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Accommodating Transgenderism– Stepping Toward the Toilet in Schools

Monday, June 6, 2016, 20:57
This news item was posted in Education category.



By The Rev. Dr. Joe Renfro

Under the flag of civil rights, the Executive branch of our government has issued the directive that transgender people, those who currently make up less than one percent of our population in America, have the right to use whatever public restroom, locker room, shower room, or toilet they personally feel appropriate.  According to the New York Times the Administration issued a letter to every public school in the land telling them to allow “transgender” students to use whichever bathroom they please.   This ruling is going to have detrimental effects on education, all the way from the pre-school through college.  It is surely stepping toward the toilet in American education!

What is a transgender?  A transgender can be straight, gay, or bi-sexual.  It has nothing to do with the kind of people to whom they have romantic feelings toward. Gender identity is the gender with which you identify. Sexual orientation is the gender to which you’re attracted.  Many transgender people seek counseling, while others want to say that being transgender isn’t a mental illness.  Nevertheless, many transgender people are often very depressed or anxious.  They often become socially isolated, and, in fact, forty-one percent have attempted suicide, compared to twenty percent for the lesbian and gays, and 4.6 percent for the overall population (Transgender Suicide Attempt Rate is Staggering, Vocative, July 15), and studies strongly suggest that feelings of gender confusion in young children are often temporary (Obama’s Transgender ‘Obsession” is “Literally Insane, by Paul Bremmer, WND, May 14, 2016)

Assigning someone’s sex is based on biology — chromosomes, anatomy, and hormones–and if a person is born male or female sex that is physiologically what one is. But a person’s gender — the inner sense of being male, female, or both — doesn’t always match that sex, according to transgenderism. Transgender people say they were assigned a sex that isn’t true to who they are.  Many people have different assumptions about what it means to be transgender, but it isn’t about surgery, or sexual orientation, or even how someone dresses. They say it’s how they feel inside, often a matter of degree.

The federal government has ordered all public schools in America to allow transgender students to use the bathroom of the gender with which they identify.  In a recent Rasmussen Poll the survey it found that fifty-one percent opposed allowing transgender students to use the bathrooms of the opposite biological sex, thirty-three percent supported it, and sixteen percent were undecided according. Among those with elementary and secondary school age children, those most directly impacted by the Obama administration’s latest order, fifty-five percent were opposed, thirty-two percent favored allowing transgender students to use the bathrooms of the opposite biological sex, while thirteen percent were not sure. Fifty percent fifty percent of Democrats favor allowing transgender students to use the bathrooms of the gender they identify with. Just thirteen percent of Republicans and thirty percent of adults not affiliated with either of the major political parties agree. (Most School Parents Oppose Transgender Bathroom Policy in Lifestyle – Rasmussen Reports).

Over the past few decades, we’ve slowly been eroding what it means to be male and female. Recently this movement has culminated in normalizing transgenderism and the vilification of anyone who stands upon a traditional definition of male and female.  The erosion of gender has exponentially complicated marriage.  Many even feel there is no such thing as a “transgender.” They say: “The whole notion that a man can arbitrarily decide he’s a woman and a woman can arbitrarily decide she’s a man is not just perverse, it’s ridiculous.” The number of children being given medical treatment for “gender confusion” has risen 1000 percent over the past five years, 1,013 compared to ninety-seven in 2010.   (Children’s Gender Confusion Treatments Sees 1,000 percent, Charisma News, March 9, 2016).  According to The Federalist, the new rule could open the way for lawsuits from transgender people on claims that being denied sex-change medical services is a violation of civil rights.  (New Obamacare Regulation Presses for Sex Change Surgery Coverage, by Sandy Fitzgerald, Newsmax, May 14, 2016).

Isn’t it strange that in this new progressive America, putting an end to discrimination means discriminating against others? How can a school system claim to be supportive of all its students when it is blatantly forcing the vast majority to bow to the minority, or else?

The only purpose for teaching minor children that they can be a gender other than the one to which they were born is to sow confusion in order to raise a generation with no moral grounding. There are forces at work in America that seeking to establish a platform that we are no longer entitled to have religious, political, or personal beliefs that differ from what the government tells them they are allowed to have.

