Monday, March 31, 2025

Critical Race Theory–Educating to the Destruction of America

Sunday, October 17, 2021, 20:49
This news item was posted in Education category.



By Joe Renfro, Ed.D.

The United States has stood under the call to union, united not divided, being united from the basis of truth and freedom as a motto of our nation, “One Nation Under God.”  But Critical Race Theory is a divisive platform being set up to educationally divide and conquer our land that developed from our Judeo-Christian foundation and to transform it into a humanistic, authoritarian construct, so as to divide the fruits of responsibility into a racial battlefield, where everybody supposedly owns all, but yet no one owns anything but the elitists who are to manage it, as they seek  to develop their post-Christian age!

The weapon of Critical Race Theory is a nuclear weapon the leftist thinking feels will enable them to demolish the founding principles of our land, which is not founded on racism at all.   

Mark Hale, in an article from Patriot True News, July 18, 2021,  noted that: “The U.S. is a melting pot, which has been enormously beneficial from a cultural and historical perspective. Every wave of (legal) immigration brings waves of change that make our country healthier and more dynamic. In the end, we are all Americans.” Some of the blending forces in this land we “freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and freedom of religion, and individual freedom for our economy to be a capitalistic system

Much of this was the product of how the Calvinist call for individual responsibility was very important in character building and economic achievement in the early development of our land, as is brought out in R.H. Tawney’s book, Religion and the Rise of  Capitalism (1922).   Psalm 119:45 well says:  “And I will walk at liberty: for I seek thy precepts,” a statement that was true back when it was written.  Psalm 119 was written somewhere between 2400-3000 years ago, true today and true always in the future.

Socialism is a materialistic worldview. It punishes virtue such a hard work and discipline, as the socialists wish to take private property and to redistribute according to their judgments. It endorses stealing which the Ten Commandments condemns.  Many of our politicians are continually sowing discontent, so as to increase their political power,  It also encourages envy and class warfare  It is not good! 

Matthew 6:24 says that  “You cannot be a slave of two masters; you will hate one and love the other; you will be loyal to one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.” It says “No one can serve two masters. He will hate the first master and love the second, or he will be devoted to the first and despise the second.”  The word “mammon” that is used in the Bible where it says, “You can’t serve God and mammon,” and in the New Testament it is commonly thought to mean money, material wealth, or any entity that promises wealth, and is associated with the greedy pursuit of gain.

Socialism breathes off of materialism. Most of socialistic thinking either neglects the spiritual elements or rampantly attacks it, as well as the morality that the Bible teaches. It seeks to spread discontent and enslavement to materialism. It will kill the soul of our nation and of the world.  It does not cultivate the development of responsibility or gratitude toward God. 

Brandon Clay in an interview with various individuals summarized what Dr. Voddie Baucham said, as he spoke on Critical Race Theory that:

CRT is true to those who advocate it, and from the perspective of CRT proponents: it’s so thick, “white” people cannot adequately address it since they are steeped in racism. In short, CRT proposes that the United States is inherently racist. CRT rejects rational argumentation, including the scientific method and similar analytic tools. Finally, CRT places truth not in  external reality but inside the perspective of minorities. For instance, something is true because  many “black” people believe it (note that this does not refer to all “black” people but only those who agree with CRT).

Like classical Marxism, CRT’s Cultural Marxism aims to overturn the inherently racist elements they feel are part of society. So, CRT is not simply pointing out how racism permeates our land: it seeks to eradicate racism in all its forms, including the dominant power structures of society.

To summarize, in Baucham’s tenets of CRT, he explains how racism is part of the air we breathe in government, the church, the school, and the family. Critical race theory is at heart a revolutionary movement.  (Three Biblical Problems with Critical Race Theory– Worldview, by Brandon Clay on May 19, 2021)

Critical Race Theory is derived from the Marxist theory of class struggle, wherein the victimized workers overthrow the privileged upper class.  In this theory the classes are being replaced by races, the black race being the proletariat or working class, and a class warfare is set up and replaced by race warfare.  It holds that systematic racism (the system’s innate racism) is present in every institution of daily life. It insists that white people in America and the western world are the “privileged,” and the people of color are the institutionally oppressed. It is being  imposed in our workplaces, enacted by our government, and being taught in our schools, it can be argued, for political reasons.

In an article, Middle School Teacher: ‘Radicalized Curriculum Is Creating Racial Hostility’ by Dr. Susan Berry in the Breitbart News, July 14, 2021, tells of a Rhode Island white middle school teacher who described how her school district’s “radicalized curriculum,” steeped in Critical Race Theory, has “created racial tensions among students and staff where none existed before.”  It seems that Veteran teacher Ramona Bessinger, who teaches mostly nonwhite students, wrote at Legal Insurrection Tuesday of the drastic change that has come over her Providence school district since the implementation of “Critical Race Theory.” She described the new program, based on Marxist cultural ideology, as “the most racially divisive, hateful, and in large part, historically inaccurate curriculum I have ever seen in my teaching career.”

Ramona explained:

Yes, I am speaking about the controversial critical race theory that has infiltrated our public schools here in Rhode Island under the umbrella of Culturally Responsive learning and teaching, which includes a focus on identities. You won’t see the words “critical race theory” on the materials, but those are the concepts taught. The new, radicalized curriculum and materials focuses almost exclusively on an oppressor-oppressed narrative, and have created racial tensions among students and staff where none existed before. 

