Sunday, February 23, 2025

7 January 2009

Wednesday, January 7, 2009, 13:44
This news item was posted in Presbyterians Week category.


Presbyterians Week Headlines
[1] New Christian Observer Articles and Features
[2] “John Calvin: Myth and Reality” is Theme of 2009 Calvin Studies Society Conference at Calvin College
Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary Hosts “John Calvin: 500 Years in Retrospect” Conference 10-12 March 2009
[4] Hampton Road United Reformed Church of Southport, England, Closes after 119 Years
[5] History of the Hungarian Reformed Church by Imre Revesz and George A.F. Knight Listed by AntiQbook
[6] PCUSA Mission Yearbook for Prayer and Study Now Available in Electronic Formats
[7] HRFA Senior Care Facility in Ligonier, Pennsylvania Seeks Refund of Real Estate and School Taxes Paid 2006-2007
[8] Death of Church of Scotland Minister the Rev. Douglas Clyne
[9] Answers Research Journal Editor Tells of Mockery, Derision, and Bogus Paper Submission from Darwinian Scientists
[10] AINA Reports Turkey Nearer to Admitting WWI Genocide of 1 Million in Armenia

[1] New Christian Observer Articles and Features

The online Christian Observer has several new articles and features for 2009 including:

John Knox’s Theology of Prayer – by Brian Golez Najapfour – explores John Knox and his theology of prayer as being an indication of true faith, and “an earnest and familiar talking with God.”

The Christian Observer in 1845 – a 1845 letter to the editor of the Philadelphia, Pennsylvania-based Christian Observer by Congregationalist minister and abolitionist Leonard Bacon, which sheds light on political and ecclesial controversies and the tone of public discourse surrounding these issues in the 1845 United States of America.

Christian Observer – Our Renewed Vision And Expanding Mission – 2009 – Associate Editor Chuck Huckaby shares the editorial vision of the Christian Observer as the format of the former monthly print magazine is changing to meet the capabilities of Internet technologies, explains the current ways of accessing and receiving Christian Observer resources, and solicits your help in recruiting new writers that love the Lord and are seeking to faithfully uphold His Word in order to carry the Christian Observer far into the future, D.V.

Additionally, links to Princeton Theological Seminary’s 2009 daily readings of Calvin’s Institutes, Dr. Robert LaMay’s Sabbath School lessons for January 2009, weekly articles by Dr. Chuck Baynard, daily Bible studies by T. M. Moore, and links to the Christian Observer blogs are available.

+ Christian Observer, 9400 Fairview Avenue, Manassas, Virginia 20110, 703-335-2844,

[2] “John Calvin: Myth and Reality” is Theme of 2009 Calvin Studies Society Conference at Calvin College

The Meeter Center for Calvin Studies at Calvin College and Calvin Theological Seminary will host the 2009 Calvin Studies Society conference “John Calvin: Myth and Reality” 16-18 April 2009.

Information is available at the Meeter Center website.

+ Calvin College 3201 Burton Southeast, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 49546, 616-526-6000

[3] Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary Hosts “John Calvin: 500 Years in Retrospect” Conference 10-12 March 2009

Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary (GPTS) is hosting their Spring Theology Conference on 10-12 March 2009 at the Woodruff Road Presbyterian Church in Simpsonville, South Carolina.

The conference theme is “John Calvin: 500 Years in Retrospect – A 21st Century Assessment.” Speakers include Dr. Joel Beeke, president of Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, and Dr. Joseph Pipa, president of GPTS.

Information is available at the GPTS website.

+ Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary, 200 East Main Street, Post Office Box 690, Taylors, South Carolina, 29687, 864-322-2717, Fax: 864/322-2719,

[4] Hampton Road United Reformed Church of Southport, England, Closes after 119 Years

Hampton Road United Reformed Church (URC United Kingdom) of Southport, England, closed permanently after a service of thanksgiving held 4 January 2008.

The congregation that once numbered sixty had dwindled to fifteen people, and the costs of maintaining the church building had become too burdensome.

