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Education and the Orgy of the Species

Sunday, November 3, 2013, 19:51
This news item was posted in Education category.



The title “Education and the Orgy of the Species” sheds some light on much of the American education problem.  It points to the shift away for ultimate values to that of sensual gratification.  It has been noted that:  “People would like to know why ninety-five percent of the Western world have followed the programs and ideas of Charles Darwin, Karl Marx, Friedrich Nietzsche, Jean-Paul Sartre and John Dewey.”  (Apostate-The Men Who Destroyed the Christian West by Kevin Swanson). These thinkers paved the way for what many call sexual liberation, but what the Bible calls an “abomination”.

Charles Darwin argued in his writings such as “The Origin of the Species” and  “The Descent of Man” that looking at the origin and history of man is like all other animals, supposing it to be explained adequately by natural selection and survival of the fittest without any reference to the need for a Creator or God.

Karl Marx held that philosophical, ethical, and religious ideas are but the reflections of the material conditions of production and thus are a form of defense for the status quo with religion itself being but the opiate of the people.

Friedrich Nietzsche held that the idea of God, when properly understood, is nothing more than man’s uneasy conscience. He felt that Christianity had created a slave morality from which we must be freed, and especially this is evidenced as to make sex to be seen as unclean.   His call was that “God is dead”, and humanity must find other alternatives.

Jean-Paul Sartre, a leading existentialist, declared God was also dead, as Nietzsche had said. God’s or God’s will were irrelevant to the real world.  We had grown past our need to suppose a God, and we are thus free to map out our own directive and direction in life.

John Dewey, the father of Progressive education, called us to eliminate all absolutes with learning to be determined by moving from the past always toward the future.  Dewey’s Bible was Darwin’s Origin of the Species, for mankind to evolve past the ignorance of earlier times toward the ultimate future progressive development of mankind.  For him it was not inconvenient or awkward to retain an idea of “God” if the term is refined to stand for the active relationship between the actual and the idea in his thinking with the validity of God being but an instrumental concept in our process of continual inquiry.  The essence of God’s existence is but our thought of him for Dewey!

For the past fifty years or so it seems we’ve been trying to save government schools by looking to these Anti-Christian worldviews just mentioned. But look at the test scores, as academic motivation and achievement for the most part has declined, and morality has bottomed out.  Fifty years of failure should teach us something. But it evidently has not.

The most liberal part of our society is found in the universities, and it is permeating out to determine our culture.  Interesting also is the fact the most liberal part of the universities is the liberal arts department, and the most liberal part of the liberal arts department is made up of the literature and religious studies professors.

There is a reciprocal relationship between culture and education. The Progressive thinkers most all enshrine in various degrees the five philosophers we can call the Anti-Christian Brigade. The influence of the Anti-Christian Brigade is throughout the entertainment focus in our land, evidenced in the totalitarian control of much of our educational institutions, and evidenced as authority from the top moves down to squelch that at the bottom. Much of this is seen in the rejection of the ideas once basic in our Judeo-Christian culture and mores to the affirmation and promotion of countercultures.

A counterculture is a subculture whose values and norms of behavior deviate from those of mainstream society, often in opposition to mainstream cultural mores. It is most evident that the educational pattern in public education has been increasingly focused on the replacement of the Judeo-Christian values, once basic in our society to the acceptance of and even encouragement of many things once most universally denounced.  Education is the germinator of the formation of a culture!

Faith in God was once central in the Western world, but forces are moving to enshrine humanity into God’s place. This ultimately leads to an impoverished worldview and falls into what I suggested could be called the “Orgy of the Species.”  We are observing this very much in the mindsets of contemporary youth in America and more so with those educated in our public schooling than those in the private or home schooling.  It seems that in our land many have left the directives of Christian faith to where sex is a much more dominate theme to learning than God, relating to what has been called the “sexual revolution” in America.

Christian apologist and evangelist Josh McDowell spoke at the Southern Evangelical Seminary’s Christian Apologetics conference and observed that those who make the mistake of sinking to sexual debauchery start often with heterosexual relationships and “then after a while, that no longer satisfies, then there’s anal, from anal there’s oral, from oral to homo, from homo to bestiality then to children.” Just how low then can you go!

McDowell in his presentation observed, “The sad thing is, after child pornography doesn’t satisfy, where do you go? Pornography is why sex-trafficking, sex abuse and rape are major issues, they (addicts) end up living it out.”  There is a sexual orgy, without question, covering our land, and it is not positive.

Sex is gift from God to be known and experienced for God’s glory and edification, but the public educational focus in our land wishes to look more to those who project an Anti-Christian foundation, as they often integrate sexual themes and focuses that are very much in conflict with the teaching of Scripture and ignore the wisdom of God’s word.

We’ve had a major shift in what truth is and where it comes from. We’ve gone from being God-centered to self-centered, from being objective to being subjective and from being internal to external.  Our youth have missed the message that Jesus Christ is truth personified!  “In 1991, fifty-one percent of evangelical young adults said there is no truth apart from their own views. Today, that number is ninety-one percent,” according to McDowell’s research . (The Christian Post-by Jessica Martinez – Oct.12, 2013).

A case in point can help to illustrate what is happening right before our eyes.  At the   Carefree High School in Arizona a drama group put on a play in which the students portrayed sexual acts with a goat.

The play was called “The Goat, or Who is Sylvia?” by Edward Albee.  The teacher gave the students the choice of selecting which play to be used in their class, and they chose this one, which also had sexually vulgar sections within it.  The students performed “The Goat” in class, not publicly, but still this was part of their educational program.

In the play, a middle-aged man, Martin, had led an ideal life with his wife and teenage son until he admitted that he was also in love with a goat named Sylvia, with whom he has had sex, bestiality.   This should not to have been allowed in the public school classroom some parents and students felt, although most of the parents and students actually applauded it.  It was done under the guise of promoting tolerance, counter-culture morality, and other related themes such as the acceptance of homosexuality, revenge, incest, and on to bestiality.  (“High School Play Portrays Sex with Goat”, Political Outcast, October 14, 2013 by Dave Jolly)

There is a passage in Judges 2:10-11 that says, “”Another generation grew up who knew neither the Lord nor what he had done. Then the Israelites did evil in the eyes of the Lord and served the Baals…” (2:10-11). Sacred prostitution, temple prostitution, or religious prostitution was very much part of the worship of Baal those many years ago. But sad to say today our youth are under much the same influence in the songs, TV programming, the inter-net outreach, the video games, and even in our public schooling that allows such things as this play which promote bestiality to be presented.

Increasingly in America it seems we, like the Israelites of old, increasingly do not know God and have instead turned to the gods of the surrounding culture, particularly the sexual code of the hedonistic world.   It only took one generation for the Israelites to forget the truth of God and what he had done.  We have seen it a few generations now, with our educational institutions increasingly ignoring or rejecting God in the name of separation of church and state. Why can’t we see what is happening?

Judeo-Christian morality condemns bestiality among other forms of immorality that could be classified under the “Orgy of the Species.”  Leviticus 18:23 says that “Neither shall thou lie with any beast to defile thyself therewith: neither shall any woman stand before a beast to lie down thereto: it is confusion.” The pattern set down by the Anti-Christian philosophers is one of the basic problems in our society, and it is going to only get worse, unless we change to the right moral foundation.  Is there any wonder that we have CONFUSION as Leviticus suggests?

by Joe Renfro, Ed.D., Educational Columnist, Radio Evangelist, Retired Teacher and Pastor, 5931 West Avenue, Lavonia, Georgia 30553,  706-356-4173,


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