Sunday, February 23, 2025

22 March 2023

Wednesday, March 22, 2023, 19:46
This news item was posted in Presbyterians Week category.



“But if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the trumpet, and the people be not warned; if the sword come, and take any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at the watchman’s hand.” [Ezekiel 33:6]


“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” [Ephesians 6:12]


Presbyterians Week Headlines

[1] Christian Theologian Sacked for Tweet on Human Sexuality Threatened with Counter-Terrorism Referral

[2] Kristie Higgs: Appeal to Proceed ‘Judge Alone’ after Unprecedented Double Recusal for Perceived Bias on Transgenderism and Sex Education

[3] Federal Lawsuit Filed Challenging CA Department of Social Services’ Unconstitutional Cancelation of Church School from the Child Food Program


Additional Articles of Interest

[1] Christian Theologian Sacked for Tweet on Human Sexuality Threatened with Counter-Terrorism Referral

A Christian theology lecturer with five young children has been sacked and threatened with a Counter-Terrorism referral by a Methodist bible college for a tweet on human sexuality that went viral.

Dr Aaron Edwards, 37, who is being supported by the Christian Legal Centre, was last week sacked for misconduct by Cliff College in Derbyshire for allegedly ‘bringing the college into disrepute’ on social media.

Dr Edwards was threatened with being reported to Prevent, interrogated on how he would pray for same-sex attracted students who approach him for prayer, and believes as a result of the sacking and subsequent controversy that he might not be able to work in UK higher education again.

Dr Edwards has said that: “Anyone concerned about academic freedom, Christian freedoms and free speech should be deeply concerned by what has happened to me.”
The story is a microcosm of the fall out in the Methodist Church in Britain following a June 2021 decision by its governing body to allow same-sex marriages in places of worship.

The Methodist Church globally has traditionally understood that marriage is the lifelong union of one man, one woman, to the exclusion of all others, and the only appropriate context for sexual intimacy.

Since the vote, however, Methodist Church leaders and members have found themselves in the impossible position of being compelled to affirm same-sex marriage while also continuing to teach the biblical belief that homosexual practice is sinful.

Increasingly, under the banner of ‘tolerance’ and ‘kindness’, conservative evangelical Christians, especially in the Methodist Church and Church of England (CofE), are unable to hold or express biblical teaching, which does not affirm LGBT ideology, without fear of reprisals.

This has included being labelled ‘homophobic’, being reported as safeguarding risks, and even being referred to the government’s Counter-Terrorism watchdog, Prevent, for holding allegedly ‘extreme’ views.

The tweet

Cliff College, where Dr Edwards has worked for seven years without any disciplinary issues or warnings, was founded in 1883 and describes itself as a global centre for evangelism and missiology.

On its website it says that it is: ‘grounded in the authority of Scripture… We proclaim the Gospel and invite everyone to experience the life-changing transformation of a relationship with Jesus Christ.’

