Sunday, February 23, 2025

The Exclusion of Christianity In Politically Correct Education

Sunday, April 7, 2019, 21:16
This news item was posted in Education category.

By Dr. Joe Renfro

There is exclusion of Christianity in politically correct education.  Much of this is a type of inversion, turning things around so that what might have been traditionally undesirable becomes the new area of positive acclaim and reversal—the new norms.  There are all types of phobias being broadcast about, but the strange thing is that we hear nothing about  what could be called “Christian-phobia,” especially in the realms of academia. 

It is a type of projection.  In psychology, projecting is just one of the many defense mechanism people, unconsciously employ to avoid facing uncomfortable feelings within themselves—by ascribing these unpleasant qualities to another person.

There are people and situations where individuals are quick to notice and exaggerate characteristics in others they do not like and to not acknowledge in themselves.  Hostile people who do not own up to their own hostility maybe quick to note and exaggerate the hostility in others. When people use projection, they assign their own undesirable characteristics, mistakes, problems, impulses, desires, or thoughts to others—presumably to reduce their own anxiety at having to recognize these characteristics as their own.


The new religion of political correctness has evolved in all areas of the Western thought, but particularly is it evident in the realm of education- all the way from early education through graduate schooling. In what was once esteemed to be “Christendom,” a very much politically incorrect term and one of disdain, this has happened.

Political correctness is eroding our entire culture, as the progressive thinking is particularly being evidenced in the schooling of our youth.   The religion of political correctness has become basic to the the understanding of education in our land.  This religion in no way has been judged unconstitutional by the powers that be, and it eating away at the basics of our culture. There is the exclusion of Christianity in the politically correct education.

It is not the pro port to designate or analyze in this message the educational factors and thinking in Europe or other parts of the Western culture, but it is germane to observe what is and has been happening right here in the good old USA.  The massive destructive of political correctness is moving very much against Christianity and particularly evangelical, reformed, or traditional morality in the education of the youth. As a retired educator as well as a minister, I see things very much from the educational prospective.

George Washington declared in his farewell address, when he concluded his Presidency of the USA that: “Of all the dispositions and  habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports.  In vain would that man claim the tribute of patriotism, who should labor to subvert these great pillars of human happiness, these firmest props of the duties of men and citizens…Whatever may be conceded  to the influence of refined education…reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle.” (Pandover, The Washington Papers,  p 318-19.)

Ben Franklin wrote: “I think also, that general virtue is more probably to be expected and obtained from the education of youth, than from the exhortations of  adult persons; bad habits and vices of the mind being like diseases of the body, more easily prevented (in youth) than cured (in adults). I think, moreover, that talents for the education of the youth are the gift of God, and that he on whom they are bestowed, whenever a way is open for the use if them, is as strongly called as if he heard a voice from heaven…”  (Quoted in Adrienne Koch, ed.,  The American  Enlightenment,  New York: George Braziller, 1965 – p 77.)


Patrick Henry said, “The Bible is a book worth more than all other books that were ever printed.” Thomas Jefferson was the first President of the Washington D.C. school board which adopted the Bible as a primary reader.  Students have been denied their constitutional rights long enough. And they have not been given all facts of history and of the influence of the Bible. Most do not know that the Bible has been the number one best-seller each year since the invention of the Gutenberg printing press in 1456.

The Bible which was once basic in the education of the American youth for centuries is very much under attack in modern day academia in America.

Here is the development of educational philosophy in the USA. In the past half century progressiveness has become dominant in American education, and achievement has gone down, as educational institutions have often become seed beds for protests and revolution instead of seed beds for the importation of truth. 

Without question the early progressive educational leaders in America have sought to exclude the Christian concept of God and the moral guidelines of the Bible.

It is interesting to me, however, that the secular-humanists seem to be very much aligned against Judea-Christian teachings, but seem very reluctant to ever even speak anything that might be seen as being Islamic-phobic, by their understanding of it. Maybe it because under the Islamic understanding freedom is not promoted, but the call is to that of submissiveness to totalitarian teachings of Islam, and since the politically correct elite sees themselves as the appropriate guides for the new world order, Islam would be a very useful tool!

Yes, there is exclusion of Christianity in politically correct education.

Many of the early progressive educational leaders in America have stated similar humanist opinions. Horace Mann said that public schools must get rid of the concept of God. John Dewey said that God does not exist and there are no moral absolutes. He said that schools should exclude “dogma and creed” so that “immutable truth” will become “dead and buried.” Charles F. Potter said that American schools are a powerful tool for humanism. Paul Blanshard said that the purpose of schools is to promote a secular society by eliminating “religious superstition.” G. Richard Bozarth said that if humanists can be sure that schools only teach secular knowledge, then they can “kill the god of Christianity.”


It is interesting to me, however, that the secular-humanists seem to be very much aligned against Judea-Christian teachings,yet seem very reluctant to ever even speak anything that might be seen as being Islamic-phobic, by their understanding of it. Maybe it because under the Islamic understanding freedom is not promoted, but the call is to that of submissiveness to totalitarian teachings of Islam, and since the politically correct elite sees themselves as the appropriate guides for the new world order, Islam would be a very useful tool!

