Tuesday, March 4, 2025

28 September 2011

Wednesday, September 28, 2011, 23:04
This news item was posted in Presbyterians Week category.


Presbyterians Week Headlines


[1] Is This What Winston Churchill Meant by “…So Much Owed by So Many to So Few”? – Part I

[2] Is This What Winston Churchill Meant by “…So Much Owed by So Many to So Few”? – Part II

[3] Is This What Nineteen GIs from Bedford, Virginia, Died for on D-Day at Omaha Beach? – Part I

[4] Is This What Nineteen GIs from Bedford, Virginia, Died for on D-Day at Omaha Beach? – Part II

[5] Is This What Nineteen GIs from Bedford, Virginia, Died for on D-Day at Omaha Beach? – Part III

[6] High Resolution Digitized Versions of the Dead Sea Scrolls Now Online

[7] Audio and Video of Dr. Carl Trueman at the “17th Century Spirituality in the 21st Century” Conference Available Online

[8] Music Ministry Position Available at Cumberland Presbyterian Church in Dyersburg, Tennessee



[1] Is This What Winston Churchill Meant by “…So Much Owed by So Many to So Few”? – Part I

Christian Concern reported 23 September 2011 that Great Britain’s General Medical Council (GMC) Investigatory Committee decided 23 September 2011 to continue pursuing the case against Kent, England General Practitioner (GP) Dr. Richard Scott who was accused by a patient of sharing Kent’s Christian faith during a consultation. The complainant did not attend the hearing, and is described as “showing an ‘unconditional disinclination to attend’.”

Dr. Scott commented:

“As a member of the GMC, I look to my professional body to act with the same professional standards that any court in this land would. I am astounded that the GMC are continuing to pursue this allegation on the basis of hear-say evidence from a witness that will not turn up. This case should have been struck-out, but the GMC appears to be determined to pursue this.”

“I cannot imagine that any court in the land would act like this, and so on behalf of every GP I must insist that proper professional standards on cross examination be adopted in all disciplinary hearings.  Without it, a fair ‘trial’ is impossible and every GP is left totally vulnerable to any accusation.”

Andrea Williams of the Christian Legal Centre commented:

“It appears that the GMC is determined to punish Dr. Scott despite there being no witness and the complaint only being made after encouragement from the complainant’s mother. An experienced GP has spent 48 hours in an aborted disciplinary hearing in Manchester when he could and should be helping his patients in Kent.

“The procedures of the GMC in this case are ones which every GP in the land should be concerned about as their future and reputation now seems to be able to be challenged by hearsay allegations with no opportunity to cross examine in order that a panel can make a just decision.”


+ Christian Concern, 70 Wimpole Street, London W1G 8AX, England, 020 7935 1488, Contact Page

+ General Medical Council, Regent’s Place, 350 Euston Road, London NW1 3JN, England, 0161-923-6602, Fax: 44-20-7189-5401, gmc@gmc-uk.org

+ Christian Legal Centre Limited, Post Office Box 655, Hayward HeathWest Sussex RH16 9AT, England, 07712 591164,  info@christianlegalcentre.com



[2] Is This What Winston Churchill Meant by “…So Much Owed by So Many to So Few”? – Part II

The Christian Institute reported 24 September 2011 that police in Blackpool, Lancashire, England, on 19 September 2011 ordered the owner of the Salt & Light Coffee House, a Christian café, to stop displaying Bible texts on a video screen because the café was in breach of Section 5 of the Public Order Act that forbids  displaying offensive or insulting words. The police officers went to the café after receiving a complaint that the coffee house was displaying “insulting” and “homophobic” material.

The Bible texts are displayed on a television screen, and are from the DVD set called the Watchword Bible, which cycles verse by verse  through the entire New Testament. The café owner said that the officers did not specify which Bible texts had offended the complainant.

The café owner stopped the Bible display long enough to consult with The Christian Institute, and are now again playing the Bible DVD’s in the café.


+ The Christian Institute, Wilberforce House, 4 Park Road, Gosforth Business Park, Newcastle upon Tyne NE12 8DG, England, 44-0-191-281-5664, Fax: 44-0-191-281-4272, info@christian.org.uk



[3] Is This What Nineteen GIs from Bedford, Virginia, Died for on D-Day at Omaha Beach? – Part I

A 20 September 2011 article by Katie Pavlich on Townhall.com titled “Attorney General in Mexico: 200 Murders Result of Operation Fast and Furious” reports that during a 20 September 2011 conference call with U.S. Congressman Darrell Issa, Chairman of the U.S. House of Representatives Oversight Committee, Issa said: “I would be remiss if I didn’t mention, as the Attorney General in Mexico is so concerned, she’s made the point that at least 200 Mexicans have been killed with these weapons and probably countless more.”

