Sunday, February 23, 2025

16 March 2011

Wednesday, March 16, 2011, 0:00
This news item was posted in Presbyterians Week category.

Presbyterians Week Headlines


[1] Christian Observer Highlights for March 2011


[2] Japan Relief Fund Established by Reformed Presbyterian Global Missions


[3] New Grades 5-12 Confessional Study Course “Life in Christ” to be Available in August 2011


[4] Reformed Presbyterian Church of Scotland Launches New Website


[5] Peter Liethart Presbytery Prosecutor Asks for Contributions for Expert Witness Travel Expenses for the 3-4 June 2011 Trial





[1] Christian Observer Highlights for March 2011

New articles in the Christian Observer for March 2011 include: 

Unfinished Business for the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) – Editor’s Message by Christian Observer Managing Editor Bob Williams – The February 2008 Chapter 11 bankruptcy of Presbyterian Church in America (PCA)-affiliated  Cornerstone Ministries Investments (CMI) resulted in a total loss for stockholders, and almost a complete loss by 3500 investors of US$142 million, in what one bankruptcy court officer termed a “[US]$142 million Ponzi scheme”. The roots of what became this financial, fiduciary, and ethical debacle were such matters of concern to the 1991 19th PCA General Assembly (GA) that a Legal Audit of the PCA was commissioned by said GA, the results of which have been kept secret by the PCA Administrative Committee (AC) and its denominational cronies to this very day, and the PCA Teaching Elders (TE’s) at the center of the debacle continue to be credentialed and were enabled to carry on their nefarious work by cooperation of the same. It is far past time for the PCA GA to biblically, confessionally, and according to the PCA Book of Church Order(BCO), address this decades-long scandal;

 It’s Never Just the Economy, Stupidby Brian T. Kennedy, President, The Claremont Institute, republished with permission from Imprimis Hillsdale College – Contemporary myths about Islam and the actual threats to freedom in the U.S. posed by efforts to establish Islam as the dominant factor in religion and in all aspects of American society, plus current threats posed to the U.S. by Islamic countries, Russia, and China;

The Lesson in Greed – by Christian Observer Contributing Editor Dr. Joe Renfro – the lessons about greed being taught to public school students by events such as the public service union efforts in Wisconsin and Ohio to force continued deficit spending in order to maintain the status quo for or increase educational spending;

Plus, regular features including weekly Sabbath School Lessons and Westminster Shorter Catechism lessons by Christian Observer Assistant Editor Dr. Robert LaMay, and Daily Devotionals by T.M. Moore, dean of the Centurions Program of the Wilberforce Forum and principal of The Fellowship of Ailbe.


+ Christian Observer, Post Office Box 1371, Lexington, Virginia 20110,


[2] Japan Relief Fund Established by Reformed Presbyterian Global Missions

The Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America’s Reformed Presbyterian Global Missions is setting up a “Japan Relief Fund” in response to the earthquake and tsunami that have devastated northern Japan this past week. Checks can be made out to “RP Global Missions” and send to:

                   RP Global Missions 

               3004 5th Ave.

               Beaver Falls, PA 15010-3671

In the Memo Line, write “Japan Relief Fund” – this part is very important for correct crediting and directing. Donations made this way are tax deductible. If you prefer to donate online, you can do so at

RP Global Missions plans to route all funds to the RPCNA Japan Presbyteryand entrust them to direct funds in any way they see fit, directly or secondarily, further north.

 This way, all people in North America who donate can be assured that 100 percent  of funds will be responsibly managed on-site by the churches’ pastors, elders, and deacons.


+ Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America (RPCNA), 7408 Penn Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15208, 412-731-1177, Fax: 412-731-8861


[3] New Grades 5-12 Confessional Study Course “Life in Christ” to be Available in August 2011

Reformed Fellowship Inc. is publishing a confessional study series in eight volumes for grades five through twelve called “Life in Christ.” The new study series is designed to instruct young people in the biblical Reformed faith in a format that uses sections of explanation, memory work from the confessions and Scripture, and questions for discussion. Each lesson also includes space to answer the questions, a highlighted box of key words and concepts, and personal application of the theme. Each of the volumes comprises twenty-five lessons in an 8-1/2″ x 11″ spiral-bound study-guide/workbook.

The curriculum uses the Three Forms of Unity (Heidelberg Catechism, Belgic Confession, and Canons of Dort), and where possible incorporates references from the Westminster Confession of Faith and Catechisms.   

Pre-publication orders at US$10 per volume are being taken until May 15 at The list price of each volume is US$15.


+ Reformed Fellowship Inc., 3363 Hickory Ridge Court Southwest, Wyoming, Michigan 49418,

+ United Reformed Churches in North America, c/o the Rev. Bradd Nymeyer, 227 1st Avenue Southeast, Sioux Center, Iowa 51250, 712-722-1965,


[4] Reformed Presbyterian Church of Scotland Launches New Website

The Reformed Presbyterian Church of Scotland has launched a new website at:


+ Reformed Presbyterian Church of Scotland, c/o the Rev. Andrew Quigley, RPCS Clerk, Linden House, Westermavisbank Avenue, Airdrie, ML6 0HD; Scotland, 01236-753971,


[5] Peter Liethart Presbytery Prosecutor Asks for Contributions for Expert Witness Travel Expenses for the 3-4 June 2011 Trial

Presbyterian Church in America(PCA) Teaching Elder the Rev. Peter Liethart will be tried by the PCA’s Pacific Northwest Presbytery 3-4 June 2011 on five doctrinal charges related to Liethart’s Federal Vision beliefs.

Liethart’s presbytery trial is being prosecuted by the Rev. Jason J. Stellman, who is asking for contributions for a fund to cover the lodging and airfare expenses of the expert witnesses Stellman plans to have testify.  Contributions can be sent and checks made out to:

               Exile Presbyterian Church

               PMB 132

               14241 Woodinville-Duvall Rd.

               Woodinville, WA 98072

               Attn: Prosecution Fund


+ Creed Code Cult Blog,

+ Presbyterian Church in America, 1700 North Brown Road, Suite 105, Lawrenceville, Georgia 30043, 678-825-1000, Fax: 678-825-1001,



In the  2 March 2011 Presbyterians Week article[12] Reformation Presbytery of the Midwest Expands Its Ministries, Pursues Fraternal Relations, the Rev. J. Bruce Martin was identified as the Stated Clerk of the Reformation Presbytery of the Midwest, when in actuality Mr. Martin is the Clerk of Synod for the Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America, and Elder Jim Brown is Stated Clerk of the Reformation Presbytery of the Midwest.

There is no truth to the rumor that the editor is trying to speed up a possible organic union of these two august bodies.


+ Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America (RPCNA), 7408 Penn Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15208, 412-731-1177, Fax: 412-731-8861

+ Reformation Presbytery of the Midwest


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