Monday, February 24, 2025

26 November 2014

Wednesday, November 26, 2014, 20:54
This news item was posted in Presbyterians Week category.



Presbyterians Week Headlines


[1] Sermons Available from Westminster Presbyterian Church in Johnson City, Tennessee’s 2014 Bible Conference – “Psalms – The Prayer Book of the Bible”

[2] PCUSA and Presbyterian Mission Agency Call for Prayer for Sudan Presbyterian Evangelical Church

[3] Church of Scotland Looks to Move General Assembly Away from the Mound in Edinburgh

[4] Girls’ Brigade Leaders at (Subscribing) Killinchy (Northern Ireland) Presbyterian Church Say They Are Being Threatened with Removal Because They Attend Killinchy Non-Subscribing Presbyterian Church



[1] Sermons Available from Westminster Presbyterian Church in Johnson City, Tennessee’s 2014 Bible Conference  – “Psalms – The Prayer Book of the Bible”

Sermons from the Westminster Presbyterian Church in Johnson City, Tennessee 2014 Bible Conference – “Psalms – The Prayer Book of the Bible” are available here:

The featured speaker was the Rev. Dr. Michael Milton.


+ Faith for Living, 3122 Fincher Farm Road, Suite 100, Box 552, Matthews, North Carolina 28105



[2] PCUSA and Presbyterian Mission Agency Call for Prayer for Sudan Presbyterian Evangelical Church

From Gradye Parsons, stated clerk of the Presbyterian Church (PCUSA) General Assembly, and Linda Valentine, executive director of the Presbyterian Mission Agency:

We call Presbyterians to stand with our partners in the Sudan Presbyterian Evangelical Church in deep concern and prayer for their people and for their property. Our partners report that the government of Sudan has destroyed the house of the pastor of the Sudan Presbyterian Evangelical Church in Khartoum North. They note that church members thwarted efforts to destroy the pastor’s office.

The church is the people. But such attacks on church property represent an effort to intimidate the community and to suppress religious freedom. Our partners ask us for solidarity and action, including prayer.

The partnership between Presbyterians in the United States and the Sudan Presbyterian Evangelical Church dates to 1901. Our long partnership remains vibrant, in spite of continual challenges that the Sudan Presbyterian Evangelical Church faces because of decades of civil war. Such challenges have increased since South Sudan became an independent country in 2011, resulting in Christians in Sudan becoming a tiny minority of the population. The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) joins our partners in Sudan in a holistic approach to ministry that includes prayer, evangelism, education, leadership development, and community development.

Please call on the president and Congress to urge the government of Sudan to respect diversity and to protect religious freedom for all the people of Sudan.

Please join our partners in prayer:


God of the ages, we pray for our brothers and sisters in the Sudan Presbyterian Evangelical Church. We give thanks for their witness, ministry, and mission following Jesus. We give thanks for our partnership. We ask your blessing for our brothers and sisters during these troubling days. Protect them as assaults are made on church property. Keep them safe as they stand against those who would destroy their buildings and intimidate the community. Touch the leaders of the government of Sudan, that they may not only turn from policies of destruction and oppression, but also honor all people and provide religious freedom for all faiths. We pray this in the name of Jesus. Amen.


+ Presbyterian Church (PCUSA), 100 Witherspoon Street, Louisville, Kentucky 40202, 888-728-7228, Fax: 502-569-8005

+ Sudan Presbyterian Evangelical Church, Post Office Box 57, Khartoum, Sudan, 249-11-776 807



[3] Church of Scotland Looks to Move General Assembly Away from the Mound in Edinburgh

A 25 November 2014 The Scotsman article by Tom Peterkin titled “Church Plans Exodus from Historic Edinburgh Home” reports that the Church of Scotland plan to move its general assembly headquarters from the Mound in Edinburgh where it has been since the 19th century to more modern facilities with larger meeting capacity.


+ The Scotsman, Barclay House, 108 Holyrood Road, Edinburgh EH8 8AS, Scotland, 131-620-8620

+ Church of Scotland, 121 George Street, Edinburgh EH2 4YN, Scotland, 0131-225-5722



[4] Girls’ Brigade Leaders at (Subscribing) Killinchy (Northern Ireland) Presbyterian Church Say They Are Being Threatened with Removal Because They Attend Killinchy Non-Subscribing Presbyterian Church

A 22 November 2014 Belfast Telegraph article by Joanne Sweeney titled “Girls’ Brigade Row at Killinchy Church: ‘I’ve Been in This Brigade All My Life… But I Feel Unwelcome Now’” reports that two leaders of the 74th Killinchy Girls’ Brigade based in the (Subscribing) Killinchy Presbyterian Church report that they are being threatened with removal from office by the session of the church because the two women attend the Killinchy Non-Subscribing Presbyterian Church.

The Non-Subscribing Presbyterian Church of Ireland describes their faith as follows:

What Does “Non-Subscribing” mean?

It means that we are not bound by compulsory subscription to man-made creeds and doctrines of Faith.

We declare allegiance to the principle that:

the teaching of Christ must take precedence over the doctrines of a later time, and

Christian unity is to be sought, not in the uniformity of creed but in a common standard of duty and adherence to the commandments set out in the Holy Bible.

Our Faith

is governed by the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments of the Holy Bible

asserts and upholds the right of each and every individual to search these scriptural records for themselves and to use reason and personal conscience to discover God’s Divine Truth

removes Human Tests and Confessions of Faith that restrict private judgement and prevent free enquiry

upholds the beautiful simplicity of the great commandments as defined by Jesus Christ: “You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and all your mind” and “You must love your neighbour as yourself”

The Mission Statement of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland, received by the General Assembly in June 1992, is located here:


The Coleraine Declaration of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland, adopted by the 1988 General Assembly, is located here:




+ Belfast Telegraph, 124-144 Royal Avenue, Belfast BT1 1EB, Northern Ireland, 028-9026-4000,


+ The Non-Subscribing Presbyterian Church of Ireland, c/o Clerk of Synod, Rev. Chris Wilson, 48 Church Road, Moneyreagh BT23 6BA, Northern Ireland, 07729178093,


+ Presbyterian Church in Ireland, Church House, Belfast BT1 6DW, Northern Ireland, 028-9032-2284, Fax: 028-9041-7301,





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