Sunday, February 23, 2025

31 July 2013

Wednesday, July 31, 2013, 21:25
This news item was posted in Presbyterians Week category.



Presbyterians Week Headlines


[1] Heaven or Hell: Fate of the World Hinges on Unity of Purpose of Jesus’ Followers

[2] United Church of Christ Activists Fast to Call for Closure of Guantanamo Prison

[3] Roman Catholic Pope Calls Mary “Refuge Of Sinners”

[4] Roman Catholic Pope Francis Says Atheists Can Do Good and Go to Heaven Too

[5] Liberty Activists Being Targeted by Spoofed Email Messages with Child Pornography Attached

[6] PRTS President Joel Beeke Conducts “True Living” Conference at the Evangelical Reformed Church in Hackney, London, England

[7] 77th General Synod of the Bible Presbyterian Church Begins 1 August 2013 in Grand Island, New York

[8] News from the Deepest Recesses of Hell

[9] Headlines from Christian Concern

[10] Headlines from The Christian Institute

[11] Articles from

[12] Raging Heathen and Vain Imagining

[13] The Religion of Peace



[1] Heaven or Hell: Fate of the World Hinges on Unity of Purpose of Jesus’ Followers

By Jerry L. Van Marter, Presbyterian News Service


Jesus’ words to his followers in John 14:1-7 ? “Don’t be afraid” ? “may be the most important words we hear,” said the Rev. Stan Wood of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, Wednesday’s (17 July) at the 2013 Presbyterian Youth Triennium (PYT) here.

“While many are optimistic about the future, there are many who have little hope in the present,” said Wood, who has served as dean, professor, administrator and academic journal editor at Memphis Theological Seminary since 1998.

“There’s an unease in our land, a lack of assurance about the future, and a belief that the quality of life has been deteriorating,” Wood said. “As the pie grows smaller while the number laying claim to it grows larger, our people are wondering what we are made of.”

Wood offered three prescriptions to the crowd of more than 5,200 gathered here 16-20 July under the PYT theme “I AM.”

First, he said, “There exists a need for followers of Jesus to discern the real issued controlling society and gain insight into new possibilities.” Christians should take nothing for granted, Wood said, and perceptive, faithful people must take “an active role” in God’s redeeming work.

“Where do you see evidence of God at work, liberating people and executing justice, breaking down walls of division and reconciling men and women to one another and to God?”  To many the work of God in the world is “by no means apparent and even when it is discernible we miss the mark because we look with too much distrust,” Wood said.

“We who are motivated out of the Judeo-Christian tradition must look with one eye on the Bible and one eye on a good daily newspaper,” he said. “We must keep our eyes on the road and our ear to the ground.”

Second, Wood continued, “If we would make a difference, we must become a pioneering community, responding to God first and demonstrating in our corporate life the new relationships God is bringing into the world.”

Christians cannot wait for someone else to take the lead in transforming the world, Wood insisted. “Join movements that bring human rights to the front burner, that bring justice to all of God’s children,” he said.

“We have been too individualistic ? God’s vision is shalom: universal well-being for all,” Wood said. “If we are students of the Bible, shalom is the way things are supposed to be.”

Third, Wood said, “We are called to follow Jesus in destroying footholds of prejudice, violence and injustice. We are called to interdependence.”

Because all are part of one humanity, the challenge is clear, Wood said. “We exist in this world together, which can be either heaven or hell, Together we can make it a better place, divided we will see it destroyed before our eyes.”

Wood concluded by praising the young people who packed the Purdue auditorium that is serving as PYT’s worship space.

We have been deaf, dumb and blind,” Wood admitted. “Maybe the world’s a mess but it’s going to get better because you are here and committed.” Quoting a gospel song, Wood concluded, “Keep on building, don’t get worried, God’s people must be strong.”


+ Presbyterian Church (PCUSA), 100 Witherspoon Street, Louisville, Kentucky 40202, 888-728-7228, Fax: 502-569-8005

+ Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 8207 Traditional Place, Cordova, Tennessee38016, 901-276-4572, Fax: 901-272-3913



[2] United Church of Christ Activists Fast to Call for Closure of Guantanamo Prison

A twenty-four hour fast by Sandy Sorensen, director of the United Church of Christ (UCC)’s office in Washington DC and the Rev. Michael Neuroth, UCC policy advocate for international issues and several others in the faith community was held 23-24 July 2013 to call for the closing of the Guantanamo Bay, Cuba detention center and to bring attention to the inhumane treatment of its prisoners.

