Monday, February 24, 2025


Regeneration and Education                                                              

Tuesday, July 1, 2014 0:00

. . A major ingredient that has become insignificant and even opposed by contemporary public education in the American schools is the Reformed understanding of the element of “regeneration.”   Regeneration can be understood as being in contrast to the blank slate understanding, which is that each child is ...

Progressive Condemnation of the Sin of “Racism” in Public Education

Sunday, June 1, 2014 14:44

. . The great “sin” projected by the Progressive thinking of our day in American public education is what they call “racism”.  But what is racism?  Racism is a bad thing and should be rejected.  But it has become a straw man set up to excuse the failures ...

Education and Strange Bedfellows

Thursday, May 1, 2014 20:03

. . There are two movements that seem to be strange bedfellows. Each is seeking to take a dominant role in the world---Islam and Atheism, both utilizing education as a primary means.  They share little in their worldviews but they harmonize basically in what ...

The Inversion of Morality in the Public Schools

Tuesday, April 1, 2014 0:00

. .  There has been an inversion of morality in the public schools, calling what was once immoral moral and what was once moral outdated.  Our land is threatened by the inversion of morality! The dogma of secularism rejects Christian ...

The Common Core – Mediocrity Replacing Educational Excellence

Wednesday, March 5, 2014 22:21

. . Progressive ideology is using the rights issue to subtract the individuality of each student in the educational process, in such a way that mediocrity is increasingly the result.  In educating the slower students the more rapid learners are being held back under ...

The Fallacy of Racial Discrimination in School Discipline

Saturday, February 1, 2014 0:00

. . The use of categorization can be a delusive way for power obsessed people or groups to impose their will on others. It is a fallacy applied in the educational domain when the governments often use it for political purposes, rather than having all students “red, yellow, ...

Big Brother Does Not Like Homeschooling

Wednesday, January 1, 2014 0:00

. . The politically correct ideology says Big Brother supposedly knows what is best.  A half-century ago, the family, the church, the school, and the government all were regarded as basic building blocks to our land. There is a shift now, as the government increasingly uses education to ...

The Contemporary Educational Trinity Brews Destruction

Sunday, December 1, 2013 0:00

.   . Forces we can call the Contemporary Educational Trinity work today from high places to displace the Judeo-Christian moral values once basic to our land and to promote their codes of intolerance in the name of tolerance, set up the guides that ignore individual differences lumping all ...

Education and the Orgy of the Species

Sunday, November 3, 2013 19:51

. . The title “Education and the Orgy of the Species” sheds some light on much of the American education problem.  It points to the shift away for ultimate values to that of sensual gratification.  It has been noted that:  “People would like to know why ninety-five percent ...

Islam in America’s Public Schools, Education or Indoctrination?

Tuesday, October 1, 2013 0:00

. . With the decline of communism, the anti-Christian forces most often supported by the Progressives in education and the politically left are pushing the support of Islamism in what they say is the desire to promote a cross-cultural understanding for our children in the public schools, and ...