Monday, February 24, 2025

26 January 2011

Wednesday, January 26, 2011, 0:01
This news item was posted in Presbyterians Week category.


Presbyterians Week Headlines


[1] Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Abortionist and Nine Others Arrested after Grand Jury Indictments Including Eight Counts of Murder

[2] 300,000 Additional U.S. Breast Cancer Deaths Caused by Abortion since 1973 Roe. Vs. Wade U.S. Supreme Court Decision

[3] Logos Bible Software in Conjunction with Desiring God Conference for Pastors Offering Free Download of “Memoir and Remains of the Rev. Robert Murray McCheyne” by Andrew Bonar and Robert Murray McCheyne

[4] Erskine Executive Vice President Neely Gaston Resigns; Erskine Seminary Professor Dr. Stephen D. Lowe, Sr., Appointed Acting Vice President; Erskine President David Norman Blames Ten Percent Drop in Donations on “Fair Weather Friends”

[5] PCA Proposed Constitutional Changes Defeated by Presbytery Votes



[1] Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Abortionist and Nine Others Arrested after Grand Jury Indictments Including Eight Counts of Murder

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, abortionist Kermit Gosnell, his wife, and eight other suspects were arrested 19 January 2011 after a grand jury handed down indictments including eight counts of murder, conspiracy, drug offenses, and other crimes. Gosnell is charged with the murder of Karnamaya Mongar, 41, on 20 November 2009, after Mongar was overdosed on painkillers during an abortion in her eighteenth or nineteenth week of pregnancy, and for the murder of seven babies who were born alive during failed illegal late-term abortions, then killed by Gosnell or his clinic workers.

Gosnell and four of his clinic workers were charged with murdering the delivered babies by cutting into the necks of the babies with scissors and severing the babies’ spinal cords.

When police raided the home of Gosnell and arrested the abortionist, US$240,000  in cash was found in the residence. Gosnell’s clinic received US$325 for abortions carried out during the first thirteen weeks of pregnancy, and received US$1600 to US$3000 for performing late-term abortions on unborn babies in their thirtieth week of development in the womb. The abortuary took in between US$10,000 and US$15,000 per day.

The editor notes the irony of the widespread attention being given to Gosnell’s grizzly death chamber for unborn babies and some of the babies’ mothers, when for many years “legal” late-term abortion facilities have practiced the same barbarity and murder, including a procedure called “partial-birth abortion” where, after labor is induced, the late-term prenatal infant has its torso and limbs breech delivered, then the abortionist stabs a scissors into the back of the baby’s neck and into the brain, sucks out the infant’s brain, then crushes the skull and completes  delivery of the now-dead baby.


+ Christian News Wire, 2020 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Washington DC 20006, 202-546-0054,

+ Operation Rescue, Post Office Box 782888, Wichita, Kansas 67278, 800-705-1175, Fax: 916-244-2636,

+ ABC News, 7 West 66th Street, New York, New York 10023, Contact Page



[2] 300,000 Additional U.S. Breast Cancer Deaths Caused by Abortion since 1973 Roe. Vs. Wade U.S. Supreme Court Decision

The Coalition on Abortion/Breast Cancer on 19 January 2011 announced the findings of four epidemiological studies and one medical office journal article published during the past two years proving the link between women having an abortion and later developing breast cancer.

One of the epidemiological studies showed a thirty percent greater risk of contracting breast cancer among women that have had an abortion than in the general population, and extrapolates that the 50 million abortions performed since the 1973 U.S. Supreme Court Roe vs. Wade decision have caused an additional 1.5 million cases of breast cancer resulting in the deaths of an additional 300,000 women.

Approximately fifty epidemiological studies made since 1957, along with biological and experimental studies have supported a link between abortion and  increased incidences of breast cancer, and eleven articles and studies are cited showing that nearly all of the approximately twenty studies that deny a link between abortion and breast cancer “are seriously flawed (fraudulent)….[and] like the tobacco-cancer cover-up,…are used to snow women into believing abortion is safe.”


+ Coalition on Abortion/Breast Cancer, Post Office Box 957133, Hoffman Estates, Illinois 60195, 847-421-4000,

+ Supreme Court of the United States, One First Street Northeast, Washington DC 20543, 202-479-3000



[3] Logos Bible Software in Conjunction with Desiring God Conference for Pastors Offering Free Download of “Memoir and Remains of the Rev. Robert Murray McCheyne” by Andrew Bonar and Robert Murray McCheyne

Logos Bible Software in conjunction with the Rev. John Piper’s Desiring God Conference for Pastors is offering through midnight 4 February 2011 a free download of the Logos eBook “Memoir and Remains of the Rev. Robert Murray McCheyne” by Andrew Bonar and Robert Murray McCheyne.

