Sunday, February 23, 2025

2 March 2016

Wednesday, March 2, 2016, 21:47
This news item was posted in Presbyterians Week category.



“But if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the trumpet, and the people be not warned; if the sword come, and take any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at the watchman’s hand.” [Ezekiel 33:6]

“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” [Ephesians 6:12]


Presbyterians Week Headlines

[1] PCUSA’s Shenandoah Presbytery Refusing to Dismiss Unanimously-Agreed Warm Springs Presbyterian Church to the EPC

[2] Kirk Pastor Receives Widespread Blowback after Letting Local Muslims Use Church after Mosque Firebombed

[3] The Jonathan Edwards Collection: 20 Classic Works – Kindle Edition Currently Available for Free on

[4] Free Church of Scotland (Continuing) Services Being Held in London, England

[5] News from the Deepest Recesses of Hell

[6] The Thinning Blue Line

[7] Raging Heathen and Vain Imagining

[8] The Religion of Peace



[1] PCUSA’s Shenandoah Presbytery Refusing to Dismiss Unanimously-Agreed Warm Springs Presbyterian Church to the EPC

A 17 February 2016 The Layman article titled “Something Stinks in Shenandoah: Rejecting All Dismissals to the EPC” reports that the Shenandoah Presbytery of the Presbyterian Church (PCUSA) is refusing to graciously or otherwise dismiss any congregations that desire to move to the Evangelical Presbyterian Church (EPC) by first deciding by a one vote margin not to allow any presbytery churches to leave for the EPC.

The Warm Springs Presbyterian Church in Warm Springs, Virginia, which has substantial property and monetary assets including a large, unrestricted endowment, is a case in point. The church has voiced no opposition to leaving the PCUSA for the EPC, and has been following the presbytery’s gracious dismissal policy for quite some time. The presbytery recently called a special meeting where they voted to take original jurisdiction of the matter, to remove the session, and to remove the pastor.

Carmen Fowler LaBerge, president of the Presbyterian Lay Committee, commented:

“It appears that the presbytery is trying to kill the church to get the money. We have reached the horrific reality of an institution willing to destroy its own churches to sustain itself. It’s basic cannibalism.”


+ Presbyterian Lay Committee, 1220 West Main Street, Franklin, Tennessee 37064, 615-591-4388,

+ Shenandoah Presbytery, 1111 North Main Street, Harrisonburg, Virginia 22802, 540-433-2556,

+ Presbyterian Church (PCUSA), 100 Witherspoon Street, Louisville, Kentucky 40202, 888-728-7228, Fax: 502-569-8005

+ Evangelical Presbyterian Church, 17197 North Laurel Park Drive Suite 567, Livonia, Michigan 48152, 734-742-2020, Fax: 734-742-2033,



[2] Kirk Pastor Receives Widespread Blowback after Letting Local Muslims Use Church after Mosque Firebombed

A 26 Feb 2016 The Daily Record article by Stephen Stewart titled “Kirk Minister Tells of Shocking Abuse He Received after Opening Church Doors to Muslims after Their Mosque Was Firebombed” reports that after the Rev. Stephen Stewart of the Springfield Cambridge Parish Church (Church of Scotland) in Bishopbriggs, Scotland allowed Muslims from a nearby mosque that had been firebombed to use the church for Friday prayers, Stewart began receiving blowback from local Kirk colleagues and from as far away as the U.S.

Stewart commented:

“One negative comment from the U.S.A. was sent to me via an online comment. A local colleague expressed their disapproval of our actions. Subsequently the presbytery clerk advised me that another colleague had complained about what had happened and the complainant intended to raise a formal complaint against me via the business committee of the Presbytery of Glasgow.“An academic from the University of St. Andrews approached me over the New Year to ask me to provide her with an account of this experience for a piece of research she is undertaking.

“This all made me think more deeply about how our theology can shape and be influenced by our practice. Sometimes we take action and then only later do we step back and reflect on what we did and why.”

[Editor’s Note: Perhaps you, Mr. Stewart and your presbytery, should “step back and reflect” upon what the Koran teaches regarding the murder, enslavement, and punitive taxation of Christians, Jews, and otherwise non-Islamic peoples, the Koran’s misogynistic tenets that have brought rape gangs, female genital mutilation, and widespread honor killing to Great Britain, and the Koranic tenets of jihad etc. that justify strategic alliance with non-Muslims only until a takeover of that society can be accomplished. You have invited Satan’s minions to share a presumed church of Jesus Christ, and God will hold you accountable for your treachery to Him.]

+ The Daily Record, 67 Hope Street, Glasgow, Scotland, 0141-309-3251,

+ Church of Scotland, 121 George Street, Edinburgh EH2 4YN, Scotland, 0131-225-5722

+ Presbytery of Glasgow, 260 Bath Street, Glasgow G2 4JP, Scotland, 0141-332-6606, Fax: 0141-352-6646, Presbytery Clerk



[3] The Jonathan Edwards Collection: 20 Classic Works – Kindle Edition Currently Available for Free on


+, Inc., Post Office Box 81226, Seattle, Washington 98108

[4] Free Church of Scotland (Continuing) Services Being Held in London, England

Free Church of Scotland (Continuing) services have been held in London, England every Sabbath since the end of October 2015. On the 24 January 2016 Lord’s Day, there were, including children, twenty different people present at one or both of the services. We are grateful to ministers, laymen and students who have travelled down from Scotland to take the services. Also there are those in the London area who are sympathetic to the doctrinal stance of the Free Church of Scotland (Continuing), and to its practice of purity of worship, who have preached very acceptably for us.