In May 2013, UCC General Minister and President the Rev. Geoffrey A. Black was among thirty-eight religious leaders to sign a letter calling on the White House to make good on its promise to close the facility.


+ United Church of Christ, 700 Prospect Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44115, 216-736-2100,



[3] Roman Catholic Pope Calls Mary “Refuge Of Sinners”

In his visit to the Italian island of Lampedusa on 8 July 2013, Pope Francis called Mary the star of the sea, Mother of God, Protector of migrants, Mother of mercy, and Refuge of sinners (“Pope’s Marian Prayer at Lampedusa,” Zenit, 8 July 2013). He began the prayer with these words: “Mary, star of the sea, once again we recourse to thee, to find refuge and serenity, to implore your protection and help.”

He asked Mary to “obtain the conversion of heart” for sinners and to “bless all men and women of good will.” Only eighty miles from the coast of Tunisia, Lampedusa has been the target for tens of thousands of Africans who are attempting to reach Italy and Europe. The island’s native population of 6,000 is overwhelmed by the thousands of illegal migrants living in impoverished camps awaiting relocation to the European mainland. It is believed that 20,000 have died since 1988 in the attempt to cross the passage of water in rickety boats.


+ Way of Life Literature, Post Office Box 610368, Port Huron, Michigan 48061, 519-652-2619,

+ The Vatican, Città del Vaticano, Rome, Italy, 39-6-69-88-35-11, Fax: 39-6-69-88-54-47, Contact Page



[4] Roman Catholic Pope Francis Says Atheists Can Do Good and Go to Heaven Too

A 30 May 2013 Catholic Online article titled “Pope Francis Says Atheists Can Do Good and Go to Heaven Too!” reports that on 29 May 2013, Roman Catholic Pope Francis declared to atheists that Jesus died and was raised for them as well, that Jesus’ redemptive embrace was for all, not just a chosen few, and that the choice to accept its reach is our own.

Pope Francis added that people must still do good, and that in doing good that they are led to Jesus, the source of all that is good. He continued:

“The Lord created us in His image and likeness, and we are the image of the Lord, and He does good and all of us have this commandment at heart, do good and do not do evil. All of us. ‘But, Father, this is not Catholic! He cannot do good.’ Yes, he can… “The Lord has redeemed all of us, all of us, with the Blood of Christ, all of us, not just Catholics. Everyone! ‘Father, the atheists?’ Even the atheists. Everyone!” We must meet one another doing good. ‘But I don’t believe, Father, I am an atheist!’ But do good: we will meet one another there.”


+ Catholic Online, Post Office Box 9686, Bakersfield, California 93389, 661-869-1000, Fax: 661-616-1189,

+ The Vatican, Città del Vaticano, Rome, Italy, 39-6-69-88-35-11, Fax: 39-6-69-88-54-47, Contact Page



[5] Liberty Activists Being Targeted by Spoofed Email Messages with Child Pornography Attached

A 26 July 2013 The Liberty Crier article titled “Child Porn Attacks on Liberty Activists Continue, Oathkeepers and PANDA Targeted” reports that several liberty activists have recently been targeted by spoofed emails with child pornography images as attachments, in a failed attempt to get the email recipients to unknowingly open the disguised attachments and thus download images of child pornography to their computers. If the attempts had been successful and child pornography was downloaded to the computers, the recipients would have faced damage to their reputations and possible felony charges of possession of child pornography.

The liberty activists targeted for the attempted smears include Stewart Rhodes, founder of Oath Keepers; Dan Johnson, founder of People Against the N.D.A.A (National Defense Authorization Act) (P.A.N.D.A.); and Luke Rudkowski of


+ The Liberty Crier

+ Oath Keepers, 5130 South Fort Apache Road, Las Vegas, Nevada 89148, Contact Page

+ P.A.N.D.A., 567-201-5432,




[6] PRTS President Joel Beeke Conducts “True Living” Conference at the Evangelical Reformed Church in Hackney, London, England

Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary (PRTS) President the Rev. Dr. Joel Beeke on 27-28 July 2013 conducted a conference titled “True Living” at the Evangelical Reformed Church (ERC) in Hackney, London, England.

Four messages on “True Living”—personally (in the believer’s relationship with God), domestically (in marriage and child rearing), perseveringly (enduring to the end in a life of conversion), and eternally (in heaven, as a world of love), were presented to the 200 people attending the conference.

