Saturday, March 29, 2025

The Need to Halter the Education of Sexual Confusion

Sunday, December 11, 2022, 20:23
This news item was posted in Education category.



By Joe Renfro, Ed.D.


It is sad that our land is educating our youth to sexual confusion, and we need to stop this before we destroy our nation. It undermines the nuclear family, which is basic to our Western culture.  It contradicts the teaching of the Bible and creates a whole group of various sexual identities, promoting sexual perversion in the extreme degree, as we see educational institutes teaching our youth that one can change their sex, not just in the sense of feeling a gender contrary to that of their birth, but actually in one’s body with the government paying all the costs.  It is sad!

I was reading an article about “Identity” I wrote a few years ago in the Christian Observer where I quoted a person that said that:

America is lost. She doesn’t know where she is or in which direction she should be moving. There are people on the left, shouting to her to come their way and people on the right, doing the same.  Worse than not knowing where she is, America no longer knows who she is.” And the writer went on to say “When I was growing up, America knew herself. She was strong, courageous and just. She was a winner. Everything America did was better than anything anyone else did…and she taught her children that any one of them could succeed, if they just tried hard enough. She even opened her arms to legal immigrants, who shared her dreams and claimed her values.”

I’m only eighty-three, but as I recall back then no one in any educational institution taught you could change your sex to realize the full life, and certainly the government would not have paid for it, although many unstable minds might have been involved in it.

According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DMS 5 APA, 2013), transgenderism referred “to the broad spectrum of people who transiently or persistently identify with a gender different from their natal sex.”  Transgenderism argues that our internal sense of self is what makes us men or women. It is not what one is physically, but the feelings one might have.  It is to confuse gender and sex.

Educational theorist, Erik Erikson (1902-1994), coined the term “identity crisis,” and believed that it was one of the most important conflicts people face in development. According to Erikson, an identity crisis is a time of intensive analysis and exploration of different ways of looking at oneself. In Erikson’s stages of psychosocial development, the emergence of an identity crisis basically occurs during the teenage years in which people struggle between feelings of identity versus role confusion.

Proverbs 4:20-23 gives God’s message to the young man, saying: “My son, give attention to my words; incline your ear to my sayings. Do not let them depart from your eyes; keep them in the midst of your heart; for they are life to those who find them, and health to all their flesh. Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life” This is important, not only to grasp the guidance of parents, but especially that of our Heavenly Father, whom we can come to know through the relationship with Christ. Much of this confusion is the result of removing the Christian influences from Western education!

Some of the terms relating to transgender change is that it even leads many the take hormones of the sex to which they profess to inwardly feel.  There is what is called “gender dysphoria,” which is the feeling that one where one might feel there is a mismatch, and their sexual identity is contrary to their physical formation.  There is what is called “transgender” which is the reaction of taking on the identity of the sex to which one is born.  The third term is “transitioning,” which is to undergo treatment in order to try to make the way your body is built express that identity, developing breasts in boys in transition or setting up ways to resist breast develop in girls, etc.

This process is to put human feelings as all that really matters, and to seek to remake what God has created.  Much of this can relate the Garden of Eden story, where Satan told them to eat of tree of the knowledge of good and evil.  Notice this is an educational response, “know.”

Genesis 1:26-28 tells we have been made in God’s image. God’s image is not a physical image, as the Lord Jesus plainly taught that “God is a Spirit.”  God did not make a mistake in his creation of any of us, mentally and physically.  God is not a physical identity, but he formed us both as a physical existence and a spiritual

The Westminster Standards, 1910  well defines “God,” as it says: “There is but one only living and true God, who is infinite in being and perfection, a most pure spirit, invisible, without body, parts, or passions, immutable, immense, eternal, incomprehensible, almighty, most wise, most holy, most free, ,most absolute, working all things according to the counsel of his own immutable and most righteous will, for his own glory; most loving, gracious, merciful, long-suffering, abundant in goodness and truth, forgiving iniquity, transgression, and sin, the rewarder of them that diligently seek him, and withal most just and terrible in his judgments; hating all sin, and who will by no means clear the guilty.

Reading from Matthew 19:4-5, it says the Lord Jesus said:And He answered and said to them, “Have you not read that He who made them at the beginning ‘made them male and female,’ and said, ‘For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’?   So being female or a male isn’t only about your anatomy – but your anatomy will show you whether you’re a female or a male. There is no in between, regardless how one might feel, something that many who have gone through physical sex change or hormonal change later regret and try to change back, often with very terrible results and a very high suicide rate.