Robert L. Simmons in an article, “Teaching the Bible in Public Schools,” wrote about it saying:  “Perish the thought! What about “Separation of Church and State”? What about pushing  off the Christian religion on innocent public-school children? What about offending non-believers who reject God, the Bible, and any form of religious morals? Why should a Christian minority (?) interest be given a preeminent place in a public school? Besides, isn’t it against the First Amendment of our Constitution to promote religion in any government entity (a school)? Hasn’t the Supreme Court ruled against such a sectarian proposal?” The politically correct thinking would harmonize with great approval to these questions.  Yes, there is the exclusion of Christianity in the politically correct education.                                                                                                                                  

Dr. Carl S. Parnell in an article back in 2008 entitled, “Christian Persecution in Public Schools” wrote that:

Public schools have become the major breeding ground in America for Christian persecution. Students are persecuted throughout the halls of academia by administrators and teachers for their Christian faith on a regular basis. Secular humanism and atheism are gaining control of the stay of America’s cultural heritage. Public schools are denying students the very freedoms that made America the greatest nation in the world-the freedoms of religion and speech.                                                                               

John Dunphy, a noted secular humanist, wrote an essay entitled “A Religion for a New Age.” In   this essay, he said that there is a battle going on for the future of humanity, and it must be fought and won in the public schools. He said that teachers should see themselves as evangelists of a new faith-humanism. They should teach humanist values in every subject they teach, at every   level of education from day care and preschool to state universities. He said that the    school classroom will become a place of conflict between the “old rotting corpse of Christianity” and the “new faith of humanism.”

Parnaell’s observation was back in 2008, and things have not improved since then, as the anti-christian forces of progressiveness has only increased the grip on academia. There is the exclusion of Christianity in the politically correct education.

Dr. Parnell went on to make some other very poignant observations, as he wrote:

There are many methods used by anti-Christian educational leaders in the United States to remove any semblance of God and Christianity in America’s public schools. First, the new textbooks contain very little information about America’s Judea-Christian heritage. The    emphasis given to the Pilgrims and the Mayflower has drastically decreased.

Thanksgiving is recognized as the time that the colonists thanked the Indians for helping them, not God. Another example of textbook revisionism can be seen in an American history book   that had 6 lines written about George Washington. The same textbook had over 6 pages written about actress Marilyn Monroe. Basically, the things that mean so much to America’s heritage are being eliminated from history books. Instead, they are being replaced with signs of godless, secular humanism.

Christian student organizations are getting kicked off campus by many colleges and universities across America because of new progressive ‘diversity’ requirements being instituted at most public schools. The academic authorities call the conservative Christian student groups ‘discriminatory’ since they require all of their leaders reflect a traditional Christian lifestyle based upon the Bible. Campus authorities increasingly hold that diverse students of all religions, genders, and nationalities allowed to be leaders of ‘Christian’ student groups, even atheists. At the same time, conservative Christian professors are increasingly having a difficult time receiving teaching positions and particular tenure in American colleges that aren’t specifically Christian.

Case in point, an article from the Cultural Watch, February 7, 2019 –“thirty-two Christian student groups were banned at this University for the most absurd reason” –  it observed that: “Liberals will stop at nothing to ensure everyone gets in line with their totalitarian social justice agenda or they’ll make an example of them.  Nowhere is this move more prevalent than American college campuses.  And what these campus tyrants just did to thirty-two Christian groups is downright maddening.  The University of Iowa just put 32 religious groups on probation for being Christian.”                                                                   

The religion of political correctness has been having a revival, and it is time for true Christians whether Protestant or Catholic or otherwise, and above all we are evangelical, reformed, or conservative to get off the destructive submission to the non-biblical and unconstitutional idea of doing nothing except maybe voting.  We need to get on the firing lines, for there is war going on, and hiding our head in the sand is pure sin.

Robert Fugate in his book, Key Biblical Principles for Civil Government,  (Thy Word of Truth Publishers, 2007) gives some good directives from the Word of God.  In the section,,“Political Responsibilities of Christians,” 6-9 he observes  #6 –the call to “Be engaged in faith-filled works; vote, impart vision to Christians for politics, get involved in the political process, supporting and encouraging Christian candidates that conform to the rule of law.”  #7 to “Be God’s prophetic voice in civil magistrates and nations (Mk 6:17f; the Old Testament prophets.)  #8 to “Educate and train our children and grandchildren in all of the above, so they will be faithful to walk in God’s ways and train others. #9 is for “Christian leaders to have a responsibility to train cultural leaders.”  There is the exclusion of Christianity in the politically correct education, and we need to stand against this!


II Timothy 2:1-4 is the call to stand with God’s side for there is a war going one in regards  to the minds of or youth, our society, our culture, our nation, and our world.   The scripture says: “Thou therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus.  And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also. Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.  No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.”

There is the exclusion of Christianity in the politically correct education. The Bible well says, “There is a way which seethe right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.” (Proverbs 14:12). The new religion of political correctness has evolved in all areas of the Western thought, but  God calls us to stand up against it, and particularly as this relates to forces of education in our land!

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