Saturday, March 29, 2025

The Need to Remove Addiction to Antisemitism from Education in America

Thursday, January 25, 2024, 21:54
This news item was posted in Education category.



Antisemitism is increasing around the world. The Jewish people should be seen as God’s chosen people, especially in the area of education. Christianity has roots in the Jewish faith, and antisemitism should not be encouraged in our learning institutions.

The revelation of God is pictured through the covenants of history.  The Children of Abraham seem by Jesus’ blood-line is the root from which the Jewish people come.  This goes on to the New Israel, the Church, seen in the covenant of God’s grace in Jesus Christ.  Abraham is the father of the Arabic people through his son, Ishmael, the father of the Jews through Isaac, and the father of the Christians through Jesus Christ, being a Jew.

The Jewish people have had by far more effect on the human race than any others.  Yet, they have been one of the most persecuted on earth.  One of the areas very much today is the addiction of antisemitism sweeping over the West world in our schools, first from our colleges and universities and on down even to even to the pre-school foundations.

Most of the Muslims, but not all, want to wipe the Jews off the face of the earth, although both religions are monotheistic.  The Islamic religion globally is approximately 1,200,000,000, while the Jews both the secular and the religious globally numbers about 14,000,000, only fourteen million or about 0.02% of the world’s population, while the Islamic numbers about 20% of the global population.  Yet basic in the fundamental Islamic thinking is the quest to wipe the Jew off of the earth. 

The Quran has 123 verses that call for fighting and killing anyone who does not agree with the statement, “There is no God but Allah and Mohammed is his prophet.”

The Quran’s Sura 5:33 says about infidels, “They shall be slain or crucified, or have their hands and feet cut off.” Sura 9:5 says, “Slay the infidels wherever you find them … and lie in wait for them … and establish every stratagem (of war against them).” Sura 47:4-9 promises paradise to whoever cuts off the head of an infidel, and the Jews and polytheists, Christians as the Koran sees them in their belief in the Trinity, that God reveals himself in three different ways.

However, in education the Jews are not promoting brain washing–children in military training camps, teaching them how to blow themselves up, any way to cause maximum deaths of Jews and other non-Muslims! Jews don’t hijack planes, nor kill athletes as at the Olympics, or blow themselves up to in their thinking to they to go straight to heaven. Yet, there is NOT one single Jew that has destroyed a church, yet all over the world the Muslims are burning churches, persecuting, and killing Christians. There is not a single Jew that protests by killing other people. The Jews don’t traffic slaves, nor have leaders calling for Jihad and death to all the Infidels.

The Jews are a special people to God, and their God given gifts to humankind are very much evident.   The pattern goes on, as in awarding Nobel Peace Prize, 22% were founded or co-founded principally by Jews or by people of half-Jewish descent. Since the turn of the century (i.e., from the year 2000 onward), Jews have been awarded 24% of all Nobel Prizes and 26% of those in the scientific research fields.

Of interest also is to see this in contrast to the Muslim Nobel laureates, those receiving the Nobel Prizes.  Muslims make up over 23% of the world’s population in contrast to the .02% for the Jewish people, which would mean that the Muslims would have a 1,150 to 1 advantage to receiving the Nobel Prize in contrast to the Jews, but that is not the case at all.

For over 850 individuals were Jews since 2,000, the turn of the century and only 12 have been Muslim.  More than half of the twelve Muslim Nobel laureates were awarded the prize in this 21st century. And seven of these twelve winners have been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, including a controversial award to Yasser Arafat with the Nobel Peace Prize and later awarded to President Barack Hussein Obama of our nation.

John Adams, the second President of the United States back over two hundred years ago, speaking about the Jews, said: “The Hebrews did more to civilize man than any other nation. If I were an atheist and believed in blind fate, I should still believe that fate had ordained the Jews to be the most essential instrument for the civilizing the nations.”   We who are Christians must understand the root of our faith is found in the Old Testament opening up into the New Testament that in it all God chose the Jewish religion through which to give birth to his only begotten God, Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ was a Jew, and this speaks to education!

Yes, looking back through the Bible, we can observe that there was the covenant God established with Abraham through the promise, then on to the covenant of the Law that came through Moses to that of Grace that came in Jesus Christ through faith, all connecting back to that initial promise to Abraham.  Jesus Christ was a descendent of Abraham, Joshua, and the tribe of Judah through both Joseph and through Mary as both were of that tribe.  The genealogy of Jesus Christ is first in the gospel of Matthew, 1:1-21, establishing the importance of it, organizing the genealogy of the Lord Jesus into three groups of fourteen; going back to Abraham, focusing on the promise in Genesis 17.  Luke in the gospel of Luke 3:23-38 goes all the way back to Adam.  Jesus Christ was a Jew!

“Jews are world’s best-educated religious group, study reveals” — By Harriet Sherwood, The Guardian, December 13,2016

Jews are better educated than any other major religious group in the world, with an average of 13.4 years of schooling and a majority going on to higher education, a study has found.

At the other end of the educational scale, Hindus and Muslims have the fewest years of formal schooling, with an average of 5.6 years.

The main reason for the disparity is that Jews are largely concentrated in Israel and the US, countries with high levels of education generally, whereas 98% of the world’s Hindus live in the developing countries of India, Nepal and Bangladesh.