‘These weapons’ are the 2500 weapons the U.S. Justice Department allowed to be purchased in the U.S. and then be brought into Mexico in the operation known as “Fast and Furious”. Only 600 of the weapons have been recovered.

In addition to the growing number of Mexicans killed by these illegally trafficked weapons, U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was killed by a ‘Fast and Furious’ weapon.


+ Townhall Magazine, 1901 North Moore Street, Suite 701, Arlington, Virginia 22209, 703-247-1230, Fax: 703-247-1257,  Contact Form



[4] Is This What Nineteen GIs from Bedford, Virginia, Died for on D-Day at Omaha Beach? – Part II

U.S. President Barack Hussein Obama has established a new web site called “Attack Watch” in order for people to “Get the Facts” and to “Fight the Smears” against the actions of the Obama administration.

Readers are invited to “Report an Attack” by providing information from any TV interview, public statement, forwarded email, rumor, TV ad, video ad, radio ad, robocall, web site, or blog that disagrees with the Obama agenda, and to provide the offending URL or to upload supporting photos or videos.

Under the “Support the Truth” heading, the website solicits donations “to fight the attacks”  because “[t]he smears didn’t end with the 2008 election” and “President Obama’s opponents are still using false claims against him and his record in an attempt to derail [the Obama administration] momentum.” Four different major credit cards can be used to contribute.

No specific information is provided about how the Obama administration will use the sent attack reports.


+ Obama for America, PO Box 803638, Chicago, Illinois 60680, 312-698-3670, info@barackobama.com



[5] Is This What Nineteen GIs from Bedford, Virginia, Died for on D-Day at Omaha Beach? – Part III

A 23 September 2011 article by Leigh Jones in World on Campus titled “Fighting for Autonomy, Free Exercise” reports that Vanderbilt University is threatening to withdraw official recognition of five Christian campus organizations which could lead to the groups being denied access to university facilities and equipment, and to lose funding from student fees, because the groups may be in violation of the school’s nondiscrimination policy by requiring group leaders to share the group’s  religious beliefs.

Vanderbilt administrators began reviewing all student organizations earlier this year after Christian fraternity Beta Upsilon Chi asked an openly homosexual  member to resign. The homosexual student subsequently filed a discrimination complaint with the university.


+ World Magazine, 85 Tunnel Road, Suite 12, Asheville, North Carolina 28805, 828-232-5415, Fax: 828-253-1556, mailbag@worldmag.com

+ Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee 37240, 615-322-7311, Contact Form

+ Brothers Under Christ, 741 Kentucky Derby Lane, Fort Worth, Texas 76179, 877-250-4512, Contact Form



[6] High Resolution Digitized Versions of the Dead Sea Scrolls Now Online

High resolution digitized versions of the Dead Sea Scrolls are now available online at the following URL:


The Dead Sea Scrolls Digital Project is made possible by a partnership between The Israel Museum and Google.


+ The Israel Museum, Jerusalem, Israel, 972-2-6708811, info@imj.org.il

+ Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, California 94043, 650-253-0000, Fax: 650-253-0001, press@google.com



[7] Audio and Video of Dr. Carl Trueman at the “17th Century Spirituality in the 21st Century” Conference Available Online

An audio recording from the 23 September 2011 weekend “17th Century Spirituality in the 21st Century” conference is available at the following URL:


Part I of a video interview of conference speaker Dr. Carl Trueman is available at the following URL:



+ Meet the Puritans, c/o 4318 Forest Ranch Way, Oceanside, California 92057,  760-803-0981, pastor@oceansideurc.org



[8] Music Ministry Position Available at Cumberland Presbyterian Church in Dyersburg, Tennessee

First Cumberland Presbyterian Church in Dyersburg, Tennessee has a position open in music ministry. This person is responsible for the music and arts ministry of the Dyersburg Church.

— Directs the Chancel Choir for the Sunday morning worship service.

— Directs the Praise Team/Praise Band for the Sunday evening service.

— Directs the Youth Choir, Praise Band and Drama Team for seventh through twelfth grades, and oversees the annual Youth Choir Tour.

— Directs/Coordinates music for special services (Cantatas, Christmas Eve, Holy Week, Good Friday, etc.)

— Oversees all children’s choir ministries.

— Oversees the handbell ministry of the church.


— Minimum of a bachelor’s degree in music.

— Intermediate level piano skill preferred

— Experience preferred but not required.

Resumes may be sent to: larry@cumberlandchurch.com

Resumes may be mailed to:

Search Committee

First Cumberland Presbyterian Church

2280 Parr Avenue

Dyersburg, TN 38024


+ Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 8207 Traditional Place, Cordova, Tennessee 38016, 901-276-4572, Fax: 901-272-3913



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