Saturday, March 29, 2025

The Indoctrination of Educating to the Gravy Train

Thursday, January 19, 2023, 13:39
This news item was posted in Education category.



By Joe Renfro, Ed.D.

The Bible teaches that we should work for our livelihood, if we are able and also that God endowed each of us with various talents, abilities, gifts, and callings. However, with much of the education in our western world, we are subtracting the unity of the spiritual and the secular and do not see the world as made up of both. Thus, there is a void in learning for the breadth of learning is from its soul, and this is being neglected!

In our schools it is sad to see here in America that our establishment has and is subtracting the spiritual, especially the connectedness of Jesus Christ as being central in the learning process, and find our schools seeking to indoctrinate raw secularism with concern for various so-called “inequities,” promising the students life that when we establish a socialistic state that all with will be peace, plenty, and life will be a gravy train for all, something that really will ultimately crash to destruction. The goal of much contemporary education is to cultivate the gravy train of socialism, but it is the wrong train to ride!

This route is not wise, for what it totally neglects is our participation in the realization of the call of God in both our secular calling and spiritual together. We should see and teach that both our secular and spiritual lives that both fit together, to know life and to know it more abundantly.

God’s work of creation underlies the act of creativity and production in the universe (John 1:1-3). His work of redemption can occur in every workplace through justice, healing, reconciliation, compassion, kindness, humility, and patience (Colossians 3:12). Christ’s redemptive work is not limited to evangelism, just the saving of souls, which is important but encompasses everything necessary to make the world what God always intended it to be. This redemptive work occurs in harmony with the work of creation, production and sustenance of the world. II Chronicles 15:7 says: “Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, and II Thessalonians3:10 says that, “For even when we were with you, we would give you this command: If anyone is not willing to work, let him not eat.” There is the call to work!

“Wokeism” is a disparaging term being used to show disapproval in our contemporary structures of various lifestyles or social situations with the call to focus on creating what is being called “equity” in respect to various minority groups (MacMillian Dictionary) . “Disparaging” is to be negative in one’s thinking and speech about various groups that one might not have a good opinion of (Cambridge English Dictionary). This is something where certain groups seek to faultily equate “equity” with the concept of “equality” as proposed by the Declaration of Independence. If you are disparaging about someone or something, or make disparaging comments about them, you say things which show that you do not have a good opinion of who they are, what they believe or their lifestyles. This is to monitor one’s religious convictions, freedom of speech, or freedom of association.

Wokeness is spreading all over our land, basically using our educational system for the springboard. Many of our politicians are very much concerned with this problem as one in the House of Representatives is seeking to attack “wokeness” across the country, seeing it as the “greatest domestic threat to America today,” and has sought to create the first ever “Anti-Woke Caucus” to take on this political correctness that is really a form to “tyranny,” which is changing our land from individual responsibility to the over lord of socio-economic responsibility though the “indoctrination” of this wokeness. The goal of much contemporary education is to cultivate the gravy train of socialism.

It has been observed that:

Degrading the US History of the Republic, while promoting Socialism to America’s students since 2008, resulted in fifty-one percent of American’s youth preferring Socialism to Democracy.  Now seventy-two percent of voters between eighteen and thirty-four prefer receiving basic government income (Hill-Harris poll), and millions of millennials have demonstrated their support for Bernie Sanders’, Elizabeth Warren’s, and the Democrat Socialist Party’s Radical Socialist policies.

The long-term plan included the indoctrination of students at all levels of public-school education, and in colleges around the country, in order to convince millions of students that the Constitutional Republic had been a massive failure, while at the same time, painting a positive image of Socialism.  The goal was to gain the support of generations of naïve students, with the expectation they would eventually help the Communists gain control of local, state, and the federal government.” (The Indoctrination of American Students in Socialism – By Joseph R. John, Sonoran News, October 7, 2019)

If you want to see how a civilization succeeds or fails, it’s irretrievably tied to the educational standards maintained by its citizens. We need each person to be educated to his or her highest level, not to lower standards to accommodate all. If you’ve got a lot of dumb people who flunk out or drop out of high schools, you inevitably face a failing society. We need to have our youth learn the basics of life, reading, writing, arithmetic, and to develop the abilities to think beyond just vocational training, making a living, but to truly value the emancipation of our rights, given by God, “endowed by the Creator”.

The farther a society goes down the “dumb” rabbit hole, the sooner it ends up in chaos, mayhem, and breakdown, which we are witnessing somewhat all over our land. You can see examples all over the world in places like India, Mexico, Africa, and South America. But the proponents of socialism seem blind to this!

