. A teacher at a school that had to shut down twice in one week because of bomb scares expressed her frustration about having to use her planning time three days a week for thirty minutes at a time to sit in the hallway to see who went in ...
There is a Texas textbook shootout! The Lone Star State is one of the top textbook buyers and it influences sales worldwide. Barry Lynn, a church-state separation advocate said: “Of the biggest, most important fronts now are curriculum battles in Texas and indeed around the country because the next generation ...
. Concluding the classical educational philosophy book, Doctrines of the Great Educators, Robert Rusk in the final chapter, The Twentieth Century, closes with the statement: “As Sir Fred Clarke put it, all educational philosophies fall into two groups, according to whether the philosopher does or does not ...
. American history was once a vital part of American schools. However, it has been increasingly shifted to a more minor role. It has been argued that we are neglecting the historical in seeking to stress math and science. In the 1940s and 1950s, American history was very important. ...
Since its birth in 1983, there has been a great exodus from the Presbyterian Church (PCUSA), the largest Presbyterian denomination. The PCUSA leadership has put less stress on the evangelical message and more on the political message, and on social activism. The U.S. public education establishment too, has turned toward ...
The Christian understanding of God calls us to see all as equal in his love and grace. But American public secular education is all hung up, spending millions upon millions of dollars to try to find inequalities in academic achievement between races. Evaluations have shown basically that Asian Americans tend ...
Legislated obedience is shallow obedience. It is inadequate in our public schools! In Galatians 3:24 it says: “…the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ.” In the verse, the Greek word, paedagogos, translated schoolmaster, referred originally to a slave or freeman, to whose care boys were committed and who ...
It can be said: “We are over-drugged and under-educated.” The moral supports enabling young people to just say, “No,” have especially corroded since the negation of the influence of religion was instituted in the public schools in the sixties. The gateway drugs of tobacco, alcohol, and marijuana have increasingly become ...
Our nation was founded on Judeo-Christian principles basic to our democracy, the foundation of which spawned tolerance. This would not have been the case in an Islamic nation, for example. Our land, because of its religious Judeo-Christian heritage, set up tolerance for all faiths, but some people are seeking to ...
. Many factors are being blamed for the breakdown of the moral development of the youth in contemporary America, but the sad thing is that the left-wing media and the forces that determine public education do not see a spiritual void within our youth, a void that keeps ...