hasten Death’

[3] ‘Brain Death’ Theory Under Challenge as Mother Makes Emergency Application to Court to Prevent Withdrawal of Life Support for Son


Additional Articles of Interest

[1] Christian Observer Contributing Editor and Jonathan Edwards Scholar David Brand Dies at Age Eighty-One

Christian Observer Contributing Editor David Brand died 29 June 2023 at age eighty-one at his home in Ruckersville, Virginia after several years of declining health. David’s 1991 book “Profile of the Last Puritan: Jonathan Edwards, Self-Love and the Dawn of the Beatific” is considered to be a unique and insightful analysis of the great puritan preacher of the 18th century.

As a Contributing Editor to the Christian Observer, David wrote articles on various theological subjects between 2014 and 2019, including a masterful series of articles subtitled “Shall their unbelief make the faith of God without effect?” which explained in great detail the destruction of Christian doctrine by those who wrote the Revised Standard Version of the Bible in the nineteenth century.

David’s articles are available at, and are best accessed by doing a word search on “David Brand” including the parentheses.

David’s obituary is available at:

The editor treasures his longtime friendship and working relationship with David, and offers David’s family his sincerest condolences.


+ Christian Observer, Post Office Box 1371, Lexington, Virginia 24450,


[2] Study Says Thirty-Nine Percent of American Doctors Admit Giving Drugs to ‘Hasten Death’

Flood Water Productions
July 13, 2023
BOLIVAR, Mo., July 13, 2023 /Christian Newswire/ — “That statistic is just one of the shocking pieces of information I have discovered since my husband’s tragic hospital journey,” said author Gayla Prewitt. “I hope by telling our family’s heartbreaking story to help shine a light on how dark the broken medical system has become and provide possible solutions through a nine-point plan I call ‘The Peter Prewitt Medical Free Will Restoration Plan.'”

Number one on the plan, take the CON out of health care and repeal “Certificate of Need” laws. “Getting rid of these laws would help caring doctors to open their own hospitals,” added Prewitt. In 2008, the U.S. Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission called these laws a violation of “antitrust measures” and claimed repealing the laws would give consumers/patients more choices and better service. More about CON laws in chapter five of Prewitt’s book, “Vitamin SEE.”

“This is not just my family’s story or an isolated incident,” said Prewitt. Many more Christian women are fighting for justice for their husbands’ wrongful deaths. In addition, the parents of Grace Schara have filed a lawsuit against the hospital they say murdered their disabled daughter.

“While my husband was not a COVID patient, many of the same deadly protocols were also applied to him,” added Prewitt. “They didn’t feed him five days before he died, gave him what I believe was a lethal cocktail of drugs, including high doses of IV Fentanyl, and, unknown to me, listed him as DNR.”

For more information, or for an outline of the plan to restore humanity to health care.


+ Christian News Wire, 2020 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Washington DC 20006, 202-546-0054,


[3] ‘Brain Death’ Theory Under Challenge as Mother Makes Emergency Application to Court to Prevent Withdrawal of Life Support for Son

A mother supported by the Christian Legal Centre is making an emergency application to the Court of Protection to stop doctors at St George’s Hospital in Tooting from removing life support from her twenty-year-old son, Andy Casey.

Samantha Johnson, forty-six, has instructed lawyers to make an application to the out-of-hours duty judge after being told by doctors that they intend to switch off her son’s life support within a few hours.

Andy was out with friends last Sunday night (9 July) when he was punched in the back of the head, and falling to the floor, suffered a severe brain injury.

He was resuscitated and taken to ICU at St George’s Hospital where he was put on artificial ventilation. He appeared to breathe independently for two hours the following morning, and has since made some independent attempts to breathe.

However, doctors told the family that Andy’s brain has suffered a severe trauma and they believed that he is likely to be ‘brain-stem dead’. The doctors said they intend to carry out a series of tests, and if there is no response, to withdraw life support immediately. The doctors have told the family they do not believe they need the family’s consent or an authorisation form the Court of Protection to withdraw his treatment.

Andy’s mother, his father, his sister and three brothers, as well as the larger extended family are all united in their opposition to the removal of life support.

