Saturday, February 22, 2025

20 December 2023

Wednesday, December 20, 2023, 21:00
This news item was posted in Presbyterians Week category.



“But if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the trumpet, and the people be not warned; if the sword come, and take any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at the watchman’s hand.” [Ezekiel 33:6]


“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” [Ephesians 6:12]


Presbyterians Week Headlines

[1] Erskine College Denied Reaffirmation, Continued In Accreditation, and Continued on Warning by SACS

[2] Church of England Dismisses Then Re-Opens Disciplinary Case against Vicar for Describing Transgender Priest As ‘A Bloke’

[3] Employment Opportunities at Geneva College

[4] Judge Upholds Criminalising Prayer and Bible in Bournemouth Abortion Clinic Buffer Zone

[5] Climate Change Moguls Are After Your Meat


Additional Articles of Interest

[1] Erskine College Denied Reaffirmation, Continued In Accreditation, and Continued on Warning by SACS

Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC)

Disclosure Statement Regarding the Status of ERSKINE COLLEGE

Due West, South Carolina

Issued December 5, 2023, by SACSCOC

The following publicly available information is provided by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) concerning the accreditation of Erskine College. Information presented below is in accord with SACSCOC’s disclosure policy; SACSCOC staff cannot comment further on questions specifically related to Erskine College. The institution has reviewed this statement prior to public posting and was invited to submit official comments regarding SACSCOC Board of Trustees action.

Action by SACSCOC Board of Trustees took place on December 5, 2023, and the institution’s next review is December 2024. What is the accreditation status of Erskine College? Erskine College is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and  Schools Commission on Colleges; however, the institution was denied reaffirmation, continued in accreditation, and continued on Warning for twelve (12) months following SACSCOC Board action on its comprehensive decennial review. SACSCOC accreditation includes all components of the institution—all programs, branch campuses, off-campus sites, and distance education programs as reported to SACSCOC; thus, the Warning status applies to the entire institution.

What does it mean to be denied reaffirmation, continued in accreditation, and continued on Warning? A Warning imposed by the SACSCOC Board of Trustees at the time of an institution’s comprehensive decennial review follows a determination of significant non-compliance with the Core Requirements or Standards of the Principles of Accreditation—the accreditation standards of SACSCOC—for failure to make timely and significant progress toward correcting the deficiencies that led to the findings of non-compliance; or failure to comply with SACSCOC policies and procedures. The maximum total time during a monitoring period that an

institution may be on sanction is two years. In December 2024, Erskine College will have been on Warning for two (2) years. For additional information about sanctions, see SACSCOC’s policy entitled “Sanctions, Denial of Reaffirmation and Removal from Membership.”

Why was Erskine College denied reaffirmation, continued in accreditation, and continued on Warning? Erskine College was denied reaffirmation, continued in accreditation, and continued on Warning because the SACSCOC Board of Trustees determined that the institution failed to demonstrate compliance with the Principles of Accreditation, namely, Core Requirement 4.1 (Governing board characteristics), Core Requirement 13.1 (Financial resources), and Standard 13.3 (Financial responsibility). These standards expect an institution to (1) to have a governing board that (b) exercises fiduciary oversight of the institution; (2) to have sound financial

resources and a demonstrated, stable financial base to support the mission of the institution and the scope of its programs and services; and (3) to manage its financial resources in a responsible manner. (To read the full statements for the standards cited above, access the Principles of Accreditation: Foundation for Quality Enhancement.)

What will happen in December 2024? The SACSCOC Board of Trustees will consider the accreditation status of Erskine College following a review of a Monitoring Report submitted by the institution addressing the standards cited above for non-compliance. The Board will have the following options: (1) reaffirm accreditation and remove the institution from Warning without an additional report; (2) reaffirm accreditation, remove the institution from Warning, and request a Follow-Up Report submitted at the same time as the

Fifth-Year Interim Report; (3) deny reaffirmation, recommend continued accreditation for Good Cause, place the institution on Probation, request a Monitoring Report, and authorize a Special Committee visit; or (4) remove the institution from membership for failure to comply with the Principles of Accreditation. SACSCOC staff will not speculate on what decision might be made by the Board of Trustees in December 2024.