Dr Edwards has long argued that free speech for conservative evangelicals would be threatened by the Methodist position on marriage. Cliff College adopted this position whilst also maintaining its vision statement to uphold ‘a distinctly evangelical voice’ to Methodist churches both in Britain and across the world, where the conservative view on marriage is the majority.
In light of the recent Church of England concessions on blessings for same-sex unions and the subsequent response from global Anglican dioceses breaking communion with the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Edwards believed this to be a key moment for the evangelical voice to be heard.
On 19 February 2023, Dr Edwards posted: “Homosexuality is invading the Church. Evangelicals no longer see the severity of this b/c they’re busy apologising for their apparently barbaric homophobia, whether or not it’s true. This *is* a “Gospel issue”, by the way. If sin is no longer sin, we no longer need a Saviour.”
The tweet sparked a debate that went viral. There were users who posted in support of Dr Edwards and his message, but also many who harassed and abused him.
Dr Edwards insists, and clarified in subsequent tweets, that the post was not ‘homophobic’ and that it was addressed to evangelicals who agree with his message, but feel they can’t say so for fear of backlash.
Furthermore, he added that the aggressive response to the tweet illustrated the problem it addressed.
He subsequently tweeted: “That *is* the conservative view. The acceptance of homosexuality as “not sinful” *is* an invasion upon the Church, doctrinally. This is not controversial. The acceptance is controversial. Most of the global Church would agree. It is not homophobic to declare homosexuality sinful.”
He added that: “I expressed the conservative view as a doctrinal issue, re. the implications for sin/the Gospel. It was not an attack on individuals, it was addressed to evangelicals. It seems that holding the view that homosexuality is sinful is only welcome if it remains “unexpressed”.”
College bosses, however, were soon made aware of the post and contacted Dr Edwards asking him to take the tweet down as they believed it ‘contravened the College’s Staff Social Media Policy.’
Dr Edwards refused as he believed doing so would go against his conscience and be an admittance that he had intended to be deliberately provocative when the tweet was an expression of a deeply held belief which he believed was necessary to express.
Impact college ‘business plan’
Cliff College bosses later revealed in a disciplinary hearing that they had an ‘initial feeling’ that they should put out a statement to condemn and distance themselves from Dr Edwards’ tweet.
In the statement posted on Twitter, the same day, they wrote: “We have become aware that one of our lecturers posted some comments on this platform this morning regarding human sexuality. The language used is inappropriate and unacceptable and does not represent either the views or the ethos of Cliff College.
“Cliff College, with the Methodist Church in Britain, is committed to being a safe and hospitable place, where those with differing convictions are welcomed and challenged to live together as faithful disciples of Christ.
“We aim to do this with mutual respect and a generosity of spirit that springs from our biblical and evangelical conviction of God’s love for each and for all.”
A wave of what appear to be coordinated correlating complaints to Cliff College followed from some of the most senior members of the Methodist church in Britain.
One senior member of staff at the Methodist Church in Britain, who holds significant influence over the missional direction of the Methodist Church, wrote that Dr Edwards’ tweet had ‘distressed’ colleagues. They added that it ‘could be extremely damaging’ and ‘impact the college’s core work’ and its ‘business plan.’
They said that the tweet placed in doubt whether Cliff College is: ‘safe for both members of staff and of churches and circuits who participate in its programmes and activities.’
Suspension and Prevent
Dr Edwards was subsequently suspended while an investigation was undertaken.  
On March 8, a disciplinary hearing was held where it was revealed that the college was considering referring Dr Edwards to Prevent, the government’s Counter-Terrorism watchdog.
Dr Edwards was also interrogated, arguably seeking to accuse him of so-called ‘conversion therapy’, on what he would do if a same-sex attracted student asked him to pray for them about their sexuality.
Leading the disciplinary hearing was the Rev. Ashley Cooper, principal of Cliff College. Following the June 2021 vote to allow same-sex marriages in Methodist churches, which he voted for, Rev Cooper stated:

“We’re stronger for the gospel together if we can find a way of living with difference, because we disagree on all kinds of things.”

At the time he said he believed it was right to work together with conservatives and liberals within the church to provide a new way forward and to live together despite the differences.

Following the disciplinary hearing, however, Dr Edwards was sacked and now believes he will no longer be able to work in higher education again.
Appealing the decision this week to a panel that has already raised complaints about the tweet, Dr Edwards is considering his legal options and believes the college has discriminated against him and breached its obligations under the Equality Act 2010.
In his appeal, Dr Edwards has argued that the decision to dismiss him was disproportionate and failed to balance his freedom to express his Christian beliefs. He will say that the disciplinary procedure that has led to his dismissal has lacked ‘requisite fairness’ and that the level of imbalance, exaggeration, and misrepresentation in the investigation was ‘astonishing’ for what was meant to be an unprejudiced investigation.

