Sunday, February 23, 2025

26 May 2010

Wednesday, May 26, 2010, 11:38
This news item was posted in Presbyterians Week category.


Presbyterians Week Headlines


[1] Erskine College Court-Mandated Board of Trustees Names New President

[2] PCA Presbytery Overtures Call Denomination Back to Biblical and Confessional Roots

[3] Bible Presbyterian Church Issues 4 June 2010 Call to Prayer in Advance of 74th General Synod 5-10 August 2010

[4] Malawi Presbyterians Endorse Fourteen-Year Jail Sentence for Homosexual Couple

[5] Church of Scotland New College School of Divinity at Edinburgh University has Four 2010 Applicants, Lowest in 167 Year School History

[6] New Church of Scotland Moderator Urges Kirk to Continue Reforming

[7] Calvin Synod Elects New Bishop

[8] Second Christian Reformed Church of Kalamazoo, Michigan Seeks Classis Transfer over Women’s Ordination



[1] Erskine College Court-Mandated Board of Trustees Names New President

A 22 May 2010 article titled “SC Church-Affiliated College Names New President” on the WSAV-TV Channel 3 website reports that the Erskine College Board of Trustees, as constituted before the March 2010 decisions of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church (ARP) General Synod and by mandate of a South Carolina judge’s restraining order, on 21 May 2010 unanimously voted David A. Norman the new college president.

A 24 May 2010 article by Scott J. Bryan titled “Christie Named Interim Academic Dean at Erskine” in The Index-Journal reports that Erskine College English professor Brad Christie has been named the new interim academic dean in place of W. Gid Alston who will return to his former responsibilities in the college’s athletics programs. Alston has been an outspoken critic of the March 2010 decisions of the ARP General Synod.

A 21 May 2010 article by the Rev. Dr. Charles W. Wilson in the  ARPTalk Blog titled “The Scandal of Erskine—A 21-Gun Salute” describes Erskine College as “…a public scandal in the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ in general and particularly to the ARP Church….,” and cites twenty-one past, current, and ongoing scandals that have led to the current crises at Erskine College.


+ WSAV-TV Channel 3, 1430 East Victory Drive, Savannah, Georgia 31404, 912-651-0300, 912-651-0304, Contact Page

+ The Index-Journal, 610 Phoenix Street, Greenwood, South Carolina 29646, 864-223-1411,

+ ARPTalk Blog,

+ Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church, 1 Cleveland Street Suite 110, Greenville, South Carolina, 29601, 864-232-8297, Fax: 864-271-3729

+ Erskine College, Post Office Box 668, Due West, South Carolina, 800-770-6936,



[2] PCA Presbytery Overtures Call Denomination Back to Biblical and Confessional Roots

Two 24 May 2010 articles in The Aquila Report explain two Northwest Georgia Presbytery overtures to the upcoming  Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) 2010 General Assembly (GA) calling the PCA back to biblical and confessional roots pertaining to other presbytery overtures to the PCA GA regarding the ordination of women to the office of deacon and the proposed 2010 PCA strategic plan.

An Overture Regarding the Role of Men and Women in Office in The Church” reports on an overture of the Northwest Georgia Presbytery  calling upon PCA church courts to, “…until or unless there are constitutional amendments to change our [Book of Church Order (BCO)], each court is to be reminded to be faithful in upholding the constitutional views of the Church….,” and goes on to cite relevant passages of Scripture and sections of the BCO.

Overture from Northwest Georgia Presbytery: “An Alternative Plan for PCA Renewal” reports on another Northwest Georgia Presbytery overture through an opinion and commentary piece by the Rev. Dr. John D. Payne, who says, “if our PCA churches and presbyteries return to the rich theology and practice of Reformed Confessionalism, as reflected in the seventeen point summary below, we will know and experience the spiritual renewal and reformation that we all eagerly desire….,” then provides a transcript of the presbytery overture.