ERC is a predominantly black church with most of the congregation being from the Caribbean. Dr. Beeke said that this was the fifth time that he has visited ERC, which he describes as a “warm, spiritually thriving church”:

“I love ministering to these dear people. The church is teeming with new, young converts—especially young men, several of whom are now wrestling with a call to the ministry. At least one dear brother who would love to study at PRTS hopes to visit our seminary soon. Reformed, experiential Christianity is alive and well in this blessed church.


+ Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, 2965 Leonard Street Northeast, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49525, 616-977-0599, Fax: 616-285-3246,



[7] 77th General Synod of the Bible Presbyterian Church Begins 1 August 2013 in Grand Island, New York

The 77th General Synod of the Bible Presbyterian Church will begin, Lord willing, on 1 August 2013 at the Bible Presbyterian Church of Grand Island, New York. Retiring moderator the Rev. Kevin Backus, PhD, is also the host pastor for this year’s synod meetings. The theme is “Confident of Better Things,” and is designed to mark the 75th anniversary of the founding of the Bible Presbyterian Church. Dr. Backus will speak on this theme as the opening message, followed by Communion hosted by the Great Lakes Presbytery. The theme will be developed with special emphasis on missions and the chaplaincy.


+ Bible Presbyterian Church,



[8] News from the Deepest Recesses of Hell

Former U.S. Presidential Candidate Howard Dean Admits Obamacare Includes Death Panels, Wants Them Repealed

U.S. Federal Court Forces Mennonite Company to Comply With HHS Abortion Mandate

Funeral Service Held for Baby Brutalized in Violent Fourteen-Week Abortion

Senate Bill Would Fund Abortions for Peace Corps Volunteers at Taxpayer Expense

Liberal Activists Still Exploiting Raped Girl Who Rejected Abortion

Eugenics is Shifting from Killing the Disabled to Genetically Enhancing Kids

Body of Newborn Baby Found in Trash in Kansas City, Arm Dangling from over the Side


+, Post Office Box 270841, Fort Collins, Colorado 80527,



[9] Headlines from Christian Concern

Headlines of the past week from Christian Concern:

Oxford English Dictionary to Change Definition of Marriage to Include Same-Sex Couples

Archbishop of Canterbury Causes a Stir by Opining on Payday Loans While Remaining Mostly Silent on Same-Sex Marriage

Letter to the Commissioner of the Police for the Metropolis of London, England: Tell Officers Not to Arrest Preachers Who Say Homosexual Acts Are Sinful


+ Christian Concern, 70 Wimpole Street, London W1G 8AX, England, 020 7935 1488, Contact Page



[10] Headlines from The Christian Institute

Headlines of the past week from The Christian Institute:

Cameron Vows to Export Gay Marriage Worldwide

Sikhs Told to Halt Weddings over Gay Marriage Law Risk

Abortions of Disabled Unborn Babies See Sharp Increase


+ The Christian Institute, Wilberforce House, 4 Park Road, Gosforth Business Park, Newcastle upon Tyne NE12 8DG, England, 44-0-191-281-5664, Fax: 44-0-191-281-4272,



[11] Articles from

Articles from the past week from

California Supreme Court Denies Petition to Stop Distribution of Gay ‘Marriage’ Licenses

Obama Administration Forces School District to Let Teenage Girl Use Boys Restroom, Showers, Sleeping Quarters

Pennsylvania Governor Rebukes County Official Issuing Illegal Gay ‘Marriage’ Licenses

Bomb Blows Man’s Legs Off after He Reported Illegal Abortion Clinic in Peru: Report

Toronto School Board Refuses to Say Why It Reinstated Teacher Who Posted Graphic Gay Sex Brochures


+, Incorporated, 4 Family Life Lane, Front Royal, Virginia 22630, 888-678-6008, Contact Page



[12] Raging Heathen and Vain Imagining

Articles from the past week regarding kings and rulers setting themselves against the LORD and against his anointed:

Obama Saying Ho Chi Minh Inspired by U.S. Constitution and Thomas Jefferson Echoes KGB ‘Disinformation’

Concord, New Hampshire Police Department  Requests Costly Military-Style Equipment to Deal With “Sovereign Citizens, Free Staters” and Others

Archbishop Desmond Tutu Says He’d Rather Go to Hell Than to a Homophobic Heaven

University of California at San Diego Economics Professor Pegs National Debt at Nearly US$90 Trillion Dollars