Preferred Gender Pronouns (PGP) have gained traction over the last few years on social media and many school systems such as those in Chicago are using these. They include”ze,” “sie,” “e,” “ou” and “ve” in place of the common he, she, they, you, we, etc. Students and staff that don’t identify with their actual gender will choose their PGP and the other students and staff will be required to use that term. Unintended usage of the person’s actual gender will go unpunished, but any “intentional or persistent” usage will bring consequences. (Chicago Public Schools to Punish Children for Using Wrong Gender Pronouns, French Revolution by David and Nancy French)

I know in my teaching experience, I had a hard enough time recognizing, much less remembering the names of my students in elementary, middle school, and particularly in college, and I thus, had to seat them alphabetically, and to remember such gibberish as preferred gender pronouns would have been complete chaos!

Sexually, there are men and sexually there are women, which is in the anatomy of the individuals, although individuals might tend to characterize themselves more with the opposite gender from the one they are sexually, for physiologically every individual has both the female estrogens and the male androgens, except basically they tend to be according to the sex of the person.

“Intersex” is a general term used for a variety of conditions in which a person is born with a reproductive or sexual anatomy that doesn’t seem to fit the typical definitions of female or male, but this is very rare, and usually medical science provides various treatments for this.  The natural order, however, is male or female.

Genesis 1:26-27 says, “And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them” … Between these verses there is the account of God’s command to Adam to not eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and an account of God creating the woman of the same substance to be the companion with the man, and then there is the fall of both man and woman pictured in the story from 3:1-19. In Genesis 3:20 we see that Adam called his wife, “Eve” because she was the mother of all living.” … Then in Genesis 5:2 it goes back in summary saying that, “Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created.”  Here is the creation story of the human race.  The biblical message is that the human creation is a unique creation specifically created in the image of God.

This fight for transgender equality really is all about the tear-down of the family which many say the current administration is showing in all kinds of ways, and it really not basically a question of civil rights at all. This is the goal of the LGBT.  Transgenderism is classified as a mental disorder, and equating this mental health issue to be the same as the civil rights struggles of blacks, as Attorney General Loretta Lynch did, or as some sort of extension of Jim Crow-era struggles, is completely ridiculous.

The current administration frames the transgender bathroom situation as a civil rights issue: writing that “The desire to accommodate others’ discomfort cannot justify a policy that singles out and disadvantages a particular class of students to ensure that all students, including transgender students, can attend school in an environment free from discrimination based on sex.”  The position makes the huge assumption that Congress, in writing the Civil Rights Act in 1964, intended that it would open women’s restrooms, locker rooms and shower rooms to men, and vice versa.  It seems that the golden rule for most all legislation have nothing to do with righteousness, the directives from God’s word, but with rights, civil rights that almost every little group is crying that they have suffered discrimination!  (Obama’s Transgender ‘Obsession” is “Literally Insane,” WMD.” Mau 14. 2016)

According to the former psychiatrist in chief at Johns Hopkins Hospital, Dr. Paul McHugh, seventy to eighty percent of children tracked at both Vanderbilt University and the London’s Portman Clinic, who had expressed transgender feelings, “spontaneously lost those feelings.”  (Chicago Public Schools to Punish Children for Using Wrong Gender Pronouns, French Revolution by David and Nancy French)  Gender confusion can be part of growing up and splinted families make it hard.

The only purpose really for teaching minor children that they can be a gender other than the one they were born as, is to sow confusion in order to raise a generation with no moral grounding and thus no spine to resist whatever plans the progressive thinking has for them in the future.

There has been increased sexual abuse to women and girls as the so-called transgender men have increasingly used public restrooms. Such facilities could become easy-access breading grounds for predators. Thus, it would be common sense to keep the facilities separated based on biology rather than identity to protect women and children. Some men will abuse the bathrooms and locker-rooms open to gender identity rather than biology by falsely proclaiming womanhood in order to gain access to women and children for motives of malice.  Predictably, the progressive left has vehemently denied that such a thing would ever happen—or worse, that this is a price we must pay for “inclusivity” and “equality.”

