Sunday, February 23, 2025

3 May 2023

Wednesday, May 3, 2023, 23:15
This news item was posted in Presbyterians Week category.




“But if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the trumpet, and the people be not warned; if the sword come, and take any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at the watchman’s hand.” [Ezekiel 33:6]


“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” [Ephesians 6:12]


Presbyterians Week Headlines

[1] Blood Cries, “Binary!”

[2] Fury from Parents after South London Teacher Recorded Telling Pupils: ‘You’ll Be Dealt with Severely’ for Rejecting LGBT Ideology

[3] UK Bible School Fires, Threatens Professor for His Stance on Homosexuality

[4] Netherlands Continues Down Euthanasia’s Slippery Slope

[5] In Oregon, Christians Must Celebrate Transgender or They Cannot Adopt

[6] Hamas Official Calls on Allah to Annihilate Jews


Additional Articles of Interest

[1] Blood Cries, “Binary!”

On the April 15 airing of SNL’s “Weekend Update,” the show’s first openly nonbinary cast member, Ms. Molly Kearney, though still using her singular female name yet celebrated being referred to by obliging backstage staff with the neuter pronouns “they” and “them” (reflecting “their” references to her elsewhere).[1]  In so doing she not only defies her God-given and biologically determined female identity but also denies the obvious reality that she is not plural—exposing the arbitrarily ludicrous LGBTQ+ agenda being pushed to new schizophrenic heights.

While there is no mistaking Kearney’s unoriginal attempts at being the female version of Chris Farley in the segment, there also is no missing her intention to exit with the air of angelic authority being lifted up with ropes as she declared,

If you don’t care about trans-kids’ lives, it means you don’t care about … kids’ lives.

… They got my pronouns right [nonbinary “them” instead of “her”]!  Let’s go! 

What’s happening kids is wrong and you don’t need to be scared. Our job is to protect you and your job is to focus on being a kid … There’s a bunch of dudes asking you about your crotch and controlling when and where you’re allowed to pee.  But if you just hang on you’ll look up and realize, you’re flying kid!

Trans rocks!

First of all, let’s hope parents in fact care enough about their precious boys and girls to guard their vulnerable worlds from being rocked by viewing SNL, let alone not to permit them to be confused and brainwashed into risking psychological harm and physical abuse in bathrooms and locker rooms or mutilation on operating floors. 

The damage could go beyond corporal and emotional repair (see and  And the truth is that rather than seeking to protect children, societal predators like Ms. Kearney are grabbing at their underaged zippers and pulling them by their immature ears to turn our minors into suicide bombers of political warfare and cultural launchpads for rocketing queer careers.

My wife, who is very thankful to be liberated from what she laments as her native land’s more deeply and widely infested culture of sexual degradation and transgender disfigurement, recently shared an Instagram video with me of a Brazilian woman whom I would have otherwise never questioned to be a man by all outward appearances.  I couldn’t help but admit it was impressive how much mankind, made in God’s image, can so convincingly disguise sexual identity with modern technology.  A mastectomy and hormonal manipulation had flattened her chest; broadened her face, neck, torso, and appendages; grown dark bristly hair on her tattoo-graffitied arms and shoulders; deepened her voice; and even topped her off with a receding hairline.  (My understanding is that other methods were used to demolish and erect new pretend anatomy underneath her unmentionables.)  It was shocking to see pictures of her feminine beauty before her deformation; she had even been a professional model.  (One wonders if she tired of being objectified in a fallen man’s world, especially in her country.)

But with all the rejections of binary biological classification, a person’s maleness or femaleness can never be modified inwardly.  Crossdressing homosexuals and spayed and neutered transgendered folk will never be able to reproduce themselves other than by Pied Piper child trafficking that deceptively coerces adoption of their dogmatists while stealing away unadulterated childhoods.[2]

Not only does one’s soul truly know what his or her body and organs and hormones testify outwardly, a man or woman’s DNA cannot be denied by his or her heart of hearts.  What may be manipulated crudely from without can never be actually altered within.  Every one of our estimated 60 to 100 trillion cells (amidst 200 cell types) would need to have an X or Y chromosome replaced; yet this utter impossibility would still not recreate functional physiology opposite from how one was born.