The theory of ‘brain stem death’ or ‘death by neurological criteria’ was widely accepted by the medical profession from the 1970s until late last year as a reliable way to diagnose death by testing neurological reflexes while the person’s heart is still beating. However there are eminent neurologists across the world who are now questioning this theory.

This scientific controversy was at the centre of last year’s high-profile case of Archie Battersbee, a twelve-year-old boy found by the judge to be “dead on the balance of probabilities”, only to be overturned by the Court of Appeal who held that a diagnosis of death required certainty or near certainty.

The scientific consensus on the reliability brain-stem death was then shattered when in late 2022 ‘Baby A’, who had been correctly diagnosed as “brain-stem dead”, subsequently had a return of his respiratory drive (something the brain-stem death theory held to be absolutely impossible). As a result, the High Court found that the UK testing protocols for brain-stem death were unreliable and could not be used in court. The Academy of Medical Royal Colleges has not yet been able to agree revised protocols so the UK currently has no way reliably to diagnose brain-stem death.

The case is reminiscent of the high-profile legal battles between families and the NHS over withdrawal of life support from children such as Charlie Gard (2017), Alfie Evans (2018) and Archie Battersbee (2022). In response to those cases, the government has commissioned an independent review into the disputes between parents and hospitals over treatment of critically ill children; this is currently ongoing and is expected to lead to changes in legislation.

Ms Johnson, who has secured the services of the legal team who represented the family of Archie Battersbee, has said:

My son deserves a fighting chance and it is shocking that the NHS wants to withdraw life support after less than a week. I was devastated to be told that they are going to withdraw my son’s life support in a couple of hours and there is nothing we as a family can do about it. We are a large and tightly knit family, and we are all strongly against this, but our wishes are being ignored. We have been so fortunate to get legal advice quickly enough to know our rights, and we will fight this case all the way through the courts to ensure we have done everything to save Andy’s life.

Andrea Williams, Chief Executive of Christian Legal Centre which is supporting the family and has urgently secured free legal representation for them, has said: “It is vital in moments such as this that we do not rush. This family is asking for time for Andy. In a situation as complex as this Andy’s family should not feel under pressure to switch off life support.”


+ Christian Legal Centre Limited, Post Office Box 655, Hayward HeathWest Sussex RH16 9AT, England, 07712 591164,


Additional Articles of Interest

Global Alarm: Governments Now Believe There’s a Link Between COVID-19 Vaccines, Antibody-Dependent Enhancement and Immune System Degradation

U.S. Government Confirms COVID Vaccination Caused a 1433 Times Increase in Reports of Cancer to CDC Database

The Asinine Insanity of the ‘Climate Change’/C02 Hoax: Kill the Cows To Save the Earth!

Study: Seventy-Four Percent of Post-Jab Deaths Caused by the Shot

Climategate 2.0: “The Science” Is Dependent on Manipulation of Facts and Data

Dr. Richard Urso: 900,000 People Died in U.S. Because of Pandemic Policy

FBI Pushed Informants To Buy Weapons to Expand Domestic Violent Extremism Investigations

Government Reports Prove Pfizer and Moderna Purposely Manufactured Deadly Batches of the Covid-19 Vaccines

Pfizer Lied and One Million Germans Died in Less Than a Year Due to Covid Vaccine-Induced Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome According to Secret Government Data

Health Emergency Erupts When Possible COVID Side Effect Runs Wild

Cancer-Causing Agent SV40 Found in Pfizer Covid-19 Vaccine alongside DNA Contamination

The Global Warming Scam: Part 2 – Carbon Is Not a Poison

List of Thirty ‘Elites’ That Support and Promote Worldwide Depopulation

Government Documents Prove Bill Gates is Primary Funder of UK Medicine Regulator Despite Owning Huge Shares in Pfizer

Triple-Plus Vaccinated Accounted for Ninety-Two Percent of COVID Deaths in 2022 According to UK Government

Climate Change Crime – Depopulation in the Name of Human Rights

Targeted for Tyranny: We’re All Suspects Under the Government’s Precrime Program

CDC is Caught Fraudulently Altering Death Certificates to Hide COVID Vaccine Deaths


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