+ Trinity Mirror North West & North Wales Ltd., Post Office Box 48, Old Hall Street, Liverpool L69 3EB, England, 01704-536655,

+ United Reformed Church, Church House, 86 Tavistock Place, London WC1H 9RT, England, 020-7916-2020, Fax: 020-7916-2021,

[5] History of the Hungarian Reformed Church by Imre Revesz and George A.F. Knight Listed by AntiQbook

AntiQbook lists a 163-page hard cover edition in good condition of History of the Hungarian Reformed Church by Imre Revesz and George A.F. Knight published in 1956 by Hungarica Americana of Washington DC, USA, for EUR€22.50 or approximately US$31.23.

+ AntiQbook, Havenstraat 17, 3441 BH Woerden, Nederland,

[6] PCUSA Mission Yearbook for Prayer and Study Now Available in Electronic Formats

The Presbyterian Church (PCUSA) Mission Yearbook for Prayer and Study, which dates from 1892, is now available via daily email delivery, podcast, and RSS feed, as well as in the traditional paper format orderable by calling 800-524-2612 or through the PCUSA website.

+ Presbyterian Church (PCUSA), 100 Witherspoon Street, Louisville, Kentucky 40202, 888-728-7228, Fax: 502-569-8005

[7] HRFA Senior Care Facility in Ligonier, Pennsylvania Seeks Refund of Real Estate and School Taxes Paid 2006-2007

The Bethlen Home in Ligonier, Pennsylvania, which is operated by the Hungarian Reformed Federation of America (HRFA), has filed suit against Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania seeking the return of more than US$34 thousand in real estate taxes it paid 2006-2007. It also wants the Ligonier Valley School District to refund more than US$146 thousand in school taxes.

A 2007 Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruling that nonprofit organizations passing a five-point test can be exempt from real estate taxes has triggered tax appeals by senior-care facilities throughout the state.

Bethlen operates a 96-bed skilled-nursing center and a 10-bed unit that cares for patients suffering from dementia.

+ Hungarian Reformed Federation of America, 2001 Massachusetts Avenue Northwest, Washington DC 20036-1011, 202-328-2630, 202- 328-7984, hrfa@hrfa.orgThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

[8] Death of Church of Scotland Minister the Rev. Douglas Clyne

Church of Scotland minister the Rev. Douglas Clyne, 67, died from a heart attack in Elgin, Scotland on 28 December 2008.

Clyne was the minister at Fraserburgh Old Parish Church in Fraserburgh, Scotland for thirty-one years, before becoming pastoral assistant at Old High Saint Stephen’s Church in Inverness, Scotland.

The funeral was held at Old High Saint Stephen’s Church on 7 January 2009.

+ Press and Journal, Lang Stracht, Mastrick, Aberdeen AB15 6DF, Scotland, 01224-343311,

+ Church of Scotland, 121 George Street, Edinburgh, Scotland EH2 4YN, 0131-225-5722

[9] Answers Research Journal Editor Tells of Mockery, Derision, and Bogus Paper Submission from Darwinian Scientists

Approaching the one-year anniversary of Answers in Genesis’ peer-reviewed Answers Research Journal on 9 January 2009, editor Dr. Andrew Snelling looks back on the first year of publication as exceeding expectations both quantitatively and qualitatively, and looks optimistically ahead to 2009 due to fourteen papers being already submitted or promised before the new year began, and cautiously with “a new journal [having] to first demonstrate its credibility and acceptability in order to attract and encourage the best creationist researchers to submit their papers to it.”

Dr. Snelling additionally described the mockery, derision, and even the submission of a bogus paper—by Darwinian scientists that want their view of creation to be the only one allowed in the public square and to be taught in the schools. Snelling describes how a Darwinian scientist formerly affiliated with Queens University Belfast, using an assumed name, submitted a paper purporting to be based on legitimate scientific research, but in actuality was full of factual errors and what Snelling characterized as “not serious scientific research of the calibre of that in [the pseudonymed scientist’s list of prior] publications.”

+ Answers in Genesis, 2800 Bullittsburg Church Road, Petersburg, Kentucky 41080, 859-727-2222

[10] AINA Reports Turkey Nearer to Admitting WWI Genocide of 1 Million in Armenia

Abdulmesih BarAbrahem of the Assyrian International News Agency reports that Turkey is moving closer to admitting to and apologizing for the genocide of 1 million Armenians during WWI, 750 thousand of whom were Assyrians.

+ Assyrian International News Agency,The Banbridge Leader, 25 Bridge Street, Banbridge, County Down BT32 3JL, Northern Ireland, 028406-62745



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