Rev. Terry Johnson appeals to our reason:

Follow the science … The culture is willing to do anything but follow the science … how about the normalizing of transgenderism and that you can be a woman trapped in the body of a man and a man trapped in the body of a woman?  What does the science tell ya?  The science tells ya that every single cell in every single body is either male or female.  Your genes are either male genes … or they’re female genes.  The science would say you are in terms of gender what you are in biology and that’s all anybody in the human race in all of recorded history has ever understood until the recent, like five minutes ago … [3]

Every cell from within a person’s body announces an undeniable and unalterable sexual gender identity designation of male or female as precoded by our Designer. 

In his April 9 Wall Street Journal opinion column, even evolutionary biologist and fellow at the Manhattan Institute Dr. Colin Wright delineated sexuality scientifically:

When biologists claim that sex is binary, we mean something straightforward: There are only two sexes. This is true throughout the plant and animal kingdoms. An organism’s sex is defined by the type of gamete (sperm or ova) it has the function of producing. Males have the function of producing sperm, or small gametes; females, ova, or large ones. Because there is no third gamete type, there are only two sexes. Sex is binary.

… [Nonbinary] Ideologues are wrong to insist that the biology of sex is so complex as to defy all categorization.[4]

On his personal website, though not communicating from the perspective of a creationist nor sharing the Apostle Paul’s condemnation of unnatural sexual lifestyles in Romans 1:24-28, Wright appeals to the science of sexuality and the need to get the word out through his writings on the subject in his, Reality’s Last Stand,

… a publication dedicated to providing weekly news, articles, and other content about gender ideology and the science of sex differences.  In recent years we have seen the sudden rise of a narrative insisting that males and females are mere social constructs that exist along a spectrum or—even more extreme—that one’s sex is defined by self-declared identity instead of objective biology.  Why do I focus so much on this particular issue? Because biological sex is a fundamental aspect of human biology, and denying the existence of males and females as real biological categories will not only prevent us from gaining important insight about the nature of our species, but will also cause harm and injustice in areas where sex differences matter. Furthermore, denying obvious facts about reality greatly erodes the public’s trust in science.[5]

Similarly, this author is concerned that a default of submissive muteness which accommodates the lack of reality being preached by such self-appointed nonbinary prophetesses as Ms. Kearny, will further erode the public’s trust in the truth of God and His Word. 

Yet all humanity has instinctively known in every fiber of our being what Jesus, the final Prophet of Deuteronomy 18:15-18 through Whom all things were created, proclaimed in Mark 10:6… from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female—and each of us is only one and not the other and certainly not both.  Some suppress this truth in unrighteousness, but it can never change their specific, innate genetic coding. 

There is just no getting away from binary biological categorizing each person’s gender identity as brother or sister, father or mother, uncle or aunt, grandpa or grandma, and only one of those, from birth—but even more, from the time he or she was conceived.

During his lecture entitled, “Every Cell Has a Sex: X and Y and the Future of Health Care,” sponsored by the Women’s Behavioral Health Division of Yale School of Medicine’s Department of Psychiatry, Dr. David C. Page explained:

In humans, there are 23 pairs of chromosomes, which are structures found within the nucleus of every cell containing the tightly packed molecules known as deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), the material that carries the genetic code.

One pair of the 23 chromosomes, known as sex chromosomes, determines at conception whether a fertilized egg will develop into a male or female … human females have one pair of identical X chromosomes. Human males, instead of a matched pair, have one X and one smaller Y chromosome.

A human egg contains only an X chromosome. A human sperm contains either an X or a Y chromosome, thereby determining the sex of the offspring after fertilization. XX = female. XY = male.[6]

Notice, despite a potential feminist protest against the invasion of her autonomous decision making for her own body, even the very impregnated identity of a baby girl or boy is set by the father’s inserted contribution and by the design of the Father of Heavenly Lights.[7]

Of even more importance, Dr. Page was especially emphasizing the vital need to recognize how XX and XY chromosomes work differently throughout the body so as to better identify distinct treatments of the same disease in men and women respectively.

Binary biology flows through our veins expressing “boy” or “girl” from inception and cleavage on to each baby crying out for Mama’s breasts after leaving her womb while Papa cuts the cord.  And just as Cain couldn’t quiet Abel’s blood crying out to God from the earth, so modern “civilization” won’t be able to wash our children’s blood off our hands when we allow them to be forced into nonbinary confusion and dissection.