For additional information regarding SACSCOC’s accreditation process, access the Principles of Accreditation: Foundation for Quality Enhancement.


+ Erskine College, 2 Washington Street, Due West, South Carolina 29639, 864-379-2131, Fax: 864-379-2167,

+ Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges, 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, Georgia 30033, 404-679-4500, Fax:  404-679-4558,


[2] Church of England Dismisses Then Re-Opens Disciplinary Case against Vicar for Describing Transgender Priest As ‘A Bloke’

The Church of England (CofE) has re-opened an investigation into one of its former clergy for calling a transgender priest ‘a bloke’ in a YouTube Vlog.
This year, since launching his own weekly news channel on YouTube, Rev. Brett Murphy, 38, has been on the receiving end of a coordinated campaign resulting in a record four Clergy Disciplinary Measures (CDM) being brought against him.
On his channel, Rev. Murphy discusses weekly the latest news from a Christian Orthodox Anglican perspective.
A CDM is a formal procedure for handling allegations of serious misconduct by clergy within the CofE. If a CDM is upheld by the presiding Bishop, it is kept on a clergy’s ‘blue file’ and can lead to rebukes, dismissal and prevent further employment within the CofE.
While leading St. David’s Church in Coalville, Leicestershire. Rev. Murphy had four CDMs upheld by the diocesan registrar for:

  • Misgendering the CofE’s first transgender Archdeacon, Rev. Rachel Mann.
  • Social media posts criticising prayers put forward for the King’s coronation by the same Archdeacon that aligned with witchcraft and described Jesus as ‘our sister’.  The complaint was anonymous.
  • Expressing concern over the teaching of marriage and human sexuality in UK schools in a sermon.  
  • And finally, a complaint for not visiting a member of the public in hospital who no longer attended his church. Rev. Murphy was not notified the man was in hospital or even sick.