Among Muslims, those that live in countries with strong economies are well-educated, but those who live in developing regions have comparatively short periods of formal schooling – and girls fare worse than boys.

Yet, we see right before our eyes great antisemitism being cultivated in our schools of learning.

However, Jesus Christ was a Jew, and his unique contribution to the human race is that through him we are able to know the omnipotent, omnipresent, eternal God personally and relate to him eternally.  Here is the message of salvation.  Philosophy could not, nor will be ever be able to accomplish this. Nor can art, nor literature, nor music, nor anything else. Only Jesus Christ can break the enslaving chasm of sin and corruption that we see about the world and that we must continually fight in various ways in each of our lives. He alone speaks eternal peace to the human heart, strength to weak, and the realization of the new life that we can know in him.  Jesus was a Jew and as such he is the greatest Jewish influence ever to the world.

Here in Galatians 4 of the Bible we observe a real contrast between the authoritarian form of teaching presented in Ishmael much of it legalistically seeking to show the evils of class, race, sex, and social status and then to see the one of true freedom illustrated by Issac which would be more in line with freedom generated by the Judeo-Christian worldview,  The authoritarian thinking evident in our schools indoctrinating leftist thinking where the structures set up learning to indoctrinate our society into secularism, progressivism, communism and more authoritarian as in Islam. “Islam” means “submission”. Yes, Big Brother, is watching, manipulating and indoctrinate in our schools to indoctrinate to the humanistic goal of becoming the gods of our lives to implant the secularistic promise of socio-economic equality for all under the lordship of the core group who will determine what is best for all, as they see it.

 In Galatians 4:28-29, Paul makes it clear that Ishmael represents the believer’s first birth (the flesh) and Isaac represents the second birth (the Spirit). Ishmael was “born of the flesh” because Abraham had not yet “died” and was still able to beget a son (Gen. 16). Isaac was “born of the Spirit” because by that time his parents were both “dead” and only God’s power could have brought conception and birth. Ishmael was born first, because the natural comes before the spiritual (1 Cor. 15:46).

When you trust Jesus Christ, you experience a miracle birth from God (John 1:11-13), and it is the work of the Holy Spirit of God (John 3:1-8). Abraham represents faith, and Sarah represents grace (Gal. 4:24-26), so Isaac was born “by grace … through faith” (Eph. 2:8-9). This is the only way a lost sinner can enter the family of God (John 3:16-18). Ignorance is not bliss, and being enslaved to sin is not liberty!

It is worth noting that, in the biblical record, God often rejected the firstborn, generated by the law and accepted the second-born, the new life in Christ where we study to be approved unto God, not subjected or submitted to state. He rejected Cain and chose Abel (Gen. 4:1-15). He rejected Ishmael, Abraham’s firstborn, and chose Isaac. He bypassed Esau, Isaac’s firstborn, and chose Jacob (Rom. 9:8-13), and He chose Ephraim instead of Manasseh (Gen. 48). In Egypt, the Lord condemned all the firstborn (Ex. 11–12) and spared only those who were “twice-born” because they were protected by faith in the blood of the lamb.

Isaac pictures the child of God not only in his birth but also in the joy that he brought. Isaac means “laughter,” and this time it was not the laughter of unbelief (Gen. 18:9-15). In the parables recorded in Luke 15, Jesus emphasized the joy that results when lost sinners repent and come to the Lord. The shepherd rejoiced when he found the lost sheep, and the woman rejoiced when she found the lost coin, and they both asked their friends to rejoice with them. The father rejoiced when his prodigal son came home, and he invited the neighbors to a feast so they could share in his joy. There is even joy in heaven when sinners turn to God (Luke 15:7, 10).

Nowhere do we read that Ishmael caused great joy in Abraham’s home, although Abraham loved his son and wanted the best for him (Gen. 17:18). From before his birth, Ishmael was a source of painful trouble (Gen. 16), and after he matured, he caused even greater conflict in the family (21:9). The old nature is not able to produce the fruit of the Spirit, no matter how hard it tries (Gal. 5:16-26).

William Gladstone (1809 to 1898) a great British leader over a hundred years ago, was asked to tell why he believed in the inspiration of the Bible. He replied, “The Jew.”  In the world today with less than 20 million Jews with most living in the USA, Russia, and in Israel.  As a race, without question, the Jew has placed an ineradicable mark on human history, in the financial, in the moral, and the religious, as well as the scientific, and political domains.”  Jesus Christ was a Jew!

Jesus is the Christ, and he came to the world as a Jew, and his influence on education has influenced education more than any influence, but the sad fact is that much of the education focus in the past century has been shifting more to the Progressive thinking that religion is but opinion and must be passed away in quest for progress.

The foundation of faith in God as revealed in Christ is being attacked by Islamic, socialistic communistic, liberal ideologies in our educational institutions. II Timothy 2:15 directs us to 15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”

Christ is the only true foundation on which to give a foundation for learning, and he was a Jew.   God chose to reveal himself as a Jew, and he is the key to true learning. Here is freedom and true progress on into eternity. Our nation was founded on the fact that Jesus was a Jew, and thus our land is not Communistic, Socialistic, Islamic, or whatever form of authoritarianism.

We need to remove the addiction to antisemitism from education in America!

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