The Logos overview states: “Written by Andrew Alexander Bonar, brother of Horatius Bonar, this is a moving and passionate account of Robert Murray McCheyne. Bonar, a great friend of McCheyne, wrote this biography a year after the death of McCheyne. He includes a detailed and insightful portrayal of McCheyne’s youth and ministry, providing personal anecdotes, as well as quotes and poems from McCheyne. The work is also comprised of dozens of letters, sketches of sermons, and several essays previously published. This biography and collection of McCheyne’s writings will enhance your understanding and appreciation of this devoted man of God.”

The eBook can be accessed by the Logos Bible Software base product and higher, and on the free Logos app for PC, Mac, or iPhone/iPad, available for download at


+ Logos Bible Software, 1313 Commercial Street, Bellingham, Washington 98225, 360-527-1700, Fax: 360527-1707,

+ Desiring God, Post Office Box 2901, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402, 612-435-2401, Fax: 612-338-4372,



[4] Erskine Executive Vice President Neely Gaston Resigns; Erskine Seminary Professor Dr. Stephen D. Lowe, Sr., Appointed Acting Vice President; Erskine President David Norman Blames Ten Percent Drop in Donations on “Fair Weather Friends”

The Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church (ARP) announced 20 January 2011 that Erskine Theological Seminary Executive Vice President Dr. Neely Gaston had resigned, citing Dr. Gaston’s “renewed call to pastoral ministry”. Dr. Gaston has been criticized for involvement in several controversial issues at Erskine, including the acceptance of Mormon and Muslim military chaplains into Erskine Seminary’s D.Min. program.

Erskine College and Theological Seminary President David A. Norman announced 21 January 2011 that Erskine Seminary Professor of Christian Education Dr. Stephen D. Lowe, Sr. will serve as acting vice president pending consideration of the appointment of Dr. Lowe as Interim Vice President at the February 2011 Erskine Board of Trustees meeting.

A 7 January 2011 article by Don K. Clements in The Aquila Report titled “Erskine College/Seminary President David Norman sends State of the School Email to Board Members” cites a 3 January 2011 email message by Erskine President Norman to fifty voting and advisory members of the Erskine Board of Trustees and Erskine senior staff outlining his six month tenure as president, where Dr. Norman attributed Erskine’s ten percent drop in donations between 2009 and 2010 to ‘Fair-Weather Friends’.

Dr. Norman may need to retain his figurative umbrella, as the editor has learned that several ARP churches, concerned that no substantive changes have been made to the unbiblical and un-confessional issues that brought about the Moderator’s Commission on Erskine and the emergency called meeting of the ARP General Synod in March 2010, are refusing financial contributions to the ARP General Synod for use in the funding of Erskine College and Theological Seminary. The ARP General Synod suggests as a general goal that annual contributions made by churches to the synod be equal to twenty percent of the church’s annual budget.


+ Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church, 1 Cleveland Street Suite 110, Greenville, South Carolina, 29601, 864-232-8297, Fax: 864-271-3729

+ Erskine College and Theological Seminary, 2 Washington Street, Due West, South Carolina 29639, 864-379-2131, 864-379-2167,

+ The Aquila Report, c/o Metokos Press, 211 Main Street, Suite 108,  Narrows, Virginia 24124, 540-726-8223,



[5] PCA Proposed Constitutional Changes Defeated by Presbytery Votes

A 22 January 2011 article by Dominic Aquila in The Aquila Report titled “Proposed Amendments to PCA BCO 14 Defeated, Vote of Presbyteries is 29-27 as of January 22” reports that twenty-nine Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) presbyteries, two more than the one-third required, have voted against the proposed amendments to Chapter 14 of the PCA Book of Church Order regarding the funding of the PCA Administrative Committee, and thus have defeated adoption of the amendments. Twenty-seven PCA presbyteries had voted in favor of the amendments as of 22 January 2011.


+ The Aquila Report, c/o Metokos Press, 211 Main Street, Suite 108,  Narrows, Virginia 24124, 540-726-8223,

+ Presbyterian Church in America, 1700 North Brown Road, Suite 105, Lawrenceville, Georgia 30043, 678-825-1000, Fax: 678-825-1001,


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