The services are held at 3 p.m. and 6 p.m. and tea is served between the services. Helpful donations have been received into the London Outreach Fund opened by Knightswood Deacons’ Court, which bears the costs of the venture. Initially we had arranged services for just three months but we feel that the response and encouragements have been such that our trial period should continue for longer.

Our emphasis on serious worship, solid doctrine and the faithful preaching of the Word seems to be appreciated. We must express our thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Pontin who kindly and generously provide accommodation for the supply. Please continue to pray for God’s blessing.

The services are being held in Putney Evangelical Church (kindly granted). Location details are as follows:

Putney Evangelical Church, Sefton Street, Putney, SW15 1NA

For further information and to check venue and times of services please contact:

Rev. William Macleod (email:; tel: 0141 959 0292) or

Mr. Stephen Pontin (email:; tel: 07852 571040).

+ Free Church of Scotland (Continuing), Rev. John MacLeod, Free Church Manse, Portmahomack, Ross-shire, Scotland,

[5] News from the Deepest Recesses of Hell

Planned Parenthood Alters Abortions So Company Can Charge US$750 per Brain

Donald Trump Continues to Praise Planned Parenthood’s ‘Very Good Work’

Actress Amy Brenneman: “I Have Never, Not Once” Regretted Aborting My Baby

Infanticide: Doctors at Groningen University in the Netherlands Are Killing Babies Born with Disabilities and It’s Totally Legal

Proposed Euthanasia Regime Would Be ‘Most Extreme in the World’: Canadian MP

Canadian Medical Association Decries Plan to Force Doctors into Euthanasia Referrals

Donald Trump Donated To Group That Promotes Homosexuality to Five-Year-Olds, ‘Fisting’ in Middle School

Legalize Incest and Necrophilia, Says Swedish Liberal Party’s Youth Wing

Planned Parenthood Baby Killers Spending Millions to Promote Hillary Clinton

Mexican Authorities Arrest Top Pro-Life Leader Who Has Saved over 150,000 Babies from Abortion

Entrance to One World Trade Center Complex to Be Guarded by the Winged Oculus


+, Incorporated, 4 Family Life Lane, Front Royal, Virginia 22630, 888-678-6008, Contact Page

+, Post Office Box 270841, Fort Collins, Colorado 80527,

+ Now the End Begins, Contact Page



[6] The Thinning Blue Line

Charleston, South Carolina Cops Arrest Sick Woman in the Hospital for Unpaid Fines, Put Her in Jail and Dehydrate Her to Death

Eastern Pennsylvania Federal Appeals Court Rules You Can Be Arrested Simply for Filming the Police


+ The D.C. Clothesline,



[7] Raging Heathen and Vain Imagining

Sheffield University in England Expels Grad Student for Personal Facebook Post against Gay ‘Marriage’

Israel Marks Their First Ever LGBT Rights Day at the Knesset in Jerusalem

Criminologist Blames the Bible and Rush Limbaugh for This Growing Problem: ‘Fundamentalist’ Christianity Is to Blame for Crime in America – Because the Bible Teaches Violence and Vengeance

New York Farmers Forced to Pay US$13,000 Fine for Refusing to Host Homosexual Wedding

— ‘KKK Members’ at the Donald Trump Rally in Nevada Were Actually Liberal Democrats


+, Incorporated, 4 Family Life Lane, Front Royal, Virginia 22630, 888-678-6008, Contact Page

+ Now the End Begins, Contact Page

+ John McTernan’s Insights, Contact Page

+ Way of Life Literature, Post Office Box 610368, Port Huron, Michigan 48061, 519-652-2619,


[8] The Religion of Peace

Turkey President Erdo?an’s One-Man Islamist Show

Top U.S. Commander in Europe: Terrorists, Returning Fighters Now a ‘Daily’ Part of Refugee Flow

Feminist Duke Professor Ellen McLarney: ‘Soft’ Jihad a Force for Peace

Muslim Nanny in London Who Beheaded Child She Was Watching Said ‘Allah Ordered’ Killing

Egyptian Coptic Headmistress Denied Promotion ‘For Being Christian’

FBI Anti-Terrorism Website Up with Muslim Group Changes, Omission of Islamist Extremists

Muslim Girls in U.K. Are Forced to Marry Via Skype

Twin Bombing Attacks in Baghdad Market Kill At Least Fifty-Nine

Hugh Fitzgerald: Boston Police Commissioner William Evans: “We’re All Muslims Deep Down”

Nigeria’s Anti-Christian Jihad in Numbers: 11,500 Dead, 13,000 Churches Destroyed

U.K.: Rotherham, City That Covered Up Muslim Rape Gang Activity, Steps Up Police Patrols against “Islamophobia”

Saudis Launch Massive War Game with Twenty Nations

Iranian Girls as Young as Ten Forced to Marry

Libya: Islamic State Seizes Government Security Headquarters, Beheads Twelve

ISIS Posts Price List for Sex with Captured Infants

ISIS in Buffalo, New York: Kill List of Air Force, FBI, Government Officials, Military – “Slay Them Wherever You Find Them”

+ Middle East Forum, 1500 Walnut Street, Suite 1050, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19102,

+, 325 South Patrick Street, Alexandria, Virginia 22314, 877-267-6397,

+ Now the End Begins, Contact Page

+ World Watch Monitor, Contact Page

+ Right Wing News, Contact Page

+ Atlas Shrugs,

+ Assyrian International News Agency (Nineveh Software Corporation, 2317 West Farwell, Chicago, Illinois 60645, 773-575-5863, Fax: 773-761-8534)

+ Jihad Watch and Dhimmi Watch

+ The Muslim Issue, Contact Page

+ Way of Life Literature, Post Office Box 610368, Port Huron, Michigan 48061, 519-652-2619,

+ Jews News, Contact Page











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