Some examples this abuse are: 1. A Seattle man, citing transgender bathrooms laws, was able to gain access to a women’s locker-room at a public recreational center while little girls were changing for swim practice. 2. A Toronto man claiming to be transgender was arrested and sentenced to jail for sexually assaulting several women in a women’s shelter after he gained access to the shelter and its shower facilitates as “Jessica.” 3. A Virginia man was caught and arrested for peeping on and filming two women and a 5-year-old child in a women’s restroom after receiving entry by dressing in drag. 4. A Los Angeles man dressed in drag, entered a Macy’s department store bathroom and videotaped women under bathroom stalls. 5. Two male students were caught at the University of Toronto exploiting “gender-neutral” facilities to peep on women in the shower with their cellphone cameras. (5 Times ‘Transgender’ Men Abused Women and Children in Bathrooms, by Amanda Prestigiacomo, Daily Wire, April 22, 2016).  These are but a few of instances this price the vast majority of our society is going to be paying astronomically.

Many feel that if it wasn’t time before, it’s time now to get our children out of the public school system.  The assault they’ve undergone in just the past week, from a government intent on their indoctrination and compliance, is astounding, and isn’t it distressing that in the new progressive America which is developing under Obama’s leadership, proclaiming that it is really putting an end to discrimination really means discriminating against others, in this care the vast majority!

There are forces at work in America that seek the platform that we are no longer entitled to have religious, political, or personal beliefs that differ from what the government tells them they are allowed to have.  Many Christians plan to set out the coming election and give in to the progressive thinking, which is very sad, however.

Deuteronomy 22:5 says that, “The woman shall not wear that which pertains to a man, neither shall a man put on a woman’s garment: for all that do so are abomination to the LORD your God.”   The distinction between the sexes is natural and divinely established, and cannot be neglected without indecorum and consequent danger to purity in short, it can open the door to an influx of so many evils that can accompany the confusion of the sexes.  The transgenderism should be medically treated, but it should not be promoted.

“Neither the federal government nor our current administration has a shred of constitutional authority to be meddling in public schools,” declared Alex Newman, coauthor of the book “CRIMES OF THE EDUCATORS.” Education is not among the enumerated powers of the federal government, and therefore schooling is properly within the jurisdiction of states or local communities. That includes bathroom policies, stepping toward the toilet.

This latest federal intrusion is typical of what has been imposed on schools across America from Washington, D.C., for generations. Rather than focusing on real education, the federally controlled schools have become indoctrination factories waging war on truth, common sense, morality and even reality.

The current Democratic administration frames the transgender bathroom situation as a civil rights issue: writing that “The desire to accommodate others’ discomfort cannot justify a policy that singles out and disadvantages a particular class of students to ensure that all students, including transgender students, can attend school in an environment free from discrimination based on sex.”  The position makes the huge assumption that Congress, in writing the Civil Rights Act in 1964, intended that it would open women’s restrooms, locker rooms and shower rooms to men, and vice versa.  It seems that the golden rule for most all legislation have nothing to do with righteousness, the directives from God’s word, but with rights, civil rights that almost every little group is crying that they have suffered discrimination!  (Obama’s Transgender ‘Obsession” is “Literally Insane,” WMD.” Mau 14. 2016)

Sex reassignment surgery or SRS (also known as gender reassignment surgery, genital reconstruction surgery, sex realignment surgery, or, colloquially, a sex change) is the surgical procedure (or procedures) by which a transgender person’s physical appearance and function of their existing sexual characteristics are altered to resemble that of their identified gender.   But most all transgender people don’t seek to alter their bodies by surgery at least to date.

David Kupelian, WND’s managing editor and best-selling author of “The Snapping of the American Mind,” agrees transgenderism is a mental disorder, but goes further, and he writes, “The whole transgender issue, which represents the politicization and forced celebration of a severe mental illness – and now, shoving it down the throats of hundreds of millions of Americans, including her school children – is literally insane.”

There was article that Fox published Texas Episcopal leader the Rt. Rev. J. Scott Mayer addressing the Fort Worth school board showed the stupidity of these transgender rulings for school in a May 10, 2016 statement about the new school policies, saying: “They are targeting an already vulnerable community, whose members are already at risk of violence simply for being who they truly are.”

Mayer continued, “I urge the Fort Worth school board and its superintendent to remain strong in the face of this fear-mongering as they work for the welfare of all our children.”

It is time for all Americans to stop and analyze why we are allowing this nonsense. It is dangerous for the country — and dangerous for all kids who need guidance, not kowtowing. We need to figure out why we are allowing the LGBT machine to change the essential character of America one school, one confused child at a time. (Texas Schools are ‘Trans’formed, by Deirdre Reilly, Fox News, May 16, 2016)

We, as Christians, need to take a stand against this dangerous movement in our educational system!


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