Sunday, February 23, 2025

28 April 2010

Tuesday, April 27, 2010, 23:37
This news item was posted in Presbyterians Week category.


Presbyterians Week Headlines


[1]  Letters, We Get…er, uh…Emails

[2] ARP General Synod Files Appeal to Dismiss Lawsuit Leading to an Injunction against Changes to Erskine College and Seminary Board of Trustees

[3] Sinn Fein Deputy First Minister of Northern Ireland Attacks Mainline Protestant Representation on Government School Education Boards

[4] Church of Scotland Considering Ban on Extramarital Sex of Any Kind as Means of Dealing with Homosexual Ministers

[5] Church of Scotland Considers Cutting 100 Ministers in Next Four Years

[6] First RPCNA Church Organized In Georgia

[7] Presbyterian Church of Liberia Celebrates 177th Anniversary

[8] Asante Presbytery of the Presbyterian Church of Ghana to Make Possible Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper for Tribal Royalty

[9] Ligonier Academy to Offer Two-Year and Four-Year Undergraduate Degrees Beginning in 2011



[1] Letters, We Get…er, uh…Emails

Three email responses to the 21 April 2010 Presbyterians Week were received shortly after publication, each taking issue with aspects of one of three articles, and are worthy of the readers’ consideration.

According to the first email response to article [2] U.S. Army War College Monograph Posits that Christians Threaten U.S. Foreign Policy, Chuck Baldwin’s review of the subject monograph was skewed to the point of falsehood in several instances by the dispensational, premillennial eschatological presuppositions of the reviewer. The monograph titled “Strategic Implications of American Millennialism” is available at

The second email response to article [4] RTS Orlando, Florida, OT Professor Resigns after Video Surfaces Showing Endorsement of Theistic Evolution, asserts that the summarized Inside Higher Ed article presented a skewed and inaccurate portrayal of Professor Bruce Waltke’s departure from Reformed Theological Seminary. Several articles on The Aquila Report website were commended as providing a much more accurate perspective on the matter:

OT Professor Bruce Waltke Resigns from RTS Orlando Faculty amid Historical Adam and Eve Controversy:


Why Bruce Waltke’s Story Is Being Told (in the mainline press) and David Coppedge’s Isn’t:

(; and,

Professor Bruce Waltke Posts An ‘Open Letter to the RTS Community’ on Facebook:


The final email response to article [5] PCA Standing Judicial Commission Issues Final Ruling against Pacific Northwest Presbytery’s Conclusions about the Theological Views of Teaching Elder Peter Leithart, expressed concern that in the 11 March 2010 Decision in Judicial Case 2009-6 Complaint of TE James Bordwine, Et Al. vs. Pacific Northwest Presbytery (PNW) by the Standing Judicial Commission (SJC) of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA), the SJC exceeded its PCA constitutional authority by ruling beyond the scope of the singular issue of the validity or invalidity of the decision of the PNW that Teaching Elder Peter Leithart’s theological views were not out of accord with the PCA system of doctrine. The responder was additionally concerned about the future implications of the SJC decision.

The editor urges the reader to examine all of these resources for further clarification of the issues.


+ Christian Observer, Post Office Box 1371, Lexington, Virginia 20110,

+, Post Office Box 370, Merlin, Oregon 97532,

+ Inside Higher Ed, 1320 18th Street Northwest, 5th Floor, Washington DC 20036, 202-659-9208, Fax: 202-659-9381,

+ The Aquila Report, c/o Metokos Press, 211 Main Street, Suite 108, Narrows, Virginia 24124, 540-726-8223,

+ Presbyterian Church in America, 1700 North Brown Road, Suite 105, Lawrenceville, Georgia 30043, 678-825-1000, Fax: 678-825-1001,


[2] ARP General Synod Files Appeal to Dismiss Lawsuit Leading to an Injunction against Changes to Erskine College and Seminary Board of Trustees

A 22 April 2010 article by Nicole E. Smith in The Index-Journal titled “ARP Church, Synod Appeal Injunction Order about Erskine’s Board” reports that the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church (ARP) General Synod (GS) filed an appeal asking for dismissal of the lawsuit leading to an injunction against making changes to the Erskine College and Theological Seminary Board of Trustees voted upon by a called synod meeting in March 2010.

