Friday, March 28, 2025

‘zzz-Covenant Commonwealth Archive’

One-Word Explanation Why Christianity Will Defeat Other Total Systems: Grace

Tuesday, January 1, 2013 0:00

. . By  - republished from a 28 December 2012 article in, which covers the local economy and free markets in Chattanooga, Tennessee, and beyond. . The sense of defeat among many Christians is understandable. We feel the systems ...

Unpaid Moral Debts of U.S. Rep. Scott DesJarlais (R – Tennessee (4th)) Reflect Unpayable IOUs of the People

Saturday, December 1, 2012 0:01

. . By  - republished from a 27 November 2012 article in, which covers the local economy and free markets in Chattanooga, Tennessee, and beyond. . The re-election of federal Rep. Scott DesJarlais to an East Tennessee district ...

Liberty and Its Bankrupted Meaning

Saturday, December 1, 2012 0:00

. . By  - republished from a 22 October 2012 article in, which covers the local economy and free markets in Chattanooga, Tennessee, and beyond. . I recently had a lively chat with a local political figure over the ...

Vote Your Faith Not Your Fear

Thursday, November 1, 2012 17:33

. . by Dr Lawrence L. White, Pastor, Our Savior Lutheran Church (LCMS), Houston, Texas. Republished with permission from Christian News October 22, 2012 - . It's that time again. In the midst of a heated Presidential campaign - portrayed, as always, as the most important election in the ...

As Meltdown Draws Nigh, Steward Wealth as You Increase Spiritual Assets

Monday, October 1, 2012 0:00

. . By  - republished from a 15 September 2012 article in, which covers the local economy and free markets in Chattanooga, Tennessee, and beyond. . God wants His children to be as careful about stewarding their spiritual assets as ...

Ambiguous Words from Prosecutor As He Cheers Chattanooga Mosque

Saturday, September 1, 2012 0:00

The followers of Muhammad held opening ceremonies Saturday for a mosque in Chattanooga, Tenn., and were given a welcome talk by a federal prosecutor. Bill Killian defined justice as “doing the right thing” and denounced prejudice among members of the public whom he said misunderstand Muhammad’s doctrine or who are ...

As Gibson Lowers Lips to Kiss Hoof, Uncle, in Show of Grace, Lifts It

Wednesday, August 8, 2012 22:12

  by David Tulis – published originally on, which covers the Chattanooga, Tennessee, area economy and free markets from a Christian perspective. . I snapped up the CD edition of Gulliver’s Travels after my nine-year-old had enjoyed it and have been howling at the satire so acidly penned by Jonathan Swift, whose ...

More Uproarious than Cathy on Gays: Chick-fil-A’s Claims about the Lord’s Day

Wednesday, August 8, 2012 22:00

“I’m a Christian ready to talk to anyone about the influence of Jesus Christ in my life, but I’ve hesitated to make public statements about my faith or about the company in such a way, trying to capitalize on the fact that most of our people are Christians. I don’t ...

The Batman Massacre and the Daring Struggle against Meaning

Wednesday, August 8, 2012 21:35

  by David Tulis – published originally on, which covers the Chattanooga, Tennessee, area economy and free markets from a Christian perspective. . The Batman massacre by orange-headed defendant James Holmes is a noisy burp following an extended sit-down meal at a buffet-style restaurant in a strip mall of modern philosophy. The fare ...

Census Fibbery: Can They Force You to Answer if You Haven’t First been Made Liable?

Census Fibbery: Can They Force You to Answer if You Haven’t First been Made Liable?

Thursday, June 7, 2012 21:36

 by David Tulis - published originally on on May 25, 2012 . I long have had uneasy feelings about cooperating with the federal census. A good man in my church was hounded by people in the census machine who came three times to his door and made ...