Monday, March 24, 2025

Advertising in the Christian Observer


Advertising Rates


Christian Observer


128 pixels wide column, per 150 vertical pixels, all web pages
US$50 per month

(example width – “Westminster Shorter Catechism” ad – to the right)


256 pixels wide column, per 150 vertical pixels, all web pages
US$95 per month

(example width – “Full Bible Publications” ad – to the right and down)


Presbyterians Week

US$35 per weekly issue, article width, per 150 vertical pixels


Discounts – Multiple and Annual

Circulation – Verified by Google Analytics or Constant Contact – information upon request

Deadline – Three weeks prior to posting


Please contact for more information. The Christian Observer and Presbyterians Week reserve the right to refuse publication of any advertisement at the discretion of the editors.

