. . [Editor's Note: The 2013 General Assembly of the Free Church of Scotland (Continuing) met 20-23 May at Liberton Kirk, Kirkgate, Liberton, Edinburgh, Scotland. The moderatorial address of new moderator the Rev. Warren Gardner, pastor of the Free Church Continuing Congregation of Atlanta, Georgia, USA] Text: Ezekiel 16:46-59 It ...
. . [Editor's Note: Chuck Huckaby is an Associate Editor of the Christian Observer, and played a key role in the October 31, 2008 launch of the online version of this publication] . Originally published by WorldViewChurch.org. Reprinted with permission. By Chuck Huckaby Rosaria Champagne Butterfield lives with her ...
How then is the confessional, biblical Christian to exercise his temporal right to vote based upon what “is either expressly set down in Scripture, or by good and necessary consequence may be deduced from Scripture”? [WCF I.6]
. . [Editor's Note: This month's Guest Editor is Pete Kelly, a fellow member of the Reformed Presbyterian Church (Hanover Presbytery) of Manassas, Virginia. In late July, Pete traveled to Colorado to attend the funeral of an old friend and to visit another friend recently diagnosed with terminal ...
The newspaper account about AIDS in the pew at Red Bank Baptist church of Chattanooga, Tennessee, has caused conversation across the country about Christian intolerance and the power of a single man to eliminate a church doctrine. Matt Nevels lost a homosexual son to the disease and quit his church ...
. . A Christian Observer editorial from sixty years ago - the Christian Observer, October 10, 1951 - Harry P. Converse, Managing Editor - William T. McElroy, Editor. . The final report of the Senate Crime Investigating Committee [Special Committee to Investigate Organized Crime in Interstate Commerce - ...
The Role of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) Stated Clerk and Administrative Committee in the Establishment of the Presbyterian Investors Fund (PIF) and Cornerstone Ministries Investments (CMI)
. . . . . . . . The Role of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) Stated Clerk and Administrative Committee in the Establishment of the Presbyterian Investors Fund (PIF) and Cornerstone Ministries Investments (CMI) . Part Two . by Bob ...
. . . . . . . . . The Role of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) Stated Clerk and Administrative Committee in the Establishment of the Presbyterian Investors Fund (PIF) and Cornerstone Ministries Investments (CMI)...
[Editor's Note: This article originally appeared on reformation21.org, the online magazine of the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals.] . Article by Guest Editor William B. Evans June 2011 . The Trials and Tribulations of the ARP Church, Part 2 . Last year about this time I wrote ...