With support from the Christian Legal Centre, each CDM brought against him was dismissed by the Bishop of Loughborough, the Rt Revd Saju Muthalaly.
Last week, however, the CDM which involved Rev. Murphy describing the CofE’s first transgender archdeacon, Rachel Mann, as a ‘bloke’, was re-opened.
In July, Rev. Murphy left the CofE and moved to the Free Church of England (FCE) following the CofE’s announcement that it planned to introduce ‘same-sex blessings.’ 
However, he continues to be pursued and believes the CDM process is being ‘abused and weaponised’ to silence, intimidate and force Anglican priests out of the CofE who do not affirm and celebrate the plans to introduce same-sex marriage to places of worship.   
The Vlog
Opening his weekly Vlog on 23 June 2023 to his 13,000 YouTube subscribers, Rev. Murphy discussed the latest news that week from the Diocese of Manchester.
The Bishop of Manchester, Rt. Rev. David Walker, who is one of the most vocal LGBT voices in the CofE, had announced that the Rev. Rachel Mann had been appointed the new Archdeacon of Bolton and Salford.
Rev. Murphy said: “Now you may wonder ‘is that really newsworthy, Brett’? You may roll your eyes, if you are a complementarian, that another feminist is getting a prominent high-ranking position in the CofE, but this is worse than that. The Rev. Rachel Mann is in fact, biologically, a bloke, who identifies and lives as a woman.”
Rev. Mann has previously said to the media: ‘I’m self-evidently a woman – but I’m glad I was once a man.’
Rev. Murphy then questioned whether the new appointment is ‘positioning’ Rev. Mann to become the CofE’s first transsexual bishop.
He describes it as a ‘troublesome story’ and asks how Rev. Mann would deal with a member of their congregation who sees their lifestyle as in ‘complete rebellion against God’s word.’
Discussing a recent article written by Rev. Mann, Rev. Murphy highlights that they wrote that not everything was bad about ‘The Fall’ in the Book of Genesis and that Eve’s rebellion against God was not that bad. ‘To me that is a heresy’, he said.
He continued: “So what you are seeing here is someone who is a radical rainbow activist being put in a position of high authority in a diocese.” He describes it as another sign of the CofE’s continued descent into apostasy and heresy. He says it is not just a ‘slippery slope’, but a ‘landslide’.  
Complaint dismissed
Despite Rev. Murphy subsequently leaving the CofE, however, Canon Carolyn Lewis made a complaint under Section 13 of the Clergy Discipline Measure 2003 against him for his comments in the Vlog.
In 2021 Canon Lewis was appointed by the Bishop of Derby, Rt. Rev Libby Lane, to be the Diocesan Director for Education in Derby as well as Leicester.
This is the same Bishop of Derby and diocese which backed a school that sacked and reported Rev. Dr Bernard Randall to the government’s counter-terrorism watchdog for a moderate sermon on the CofE’s own teaching on marriage.
The same diocese and bishop oversaw an investigation into Dr Randall and concluded a risk assessment of him by stating that the Bible and the CofE’s teaching on human sexuality is ‘a risk to itself.’
Following Canon Lewis’ complaint, an investigation was launched by the Bishop of Loughborough,
Rt Revd Saju Muthalaly, who said in his report:
‘The Complaint…has required me to give some considerable thought to the appropriate course of action. I recognise [Rev. Murphy] is no longer a licensed priest within the Church of England but he is still subject to censure under the Measure notwithstanding.’
The Bishop concluded: ‘Despite my significant concerns and views [Rev. Murphy] should take serious stock about he is [sic] carrying out ministry, how he talks to and with people, particularly to and about those with whom he disagrees, I do not propose to take any further formal action under the Clergy Discipline Measure 2003 in respect of this Complaint having had regard to the Guidance by the Clergy Discipline Commission on Penalties. This letter will remain on Revd Murphy’s file for the appropriate time.’
Complaint re-opened
Dissatisfied, on 3 October 2023, Canon Lewis requested a review of the Bishop of Loughborough’s decision and appears to have found an ally in The Worshipful Canon Ruth Arlow. In her re-complaint letter, Canon Lewis said she was: “unclear why the penalty of rebuke has not been considered.”
Canon Arlow, a barrister, was selected by the President of Tribunals for the CofE, Dame Sarah Asplin, to act under section 4 (4) of the Clergy Discipline Measure 2003 in conducting the review.
Canon Arlow said in her determination letter published on November 9: ‘The Complainant has now applied for a review of that decision. My role is to review rather than re-determine the Bishop’s decision. Under section 13 of the Measure, I can only overturn that decision if I consider that that decision was “plainly wrong”.’
Furthermore, Canon Arlow, in a carefully worded paragraph which ultimately sends the message that CofE clergy should not criticise the introduction of transgender priests, stated: ‘At times as we seek to hear God’s call for the Church in this generation, the clergy will hold different views. However, all debate should be had in a spirit of respect and love, and ministers should always be willing to work with each other, whatever views are held on current topics of debate.’
Concluding, Canon Arlow says: ‘I have not found this an easy review to determine. I have nevertheless, after lengthy consideration, determined that the Bishop’s decision was “plainly wrong”. Accordingly, under section 13(3)(b) of the Measure I remit this complaint to the Bishop and direct that the Bishop reconsider his determination that there be no further action.’
The case will now go back to the Bishop of Loughborough for a re-determination.
The Bishop will decide whether to overturn his original decision and push for a sanction against Rev. Murphy, which could involve a ‘rebuke’. If Rev. Murphy was to reject such a sanction, the case could go to a full tribunal hearing at significant cost to the CofE.  
Complaints process ‘weaponised’
Rev. Murphy, who is originally from Australia, said: “As a Christian minister it is my duty to proclaim the gospel whenever I can. I make no apology for that.
“The decisions by the CofE to investigate and pursue me for stating biological truth has reinforced and vindicated all the concerns that I raised in the original vlog.
“The re-opening of the complaint especially exposes the drive within the CofE to censor and banish any dissenting voice that does not agree or celebrate extreme LGBT ideology.
“Getting a CDM through the post is a scary experience as it is the most formal complaint you can receive. You start to panic and believe your livelihood and career is on the line. I am concerned by how many clergy out there are going through the same process and are suffering in silence.
“Many orthodox Anglican clergy are on the receiving end of a system that is being misused and abused. The process is designed to get the bad guys, the clergy who have done something seriously wrong, not for stating biological truth that is aligned with the CofE’s own teaching.
“CDMs are being used as a weapon by the liberals to attack clergy who do not agree with them on sexual ethics. It cannot be applied in reverse. If, for example, I was to launch a complaint against a vicar who was vocal in their support for an LGBT ideology which goes against the very fabric of biblical scripture and the CofE’s own teaching, my complaint would not get past the first post.

