Wednesday, January 22, 2025

27 June 2012

Wednesday, June 27, 2012, 22:30
This news item was posted in Presbyterians Week category.



Presbyterians Week Headlines


[1] ARPTalk Issue #62 Explores Biblical Usage of “Wolf” – Demonstrating that the Retiring 218th ARP Synod Moderator was Howling up the Wrong Exegetical Tree

[2] Reformed Church in America 2012 General Synod Appoints New Committee to Study Issues of Homosexuality; Removes “Conscience Clause” from Book of Church Order Regarding the Ordination of Women

[3] Headlines from

[4] Headlines from The Christian Institute

[5] Raging Heathen and Vain Imagining

[6] The Religion of Peace



[1] ARPTalk Issue #62 Explores Biblical Usage of “Wolf” – Demonstrating that the Retiring 218th ARP Synod Moderator was Howling up the Wrong Exegetical Tree

In ARPTalk Issue #62, editor the Rev. Dr. Chuck Wilson analyzes the biblical usage of the word “wolf”, the term used in a sermon by outgoing ARP Moderator Andy Putnam delivered 5 June 2012 at the opening worship service of the 218th Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church (ARP) synod meeting. In the sermon titled “Wolves,” Putnam described as “wolves” those who want to disrupt the unity of the ARP Church. 

Dr. Wilson clearly demonstrates that the “wolves” referenced in the sermon text Acts 20:28-31 refer to false teachers that teach a way to God other than Jesus and who deny and devour the clear teaching of the Bible, not to those who speak prophetically to those in power, and not to those who critique denominational leaders and denominational institutions.


+ Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church, 1 Cleveland Street Suite 110, Greenville, South Carolina, 29601, 864-232-8297, Fax: 864-271-3729



[2] Reformed Church in America 2012 General Synod Appoints New Committee to Study Issues of Homosexuality; Removes “Conscience Clause” from Book of Church Order Regarding the Ordination of Women

A 27 June 2012 article by Michael Gryboski in The Christian Post titled “Reformed Church Appoints ‘New Committee’ on Homosexuality” reports that the Reformed Church in America (RCA) 2012 General Synod meeting since 21 June 2012 at the Trinity Christian College in Palos Heights, Illinois, on 25 June appointed a new committee to develop plans for the RCA to deal with issues related to the RCA position on homosexuality.

In another 27 June 2012 article titled “Reformed Church Removes ‘Conscience’ Exemption for Women’s Ordination,” Mr. Gryboski reports that the RCA 2012 General Synod voted to remove from the RCA Book of Church Order provisions that specified when someone could and could not refuse to participate in the ordination of women.


+ The Christian Post, National Press Building, 529 14th Street Northwest, Suite 420, Washington DC 20045, 202-347-7734,

+ Reformed Church in America, 4500 60th Street Southeast, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49512, 800-968-6065,

+ Trinity Christian College, 6601 W. College Drive, Palos Heights, Illinois 60463, 866-874-6463,



[3] Headlines from headlines of the past week include the following articles:

Pro-abortion Politicians Read Obscene Play on Steps of the Michigan State Capitol

New Hampshire Governor Vetoes Partial Birth Abortion Ban


+, Post Office Box 270841, Fort Collins, Colorado 80527,



[4] Headlines from The Christian Institute

The Christian Institute’s headlines of the past week include the following articles:

Supporters of Traditional Marriage are Being Vilified

Report: BBC is ‘Culturally Biased’ against Evangelicals

Schools Praised for Labeling Four-Year-Olds ‘Transgender’


+ The Christian Institute, Wilberforce House, 4 Park Road, Gosforth Business Park, Newcastle upon Tyne NE12 8DG, England, 44-0-191-281-5664, Fax: 44-0-191-281-4272,



[5] Raging Heathen and Vain Imagining

Articles from the past week regarding kings and rulers setting themselves against the LORD and against his anointed:

Police Chaplain in Charlotte, North Carolina Told Not to Pray in Jesus’ Name

U.S. Army Holding Training Exercises In American Streets

U.S. Military Holds First Gay Pride Event

Tulsa, Oklahoma Criminalizes Self Reliance: Woman’s Survival Garden Seized and Destroyed by Authorities

Minnesota Man Beaten, Arrested For Reportedly Carrying Handgun…Despite Having Concealed Carry Permit

U.K. Professor: Doctors Using ‘Death Pathway’ To Euthanize Patients

University of Minnesota-Duluth Exposes Community to White Guilt Propaganda

Human Rights Groups Warn of Eugenics as European Court Mulls Down Syndrome Case

Austin, Texas Man Facing Ten Years in Prison after Photographing Cops Making Arrest

Dallas, Texas Cop Pulls over Motorcyclist in Order to Confiscate His Helmet Cam — Arrests Him When He Objects

New Film: Jesus Wasn’t Divine and He was Born after His Mother was Raped by a Roman Soldier


+ Mission Network News, 1159 East Beltline Avenue Northeast, Grand RapidsMichigan 49525, 616-942-1500, Fax: 616-942-7328, Contact Page

+ Western Center for Journalism, 42104 North Venture Drive, Suite B-122, Anthem, Arizona 85086, 202-370-6366, Contact Page

+ Focus on the Family, Colorado Springs, Colorado  80995, 800-232-645

+ Patriot Post, PO Box 507, Chattanooga, Tennessee 37401, Contact Pag

+ THEBLAZE.COM LLC, 1270 Avenue of the Americas, 9th Floor, New York, New York 10036,

+, 325 South Patrick Street, Alexandria, Virginia 22314, 877-267-6397,



[6] The Religion of Peace

Articles from the past week about the religion of peace:

Muslim Mob Stones Christians in Dearborn, Michigan; Police then Harass the Christians

FBI Investigating over 100 Suspected Islamic Jihadists in U.S. Military

New Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi: “Jihad is Our Path and Death In The Name of Allah is Our Goal”

Carnage as Nigeria Muslims ‘Declare War on Christians’

U.S. Plans Significant Military Presence in Kuwait to Respond to Region Conflicts

Military Instructor Suspended over Islam Course that Taught the United States is at War with Islam

U.S. Secretly Drops Terrorism Charges In Taliban Case

England: Devout Muslim Preacher Abid Hussain ‘Threatens To Kill Daughter’ after She Refuses Arranged Marriage

Texas Congressman Calls for “Hearing on the Radicalization of Christians”

Member of Egyptian Terrorist Group Goes to Washington DC – Meets with Senior Obama Administration Leaders

Obama Phones to Congratulate Muslim Brotherhood on Victory in Egypt’s ‘Milestone’ Election


+ American Vision, Post Office Box 220, Powder Springs, Georgia 30127, 770-222-7266, Fax: 770-222-7269,

+ Jihad Watch and Dhimmi Watch

+ Human Events, One Massachusetts Avenue Northwest, Washington DC 20001, 202-216-0600,

+ Assyrian International News Agency

+ Atlas Shrugs,

+ Thomson Reuters, 3 Times Square New YorkNew York 10036, 646-223-4000,

+ The Daily Beast, 555 West 18th Street, New York, New York 10011,

+, 325 South Patrick Street, Alexandria, Virginia 22314, 877-267-6397,


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