Talk Show Host Bill Maher Says God is a “Psychotic Mass Murderer” and Homophobe

U.S. Military: Women to Take Combat Roles by 2016

Chicago Firearms Confiscation Begins

Park Forest, Illinois Police Kill Ninety-Five-Year-Old Nursing Home Resident with Taser, Bean Bag Shot – Refused to Take Medication

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania SWAT Officers Dragged Ten-Year-Old from Bathtub, Made Him Stand Naked Next to Four-Year-Old Sister, Terrorized Family

San Antonio, Texas Preparing to Persecute Christians Who Speak Out on the Bible

U.S. Army Conducts Nighttime Exercises in Downtown Chicago

Proposed San Antonio, Texas Legislation to penalize Bible Believers

Obama Administration Requires Magician to Submit a Thirty-Two Page “Disaster Plan” for His Rabbit

Pedophiles Arguing Their Sexual Orientation Is No Different than Homosexuals

Obama Judicial Nominee Calls Abstinence Education ‘Unconstitutional’

U.S. National Institutes of Health Spending US$544,188 to Promote HPV Vaccine

Five Women Beaten in Public India Marketplace for Sharing Love of Jesus

Bill Passes in India Jailing Converts, Clergy for Failure to Give Prior Notice of Conversion

Bank Repossesses Wrong House, Sells Off Homeowner’s Stuff, Police Says Case Is Closed

Austin, Texas: Ten Men Rape Girl As They Cheer Each Other On and Tape the Assault

Vietnam: Christian Couple Pressured to Abandon Their Faith with Threats and Beatings

Air Force Censors Chaplain over ‘No Atheists in Foxholes’ Essay

Illegal Alien Knocked Ninety-Three-Year-Old Woman’s Teeth Out while Raping Her

Finally Legal: Queen Gives Gay Marriage the Royal Assent

Henrico County, Virginia Police Go to Family’s Home to Notify Them of Son’s Homicide – Instead They Shoot Pet Dog

U.S. Justice Department Investigates “Redneck Day” at Arizona High School

United Nations Declares another Worldwide War on Biblical Ethics

The Shameful Ordeal of Cecile Kyenge, Italy’s First Black Minister

FBI Announces Takedown of 150 Pimps Trafficking Children for Sex

Scam of the Year: Steroid Enhanced Ferrets Sold as Poodles


+ WND, 2020 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, #351, Washington DC  20006, Contact Page

+ The Liberty Crier

+ Student Free Press Association, Post Office Box 1996, Woodbridge, Virginia 22195,

+, Contact Page

+ Newsmax, Post Office Box 20989,West Palm Beach, Florida 33416, 561-686-1165, Fax: 561-686-3350

+ Personal Liberty Digest, Post Office Box 1105, Cullman, Alabama 35056, 800-319-3487, 800-941-6987,

+ Godfather Politics, 457 Nathan Dean Boulevard, Dallas, Georgia 30132

+, Post Office Box 19549, Austin, Texas 78760, 512-291-5750,

+ WND, 2020 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, #351, Washington DC  20006, Contact Page

+ Right Side News

+ Clash Daily

+ American Vision, 3150-A Florence Road, Suite 2, Powder Springs, Georgia 30127, 800-628-9460, Fax: 770-222-7269,

+ Assist USA, Post Office Box 609, Lake Forest, California 92609, 949-380-1558,

+ Mr. Conservative,

+ VirtueOnline, 1236 Waterford Road, West Chester, Pennsylvania 19380

+ The Daily Caller, 1050 17th Street Northwest # 900, Washington DC 20036, 202-466-3004,

+ The Daily Beast, 555 West 18th Street, New York, New York 10011,



[13] The Religion of Peace

Articles from the past week about the religion of peace:

Obama Salutes Muslims and Celebrates Islamic Holy Month at White House

Obama Moves Forward with Plan to Arm Syrian Jihadists

Obama Releases Five High Profile Gitmo Detainees to Appease the Taliban

REPORT: Injured Benghazi Hero with Shredded Leg Waited Twenty Hours for Help

Arizona Muslim Charged with Detonating a Bomb outside a Federal Building, Faces Additional Charge of Murder

Outrage over US$300K Salary Paid to Fort Hood Jihad Mass Murderer Spurs Legislation

Ramadan Observance in Iraq: Shi’ite Muslims Bomb Sunni Mosques, Murdering Nine

Afghanistan: Jihad-Martyrdom Suicide Bomber on Donkey Murders Three American Troops

