Sunday, February 23, 2025

Lesson #34: Adoption, Act of God’s Grace

Wednesday, June 23, 2010, 6:02

Lesson #34—Adoption, Act of God’s Grace

Shorter Catechism Q & A #34

Q. What is Adoption?

A. Adoption is an act of God’s free grace, whereby we are received into the number, and have a right to all the privileges of the sons of God.

Memorize Q & A—Exposition

We are received into the household of God as adopted children, having the right to the privileges as true sons; this coming about by an act of God alone, by grace alone, giving us both a new nature and a new name (which reveals that we belong to our Father in heaven).

What does it mean?

God adopted us because of his great love towards us.

Discuss. [1 John 3:1, Eph. 1:12].

What does it mean to be “sons of God”? [John 1:12—to receive is to believe; to be given power is to be given the ability, the right or privilege to be called the “sons of God.”] Rom. 8:16–17 teaches that we are “heirs of God.” Discuss what it means to be an heir.

What is our practice?

  1. We ought to live our lives with much thanksgiving.
  2. We will display the love of God in our daily lives as we grow in this knowledge that God has adopted us.
  3. One great sign of our adoption is our willingness to obey God and his Word.
  4. Be guided by the Holy Spirit in study and in duty.

Quotes for thought and discussion:

What is this Adoption?

“It is taking a stranger into the relation of a son and heir; as Moses was the adopted son of King Pharaoh’s daughter, Exod ii 10, and Esther was the adopted child of her cousin Mordecai. Esth ii 7. Thus God adopts us into the family of heaven, and God in adopting us does two things:

(1) He ennobles us with his name. He who is adopted bears the name of him who adopts him. ‘I will write on him the name of my God.’ Rev iii 12.

(2) God consecrates us with his Spirit. Whom he adopts, he anoints; whom he makes sons, he makes saints. When a man adopts another for his son and heir, he may put his name upon him, but he cannot put his disposition into him; if he be of a morose rugged nature, he cannot alter it; but whom God adopts he sanctifies; he not only gives a new name but a new nature. 2 Pet I 4. He turns the wolf into a lamb; he makes the heart humble and gracious; he works such a change as if another soul dwelt in the same body.” (Thomas Watson)

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