‘I have been treated unjustly’
Dr Edwards said: “The reaction to my tweet and the unjust treatment I have experienced by Cliff College and the Methodist Church in Britain completely illustrates the problem my tweet addressed.
“The tweet was not defamatory; it was not an attack on any colleague or individual; it was not abusive; and it was not an extremist religious view. It was addressed to evangelicals as a point of doctrine, and it has been misunderstood by many who wish to cause personal and institutional trouble for those who express that view.
“What has happened to me demonstrates that conservative biblical views on human sexuality are no longer ‘tolerated’ in the Methodist church in the UK. Rather it is clear that those beliefs are to be silenced and stamped out.
“My expressed view has not been received respectfully, tolerantly, or charitably. It has rather been met with harassment and personal defamation by many.
“It seems the college is a safe place for those who are pro LGBTQ+, but not for conservative evangelicals. What has happened exposes that living with contradictory convictions is not possible for an evangelical Christian.
“I am deeply concerned for the future of Cliff College, and other institutions like it, as all the evidence shows that when LGBT ideology is embraced and biblical teaching abandoned, numbers fall.
“Anyone concerned about academic freedom, Christian freedoms and free speech should be deeply concerned by what has happened to me.”
Andrea Williams, chief executive of the Christian Legal Centre, who grew up in the Methodist Church, said: “A Christian theologian working for a Christian bible college tweeting about the biblical Christian teaching on human sexuality, has been sacked and labelled as a potential ‘terrorist.’
“This is an intelligent, learned, respected, father of five children who has been kicked out of a bible college for expressing views and beliefs shared by millions of Christians across the globe.
“It is saddening and very concerning to see the Methodist Church, and a once renowned bible college, lose its way by no longer upholding marriage as God defines it, or supporting those who express it.

“The key to the revival that sprung up through Methodism was its passion for the truth that is contained in the Bible. I caught that passion from faithful Methodist Sunday school teachers as a young girl and it is devastating to see the movement reflecting society’s values rather than upholding true marriage.
“The bible is clear that homosexual practice is sinful. Dr Edwards is right that if sin is no longer sin, we no longer need Jesus as our Saviour.

“God’s plan for sex is one man and one woman marriage. Every Christian should be ready to believe that God’s pattern for our lives is the best way for individuals and society to flourish. Every church denomination – including Methodists and the Church of England – should confidently proclaim this vision, rather than mirror the zeitgeist.
“This story sets a dark precedent for the Methodist Church going forward and also serves as a warning to the Church of England.”
Toby Young, General Secretary of the Free Speech Union, said: “Expressing orthodox Christian beliefs should not be grounds for dismissal from a purportedly Christian organisation. I look forward to Alastair Campbell defending Aaron Edwards’ right to free speech, just as he did Gary Lineker’s.

“Defending Free Speech means defending the right of people to express views you do not agree with, not just those you agree with.”


+ Christian Concern, 70 Wimpole Street, London W1G 8AX, England, 020 7935 1488, Contact Page


[2] Kristie Higgs: Appeal to Proceed ‘Judge Alone’ after Unprecedented Double Recusal for Perceived Bias on Transgenderism and Sex Education

In a highly unusual, if not unprecedented move, the President of the Employment Appeal Tribunal, has been forced to recuse two lay panel members for perceived bias on transgenderism and extreme sex education.

This morning in London, lawyers representing Christian mother Kristie Higgs, made an urgent application to the court inviting a member of the panel for her hearing, Andrew Morris, to recuse himself on the grounds of apparent bias.

Former pastoral assistant, Mrs Higgs, who is being supported by the Christian Legal Centre, was sacked for raising concerns about how transgenderism and compulsory sex education was to be taught at her son’s Church of England (CofE) primary school in 2019.

Mrs Higgs was sacked for sharing a petition opposing the introduction of ‘relationship education’ in primary schools and an article criticising certain books aimed a primary school aged children for promoting such ideas a ‘transgenderism’ and ‘gender fluidity’.

Yesterday afternoon (March 15), however, it was discovered that on the panel for the appeal is Mr Andrew Morris, the former Assistant General Secretary of National Education Union (NEU).

One of the most senior positions in the NEU, Mr Morris was in the role between September 2017 and March 2022.

