Sunday, February 23, 2025

Lesson #85: Escaping the Wrath of God

Wednesday, December 1, 2010, 6:00

Lesson #85—Escaping the Wrath of God


Shorter Catechism Q & A #85

Q. What doth God require of us, that we may escape his wrath and curse due to us for sin?

A. To escape the wrath and curse of God due to us for sin, God requireth of us faith in Jesus Christ, repentance unto life, with the diligent use of all the outward means whereby Christ communicateth to us the benefits of redemption.

Memorize Q&A—Exposition

Q&A #’s 86, 87, and 88 will give us further understanding of the listed requirements of Q&A 85; which are:

  1. To escape thewrath of God
  2. To affirm our faith in Christ
  3. To repent of our sins
  4. To make use of outward means appropriate to the Word of God
  5. Looking to Christ alone who gives to us the benefits of redemption

What does it mean?

Discuss the meaning of faith and repentance [Acts 2:38–39 20:21]. What examples are given in the following Scripture verses that help us understand what it means to make diligent use of what Christ communicates to us of the benefits of redemption? [Prov. 2:1–5; 8:33–36; Isa. 4:3]. By what power are we able to make diligent use of these duties? [2 Cor. 3:4–6].

What is our practice?

We must not take our faith in Christ for granted. We must heed the warnings of Scripture as to our growth in faith, repenting of our sins, exercising our faith in the study of the Word of God and practicing righteousness in our home and community.

Quotes for thought and discussion:

“Is faith in Jesus Christ required that we may escape this wrath? Yes: Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shall be saved, Acts 16:31. Is repentance required? Yes: Repent, and be converted, that our sins may be blotted out, Acts 3:19. Did our Lord Jesus preach these as the two great commandments of the gospel? Yes: The kingdom of God is at hand; repent ye, and believe the gospel, Mark 1:15. Did the apostles preach them? Yes: testifying both to the Jews, and also to the Greeks, repentance towards God, and faith towards our Lord Jesus Christ, Acts 20:21. And is it required that we diligently use the means of grace? Yes: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you, Matt. 28:20.” (Matthew Henry)

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