The ARPGS contends that the two trustees and the president of the alumni association who filed the suit leading to the injunction lack standing to pursue the complaints.


+ The Index-Journal, 610 Phoenix St reet, Greenwood, South Carolina 29646, 864-223-1411,

+ Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church, 1 Cleveland Street Suite 110, Greenville, South Carolina, 29601, 864-232-8297, Fax: 864-271-3729

+ Erskine College and Theological Seminary, Post Office Box 668, Due West, South Carolina, 800-770-6936,


[3] Sinn Fein Deputy First Minister of Northern Ireland Attacks Mainline Protestant Representation on Government School Education Boards

A 21 April 2010 Belfast Newsletter article titled “Protestant Church Leaders Hit Out at ‘Misleading Slurs’” reports that Sinn Fein party member and Deputy First Minister of Northern Ireland Martin McGuinness recently accused the Presbyterian Church in Ireland (PCI), the Church of Ireland, and the Methodist Church of attempting to block reforms which threaten their representation on the new Educational Skills Authority, calling church representatives on government school governing bodies “not fit for purpose.”

Most government schools in Northern Ireland were formed by the three main protestant bodies in Northern Ireland, then turned over to government authority in the 1920’s and the 1930’s in exchange for statutory rights to a minority of seats on the related school governing bodies.

Speaking on behalf of the three churches, PCI Education Secretary the Rev. Trevor Gribben called Deputy First Minister McGuinness’ statements “misleading, derogatory, and a slur on our integrity,” and said “Up until now our engagement from Sinn Fein has been very positive but this statement from Mr. McGuinness represented a radical change in tone. We would be very disappointed if this was done for election purposes.”


+ Belfast Newsletter, 2 Esky Drive, Carn Industrial Estate, Craigavon
BT63 5YY, Northern Ireland, 028-90-897700,

+ Presbyterian Church in Ireland, Church House, Belfast BT1 6DW, Northern Ireland, 028-9032-2284, Fax: 028-9041-7301,

+ Sinn Fein, 44 Parnell Square, Dublin 1, Republic of Ireland, 353-1- 8726100, Fax: 353-1-8733074,


[4] Church of Scotland Considering Ban on Extramarital Sex of Any Kind as Means of Dealing with Homosexual Ministers

A 26 April 2010 article in PinkNews titled “Church of Scotland Could Ban Ministers who have Sex Outside Marriage” reports that one option being considered by the Church of Scotland (COS) to deal with the issue of homosexual ministers is to ban all types of extramarital sex by ministers.

The COS is currently consulting with its presbyteries to obtain their views on homosexual ministers, and their views as to whether homosexuality is congruent with church teachings.


+ PinkNews, Phoenix Yard, 65 Kings Cross Road, London WC1X 9LW, England, 44-020-7239-4910, 44-087-1433-4253,

+ Church of Scotland, 121 George Street, Edinburgh EH2 4YN, Scotland, 0131-225-5722


[5] Church of Scotland Considers Cutting 100 Ministers in Next Four Years

A 25 April 2010 article by Craig Brown in The Scotsman titled “Church of Scotland plans to cut ministers by up to 100” reports that he Church of Scotland, in order to alleviate budget shortfalls, is considering a plan to cut 100 ministers over the next four years.

The plan suggests that ministers consider job shares, and that trained unpaid volunteer ordained staff replace the axed ministers.


+ The Scotsman, Barclay House, 108 Holyrood Road, Edinburgh EH8 8AS, Scotland, 131-620-8620

+ Church of Scotland, 121 George Street, Edinburgh EH2 4YN, Scotland, 0131-225-5722


[6] First RPCNA Church Organized In Georgia

On 24 April 2010, church dignitaries and other guests from ten states—Alabama, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, New York, Michigan, Indiana, and Illinois—gathered for the formal organization of the first congregation of the Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America (RPCNA) in the state of Georgia. The new congregation, Northminster Reformed Presbyterian Church, is one of a handful of RPCNA churches in the South.