Under Mr Morris’ watch, during the time frame that the government will review, the NEU has consistently taken a strong position in favour of making both relationship and sex education mandatory in primary schools and encouraging teaching children at primary schools about same-sex relationships and transgenderism.

Therefore, the NEU, with Mr Morris as a prominent member of its leadership, was an active participant in the societal and political debate which was central to the facts of Mrs Higgs’ case.

Lawyers argued in the recusal application this morning that Mrs Higgs made social media posts which argued the opposite views to those of the NEU, which were seen by her employer as misconduct, leading to her dismissal.

Mrs Higgs’ lawyer, Richard O’Dair, said in court: “The obvious objection that might be made is that these documents did not come directly from the lay member. He was simply a high-ranking member of the institution which produced them. That is not an objection – in a sense supports my case – he was a high-ranking member of a v substantial institution which took a v clear stance on matters on which C took contrary view.

“A reasonable bystander might have a reasonable cause for concern that the lay member has been for some time living and working within an institution which has adopted very forcefully a particular set of ideas and has made those ideas v much the forefront of its work. That is precisely the context in which unconscious bias takes root. If one lives and works and breaths a particular set of ideas in working life it is v difficult to step outside them, and that is the difficulty the lay member faces in this case.”

Handing down judgment, President of the Employment Appeal Tribunal, Judge Eady agreed she would recuse Mr Morris and would have to proceed with the hearing ‘judge alone’. She said: “I allow the application to be recused. Key points: he was at the relevant time a member of an organisation where he held a senior office which campaigned on the same issues as in the post. Whether or not he agreed, as a senior officer he associated with the views expressed by NEU. Many unions express views on matters of current issues, but NEU took a particular interest in the issues in question. Difficult to see how Mr Morris as Assistant General Secretary can be dissociated from those views in the eyes of an impartial observer.”

In July 2022, Mrs Higgs’ appeal was postponed after Judge Eady, had also been forced to recuse trans activist, Edward Lord from the presiding panel.

It transpired Lord, associated with Mermaids and Stonewall, had made a series of public statements relating to key issues in Mrs Higgs’ case, including the extent to which individuals should be restricted from making comments or statements regarding LGBT ideology, especially transgenderism.

Mrs Higgs has said she is “deeply saddened” by the developments but ‘relieved’ that the appeal will continue and will not be further postponed. She said, however: “How can we expect access to justice when this is what we keep confronting at every stage.” 

Government urgent review

Last week, the government launched an urgent review into ‘inappropriate’ sex education in UK schools.

Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, is said to be personally alarmed about Government guidance produced in 2019, the year of Mrs Higgs’ sacking, that was endorsed by LGBT charity Stonewall.

Ofsted has said last week that it is ‘powerless’ to sanction schools teaching schools as young as 12 about ‘gender unicorns’ and anal sex.


As part of the recusal application this morning, Mrs Higgs’ lawyers have relied on the following material published by the NEU at the relevant time:

(1) NEU response to Relationships and Sex Education Guidance27 February 2019: Published one day after the Mrs Higgs’ employer rejected her appeal against her dismissal, in response to the government’s act which the petition which Mrs Higgs had shared sought to oppose. The document states:

“The NEU welcomes the Government’s new statutory guidance for relationships and sex education in schools. This is a huge step in the right direction to ensure all children and young people have access to age-appropriate, inclusive and high quality RSE.

“There is consensus within the profession that RSE is vital to ensure that children can stay safe and develop healthy, equal and enjoyable relationships. The new guidance brings RSE into the 21st century to better reflect the complexity of children and young people’s lives today, including how to navigate the online world.

“We know that many schools are delivering excellent RSE but there are key areas that children and young people say they want to learn more about including LGBT+ relationships, sexism and sexual harassment and healthy and unhealthy relationships. That is why we are pleased to see content in the guidance stating that RSE should be LGBT+ inclusive.”

