. . . [Editor's Note: Republished with permission from The Christian Curmudgeon blog, Sunday, February 26, 2012. The author is the Rev. William H. Smith, a minister in the Presbyterian Church in America] When I was in my ...
. . A Christian Observer editorial from sixty years ago - the Christian Observer, October 10, 1951 - Harry P. Converse, Managing Editor - William T. McElroy, Editor. . The final report of the Senate Crime Investigating Committee [Special Committee to Investigate Organized Crime in Interstate Commerce - ...
. . . . Greetings in the name of Christ! . . As an avid reader of the Christian Observer for many years now, I look forward to the end of each week and the newest edition. The CO's analysis and reporting of the news ...
. . by Penny Smith . [Editor's Note: Northminster Reformed Presbyterian Church (RPCNA) of Suwanee, Georgia, sends several people into downtown Atlanta, Georgia, on Sunday afternoons starting at 5:00 p.m. to minister to inner city residents. ...
. . . .. .. by David Cloud . [Editor's Note: The following article is republished with the permission of the publisher, Fundamental Baptist Information Service, and is included because of its critique of several movements within the confessional Presbyterian and Reformed community and of ...
The Role of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) Stated Clerk and Administrative Committee in the Establishment of the Presbyterian Investors Fund (PIF) and Cornerstone Ministries Investments (CMI)
[caption id="attachment_8066" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Opening Day - 23 October 2011"][/caption] The congregation of Grace Presbyterian Church of Lexington, Virginia, held the first service in its new ...
. . . . . . . . . The Role of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) Stated Clerk and Administrative Committee in the Establishment of the Presbyterian Investors Fund (PIF) and Cornerstone Ministries Investments (CMI)...
. by Pat Huddleston . Cornerstone Ministries Investments, Inc. (CMI) was incorporated in 1996 to make loans to churches seeking to build or expand their facilities. To generate the cash that it intended to loan to those churches, CMI sold bonds to individual investors. Thousands of ...
. by the Rev. Graeme Craig, Moderator, Free Church of Scotland (Continuing) . A variety of false religions, philosophies and teachings are attacking the Gospel today. One of these is modern-day historical science. Both the disciplines of historical biology – that is to say the study of evolution – ...