+ The Aquila Report, c/o Metokos Press, 211 Main Street, Suite 108,  Narrows, Virginia 24124, 540-726-8223,

+ Presbyterian Church in America, 1700 North Brown Road, Suite 105, Lawrenceville, Georgia 30043, 678-825-1000, Fax: 678-825-1001,



[3] Bible Presbyterian Church Issues 4 June 2010 Call to Prayer in Advance of 74th General Synod 5-10 August 2010

In advance of the 74th General Synod of the Bible Presbyterian Church (BP) to be held 5-10 August 2010 at Grace Bible Presbyterian Church in Sharonville, Ohio, a Call to Prayer has been issued:

“[On 4 June 1937], men of godly mind and will gathered to pray to ask the Lord’s direction in the formation of a church body that was to become known as The Bible Presbyterian Church. On [5-10 August] commissioners from Canada and the United States will gather for the convening of the 74th General Synod. Preparation is under way by Dr. Len Pine, synod moderator, and the host church, Grace Bible Presbyterian Church pastored by the Rev. Tim Miessler.

“Calvin writing in a wonderful section on prayer, chapter XX, book III, in the Institutes, suggests four rules of prayer.

“The first rule is that God’s people come with a spirit of reverence, as those “impressed with the majesty of God.”

“The second rule in our praying is that we appear in God’s presence with a sense of want or need. “The pious, in the prayers which they utter, trust not in their own worth.”

“The third rule requires that Christians come with a suppression of pride, “in short, discard all self-confidence, humbly giving God the whole glory.”

“The fourth rule for prayer warriors is that we approach God with a sure confidence of being heard. Calvin urges that we come to God in “the footsteps of faith.” He then concludes, “All the passages throughout Scripture in which we are commanded to pray, are set up before our eyes as so many banners, to inspire us with confidence.” (Henry Beveridge edition, pp. 149,152,156,158)

“Prayer needs to remember as you pray (and perhaps fast) are:

“1. BP Churches and presbyteries

“2. BP Missionaries and military chaplains

“3. BP Agencies (IBPFM, PMU, WRS, FPP)

“4. A vision to plant new churches

““It is a good thing to be called to prayer. When Nehemiah saw a broken and empty Jerusalem he said, “I sat down and wept…and fasted, and prayer before the God of heaven” Nehemiah 1:4”


+ Bible Presbyterian Church, Contact Page

+ Fundamental Presbyterian Publications, Morris McDonald, Managing Editor, 344th Avenue West, Kalispell, Montana 59901,



[4] Malawi Presbyterians Endorse Fourteen-Year Jail Sentence for Homosexual Couple

A 23 May 2010 article on the One News Page website titled “Malawi Church Welcomes Sentence for Gay Couple” reports that two homosexual men in Malawi held a traditional wedding engagement ceremony, and were subsequently arrested, tried, convicted, and sentenced to fourteen years imprisonment for sodomy and gross indecency.

General Secretary of the Church of Central Africa Presbyterian, Livingstonia Synod, the Rev. Levi Nyondo expressed approval of the jail sentences, saying: “As a church, we don’t support homosexuality or same-sex marriages. That is both un-African and un-Christian.”

Nyondo urged the government of Malawi, which is one of the world’s poorest countries, not to be bullied by foreign donors into legalizing homosexuality, commenting: “The donors can stay with their money, we have our morals to protect. The government should stand firm, we are supporting it. They should not be bullied into submission by donor money.”

A 23 May 2010 article by Scott Brown in The Scotsman titled “Church of Scotland Hits Out at Jailing of Gay Couple in Malawi” reports that the Rev. Ian Galloway, convener of the  Church of Scotland (COS)’s Church and Society Council spoke out against the jailing of the two Malawian men, saying: “This is not a just decision and it is one that we hope will be quickly reversed. These men have harmed no-one. They are a danger to no-one and they should not be in prison.

“It is not right to imprison people on the grounds of their sexuality, even in a place where attitudes to human sexuality are different from here, and those differences should not stop us saying so.”


