Saturday, February 22, 2025


The Fallacy of Celebrating Transgenderism in Our Schools

Sunday, August 21, 2022 23:46

. . By Joe Renfro. Ed.D. In the Western world we are observing a progressive revolution, which was especially germinated from the thinking of the 1960s, although it had roots back much farther. It is a new morality that attacks most all of the premises on which our basic ...

Coloring Righteous Teaching in Education Is Right

Wednesday, June 29, 2022 19:18

  By Joe Renfro, Ed.D. Initials can be set up to designate most anything. This article is going to use the initials of “C-R-T” to explore and evaluate three different uses of these initials:   1.) The Critical Race Theory, 2.) The Criterion Reference Tests, and 3.) What I wish to call the Coloring ...

Learning from a Close Call

Tuesday, April 5, 2022 20:20

. . By Joe Renfro, Ed.D.   On March 22, 2022, when up at my place in Hendersonville, North Carolina, I, now age eighty-two, decided I wanted to go about fifty miles over to Yancey County and see a couple of acquaintances. But then I started thinking I might also ...

The ABCs of Socialism And Woke-Ism in the Perversion of History in Our Public School

Sunday, February 13, 2022 22:37

. . by the Rev. Dr. Joe Renfro, Ed.D. The alphabet, the ABCs, are basic in our culture for the learning process.  As well, in the history of western education, we have been very strongly influenced by our Judeo-Christian heritage, whereas now there are strong influences seeking to alter ...

Critical Race Theory–Educating to the Destruction of America

Sunday, October 17, 2021 20:49

. . By Joe Renfro, Ed.D. The United States has stood under the call to union, united not divided, being united from the basis of truth and freedom as a motto of our nation, “One Nation Under God.”  But Critical Race Theory is a divisive platform being set up ...

Beware of Educating to Materialism through Socialism

Sunday, June 27, 2021 15:51

. . by Joe Renfo, Ed.D. The public educational pattern in America has moved toward teaching the supposed virtues of socialism through our schools, a process dates back nearly a century but that has escalated much more as time has moved on. This has evolved the colleges to even ...

Cancel the “ Cancel Culture” Being Encouraged by Many of Our Schools

Thursday, March 4, 2021 20:22

  By Joe Renfro, Ed.D. We need to stand up and seek to cancel the “Cancel Culture” ideology that is present today in our society, which has to a great extent been spawned from our educational systems.  In a society there is no way that culture itself can be canceled, but it ...

Learning Wisdom from God in the School of Hard Knocks

Monday, February 1, 2021 0:00

. . By Joe Renfro, Ed.D. All of life is an education or should be. We can learn from our positive, good experiences as well as our negative, bad experiences.  Yes, there is the school of hard knocks, and it often something with which it is hard to cope. ...

Countering the Disease of Totalitarianism in Education

Friday, January 1, 2021 21:10

    By the Rev. Joe Renfro, E.D. There is a disease that has been sweeping over the Western world for the past sixty or so years, and it is much worse than Covid-19. It is what can be classified as totalitarianism, and  in and through education. Rousas John Rushdoony in his book, ...

True Education ? Learning to Think Beyond the Bondage of Politically Correct World-Views

Sunday, November 22, 2020 20:44

. . By Joe Renfro, Ed.D. Slavery is bondage, bondage in degrees often and often bondage can be something that purports to fly under the flag of liberty and progress, when ultimately it is the very opposite, as is much of the education promoted by our schools, our politicians, ...