“What is happening to me is a case of pure vengeance for daring to say what I have. It is an attempt to slur, slander and discredit me and take me down even though I have left the CofE.
“Many other Orthodox priests in the CofE are telling me that they are being pushed out and bullied if they do not go along with the same-sex marriage agenda. They are being harassed, pushed to the margins, are having false complaints made about them, and, shall we say, are encouraged to be silent or leave.
“I have (to) put a lot on the line but will continue to speak out on the grave concerns I have for the Church of England, as its landslide into apostasy and irrelevance continues.”
Andrea Williams, chief executive of the Christian Legal Centre, said: “The Christian Legal Centre is dealing with a huge volume of cases involving clergy who have been intimidated and punished simply for expressing standard Christian beliefs on marriage and sexual ethics.
“Promoting same-sex blessings is a catastrophe for the CofE. It is a clear departure from the biblical model for marriage. We will continue to see the Church of England decline if it insists on continuing this course.
“The churches that are growing in the UK are the ones that hold fast to traditional biblical teaching on marriage and family. This is what people want and expect from the Church.
“People expect the church to be a standard bearer for the world. They don’t expect the church to be following the ever changing culture of the world.”


+ Christian Concern, 70 Wimpole Street, London W1G 8AX, England, 020 7935 1488, Contact Page


[3] Employment Opportunities at Geneva College

As a member or friend of the Reformed Presbyterian Church in North America, you know that Geneva College provides Christ-centered, biblically-based higher education pro Christo et Patria – for Christ and Country. Geneva’s faculty and staff relentlessly pursue the mission of the college, to equip students for faithful and fruitful service to God and neighbor.

As we search for employees to fill roles at Geneva, we are seeking individuals who are not only well qualified, but also deeply committed to the mission we pursue. We would like your help as we look for those individuals, and we appreciate any referrals of qualified candidates. Could you be right for one of the positions below?

Current Faculty Positions Available:

  *   Chair of Biblical Studies, Ministry and Philosophy
  *   Full-Time Faculty, Department of Education
  *   Part-Time Faculty, Department of Biology
  *   Tenure-Track Faculty, Department of Biology
  *   Tenure-Track Faculty, Psychology and Social Services
  *   Tenure-Track Faculty, Psychology and Social Services

Current Available Staff Positions:

  *   Accounting Specialist
  *   Assistant Director, Master of Arts in Higher Education Program
  *   Controller/Director of Accounting
  *   Events Coordinator
  *   Online Operations Manager

Geneva College, 3200 College Avenue, Beaver Falls PA 15010
Phone:  724-847-6560


+ Geneva College, 3200 College Avenue, Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania 15010, 724-846-5100, Fax: 724.847.6696,


[4] Judge Upholds Criminalising Prayer and Bible in Bournemouth Abortion Clinic Buffer Zone

Today (15 Dec) a High Court judge has ruled that it is lawful to criminalise prayer and reading from the Bible in a buffer zone surrounding an abortion clinic in Bournemouth.

