Education is not just what is taught, but it is what is learned. The whole educational establishment, including the schools, the personnel, and the government all together effect public education. However, there are some lesson being taught which can be very illusive. This can be seen in what I wish ...
. Contemporary American education assumes the only learning that counts is that which is measurable. Much of this is vital, but we short-circuit education, if we only see this far. The true value of education is beyond measurements. Grayson Kirk, the former President of Columbia University, said: “The most ...
. The digital revolution has opened possibilities to greatly enhance learning in the education world, as seemingly endless knowledge can be at one’s fingertips. But all is not well, for there seems to be developing a digital void! In an article, “Digital Distractions: College Students in the 21st Century,” ...
. Marijuana is the most commonly abused illicit drug in the United States. One of the problems underlying much of the underachievement in American secondary education is the drug problem—a big problem, too big to address in a short article. So I’m going to just address one drug, marijuana, ...
America public schooling has shifted from our basic Judeo-Christian values. The last three generations have been indoctrinated to ignore this heritage that is basic to our freedoms. The liberal, progressive focus does not want to look back to the presupposition—well described “One nation under God” on which our nation was ...
. One problem becoming increasingly evident in the public schools of America is the general lack of positive character development in our youth. Multiple influences contribute to the education of character. There is moral education. There is ethical training. There is religious education. Psychological, sociological, economical, and political influences ...
. Education should teach respect for the law. Oliver Wendell Holmes said, “A child’s education should begin at least one hundred years before he is born.” Once education and respect for law were together. But this has increasingly been ignored to make education politically correct and support civil ...
. The reformed doctrine of the ”Priesthood of Believers” greatly influenced the formation of American education. Individual responsibility was seen as essential, and discipline in morals, acuteness of intellect, firmness of purpose, and conscientiousness to duty were imperative. Much of this was strongly influenced by the reformed focus—each individual ...
From the Christian perspective we are called to find the Lord Jesus Christ as a vital part of education, and this does not contradict with secular education. The separation of the church and state does not threaten true learning in Christ. It is a life that stands not from the ...
All differ and learn differently in various degrees. Education is beyond educational formulas and standards. It is more than learning. The Bible states in the last days, they shall be “ever learning, and never able to come to knowledge of the truth.” It is learning to put it all together. A ...