Due to my wife’s higher “at risk” age of birthing children with potential defects she had been required three times to take special NIPT (noninvasive prenatal testing) blood exams at just ten weeks of gestation.[8]  While nothing would have changed our having and loving each covenant gift unconditionally, we eagerly took the tests because they also revealed early on whether we were having a boy or girl (two XY’s followed by one XX as it turned out in God’s providence—we like knowing and immediately speaking of and praying for them by their gender specific chosen names).  In fact, early NIPT reports are far more reliable (nearly perfect) than more errant observation of ultrasound images even much later during pregnancy.  And each blood test revealed the baby’s sex simply by listing, among other scientific chromosomal information, the child’s DNA as either XX or XY.

Each cell in every boy declares his masculinity, “I am male!”  And each cell in every girl of her femininity, “I am woman!”  And no amount of medical mutilation and diplomatic manipulation from without can muffle these voices within our society’s collective conscience while our children’s blood always will be crying out about our mutually inherent and lovely differentiated binary sexual biology.

Grant Van Leuven (XY) has been feeding the flock at the Puritan Reformed Presbyterian Church in San Diego, CA, since 2010.  He (XX) and his wife (XY), Fernanda (XX), have seven covenant children: Rachel (XX), Olivia (XX), Abraham (XY), Isaac (XY), Gabriel (XY), Gideon (XY), and Giulianna (XX).  He (XX) earned his (XX) M.Div. at the Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary in Pittsburgh, PA.

[1] See

[2] See and and

[3] Terry Johnson, “God’s Image Fallen in Adam,” in the 2022 “Made in God’s Image” Philadelphia Conference on Reformed Theology held by the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals in Byron Center, Mich., March, 11-13, 2022:  It also is highly recommended to view Richard Phillips’ lecture at the conference, “He Created Them Male and Female” (, to celebrate and embrace Biblical manhood and womanhood in marriage as our created and intended illustration of Christ and His Church.

[4] Colin Wright, “A Biologist Explains Why Sex Is Binary: In an effort to confuse the issue, gender ideologues cite rare ambiguous ‘intersex’ cases,” Wall Street Journal (New York), 9 April 2023.  Online at

[5] See

[6] David C. Page, “Every Cell Has a Sex: X and Y and the Future of Health Care,” lecture at Yale School of Medicine, New Haven, C.T., August 30, 2016.  Source:,of%20the%20offspring%20after%20fertilization.

[7] Thus, King Henry VIII was wickedly wrong to blame and punish his wives for his own lack of producing a male heir to the English throne.

[8] See


+ Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals, 600C Eden Road, Lancaster, Pennsylvania 17601, 888-956-2644,


[2] Fury from Parents after South London Teacher Recorded Telling Pupils: ‘You’ll Be Dealt with Severely’ for Rejecting LGBT Ideology

Parents are in uproar after a recording was released on social media revealing a teacher telling pupils that they would be ‘dealt with severely’ if they dared to reject LGBT teaching.

The incident took place at Stationers’ Crown Woods Academy in south London with the recording subsequently going viral on social media.

The school has also recently militantly embarked on several LGBT promoting events which has included Pride flags and badges as a means of showing allegiance to the LGBT cause.

Supported by the Christian Legal Centre, concerned parents have raised a formal complaint saying that the approach of the teacher and the school to LGBT ideology has ‘infringed upon our rights.’

The recording began after a 14-year-old Muslim boy reportedly raised objection to viewing a video which affirmed children coming out as gay, lesbian or bisexual.

A tirade from the teacher, during form time followed:

“Let me make this very clear,” the teacher tells the students, “You don’t have a choice whether or not you learn about LGBT+ in this school. You don’t have a choice. It’s one of our values, and if you refuse to do it, that will be dealt with severely. Why would I not? Why would I care if anyone in this room wants to love somebody, whether it be a man or a woman? Why would I care if someone wants to say: ‘Do you know what? I don’t know if I’m more male or more female. I’m exploring.’ Why does that matter to me?”

He goes on: “It doesn’t hurt you, but it definitely hurts other people by the words you use. You don’t understand that this has an impact.”

When he was in school, the teacher said, he’d been bullied by the girls, and he hasn’t forgotten it: “Why would anyone choose to say something that would hurt anyone else? Let me make this very clear: You don’t have a choice whether or not you learn about LGBT+ in this school. You don’t have a choice. It’s one of our values, a British value … and if you say something that’s derogatory or could hurt somebody else in this room, that is very serious, and it is as serious as if you were using racist language. Do not do it.” 