In a ruling handed down by Lord Justice Warby and Mrs Justice Thornton, the judges suggested that in their view there was a ‘right’ to abortion in English law despite abortion outside of the 1967 Abortion Act remaining a crime.

The ruling followed a legal challenge by two Christian groups, Christian Concern and Livia Tossici-Bolt, a former clinical scientist, who leads 40 Days for life Bournemouth.

At the High Court in October, supported by the Christian Legal Centre, they had challenged the validity of the 150m exclusion zone surrounding the British Pregnancy Advisory Group’s (BPAS) clinic in Ophir Road.

The statutory challenge and judicial review scrutinised the decision of Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Council’s to force through a Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) in October 2022 following what lawyers described as an ‘unlawful’ public consultation.

The zone was brought in under section 67 of the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014.
In January 2023, following an amendment to the Public Order Bill, ‘buffer zones’ around abortion clinics were brought in nationally.

Politicians and campaigners have described them as deeply draconian measures that criminalise free speech and prevent vulnerable women from access to alternatives to abortion, which the ministry of 40 Days for Life provides.

Under the measures, vigils, offering support and praying in the zone could result in a fine and six months in prison.

The buffer zone in Bournemouth is unique in that the way it has been drawn up by the local authority means that the exclusion zone covers both public spaces and private homes.

At the hearing, Lawyers had argued that if someone were to be heard and seen from the street praying against abortion in their home from the street, this could result in a prison sentence.

The Christian groups had therefore challenged the decision to introduce the legislation on the grounds that the council did not have the power under the 2014 Act to make a PSPO which restricts and criminalises otherwise lawful activities conducted in private places.

Lawyers said that the council did not have the power under the 2014 Act to allow the police to move members of the public from the zone with the threat of being fined and arrested. They argued that this is ‘incompatible’ with the powers given by parliament to the police and is an ‘abuse’ of the Act.

Furthermore, lawyers said that the PSPO was unlawfully made in the absence of any consultation with the Chief Constable of the Dorset police, as is required, and that the PSPO was made without authority since it was not passed by Council Resolution.

PSPOs were introduced in 2014 with the intent: “to help ensure that the law-abiding majority can use and enjoy public spaces, safe from antisocial behaviour.” The guidance emphasises that PSPOs must be narrowly drafted: “given that these orders can restrict what people can do and how they behave in public spaces it is important that the restrictions imposed are focussed on specific behaviours and are proportionate to the detrimental effect that the behaviour is causing or can cause…”.

The legislation has usually been reserved for tackling anti-social behaviour such as dog fouling and drink and drug abuse in local communities.

However, the legislation has also been politically weaponised by authorities to criminalise ‘any act of disapproval’ of abortion outside of clinics.

The legislation has especially been used to prohibit the ministry of 40 Days for Life, not just in Bournemouth but across the UK. The PSPO prevents any discussion of abortion or offers of help within the designated exclusion area. This includes prayer, reading from the Bible, making the sign of the cross, counselling and providing information and support available to women in crisis pregnancies. This is despite a number of lives being saved as a direct result of their vigils.

The PSPO has also given power to ‘designated’ members of the public to essentially spy on the zone and facilitate the removal of anyone perceived to be breaking the PSPO order.

Since the launch of the buffer zone, there have been reports of ‘prayer patrol officers’ from the council monitoring the zone who have ordered volunteers to move on accusing them of “intimidation, harassment or distress” simply because they were praying.


Andrea Williams, chief executive of Christian Concern, said they will appeal the ruling and that: “Peaceful witness near abortion centres are helpful to many women in crisis pregnancies, offering genuine choice by providing support. Whatever the guidance or law says, arresting peaceful pro-lifers in these zones clearly breaches their human rights.”

