Saturday, March 29, 2025

23 October 2024

Wednesday, October 23, 2024, 22:36
This news item was posted in Presbyterians Week category.



“But if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the trumpet, and the people be not warned; if the sword come, and take any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at the watchman’s hand.” [Ezekiel 33:6]


“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” [Ephesians 6:12]


Presbyterians Week Headlines


[1] Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary to Hold Reproductive Justice Fair

[2] Jonathan Edwards’ Church Then and Now

[3] First Euthanasia by Suicide Pod


Additional Articles of Interest

[1] Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary to Hold Reproductive Justice Fair

Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary (LPTS) is holding a Reproductive Justice Fair on 7 November 2024 from 4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. at the Wynn Center on the LPTS campus.

The fair aims to bring together community members, advocates, and organizations to promote access to comprehensive reproductive health, bodily autonomy, and social justice.

Immediately following the Reproductive Justice Fair, attend the 2024 Caldwell Lecture: “The Body Within the Body: What is Bodily Autonomy to Members of the body of Christ?” on 7 November 2024, from 6:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. (ET). The lecture is presented by the Rev. Latishia James.


+ Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary, 1044 Alta Vista Road,  Louisville, Kentucky 40205, 502-895-3411,Fax: 502-895-1096,

+ Presbyterian Church (PCUSA), 100 Witherspoon Street, Louisville, Kentucky 40202, 888-728-7228, Fax: 502-569-8005


[2] Jonathan Edwards’ Church Then and Now

Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758) was a key figure in the First Great Awakening in America. The revival in the northeastern part of the United States started in his church in Northampton, Massachusetts, in 1734. He preached the new birth and held to the infallible inspiration of Scripture. He believed in a God who is both holy and compassionate, a Judge and a Saviour. He preached salvation through faith in the vicarious atonement of Jesus Christ. Edwards’ famous sermon Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God warned people to flee God’s wrath. Following is an excerpt: “The wrath of God is like great waters that are dammed for the present; they increase more and more, and rise higher and higher, till an outlet is given; and the longer the stream is stopped, the more rapid and mighty is its course, when once it is let loose. It is true, that judgment against your evil works has not been executed hitherto; the floods of God’s vengeance have been withheld; but your guilt in the meantime is constantly increasing, and you are every day treasuring up more wrath; the waters are constantly rising, and waxing more and more mighty; and there is nothing but the mere pleasure of God, that holds the waters back, that are unwilling to be stopped, and press hard to go forward. If God should only withdraw his hand from the flood-gate, it would immediately fly open, and the fiery floods of the fierceness and wrath of God, would rush forth with inconceivable fury, and would come upon you with omnipotent power; and if your strength were ten thousand times greater than it is, yea, ten thousand times greater than the strength of the stoutest, sturdiest devil in hell, it would be nothing to withstand or endure it.” Edwards’ church, First Church of Northampton, was founded by English Puritans in 1654. Its third meetinghouse was built in 1737 during Edwards ministry and the Great Awakening. The current building was constructed in 1878 after the previous one was destroyed by fire. It is considered “one of the finest examples of High Victorian Neo-Gothic architecture in America.” It features stained glass windows, an organ built by Ernest Skinner, and a clock weighing 1,600 pounds. In 1988, First Church of Christ of Northampton and First Baptist Church of Northampton combined to form one church known as “The First Churches.” It is a member of World Council of Churches. Though the building is beautiful and historic, the church itself is apostate. It has a form of godliness but denies the power thereof, with no supernatural new birth gospel and no belief in the divinely inspired, inerrant Scripture. First Church “has been a forerunner in welcoming LGBTQ+ people into the life of the church.” In 1996, the church officially became an “Open and Affirming congregation,” meaning it “invites all to worship with us, without regard to differences such as race, gender identity, ability, sexual orientation … or any other difference that may be misunderstood as a barrier to Christian fellowship.” A rainbow homosexual rights flag is featured on the church sign and the church’s web site, with photos of same-sex couples. The church’s pastor, Sarah Buteux, is shown holding a sign that has God proclaiming, “Be You!” The church promotes contemplative mysticism, including centering prayer, which is a mindless practice that attempts to obtain revelation directly from God.


+ Way of Life Literature, Post Office Box 610368, Port Huron, Michigan 48061, 519-652-2619,


[3] First Euthanasia by Suicide Pod

An American woman became the first person to die in the Sarco pod in Switzerland. “The Sarco pod is a recently developed mobile assisted suicide machine. Once a person gets in and closes the lid, a computerized screen asks several questions, the last being, ‘Do you want to die?’ If the person presses a button indicating ‘yes,’ the machine starts filling with nitrogen, which then kills him or her via hypoxia” (“Sarco suicide pod,” Standing for Freedom, Sept. 25, 2024). The Sarco pod was developed in 2017 by Philip Nitschke, who has participated in hundreds of assisted suicides. The Sarco’s resemblance to a spaceship is “intended to convince its user that he or she is journeying to the great beyond,” Nitschke said (“Meet the Elon Musk of Assisted Suicide,” Newsweek, Dec. 1, 2017). Nitschke says it is the “right of a rational adult to have a peaceful death.” If man were merely an evolved animal, there would be no moral problem with this, because there would be no absolute morality, but that’s not the case. Man is not his own. He has a Creator to whom he is accountable. God’s law says, “Thou shalt not kill.” Death is not a spaceship ride to “the great unknown.” According to the Bible, there are but two destinations, heaven or hell, depending on whether the individual dies with or without the Saviour Jesus Christ. “And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment: So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation” (Hebrews 9:27-28). (For more on this subject see “Do We Have the Right to Die?” at


+ Way of Life Literature, Post Office Box 610368, Port Huron, Michigan 48061, 519-652-2619,


Additional Articles of Interest

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Man Wakes Up on Operating Table as Doctors Were Harvesting his Organs – The Medical System Places a Higher Value on Your Organs than Your Life

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INSTITUTIONAL RACISM: Oregon Official Fired for Hiring Employees Based on Merit Rather Than Non-White Skin Color

Doctors Warn of ‘Alarming’ Surge in Heart Attacks Among Healthy Young Americans

British Army Veteran Found Guilty for Bowing Head in Silent Prayer over His Dead Son

The U.S. Has Killed More Than 20 Million People in 37 “Victim Nations” Since World War II

10,000 Body Bags Were Not Enough – Updates from on the Ground in North Carolina Disaster Relief

The Rescue of Helene Survivors in North Carolina Was a Private Undertaking

What is Going On in the Hurricane Helene Disaster Area

Biden Regime Plots Child Abduction Scheme to Remove “Gender Dysphoric” LGBT Minors from “Non-Affirming” Homes

Kimberly Overton, RN: ‘It Was a Never-ending Assembly Line of Remdesivir, Ventilator, DEATH, Wash, Rinse, Repeat…’

Global Nuclear Catastrophe to Happen If Biden Allows Ukraine to Fire U.S.-Made Long-Range Missiles into Russia, Russian Ambassador Warns

Alarming Study Reveals Undeclared Toxic Elements in COVID-19 Vaccines


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