“That’s the value,” the teacher concluded. “That’s the approach we take in this school. And if there are people sat here who don’t agree with what I’m saying, you need to go home and have a conversation with your parents. Say: ‘Why are my values so different to what Britain is? Why have I got this view? Where does it come from?’ The only thing you can be taken out of [class for] is sex education, and that is from your parents … Nobody in this room has done that. LGBTQ is not sex education. That is relationships. You do not have the authority or the ability to refuse to do it. I cannot tell you how much having people not recognize who I am and openly say that they don’t value who I am, because when you say ‘I don’t agree with LGBTQ people,’ you’re saying you don’t value me.” 

It is clear, at this point, that the teacher is forcing a hostage audience of children to affirm his identity: “I’ve given a lot to this world,” he said. “I’ve adopted two children.”

“Why should I be judged based on who I choose to love? Whether you agree or not, don’t say something that’s going to make me or someone like me feel less human … Anyone got any questions?”

There are none. 

Formal complaint

Parents at the school who are being supported by the Christian Legal Centre have now written to the school lodging a formal complaint.

In the letter the parents, who wish to remain anonymous, said: “My family and I are Christians. We love our proverbial neighbour as we are called upon by our faith and Scripture to do so. Nevertheless, also in accordance with our faith and Scripture, we do not accept same-sex relationships or relations as being prescribed by God. We accept that we live in modern Britain, but it is highly upsetting to be told that our beliefs do not accord to British values. It is equally upsetting that my son was shamed in this manner despite not having made any negative comments about anyone in the LGBT community.”

They state that the teacher: ‘Abused his position of trust in using his platform as a teacher to threaten and shame pupils, none of whom apart from one student, made any comments about LGBT education.”

They add that “We are concerned about the focus of the school and the manner in which it has approached LGBT issues. We believe that this has infringed upon our rights as parents to raise our son in accordance with our deeply held Christian beliefs.

They point out that: ‘No statutory definition of British values exists’ and that ‘the school owes a statutory duty to ensure that the education it delivers respects the manner in which parents wish to raise their children in accordance with their own religious convictions’.”

No freedom to disagree

Andrea Williams, chief executive of the Christian Legal Centre, said: “It’s rare to gain a window into the world of a UK school classroom. Here we have exposed at first hand the language and actions of a teacher promoting LGBT ideology.

“Where is ‘diversity’ and ‘tolerance’ here? We have only a monoculture which requires approval and promotion of the “Progress” flag, or “Pride” flag, or transgender flag. There is no choice or freedom to disagree.

“The teacher in the recording is so brazen he actually tells children that If they come from a family with beliefs opposed or contrary to LGBT ideology, to go home and challenge their parents and convert them to his beliefs.

“Thousands of children in primary and secondary schools are being forced to absorb extreme LGBT ideology without their parents’ knowledge.

“We will stand with this family as they take forward the complaint against the school.”


+ Christian Concern, 70 Wimpole Street, London W1G 8AX, England, 020 7935 1488, Contact Page


[3] UK Bible School Fires, Threatens Professor for His Stance on Homosexuality

The following is excerpted from Ken Ham, Answers in Genesis, Apr. 6, 2023: “A Methodist Bible college located in the UK fired one of its professors, Dr. Aaron Edwards—and then threatened to report him as a ‘terrorist’—for a simple tweet warning evangelicals about the invasion of homosexual behavior into the church and saying that this is severe. Dr. Edwards tweeted, ‘Homosexuality is invading the Church. Evangelicals no longer see the severity of this [because] they’re busy apologising for their apparently barbaric homophobia, whether or not it’s true.’ He later defended his tweet with: ‘This is a Gospel issue, by the way. If sin is no longer sin, we no longer need a Savior. That is the conservative view. The acceptance of homosexuality as ‘not sinful’ is an invasion upon the Church, doctrinally. This is not controversial. The acceptance is controversial. … It is not homophobic to declare homosexuality sinful.’ The school claims he was ‘harming the reputation of the institution through his social media activities’–so, yes, this Bible school was concerned that it might have the reputation of believing the Bible and believing that sin is sin if this man kept tweeting! Shouldn’t they rather have been proud to embrace such a ‘reputation’? What have we come to as a church when someone proclaiming the obvious truth from God’s Word is fired and threatened by those who claim to be followers of Christ–and if they make that claim, they are obligated to be obedient to his Word? After all, God’s Word says, ‘If you love me, you will keep my commandments’ (John 14:15). But it seems these professing Christians fear men, not God, and prefer the praise of men and their own ‘reputation’ to the praise of the King of kings–who will one day sit as the ultimate Judge! Sadly, we are seeing a number of churches and Christian institutions cave to the LGBTQ movement.”