“The measures brought in by Bournemouth Council are disturbing in that they prevent women from being given access to alternatives to abortion. 

“We see women choosing life for their children because of the presence of groups like 40 Days for Life outside clinics.

“There is no evidence whatsoever to show that anyone is being harassed outside abortion clinics. The truth is quite the opposite. It is the abortion supporters who intimidate and harass and do not permit the viewpoint that shows the women a pathway of life and hope.

“Following the introduction of Pills by Post at home abortions, the offer of help to women outside abortion clinics is one of the few lifelines left to those who feel helpless and coerced into going through with an abortion.

“Buffer zones are an oppressive part of the current culture which force consent and silence dissent. The saddest thing of all is that we are actually talking about human lives.

“We stand with 40 Days for Life as they seek justice in this case. We call on MPs and the government to turn back the introduction of oppressive buffer zones across the UK.”

Responding to the ruling, Mrs Tossici-Bolt said: “Everyone must have the freedom to pray quietly in a public place. Everyone must have the freedom to give and to receive information. I, and my group of volunteers, would never dream of doing something that causes intimidation and harassment and I find extremely concerning that unfounded accusations of such reprehensible behaviour have been used for ideological gains to discredit genuine humanitarian endeavours. We have already been intimidated out of exercising our freedom of thought and of expression, but have continued to defend these fundamental rights with a peaceful conduct.

“We are very disappointed by the judge’s ruling and will continue to support women in crisis pregnancies and will continue to fight for justice. ”


+ Christian Concern, 70 Wimpole Street, London W1G 8AX, England, 020 7935 1488, Contact Page


[5] Climate Change Moguls Are After Your Meat 

The following is excerpted from “First they Came for Your Car,”, Dec. 6, 2023: “First they came for your car, now they are coming for your meat. Global warming, the universal excuse for left-wing policies designed to make your life worse, demands that modern agriculture be shut down. If you think that is an exaggeration, talk to anyone in Sri Lanka or the Netherlands. The UN’s COP28 global warming conference in Dubai is turning its attention to agriculture: ‘Climate advocacy groups are pressuring world governments gathered at this year’s United Nation’s COP28 climate conference in Dubai to commit to cutting global food sector emissions, as the conference host promises to put agriculture in the spotlight. Global food systems–including farming and land use, livestock production, household food consumption and waste, and energy used in the farm and food retail sectors–account for thirty-one percent of human-made greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, according to the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).’ How do you cut down on those emissions? Basically, by doing away with meat and substituting insects as a protein source for the masses. … One thing you can be sure of: the liberals who are telling you to eat insects instead of steaks, pork chops, bacon and hamburgers will do no such thing themselves. Their plan is to drive up the price of meat to the point where you, and most people, can’t afford it, but they can.”


+ Way of Life Literature, Post Office Box 610368, Port Huron, Michigan 48061, 519-652-2619,


Additional Articles of Interest

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Roman Catholic Pope Francis Publishes Norms for Clergy to ‘Bless’ Homosexual Couples

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Navy Medical Officer Reveals Alarming 937 Percent Increase in Heart Failure among Helicopter and Fixed-Wing Pilots Post-COVID-19 Inoculation

The World Health Organization Confirms That the Covid-19 PCR Test Is Flawed: Estimates of “Positive Cases” Are Meaningless. Both the Lockdown and the “Vaccine” Have No Scientific Basis

UK Office for National Statistics (ONS) Finally Admits Britain’s Excess Deaths Crisis in Lancet Article

How the US Federal Reserve Wrecked the Dream of Homeownership

Political Authorities and Covid: Creating Crises in the Name of Public Health

Bill Gates Calls for Cows to Be Modified to Fight ‘Climate Change’

British Broadcasting Corporation Unwittingly Exposes COVID Vaccine’s Part in Historic Death Spike

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