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Lesson # 45–48: The First Commandment

Wednesday, September 8, 2010, 6:00

Lesson # 45–48—The First Commandment

Shorter Catechism Q & A #45

Q. Which is the first commandment?

A. The first commandment is, Thou shalt have no other gods before me (Exodus 20).

What does it mean?

  1. Moses introduces the words of the Lord with “And God spake all these words” (Ex. 20:1). It is by divine revelation and authority that we receive God’s commandments.
  2. What is the nature of these words of God according to Exodus 34:27–28?
  3. What is the meaning of “no other gods” [in relationship to the “supreme God”]? Note Psalm 44:20–21 discuss idolatry.

Shorter Catechism Q & A #46 [Memorize]

Q. What is required in the first commandment?

A. The first commandment requireth us to know and acknowledge God to be the only true God, and our God; and to worship and glorify him accordingly.

What does it mean?

[The exposition of the Ten Commandments found in answers to Questions 46–81 are deductions from the commandments themselves and the rules set forth in the Larger Catechism, Q. 99. The texts under the specifications are given to show that they are in accord with the general teaching of the Scriptures. (Bible Presbyterian Church Online)]

  1. We obey God because he alone is the true God as he has revealed himself in Holy Scripture. [Matthew Henry wrote: “Is it our duty to acquaint ourselves with him? Yes: Acquaint now thyself with him, and be at peace, Job 22:21. Must we grow in that acquaintance? Yes: increasing in the knowledge of God, Col. 1:10. And may we attain to it? Yes: then shall we know, if we follow on to know the Lord, Hos. 6:3.]
  2. Discuss the building of moral character in obedience to the commandments of God, noting 1 Chronicles 28:9 and Deuteronomy 26:17.
  3. Our worship should reveal our obedience to the Word of God. Discuss Matthew 4:10 and Psalm 29:2.

Shorter Catechism Q & A #47 [Memorize]

Q. What is forbidden in the first commandment?

A. The first commandment forbiddeth the denying, or not worshipping and glorifying the true God as God, and our God; and the giving of that worship and glory to any other, which is due him alone.

What does it mean?

It is a sin to deny God and give glory to another. How is the denying of God seen today? It is God who condemns: Psalm 14:1. The nature of this sin is revealed in Romans 1:21, 25–26; revealed by God in Psalm 81:10–11.

Shorter Catechism Q & A #48 [Memorize]

Q. What are specially taught by these words [before me] in the first commandment?

A. These words [before me] in the first commandment teach us, That God, who seeth all things, taketh notice of, and is much displeased with, the sin of having any other God.

What does it mean?

Matthew Henry wrote, “Are we always in God’s sight? Yes: Thou knowest my down-sitting, and my up-rising, Ps. 139:2. Are all our actions in his sight? Yes: All my ways are before thee, Ps. 119:168. Does he take notice of them? Yes: he pondereth all our goings, Prov. 5:21.

Discuss the presence of God as revealed in the following verses: 1 Chronicles 28:9, “And thou, Solomon my son, know thou the God of thy father, and serve him with a perfect heart and with a willing mind: for the LORD searcheth all hearts, and understandeth all the imaginations of the thoughts: if thou seek him, he will be found of thee; but if thou forsake him, he will cast thee off forever.” Psalm 44:20–21. If we have forgotten the name of our God, or stretched out our hands to a strange god; shall not God search us out? For he knoweth the secrets of the heart.

What is our practice?

Thomas Watson asks this question, “How many duties are there chiefly in the first commandment?” He answers, “There are three duties chiefly required in the first commandment.

1. To know God. …1 Chron. 28:9.

2. To acknowledge God. …Deut. 26:17.

3. To worship and glorify God. …Matt. 4:10.”

Discuss: How should we practice each of these duties in home, church, and community?


Quotes for thought and discussion:

“Here God says I AM sufficient for all your needs, and will allow no other god. I am the Most High God, and there will be none other before me in your trust. I believe we also need to consider here that it is not only to the mind and heart of man God gives a commandment here, but He makes a statement. There are no other Gods before me, not as if we worship God first, and then turn to lesser gods later or for the more commonplace things in the world, but in effect this says there are no other gods, period. They do not exist! How silly and pointless then the setting up of idols to these lesser gods, they are not real, they have no substance. They are of the vain imagination of the created.” (Chuck Baynard)

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