+ Way of Life Literature, Post Office Box 610368, Port Huron, Michigan 48061, 519-652-2619,


[4] Netherlands Continues Down Euthanasia’s Slippery Slope

The following is excerpted from “Netherlands to broaden euthanasia rulers,” The Guardian, Apr. 14, 2023: “The Netherlands is to widen its euthanasia regulations to include the possibility of doctors assisting in the death of terminally ill children aged between one and 12. The new rules would apply to between five and 10 children a year who suffer unbearably from their disease, have no hope of improvement and for whom palliative care cannot bring relief, the government said on Friday. … The Netherlands became the first country in the world to legalise euthanasia under strict conditions in 2002. All cases must be reported to medical review boards. The law already provided possibilities for euthanasia involving terminally ill babies until their first birthday and for children over 12. … The Netherlands will not be the first to allow doctors to assist in the death of children of all ages. Belgium has allowed it since 2014.”


+ Way of Life Literature, Post Office Box 610368, Port Huron, Michigan 48061, 519-652-2619,


[5] In Oregon, Christians Must Celebrate Transgender or They Cannot Adopt 

The following is excerpted from “Christians Must Take Children,” The Washington Stand, Apr. 6, 2023: “The state of Oregon refused to allow a Christian mother of five to adopt two children after she said her religion would not let her take a young minor to receive crosshormone injections–a policy that could prevent up to 78% of Americans from adopting children. Requiring adoptive parents to facilitate transgender procedures acts as a form of religious discrimination against many world religions, her attorneys say. Jessica Bates has sued five Oregon state employees for adoption guidelines that effectively say, ‘Conservative Christians need not apply,’ according to her legal brief. Oregon state law requires all would-be adoptive parents to ‘respect, accept and support’ the adoptee’s professed ‘sexual orientation, gender identity, [and] gender expression.’ Bates said mandatory classes in the state’s adoption application process said this included using a child’s preferred pronouns, presenting same-sex relationships in a positive light, and taking children who identify as LGBT to transgender procedures. … Bates, whose late husband perished in a car accident in 2017, is a mom of five children between the ages of 10 and 17. She feels inspired to adopt children based on the Bible’s commandment ‘to visit orphans and widows in their affliction’ (James 1:27); she also volunteers twice a week at a pro-life pregnancy resource center. She would like to adopt two siblings, who are younger than nine years old. … When Bates enrolled in the Resource and Adoptive Family (RAFT) program, she says a RAFT instructor told her good parenting required ‘allowing a child to dress however they want and taking them to a Pride parade.’ … Parents should avoid ‘forcing youth to attend activities [including religious activities] that are … unsupportive of people with diverse SOGIE [sexual orientation, gender identity and expression],’ it said. … ‘Oregon’s policy amounts to an ideological litmus test,’ said Jonathan Scruggs of ADF, which represents Bates in the court case, Bates v. Pakseresht.’”


+ Way of Life Literature, Post Office Box 610368, Port Huron, Michigan 48061, 519-652-2619,


[6] Hamas Official Calls on Allah to Annihilate Jews

The following is excerpted from “Hamas Official,” Israel National News, Apr. 12, 2023: “Hamas official Sheikh Dr. Hamad Al-Regeb in a sermon in Gaza this past Friday prayed for Allah to bring annihilation and paralysis upon the Jews … Al-Regeb also said that the Jews are ‘filthy animals’ … who spread corruption, injustice, and evil at the Al-Aqsa Mosque. His remarks were translated by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI). … ‘We see the hordes of foreigners, the brothers of apes and pigs, spread corruption, injustice, and evil [at the AlAqsa Mosque]. According to the tradition, [the Jews] killed 70 of the Israelite prophets in one hour during the daytime, and they did not even close their markets,’ claimed Al-Regeb. … ‘All the Palestinians and Muslims should make preparations. They should prepare for a day when they will heed a call to arms,’ declared the Hamas official. … ‘We will pay no attention to the price, no matter how high. Are they trying to intimidate us with killing? What can possibly taste better than martyrdom? What can be more beautiful than ending your life by dying for the sake of Allah? … Oh Allah, enable us to get to the necks of the Jews. Oh Allah, enable us to get to the necks of the Jews. Oh Allah, enable us to get to the necks of the Jews,’ concluded Al-Regeb.”


+ Way of Life Literature, Post Office Box 610368, Port Huron, Michigan 48061, 519-652-2619,


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The Persecution of Christians by Zelensky’s Ukraine

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