Sunday, February 23, 2025

7 September 2011

Tuesday, September 6, 2011, 23:48
This news item was posted in Presbyterians Week category.


Presbyterians Week Headlines


[1] Christian Observer Website Reappears 2 September 2011

[2] Erskine College Senior English Professor William Crenshaw, PhD, Suspended from Teaching

[3] Prepublication Sale on Sermons Preached before the English Houses of Parliament by the Scottish Commissioners to the Westminster Assembly of Divines, 1643-1645

[4] Reformed Churches of New Zealand Begin 27th Synod Sunday Evening 4 September 2011

[5] Nine Percent of 1.8 million, or 162,000, American Muslims Approve of Suicide Bombings

[6] New York Times Editorial Counsels America Not to Fear Sharia Law

[7] U.S. Presidential Candidate Ron Paul Says U.S. Government Preparing for “Breakdown of Law and Order”



[1] Christian Observer Website Reappears 2 September 2011

Eleven days after the 21 August 2011 disappearance from the Internet of the Christian Observer website, a new domain registrar assumed responsibility and pointed the domain to the appropriate address.

New Christian Observer articles for September 2011 will soon be posted, as will several weeks of archives of T.M. Moore’s Daily Devotionals that along with some already restored Christian Observer archives inexplicably disappeared while the Christian Observer website was unavailable.

To paraphrase a modern adage: “To err is human, to really foul up things you need Internet information technology.”


+ Christian Observer, Post Office Box 1371, Lexington, Virginia 20110,



[2] Erskine College Senior English Professor William Crenshaw, PhD, Suspended from Teaching

In the 3 September 2011 ARPTalk Blog Extra # 18 titled “Crenshaw is GONE!”, the Rev. Dr. Charles W. Wilson reports that Erskine College senior professor of English William Crenshaw, PhD, has been suspended from teaching for the Fall 2011 semester by Erskine College president Dr. David Norman, and that Dr. Crenshaw has additionally had his Erskine College email account revoked.

Dr Wilson writes:

“A tip of the hat is due President David Norman of Erskine College and Seminary. The story coming out of Due West. SC, is scant and cryptic; however, the news is that Dr. Norman has done what four other Erskine Presidents were unable or unwilling to do: he has disciplined Dr. Bill Crenshaw and suspended him from his teaching position.

“A senior English professor, Crenshaw has made a career of using his classroom to ridicule both the mission of Erskine as a Christian college and the faith of Christian students. For years, Bill Crenshaw has been the bane of multiple Erskine administrations that were unwilling and seemingly unable to deal with his antics.”

Among the general term “antics” cited by Dr. Wilson includes the case of Christian Erskine student Zach Keuthan, who after defending a Christian position in the classroom reported that Erskine professor Dr. William Crenshaw told Keuthan that he was a liar and to enjoy his evangelical hell.


+ ARPTalk Blog, 864-882-6337,

+ Erskine College, 2 Washington Street, Due West, South Carolina 29639, 864-379-2131, 864-379-2167,

+ Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church, 1 Cleveland Street Suite 110, Greenville, South Carolina, 29601, 864-232-8297, Fax: 864-271-3729



[3] Prepublication Sale on Sermons Preached before the English Houses of Parliament by the Scottish Commissioners to the Westminster Assembly of Divines, 1643-1645

Naphtali Press through 30 September 2011 is offering a pre-publication sale on Sermons Preached before the English Houses of Parliament by the Scottish Commissioners to the Westminster Assembly of Divines, 1643-1645 for US$19.95 plus US$4.00 postage to U.S. addresses.

The retail price increases to US$54.50 on 1 October 2011.

Pricing information for addresses outside the U.S. can be obtained by emailing


+ Naphtali Press, Post Office Box 141084, Dallas, Texas 75214,



[4] Reformed Churches of New Zealand Begin 27th Synod Sunday Evening 4 September 2011

The Reformed Churches of New Zealand began their 27th Synod on Sunday evening 4 September 2011 in Bucklands Beach, Auckland, New Zealand. The synod meeting was relocated from Christchurch, New Zealand, due to the devastating earthquake of February 2011.

Serving as the fraternal delegate to this synod on behalf of the United Reformed Churches in North America is the Rev. William Boekestein, pastor of Covenant Reformed Church of Carbondale, Pennsylvania. Boekestein is blogging about the synod meeting at


+ United Reformed Churches in North America, c/o the Rev. Bradd Nymeyer, 227 1st Avenue Southeast, Sioux Center, Iowa 51250, 712-722-1965,

+ Reformed Churches of New Zealand,



[5] Nine Percent of 1.8 million, or 162,000, American Muslims Approve of Suicide Bombings

A 2 September 2011 Godfather Politics article titled “American Muslims Still Approve of Suicide Bombings,” citing a new study by the Pew Research Center, reports that nine percent , or 162,000, of 1.8 million American Muslims approve of suicide bombings of civilians.

The article additionally cites Council on American-Islamic Relations figures claiming that there are 7 million American Muslims “that would give us at least 630,000 that are ok with murdering civilians for Islam!”


+ Godfather Politics, Contact Form

+ Pew Research Center, 1615 L Street Northwest, Suite 700, Washington DC 20036, 202-419-4300, Fax: 202-419-4349,

+ Council on American-Islamic Relations, 453 New Jersey Avenue Southeast, Washington DC 20003, 202-488-8787, Fax: 202-488-0833,



[6] New York Times Editorial Counsels America Not to Fear Sharia Law

A 2 September 2011 New York Times editorial by assistant professor of religious studies and history at Yale University Eliyahu Stern titled “Don’t Fear Islamic Law in America” cites the fact that more than a dozen U.S. state legislatures are considering whether to forbid certain aspects of Muslim Sharia law, and counsels America that passing such laws “undermines American democracy, ignores our country’s successful history of religious tolerance and assimilation, and creates a dangerous divide between America and its fastest-growing religious minority.”


+ New York Times, 620 Eighth Avenue, New York, New York 10018, 212- 556-1234,



[7] U.S. Presidential Candidate Ron Paul Says U.S. Government Preparing for “Breakdown of Law and Order”

A 1 September 2011 article by Paul Joseph Watson titled “Ron Paul: Feds Preparing For “Breakdown Of Law And Order” reports that U.S. presidential candidate Ron Paul recently elaborated on how the federal government was preparing for a “breakdown in law and order”, and that the feds are “planning for any provision.”

Paul continued: “You can have a breakdown of law and order so the people will unfortunately be begging for stabilization, and they’ll be inviting the federal government to come in and destabilize things, so I think they’re making plans along those lines.”

Asked if such preparations were about a power grab on behalf of the federal government, Paul responded, “That’s their goal, it’s all about power”, and said the “they” were Federal Emergency Management Agency.

The article continues:

“Preparations for civil unrest in the United States have long been on the books, but those plans have recently been refreshed.

“Immediately following the riots in the [United Kingdom], the [New York Police Department] announced that it was training police to deal with disobedience, “should out-of-control riots break out here.”

“As [] reported three years ago, U.S. troops returning from Iraq were being re-allocated to occupy America, running checkpoints and training to deal with “civil unrest and crowd control” under the auspices of a Northcom program that revolved around deploying 20,000 active duty troops inside America to “help” state and local officials during times of emergency.

“The date set for the completion of this program was 2011.”


+, Post Office Box 19549, Austin, Texas 78760, 512-291-5750,

+ U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Washington DC 20528, 202-282-8000, Contact Form


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