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Posts Tagged ‘Eighth Commandment’

The Eighth Commandment – Punish Kidnappers

Monday, June 7, 2010 0:01

The Eighth Commandment 8.4 Punish kidnappers No one has the right to deprive another of his liberty in an unlawful manner. Exodus 21:16 “Whoever steals a man and sells him, and anyone found in possession of him, shall be put to death.” Deuteronomy 24:7 “‘If a man is found stealing one of his brothers, ...

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The Eighth Commandment

Sunday, June 6, 2010 0:01

The Eighth Commandment Leviticus 24:21a “Whoever kills an animal shall make it good…” Leviticus 24:18 “Whoever takes an animal’s life shall make it good, life for life.” Deuteronomy 23:24, 25 “‘If you go into your neighbor’s vineyard, you may eat your fill of grapes, as many as you wish, but you shall not put any ...

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The Eighth Commandment – Preserve Personal Property

Saturday, June 5, 2010 0:01

The Eighth Commandment 8.3 Preserve personal property These statutes provide for restitution of stolen property and direct us to love even our enemies by caring for their property. Leviticus 19:13 “You shall not oppress your neighbor or rob him.” Exodus 22:2, 3 “If a thief is found breaking in and is struck so that he ...

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The Eighth Commandment

Friday, June 4, 2010 0:01

The Eighth Commandment Deuteronomy 12:19 “‘Take care that you do not neglect the Levite as long as you live in your land.’” Deuteronomy 14:27 “‘And you shall not neglect the Levite who is within your towns, for he has no portion or inheritance with you.’” 1 Corinthians 9:3-14 Exodus 22:9 “For every breach of trust, ...

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The Eighth Commandment

Thursday, June 3, 2010 0:01

The Eighth Commandment Exodus 22:26, 27 “If ever you take your neighbor’s cloak in pledge, you shall return it to him before the sun goes down, for that is his only covering, and it is his cloak for his body; in what else shall he sleep? And if he cries to ...

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The Eighth Commandment

Wednesday, June 2, 2010 0:01

The Eighth Commandment Exodus 21:18, 19 “When men quarrel and one strikes the other with a stone or with his fist and the man does not die but takes to his bed, then if the man rises again and walks outdoors with his staff, he who struck him shall be clear; only ...

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The Eighth Commandment – Do Not Withhold What Is Due

Tuesday, June 1, 2010 0:01

The Eighth Commandment 8.2 Do not withhold what is due God’s people are to be actively concerned to preserve the property and wellbeing of their neighbors, and to ensure that each receives what he is due. Numbers 27:8-11 “And you shall speak to the people of Israel, saying, ‘If a man dies and ...

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The Eighth Commandment

Monday, May 31, 2010 0:01

The Eighth Commandment Exodus 21:33, 34 “When a man opens a pit, or when a man digs a pit and does not cover it, and an ox or a donkey falls into it, the owner of the pit shall make restoration. He shall give money to its owner, and the ...

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The Eighth Commandment – Guard Against Negligence

Sunday, May 30, 2010 0:01

The Eighth Commandment 8.1 Guard against negligence Love for neighbor requires active concern for their property and full restoration of any loss we may cause. Exodus 22:6 “If fire breaks out and catches in thorns so that the stacked grain or the standing grain or the field is consumed, he who started ...

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The Eighth Commandment – You Shall Not Steal

Saturday, May 29, 2010 0:01

The Eighth Commandment You shall not steal The Commandment God is sovereign in the disposition of blessings, and He calls each of us to exercise proper stewardship over what He has entrusted to us, and to respect and preserve the stewardship of others. We must not, by stealing in any way, ...

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