A California teacher who was exposed by Fox News Digital for having sexually-charged materials in her “classroom queer library” that contained information on BDSM and a kink that spoke out to her followers privately on TikTok. (“California teacher speaks out after ‘queer library’ with BDSM/kink exposed: ‘I believe… in what I’m doing’.” – By Hannah Grossman, Fox News, September 15, 2022)

The American Federation of Teacher union promotes the methods for teachers to help kids change the pronouns, which they are called without letting the parents know about it.   A California high school teacher boasted about the “Queer Liberty” with material about orgies in it. At some schools there are as well videos showing same sex relations, showing the kids how to do it.  (Ibid)

All of this is most confusing, as observed in in the Newport-Mesa district in California, that their  health education textbooks lists ten sexual orientations and eight genders.  This textbook used by the Newport-Mesa district called “Comprehensive Health Skills for High School” claims that there are eight different gender identities, including androgynous, by-gender, gender-nonconforming, gender questioning and nonbinary. The Newport-Mesa school district’s curriculum also said that there were 10 different sexual orientations including androsexual, polysexual, skoliosexual, demisexual and gynesexual.  (“California district curriculum claims there’s ten sexual orientations, including skoliosexual and gynesexual.” (by Hannah Grossman, Fox News, August 31, 2022)

The focus of this article will be on what the Left is promoting which can be called “systemic sexism.”

According to Judith Butler, one of the most prominent voices in gender theory, with whom I disagree, believes both the biological reality of sex and gender (the way one expresses being male or female) are social constructs. Male and female are roles that are performed. Therefore, gender (and the body itself) can be reconstructed otherwise.  This has become has become a dogma that progressives insist others must accept, which is presently indoctrinated in many of our elementary and secondary schools. This latest iteration of the sexual revolution is profoundly destructive to children and threatens the rights of parents to determine the upbringing of their children. But unbeknown to most parents, political lobbying organizations and “Woke capital” are transforming education into transgender activism. (Woke Gender – by Emilie Kao, The Heritage Foundation, Jul 7, 2021)

It is without quest of the negative effects the Woke Gender do to the nuclear family.

It has been observed that:

Ultimately, gender ideology drives wedges between children and their parents…explained, disagreements over treatment for gender dysphoria have led judges to remove children from the custody of parents who opposed hormonal interventions. The Supreme Court has affirmed that parents have a fundamental and pre-political right to direct the education and upbringing of their children in “Meyer v. Nebraska and Pierce v. Society of Sisters.” This is rooted in their biological connection and the responsibility that it creates. Yet, gender ideology has so permeated American culture and law that parents who question it, now risk challenges from the government.

For parents to succeed in protecting children from “woke” gender ideology, they will need to do political battle. Like critical race theory, gender theory has entered pediatricians’ offices and classrooms through the work of political activists. Doctors, teachers, and lawmakers who want to protect children will continue to be trampled by the transgender lobby and “woke capital” until parents provide reinforcements. By vanquishing the threats of legal punishment and “cancel culture,” parents can stop schools and hospitals from luring more confused children into the horrors of the gender industry. (The Christian Post, October 14, 2022)

Noah Webster contended that the responsibility of educating children falls on the shoulders of parents. Parents who send their children to public school are primarily responsible for making sure Christ is exalted in the things their children are learning while identifying and calling out teaching that is antithetical to biblical instruction. This is revolution America really needs!

It wasn’t until the advent of public school and the influence of people like Horace Mann and John Dewey, both who were Unitarian/Universalists, that the government started to reach into a realm that had long belonged to parents. The shift was so gradual that it was practically imperceptible. Now government schools are so far off base, few people realize what the base was in the first place, and millions of parents have been content to abdicate their responsibility as the primary source of instruction for their children. 

Progressivism’s ascendancy in K-12 public education dates back to John Dewey in the early 20th century. But it was Mr. Dewey’s associate, secular humanist Charles Potter, that provided the most explicit revelation about the goal to dominate the influence on the hearts and minds of children through the classroom. Recognizing that many Americans were church-goers at the time, Mr. Potter boasted in 1930, “What can theistic Sunday School, meeting for an hour once a week, do to stem the tide of a five-day program of humanistic teaching. Could this progressivism from the influence of the public schools having a effect on Sunday Schools in churches?

The shift in ideology in public education did not change or negate the biblical mandate for parents to “train up a child” (Proverbs 22:6). God has a lot to say about the education of children. From Deuteronomy to Proverbs to Ephesians, it is clear that God meant for the education of children to be under the purview of parents. The Bible commands parents to train up, bring up, teach diligently the discipline and instruction of the Lord. Not just on Sundays. But “when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise” (Deuteronomy 6:7). God feels so strongly about biblical instruction for children that he warns, “whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to fall away—it would be better for him if a heavy millstone were hung around his neck and he were drowned in the depths of the sea” (Matthew 18:6). Parents must not abdicate their God-ordained oversight to any entity outside of their sphere.

Train up a child in the way he should go: A child needs training. The job of the parent is not to simply let him grow up in any particular way, but to train him, and that in the way he should go. The way he should go has at least two senses that complement each other. The progressive thinking is not to allow parents to rear a child in the way that he or she might go, but to usurp training from the parents and redirect it toward the anti-god progressive thinking.

When I was studying in education behaviorism both in my undergraduate, master’s work and doctorate work behaviorism was the gospel truth, but it is a philosophy that is not based on the personage of the individual student to learn from the liberty in Christ, but on the infeed and environment set up for learning, looking back to Palov’s dog study, maybe one of the reason, that is the reason education in many of our schools has gone to the dogs.

We need to see parents alter, speak up, and stand up against these demonic influences in the education of our youth!

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