+ One News Page,

+ The Scotsman, Barclay House, 108 Holyrood Road, Edinburgh EH8 8AS, Scotland, 131-620-8620

+ Church of Central Africa Presbyterian, General Synod, Post Office Box 30398, Capital City, Lilongwe 3, Malawi, 265-796064,

+ Church of Scotland, 121 George Street, Edinburgh EH2 4YN, Scotland, 0131-225-5722



[5] Church of Scotland New College School of Divinity at Edinburgh University has Four 2010 Applicants, Lowest in 167 Year School History

A 23 May 2010 article by Brian Donnelly in The Herald titled “Kirk’s College of Divinity has So Few Students it is ‘Scarcely Viable’” reports that the  Church of Scotland (COS)’s New College School of Divinity at Edinburgh University has received only four applications in 2010, the fewest in the school’s 167-year history.


+ The Herald, 200 Renfield Street, Glasgow, Scotland G2 3QB, 0141- 302-7000, Fax: 0141-302-7117,

+ Church of Scotland, 121 George Street, Edinburgh EH2 4YN, Scotland, 0131-225-5722



[6] New Church of Scotland Moderator Urges Kirk to Continue Reforming

At a special session on 24 May 2010 commemorating the 450th anniversary of the Scottish Reformation, the 2010 General Assembly of the Church of Scotland (COS) heard an address by new moderator the Rt. Rev. John Christie where he urged the COS to continue reforming, and reminded the assembly that the Kirk is now in a different world from the time of Protestant reformer John Knox, a time where secular voices challenge the Church.

Also speaking at the special session was Scottish Parliament Presiding Officer Alex Fergusson MSP (Member – Scottish Parliament) who read an account of the Scottish Parliament of August 1560 which approved the Scots Confession.

Extracts from the records of the very first General Assembly in Edinburgh, Scotland, on 20 December 1560 were read by Principal Clerk, the Very Rev. Dr. Finlay Macdonald.

Professor of Reformation History at the University of Edinburgh Jane Dawson spoke about the origins of the Reformation and how it came to be established in Scotland.

Actor John Shedden, dressed as John Knox, read extracts from Knox’s account of the martyrdom of George Wishart, and from the Scots Confession itself.

The impact the Reformation had on education in Scotland was outlined by the Rev. Ewan Aitken – a legacy that continues to this very day in Scottish schools.

Roman Catholic Bishop of Argyll and the Isles the Rt. Rev. Joseph Toal read a Scripture Reading from the Gospel of John – reputably John Knox’s favorite piece of Scripture.


+ Church of Scotland, 121 George Street, Edinburgh EH2 4YN, Scotland, 0131-225-5722

+ The Scottish Parliament, Edinburgh EH99 1SP, Scotland, 0131-348-5000,

+ The Vatican, Città del Vaticano, Rome, Italy, 39-6-69-88-35-11, Fax: 39-6-69-88-54-47, Contact Page



[7] Calvin Synod Elects New Bishop

The Calvin Synod meeting of 18-21 May 2010 in Ligonier, Pennsylvania, elected Rt. Rev. Béla Poznán as Bishop for the coming three year term. Csaba Krasnai was elected Auxiliary Bishop of the Synod. The Rt. Rev. Koloman Karl Ludwig who served as Bishop from 2004 to 2010 was elected General Secretary and also designated “Bishop Emeritus”.


+ Magyar Református Egyház, Contact Page

+ Calvin Synod, C/O Rt. Rev. Koloman K. Ludwig, General Secretary, 7319 Tapper Avenue, Hammond, Indiana 46324, 219-931-4321,



[8] Second Christian Reformed Church of Kalamazoo, Michigan Seeks Classis Transfer over Women’s Ordination

A 22 May 2010 article by Margaret DeRitter in the Kalamazoo Gazette titled “Second Christian Reformed Church in Kalamazoo Seeks Transfer over Women’s Ordination” reports that Second Christian Reformed Church (Christian Reformed Church in North America (CRC)) of Kalamazoo, Michigan, is seeking to transfer from Classis Kalamazoo, which supports the ordination of women, to  Classis Minnkota, which maintains the traditional biblical limitation of ordination to men only.

Both classes have approved the transfer, and a final determination is expected at the June 2010 CRC Synod meeting.


+ Michigan Live LLC, 339 East Liberty Street, Suite 210, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104,

+ Christian Reformed Church in North America, 2850 Kalamazoo Avenue Southeast, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49560, 616-241-1691, Fax: 616-224-0803


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