Syrian Rebels Ransack Christian Village

Al-Qaeda-Linked Rebels Hold 200 Kurdish Civilians as ‘Live Shield’ in Syria

Christian Suffering under Jihadi Extremism

Pastor’s Daughter in Nigeria Allegedly Kidnapped, Forced to Convert to Islam

American Pastor Saeed Abedini: 300 Days in an Iranian Prison

Iran: Christians Imprisoned for Their Faith

Coming Soon: America’s Own Islamic ‘No-Go’ Zones

Sharia Law in Lebanon: Muslim Who Honor-Beat His Wife to Death Released

Dutch Court Blocks Extradition to U.S. of Dutch-Pakistani Jihad Terror Suspect

Ramadan Kill-a-Thon: Devout Muslim Group Opens Fire in Iraq, Killing Nine Policemen, Blows Up Ambulance Rushing to Scene

Ramadan Kill-a-Thon: Child Sees Parents Murdered by Muslims in Thailand

Ramadan Bombathon: Jihad in Egypt, One Killed, Seventeen Wounded in Bomb Attack on Police Station

Ramadan Bombathon: Jihad in Thailand, Two Teachers Killed, One Wounded in Bomb Attack

Obama Halts Delivery of F-16 Jets to Egypt after Muslim Brotherhood Removed from Power

Female Genital Mutilation: 30 Million Girls “At Risk”

Iranian Christians Continue to Face Arrest, Imprisonment

Islamist Traffickers Terrorize People by Snatching Christian Girls

Rockets Hit United Arab Emirates’ Mission to Libya

More Islam, More Misogyny: Turkey: Pregnant Women in Public ‘Immoral and Unpleasant’

New York Muslim Steals US$5 Million — Blames “Islamophobia”

Canada: Feds Threatening To Revoke Charity Status of Islamic Society of North America over Concerns That It Sent Money to Jihad Terrorists

Tunisian Politician Mohamed Brahmi, Who Opposed Islamic Government, Assassinated

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry Refers to Country of Palestine

Muslimas from Britain Joining Jihad in Syria

Pakistan: Islamic Jihad Group Sends Ramadan Gift to Rival Islamic Seminary: A Bomb

Muslim from Canada Identified As Suspect in Bulgarian Jihad Attack against Israeli Tourists

FBI Ignored Warnings about Boston Bombers’ Radical Mosque

Christian Jailed for Text Messages in Gojra, Pakistan

Peace Talks with Taliban While They Murder Foreign Tourists

Muslim Honor Killing in Canada: “So Many Stab Wounds That from Her Waist Up, There Was No Body”

Sharia in Action: Thirty-Nine Eritrean Christian Students Imprisoned for Their Faith

Ramadan Bombathon: Homicide Bombers Kill Thirty-Nine near Shi’ite Mosques in Pakistan

Ramadan Beatathon: Danish Shop Employees Beaten for Selling Pork

Ramadan Observance in Pakistan: At Least Forty-One Murdered in Explosions at Busy Marketplace

Ramadan Observance in the Philippines: Six Dead, Forty-Eight Wounded as Muslims Bomb Restaurant

Malaysia: Women Who Disputed Ban on Muslim Women Participating in Beauty Contests Could Be Charged in Sharia Court for Insulting Islam

Six Dead in Jihad Attack on Turkish Embassy in Somalia

India: Muslim Mob Kills Two Hindus, Injures Many More for Playing Music in Hindu Temple during Ramadan

Ramadan Observance in Nigeria: Islamic Jihadists Murder over Twenty Fishermen and Traders

Sharia in Action in Saudi Arabia: Rights Activist Gets Seven Years Jail, 600 Lashes for Insulting Islam

Colorado: Self-Proclaimed “Islamist Jihadist” Threatens to Murder Mormons and Catholics

Muslims in London Throw Toxic Acid on Mother and Her Young Twin Boys


+ Mr. Conservative,

+ Atlas Shrugs,

+ Jihad Watch and Dhimmi Watch

+ Assyrian International News Agency

+ Right Side News

+ Assist USA, Post Office Box 609, Lake Forest, California 92609, 949-380-1558,

+ WND, 2020 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, #351, Washington DC  20006, Contact Page

+ World Watch Monitor, Contact Page

+, Contact Page

+ The National, Post Office Box 111434, Abu Dhabi, 971-2-4145328,

+ Godfather Politics, 457 Nathan Dean Boulevard, Dallas, Georgia 30132

+ Last Resistance, Contact Page



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