Since the 1960s Leftists, Progressives, Socialists, and Marxists have especially migrated to, and have taken positions in every level of public school and college education, including in the National Education Association (the national teachers union), public school teaching positions, public school administrator positions, college professorships, college department heads, college deans, members of Boards of Regents, and in government positions at every level of The Department of Education. 

Ethnics Studies, which has replaced Western history demeans the United States and misleads American students to believe the US is racist, violent, oppressive, supports white privilege, homophobic, supports male toxicity, a heteropatriarchy society, etc.; that type of daily misleading vilification of the US being taught in millions of classrooms daily, to American students. This must cease.

Instead, Ethnic Studies should support Freedom of Speech, support Religious Liberty, eliminate Political Correctness, support interracial cooperation, support legal immigration, oppose voter fraud, support Law Enforcement, promote patriotism, promote support for the US Armed Forces, and not subdue the strong support of our Judeo-Christian heritage.

It has been observed that:

Unfortunately, many public schools, especially in major metropolitan centers, have been turned into indoctrination centers, and many refugees and Illegal Alien public school students refuse to assimilate, do not agree with US values, and are bad bet for adjustment in the United States, like legal immigrant have been for 100 years. The US Census Bureau released its Annual Community Survey, it found that 22 million of the 44 million foreign-born US residents are not (Ibid- By Joseph R. John) In December 2008, that Task Force developed what became known as the Common Core State Standards, those state standards were then adopted by 45 states and the District of Columbia.

The Common Core Curriculum State Standards became the mechanism by which the Federal Government took control of public education. The goal of much of this contemporary education is to cultivate the gravy train of socialism. Proverbs 12:11 well says: “Whoever works his land will have plenty of bread, but he who follows worth pursuits lacks sense.”

The newly adopted Common Core Curriculum erased much of the US History once taught in public schools for over 200 years. The new US History textbooks disparaged the remarkable history of the Republic, portrayed Socialism as beneficial of the masses, while stating The Free Enterprise System was unfair; yet The Free Enterprise System has been the most successful economic engine in the history of mankind.

The new US History textbooks eliminated events, misrepresented facts, inserted new individuals who were unimportant, defamed the Founding Fathers, criticized the US Constitution, falsely reported the massive genocide of Native Americans, covered up the fact that the US fought wars to free millions of enslaved people, and invented an inaccurate and wholly negative impression of the Republic, as being cruel, racist, oppressive, violent, and discriminatory.  US History textbooks now enumerate the contributions of Sikhs, LGBTs, Filipinos, Japanese, Chinese, Mexicans, black Americans, Hindus, and many other group—it’s a modern Socialist handbook. The Christian history is ignored or glossed over.

Civics in public schools has been replaced by Ethnic Studies.  Now grammar, middle, and high schools across the nation are provided with classroom instruction in Ethnics Studies that has been destroying the positive culture of America’s society.  Students are being taught that race, class, gender, sexuality, and citizenship status are tools of oppression, power, and white privilege, nothing about the Christian heritage that made us great!

Karl Marx taught that all thought is a product of and reflects the social conditions of one’s class. A person is who she or is because of one’s environment or class, not heredity or individual talents, abilities but by the determinism of the Praxis.

The concept of “Praxis” is very much in Karl Marx’s teaching, and it means “the process of using a theory or something that you have learned in a practical way. In the Marxian contest it is to cultivate a revolution to erase or destroy the old values and to instill the new, such as to move into socialism on the way to true communism with education as one vital tool. The goal of much contemporary education is  to cultivate the gravy train of socialism.

Civics in public schools has been replaced by Ethnic Studies.  Now grammar, middle, and high schools across the nation are provided with classroom instruction in Ethnics Studies that has been destroying the positive culture of America’s society.  Students are being taught that race, class, gender, sexuality, and citizenship status are tools of oppression, power, and white privilege.  Students are being misled about state violence, racism, male toxicity, intergenerational trauma, heteropatriarchy, and that there is a common thread that link them.   

There is a national movement to require students to have a passing grade in Ethnic Studies, in order to graduate from high school. The goal of much contemporary education is to cultivate the gravy train of socialism, not responsible people willing to cultivate their own welfare.

Ethnics Studies demeans the United States and misleads American students to believe the US is racist, violent, oppressive, supports white privilege, homophobic, supports male toxicity, a heteropatriarchy society, etc.; that type of daily misleading vilification of the US being taught in millions of classrooms daily, to American students, must cease.

Instead of a Ethnic Studies focus we should support Freedom of Speech, support Religious Liberty, eliminate Political Correctness, support inter-racial cooperation, support legal immigration, oppose voter fraud, support our Law Enforcement and Armed Forces, all of which are basically attuned to the teaching of the Scriptures. This program has worked and will work, where the Gravy Train is going to jump track.

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