Monday, February 24, 2025


The Public Schools and Political Correctness

Thursday, November 1, 2012 0:00

. . The schools of today are basic in determining the world of tomorrow. One undeniable factor is that there is a strong current flowing toward the development and maintenance of political correctness. Textbooks are often slanted to give positive support to non-Christian religions and cultures, alternate life-styles, ...

Education and the Three Books

Sunday, September 30, 2012 21:11

. . by Dr. Joe Renfro . Three books stand out in contemporary education with each proposing different philosophies of education, and they are the Bible, the Koran, and The Origin of the Species. The problem develops as to how and whether these can become strange bedfellows. There ...

Education and Discrimination?

Saturday, September 1, 2012 0:00

. . by Dr. Joe Renfro . The word “discrimination” at one time was regarded with high esteem. To be a discriminating person was to be an individual who could make wise, discerning judgments. But things have now changed as one of the platforms of contemporary education and ...

Free Bibles or Free Condoms?

Wednesday, August 8, 2012 20:26

. . by Dr. Joe Renfro . Can you believe that our public schools are prohibiting the distribution of free Bibles, while at the same time many are providing free condoms to whoever wants them?  Proverbs 22:6 says, “Train up a child in the way he should go: ...

The Educational Stimulus?

Saturday, July 14, 2012 21:21

. . The two words, “educational” and “stimulus” positively, affirmatively, and emphatically seem to come together in the American political climate. But a sad fact is that two other words, “spirit” and “truth” have in various ways been subtracted from the dialogue of learning. Our nation outspends all ...

The Intellectual Explosion and the Moral Implosion

Friday, June 1, 2012 0:00

. . There is a force, a pattern that is altering the minds of masses of our youth to where the learning, learning that should be coupled with the capacity for true moral judgments, is fading. Without question we are seeing a situation in our nation where the ...

The Learning that Kills the Mind

Tuesday, May 1, 2012 0:00

. . The Bible says in the last days, man shall be “ever learning, but never able to come to the knowledge of the truth” (II Timothy 3:7). Our brains and in turn our minds are in a constant state of change. Much of that which we learn, ...

The Battle for the Minds

Sunday, April 1, 2012 0:00

. . Educators, students, parents, and schools involved in contemporary American education are very much caught up in a battle for the minds of the youth—one side from the left and the other the right.  From the left in this conflict is a type of evangelistic atheism being ...

The Food for Thought

Sunday, March 4, 2012 23:28

.                          . Here is food for thought! Parents in Hoke County, N.C. are very much concerned about what they feel is abuse of federal guidelines used in the meals the students are allowed to eat in our schools.  If students bring their lunches and the lunches don’t ...

The Cheating in Our Public Schools

Wednesday, February 1, 2012 0:00

.                          . . One of the sad commentaries about education in America is the cheating in our public schools that has shifted to avalanche proportions. It is near at an all-time high in the educational world, not just with the students, but it can be blamed ...