(2) LGBT+ inclusion update published on 23 July 2019: The update shows NEU’s strong support to the ‘Pride’ movement and participation in numerous ‘Pride’ events in 2019, including such events at schools. It then states:

However, Pride season 2019 has taken place against an unsettling backdrop. The consequences of rising intolerance and division have made headlines all year. Hate crimes continue to increase with homo, bi and transphobic hate crime doubling in the last 5 years. The well-resourced anti-LGBT+ education lobby have made headlines this spring and summer, with their actions seriously damaging teacher mental health, spreading misinformation and negatively affecting pupils’ self-esteem and access to education.” (Emphasis added).

The phrase “well-resourced anti-LGBT+ education lobby” is hyperlinked to the BBC report about the 2019 protests in Birmingham against teaching primary school children about same-sex relationship and transgenderism. The concerns of the protestors attacked by NEU in those terms appear to be very similar to those articulated in the Mrs Higgs’ Facebook posts.

The ’update’ further states that:

– “The NEU’s national conference in April selected an Urgency Motion on LGBT+ inclusion for debate, putting this at the heart of policy and campaigning work.”

– “In July, the joint General Secretaries wrote to Ministers demanding they clarify that all education settings must be LGBT+ inclusive”
(3) Every child, every family. Building LGBT+ inclusion through reading (31 January 2020, is an annotated catalogue of books about same-sex relationships and/or transgenderism aimed at primary school aged children. The foreword by NEU Joint General Secretaries states:

“This resource will help you to promote LGBT+ inclusion through reading. […]

“Order these books for your school or classroom. Share this resource with colleagues and table it on an INSET agenda. […]

“Using these books, and the teaching notes for each title, will open up straightforward ways to talk with children about different kinds of families and relationships. […]

“We haven’t specified which key stage these books relate to as you should feel free to use them flexibly across age groups. The law requires primary schools to advance LGBT+ equality but the impetus behind this area of teaching should surely be values-based. […] Relationships and sex education is of course one part of the curriculum which needs to be inclusive of LGBT+ families. But this guide will help you to think about how your school can use books and reading across the whole of your curriculum, and bring to life your values of inclusion to life.”

(4) Relationships Education and Relationships and Sex Education (RSE). NEU Guidance for members in England, published at NEU web-site at The Guidance states the NEU position that:

– “The NEU recommends that all primary schools teach sex education” (emphasis in the original) despite that being not required by law – p. 4.

– “The NEU believes all Relationships Education and RSE should be LGBT+ inclusive, promote gender equality and actively challenge all forms of abuse and discrimination” – p. 7.

– “The RSE guidance states that all schools should teach their pupils about LGBT+ people when they consider it appropriate to do so. The NEU believes it is appropriate to do so in every school and that Relationships Education and RSE should be LGBT+ inclusive at every key stage.” – p. 9 (emphasis in the original).

The hearing continues.


+ Christian Concern, 70 Wimpole Street, London W1G 8AX, England, 020 7935 1488, Contact Page


[3] Federal Lawsuit Filed Challenging CA Department of Social Services’ Unconstitutional Cancelation of Church School from the Child Food Program

California Department of Social Services permanently cut off a faith-based learning center’s public funding to feed needy children due to their deeply held religious beliefs regarding human sexuality.

This suit challenges the California Department of Social Services’ (CDSS) unconstitutional decision to permanently cut off public funding allocated to feed needy children at a religious preschool. This decision came as a result of the church’s perfectly lawful refusal to abdicate its deeply held religious beliefs regarding human sexuality by capitulating to CDSS’ overreaching demand to immediately and completely align all of its employment decisions, including key positions involved with inculcating religion, to the state’s new divergent sexual orthodoxy.

In spite of the fact the federal USDA appropriately exempts religious schools from sexual orientation and gender identity mandates, CDSS unlawfully permanently suspended the Preschool and its needy students from the Food Program after the Church and Preschool refused to allow the government to erase and replace their religious beliefs.

About Advocates for Faith & Freedom ( Advocates for Faith & Freedom is a non-profit law firm dedicated to protecting constitutional and religious liberty in the courts.


+ Advocates for Faith and Freedom, 24910 Las Brisas Road, Suite 109, Murrieta, California 92562, 951-304-7583, Fax: 951-600-4996,


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