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Lesson #39: God Requires Obedience

Wednesday, August 4, 2010, 6:00

Lesson #39—God Requires Obedience

Shorter Catechism Q & A #39

Q. What is the duty which God requireth of man?

A. The duty which God requireth of man, is obedience to his revealed will.

Memorize Q & A—Exposition

The fear of God and the keeping of his commandments is “The whole duty of man” (Eccl. 12:13). Everything that man is, physically and spiritually, is bound up in his Creator and Savior, according to his written Word.

What does it mean?

The word ‘good’ gives substance to the words pleasant, beautiful, and excellent, speaking of the ‘moral goodness’ which is opposite to that which is immoral: “Depart from evil, and do good” (Psa. 34:14). Discuss the three things mentioned in Micah 6:8, that are required by God, that reveal our obedience to the will of God. Discuss the meaning of ‘obedience’ (1 Sam. 15:22, Isa. 1:19).

What is our practice?

Practice obedience by prayer and study of God’s Word; i.e., after praying for the love of Christ, we seek ways we can love God and one another; after we study God’s Word, we earnestly desire to put truth into action. We cannot obey God by praying for our family, and then becoming so busy that we neglect their needs. We can practice obedience by being examples of moral and righteous strength within the home and work.

Quotes for thought and discussion:

From The Ten Commandments by Thomas Watson: “Though we serve God with weakness, it may be with willingness. …Willingness is the soul of obedience. God sometimes accepts our willingness without the work, but never the work without willingness. Cheerfulness shows that there is love in the duty; and love is to our services what the sun is to fruit; it mellows and ripens them, and makes them come off with a better relish.

“God commands nothing but what is beneficial. ‘And now, Israel, what doth the Lord require of thee, but to fear the Lord thy God, and to keep his statutes, which I command you this day, for thy good?’ Deut. 10:12, 13. To obey God, is not so much our duty as our privilege; his commands carry meat in the mouth of them. He bids us repent; and why? That our sins may be blotted out. Acts 3:19. He commands us to believe; and why? That we may be saved. Acts 16:31. There is love in every command; as if a king should bid one of his subjects dig in a gold mine, and then take the gold to himself.”

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