Monday, February 24, 2025


The Divisive Twists to Teach Perversion in the Classrooms

Sunday, January 1, 2012 19:00

    The divisive twists to teach perversion in the classroom have very much replaced the sound implantation of the gospel in the education of our youth, and the results are becoming very much evident as the youth struggle with inappropriate eating or sleeping habits, inabilities to concentrate, abrupt changes in their ...

American Education for Anarchy

Thursday, December 1, 2011 0:00

    “Anarchy” can be understood as meaning disorder, confusion, without control, or  lawlessness.  In respect to “education” and “anarchy” one is regarded with utmost positive regard, while the other is usually frowned upon.  When we speak of anarchy, we usually don’t begin to think of education, for these areas almost seem ...

Sex Education and Homosexuality?

Tuesday, November 1, 2011 0:00

. A New Jersey high school special education teacher is under attack after allegedly posting anti-homosexual remarks on her Facebook page. Vicki Knox criticized the school’s lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) history month display and stated that homosexuality is “a perverted spirit that has existed from the beginning ...

The Masks of Pluralism in Public Education

Saturday, October 1, 2011 22:39

There are many masks shielding the real purposes behind much of contemporary of American Public Education.  There are various masks disguised under the category of pluralism, and they are very deceitful and increasingly are altering public education. It is distressing to see the mask of secular humanism apparently applauding the Islamic ...

The Board of Education

Wednesday, September 7, 2011 21:10

Some people feel that when teachers had the practical board of education, the paddle, there was much less classroom disruption and thus schools were much more houses of learning.  The contemporary educational establishment proposes solutions they deem better, and so they delegate oversight to boards of education to make ...

The Energy Problem In Education

Monday, August 1, 2011 0:00

We hear continually about our energy problem in the world and in our nation, but right before our eyes here in America we have a terrible waste of energy that is even worse than the power problem.  It is intellectual energy!  We have no problem using ...

Calvinism or Pluralism In Education?

Friday, July 1, 2011 0:00

Calvinism or Pluralism In Education? . Samuel L. Blumenfield, a noted author, brings out in his book, Is Public Education Necessary?, how that public education has shifted from educational freedom to an educational tyranny, and he brings out that ”America’s intellectual history is inseparable from its religious history.”  (p. xii, ...

Educating from Freedom to Bondage

Wednesday, June 1, 2011 0:00

There are many understandings of freedom, and in fact many totalitarian governments parade under the label of freedom, such as Communist China and many Islamic nations. Freedom in the contemporary American understanding is the ability for an individual or group to do what they wish rather than to be controlled ...

Religious Reverse Discrimination?

Saturday, April 30, 2011 22:58

. There is a big problem developing in respect to the separation of church and state in the public schools in the USA, particularly in reference to respecting the Muslim students with a type of reverse discrimination while at the same time not allowing the Christian students their ...

Strain the Brain, Not the Budget

Sunday, April 3, 2011 20:05

  Since the early 1960s there has not only been the increasing federal assault against  Christianity in the public schools, but the increased educational expenditures are also creating a problem, in particular for this article, in the building new schools—often by astronomical debt to be paid by the general public.  It ...