Sunday, February 23, 2025

Lesson # 38: Benefits at the Resurrection

Wednesday, July 21, 2010, 6:00

Lesson # 38—Benefits at the Resurrection

Shorter Catechism Q&A #38

Q. What benefits do believers receive from Christ at the resurrection?

A. At the resurrection, believers being raised up in glory, shall be openly acknowledged and acquitted in the day of judgment, and made perfectly blessed in the full enjoying of God to all eternity.

Memorize Q&A—Exposition

That which is our faith, hope, and love today (1 Cor. 13:13), will be fully realized and openly acknowledged, our souls being united to our bodies which will never know corruption again (1 Cor. 15:42).

What does it mean?

Discuss the nature of the resurrection of the body as revealed in 1 Cor. 15:41–44. How does the truth of the resurrection assure the promise of Matthew 10:32–33? God guarantees our resurrection in the resurrection of Christ. [Discuss 2 Cor. 4:13–14.] What does the testimony of Christ recorded in John 11:25–26 tell us about our resurrection and judgment? Discuss the last judgment referring to 2 Cor. 5:1, 5:10, 5:19.

What is our practice?

We should do those works which glorify the resurrected Lord, knowing that our works will be judged by God himself at the last day. Our works and witness reveal our belief in the resurrection of Christ Jesus.

Quotes for thought and discussion:

“In respect of God’s justice; If God be a just God, he will reward the bodies of the saints as well as their souls. It cannot be imagined that the souls of believers should be glorified, and not their bodies. They have served God with their bodies; their bodies have been members of holiness; their eyes have dropped tears for sin; their hands have relieved the poor; their tongues have set forth God’s praise; therefore justice and equity require that their bodies should be crowned as well as their souls; and how can that be unless they are raised from the dead?

“If the body did not rise again, a believer would not be completely happy; for, though the soul can subsist without the body, yet it has appetites unionis; ‘a desire of reunion’ with the body; and it is not fully happy till it be clothed with the body. Therefore, undoubtedly, the body shall rise again. If the soul should go to heaven, and not the body, then a believer would be only half saved” (Thomas Watson)

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