In an article, “Father Fights Critical Race Theory Indoctrination and Get Banned from His Daughter’s Graduation –by Badger Gage, American Freedom Fighters, June 2, 2021 he observed that:

Everyone should be fighting Critical Race Theory being taught to children from preschools on up!  It is nothing more than psychological child abuse that teaches children to hate the color of their skin as well as other white people. The Blunt Truth is, it is in itself racism and while some adults are awake to the indoctrination, children are extremely vulnerable to indoctrination which is exactly why they CHOSE to force racism down their throats…Fox News reports that Shawn McBreairty, a parent of twin girls in Maine who has clashed with school officials for the last year over their district’s curriculum, said he was banned from their graduation over objections to critical race theory (CRT) being taught in their school, telling   ‘The Faulkner Focus” that “we need education, not indoctrination.’

Critical Race Theory has developed from the union of those supporting Woodenness’ thinking, the Black  Lives Matter advocates, the Black Muslims in which Malcolm X was a leader back in the civil rights movements in the 60s & 70s.  Yes, popular concepts like “wokeness,” the social justice movement, Cultural Marxism, and the Black Lives Matter organization are all tied to Critical Race Theory.

Our children under the CRT are taught their skin color defines them, so  that white kids are made to feel guilty, and black kids can be made to feel inadequate, in need of the big brother, the liberal establishment, to lift them from being second class citizens and to replace the whites based on the color of their skin. It is a divisive movement and ultimately destructive to every race, and ultimately our nation.  It is a type of Marxism seeking to undermine the very roots of our nation—making young people think racism is what America was built on, which is very, very much false!

Dr. Bettina L. Love is a professor at the University of Georgia and the co-founder of the Abolitionist Teaching Network, the group that has developed Critical Race Theory.  The Executive branch of our government is promoting the Abolitionist Teaching Network of which the CRT is basic, and seeking to have the Teaching Network’s ‘Guide for Racial Justice & Abolitionist Social and Emotional Learning ‘ to be universally used in all schools in America.  Being called “abolitionist” points back to the Civil War, but approximately 620,000 white union soldiers died from combat, accident, starvation, and disease during the Civil War. It is plan of  the Department of Education, which has promoted this political activist’s radical nonprofit handbook to be used in the more than 13,000 public school districts nationwide.

Bettina Love’s book ‘Students need to thrive not survive,’ as a means to lead reform to breakdown oppressive systems and racial biases that live within the school system,”  is the Millennial Tech Middle School’s plan for student achievement for the 2020-21 school year. I taught in the Georgia public schools for twenty-six years, and I saw very little if any so-called racial bias. Furthermore, I don’t think it is good at all to set up the category of race, for most all blacks in America are part white, Indian, or Asian, all in varying degrees. Let  people be people!

The National Education Association, which has voted the have CRT in all our schools nationwide—K through grade 12. It is the largest teachers union, and it hosted Love as a keynote speaker back at a June 2020 national meeting for a “discussion on addressing what was called anti-Blackness and achieving educational freedom,” according to the NEA’s promotion for the event. The Abolitionist Teaching Network, which Love co-chairs is very much part of the NEA. A description of Love’s book on Amazon: “She argues that the US educational system is maintained by and profits from the suffering of children of color.” Come on!  What about all the great efforts from both blacks and whites to get the schools integrated, because it was very much evident there could not be equality in what was called, “separate, but equal, and the blacks were getting the short end of the stick.

Thankfully, we don’t have to follow the false religion of critical race theory to have hope for ethnic tensions to fade. God has given us an opportunity to be reconciled to himself through Jesus and the good news of the gospel. Moreover, God has graciously given us a solution to racism and division between people groups through Christ. There is no reason to be swayed by critical race theory. We have everything we need in Christ. Psalm 119:45 well says: “And I will walk at liberty: for I seek thy precepts,” a statement that was, is an will always be true!

In respect to the Critical Race Theory, it has been observed that:

In addition to pointing out the dishonesty of the historical narrative on which critical race theory is predicated, we must promote the true story of America—a story that is honest about injustices in American history, but that places them in the context of our nation’s high ideals and the progress we have made towards  realizing them. Genuine American history is rich with stories of achievements and sacrifices that will move the hearts of Americans—in stark contrast to the grim and pessimistic narrative pressed by critical race theorists. 

God’s Word opposes ethnic discrimination. One “race” is not better than another “race.” We are all in the image of God (Genesis 1:27).  The name “Adam” in Hebrew means, “mankind,” and this is what we all are. God didn’t create “blacks” or “whites” in his image, but he created all in his image, a spiritual condition.  All, regardless of skin color, are made to reflect the God’s image.

Through Christ, the former ethnic barriers are being torn down. In speaking about the traditional animosity between Jews and Gentiles, the Apostle Paul wrote, “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus” (Galatians 3:28). Thankfully, Christ unites people from different backgrounds. He does not divide and discriminate as in CRT, which is why critical race theory is anti-biblical.

As I worked as a teacher, we had to keep a record of the racial breakdown of our paddlings. I paddled percentage-wise more blacks than whites, although I was very much pro-black, and it certainly was never because of the color of their sin, but because of behavior. However, many, many blacks have expressed appreciation to me, as it helped them learn to discipline their lives more fully.  My paddle, “Old Sam” was very helpful in education, not only for those I paddled, but for the other one’s in class, black and white who wanted to learn.

Let people be people, but if you look at it see how the school breakdown started really when we took the Bible reading and prayer from the schools, plus the proper use of the paddle. Teaching Critical Race Theory will totally destroy our schools and in time our land.  Wake up America! We need to take a stand!


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