One of the oldest denominations in this country, the RPCNA first organized churches in America in the 1700s. This year, its institution for training ministers, the Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, is celebrating its bicentennial. RPCNA members trace their heritage to the Scottish Covenanters, who were tyrannized during the “Killing Time” in the late 1600s. Thousands of Covenanters became martyrs for the principle that the civil government should not interfere in the affairs of the church. Today, the RPCNA continues the same testimony as did their forebears for the crown rights of King Jesus and for His mediatiorial kingship over the coordinate spheres of church and state. The RPCNA also maintains the historic practice of singing exclusively the Biblical Psalms in worship, without musical accompaniment.

Installed as pastor was the Rev. Dr. Frank J. Smith. Other officers ordained and installed were Mr. Bob Shapiro as a ruling elder and Mr. Keith Ling as a deacon. Greetings were read to the congregation from Dr. Rich Holdeman, Moderator of Great Lakes-Gulf Presbytery; the Honorable Sonny Perdue (R), Governor of Georgia; and U.S. Senator Saxby Chambliss (R—Georgia).


+ Northminster Reformed Presbyterian Church, 5830 Millstone Drive, Cumming, Georgia 30028, 770-241-3946,

+ Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America (RPCNA), 7408 Penn Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15208, 412-731-1177, Fax: 412-731-8861,

+ Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary, 7418 Penn Avenue Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15208, 412-731-8690, Fax: 412-731-4834,


[7] Presbyterian Church of Liberia Celebrates 177th Anniversary

A 27 April 2010 article by Leroy M. Sonpon, III, in the Daily Observer titled “Presbyterian Church Observes 177th Anniversary in Liberia” reports that a celebration was held 22-25 April 2010 at the First Presbyterian Church-Monrovia, Liberia, celebrating the 177th anniversary of the Presbyterian Church of Liberia (PCL) in its oldest church building.

The PCL was established following the arrival in Liberia from the United States on 16 February 1833 of its founder and first moderator John Brooke Pinney, as an agent of the American Colonization Society and Missionary of the Presbyterian Church in the United States.


+ Liberian Observer Corporation, Post Office Box 1858, Monrovia, Liberia,

+ Presbyterian Church of Liberia, Broad and Johnson Street, Post Office Box 10-3350, Monrovia 10 1000, Liberia, 231-227012, Fax: 231-227047,


[8] Asante Presbytery of the Presbyterian Church of Ghana to Make Possible Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper for Tribal Royalty

A 24 April 2010 Ghana News Agency article titled “Asante Presbytery to serve Holy Communion to Chiefs” reports that the Asante Presbytery of the Presbyterian Church of Ghana (PCG) is introducing reforms that will allow traditional tribal Chiefs and Queens to receive the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper and otherwise encourage the royals to practice their Christian faith.

The reforms would allow the royals to be fully accepted as members of the PCG, may possibly set aside special seating in the church for the royals, and an Association of Presbyterian Chiefs and Queens would be formed to partner with the Asante Presbytery in its outreach and evangelism programs.


+ Ghana News Agency, Post Office Box GP 2118, Accra, Ghana, 233-21- 662381, Fax: 233-21-669841,

+ Presbyterian Church of Ghana, Post Office Box GP 1800, Accra, Ghana, 233-21-662511, Fax: 233-21-665594,


[9] Ligonier Academy to Offer Two-Year and Four-Year Undergraduate Degrees Beginning in 2011

Beginning in Fall 2011, the Ligonier Academy of Biblical and Theological Studies will begin a two year program leading to the degree of Associate of Arts in Biblical and Theological Studies, and four-year programs leading to the degrees of Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies and Bachelor of Arts in Theological Studies.

Enrollment is currently underway, and an application is available at


+ Ligonier Academy, 400 Technology Park, Lake Mary, Florida 32746, 407-333-4244, Fax: 407-333-4233


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